36 | blackmailed in black

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Chat Noir had agreed to meet the leader Alya had claimed could help his mother, but he never agreed to ever trust the man. Whoever this man was, sure knew what he was doing when it came to stealing things that didn't belong to him. To him, it was probably like stealing candy from a baby.

The man Marinette had addressed to as Carl seemed more hesitant than Alya to lead Chat Noir to their leader. He was the one driving the cab, Alya sat in the passengers seat, and Chat Noir stiffly seated himself in the back. Not one single word was dared spoken through out the entire drive, and the only thing that seemed to be occupying his mind right now was Marinette.

A pain of guilt tugged at his chest, and no matter how hard Chat tried to ignore it, he couldn't seem to get rid of it. The way Marinette and him had parted ways was clearly unnecessary. He wished that somehow, he could have gotten her to understand how he was feeling; why he needed to do this. Why couldn't she understand that this could be the last hope for his mother to live just a little bit longer?

He had to take that chance.

Chat Noir's ears perked up at the sound of the car's breaks. He looked up from his lap just in time to see that the vehicle had been pulled up into a parking space. The building before them held a simply large sign with led lights flashing back and forth from red to white. It seemed as if they had pulled up into a barber's shop. Chat raised an eyebrow with curiosity; he could use a haircut.

Alya turned back to look at him, "We're here." And then she was pushing her door open. Carl was still for a few moments before he too pushed his door open. He didn't bother to say a word, and Chat was actually pretty pleased that he decided to stay silent.

The less the guy spoke, the less Chat despised him.

"This way," Alya called, beckoning the cat thief to follow her down the side of the building. Chat reluctantly followed, looking back self cautiously only to find Carl threading close behind him.

A strangle feeling tugged at his chest.

Yet Chat ignored it, pushing stubbornly forward. He needed this. For his mother, and for himself.

What about Marinette?

He almost stopped in his tracks at the thought of her once again. What about her? He almost wanted to tell himself, but restricted his tongue. He had already said enough and had damaged any relationship they ever had. Chat Noir wasn't even sure if Marinette would ever forgive him. She had gone through so much pain, and after everything he told her, he had convinced himself that had been the last straw.

Chat Noir didn't want to admit it, he really didn't, but he really did love that girl.

A lot.

"Through here," Alya's voice rang through his head again, and he looked up just in time to see her practically pry open a metal door. His ears felt like they were on fire as he listened to metal scrape against metal. It was an awful sound to hear. "Follow me," she had said again, before stepping inside.

Carl refused to step in front of Chat, and Chat Noir began to wonder if the man had been afraid of his own hideout. What a coward, Chat Noir scoffed to himself as he too stepped under the doorframe.

He was immediately met with darkness.

It all happened so fast, Chat Noir had no chance to react. All he remembered was the sound of a rope dropping, and a net consuming his entire body. He felt his feet being lifted from the ground, and his hands being tied behind his back.

He growled, finally realizing why Marinette had tried to stop him from coming in the first place. It was a lie, all of it was just a bunch of lies. It was a trap, and Marinette was right.

"Now this, this is just pathetic." Loud chuckles in the darkness sent chills up his skin, and Chat Noir struggled against his bondage. "To think that you actually fell for my trap!" Alya whisked around his hanging figure to stand by her partner, Carl. "What a naive, little, alley cat."

He tried to break free from his bondage once again, but to no avail, he was stuck. A voice unknown to Chat Noir echoed from the darkness. "Well done, Alya."

"Thank you sir," came Alya's response. Chat Noir growled once he heard cold, unfamiliar, footsteps approaching closer and closer to his vulnerable figure.

"Well, well, Chat Noir, it is about time we had a word." The voice chuckled evilly, almost as if it was circling his entire being, but he could not see it. "I have been waiting long to speak with you."

A growl emanated from Chat's throat as he struggled for freedom, "What do want from me?"

The man chuckled, "Oh no, I want nothing from you personally my friend......" Chat listened closely as the man's footsteps continued to pace, and he felt so close, Chat Noir was sure if he wasn't tied, he could have reached for the unknown man and ripped his head off of his own shoulders. "What I really want, is Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

At the sound of his new found lover's name, Chat Noir's ears perked up in the darkness. "What do you want with her?" He growled furiously; there was no way this man was ever going to lay his finer on her.

The man laughed again, "Aye, she is the reason I have almost been found." His long pause of silence had almost convinced Chat the man had left, until he felt a kick to his gut. Chat mewled in pain, wishing his hands hadn't been tied so he could caress his stomach and try to relive it's pain. "If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have to be stuck in hiding!"

Chat winched from the pain he was feeling, but it didn't stop him from spitting out a retort. "You deserve to be stuck here. Hopefully you'll die here too, and rot with the building itself."

"Watch what you say, Chat Noir." The man's tone in voice grew dangerously low. "You'll regret it."

It was Chat's turn to chuckle, "The only thing I'll ever regret is not listening to the one who told me not to come here."

Chat heard the footsteps again, and this time, they came awfully close to his hanging figure. Suddenly a bright, white, light had been turned on to shine in his face, and Chat winched at the sudden light stinging his eyes. Adjusting his eyes the best he could, Chat Noir was able to steal a quick glance of the mysterious man's face before he was told, "You will also regret not listening to me." The man practically spit in his his face. "I have a message you will deliver to Marinette. You will tell her exactly what I tell you, and will add nothing else to the message. If you disobey, well, let's just say Marinette's life will be the price to you'll have to pay."



Do you guys honestly still have no idea who their leader is?

I've been redoing most of my wattpad covers, and while I was on my phone doing so....my mother came into my room and literally told me, "Honestly Samantha, stop wasting your life."

Wait mother, so I'm wasting my life on my phone.....but you were literally watching tv like two minutes ago and that's not wasting time?


{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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