39 | ready but not

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Marinette had been through a lot over the past few weeks as an officer in Paris, but this was the first time she realized she had been set up since the very beginning.

Carl was meant to pick her up in his cab that day.

Someone had sent him there, and yet, Marinette still had no idea who. To her, Carl had first looked like any other ordinary cab driver. It couldn't have been Alya since the two clearly hadn't met yet, but who else did she really have to point fingers at?

The thought of Damon being the one to set her up brought a sick feeling to Marinette's stomach. But then again, the only crime Damon had really committed was an attempt to murder Chat Noir's brother, Felix — which by the way, neither of them had seen him in quite a while.

But why was Damon wanting to kill Felix? What had Chat Noir's brother done to have such an enemy wanting him dead?

And Damon out of all people!

But then another thought crossed her mind. How did Alya and Carl know each other? They clearly were working together when they were both caught in Chat Noir's building. Marinette had clearly remembered interrogating them, and she had remembered there had been a third person who had escaped.

But who was that third person?

Damon perhaps?

She wouldn't know. Not until Chat Noir lead her to this place where their leader had requested they meet. And even then, it was a risk meeting up with a man who probably wanted your presence off the face of the earth.

With a gentle tap to her shoulder, Marinette's attention was back on Chat Noir. He had already parked the car in front of the place where they were meant to meet the man who was behind all this, yet nether of them had even dared to take a foot out of that car. It was in the middle of the day, yet Marinette felt as if the sun wasn't even shining. It felt dark and gloomy, almost like as if she had been teleported into a horror movie herself and placed in the middle of a deserted street with zombies around every corner.

"You ready for this?" Chat Noir asks, looking hesitantly in front of him at the building he was suddenly deathly afraid of.

Shrugging her shoulders, Marinette sends him a weary smile. "Not really, but we've got no other choice."

"We've always got a choice, Marinette." Chat Noir sighs sadly as he reaches over to the passenger's side of the car to rest a comforting hand on top of her own, which she laid on her thigh. "There's always the option of running away."

Not making any attempt to move her hand away from his, Marinette shakes her head. "You can't run away from this one, Chat Noir. You've got a tracking device on you." She points out, matter-of-factly.

He smiles sadly and grips her hand, "I didn't mean I myself run away. I meant the both of us, together."

At this, Marinette turns to meet his stare with wide eyes. Had she just heard him correctly when Chat Noir had just suggested they run away together? Why on earth would he suggest such a thing? He had said some terrible, hurtful words only the day before and hadn't even bothered to apologize. The only reason she was helping him now was because both of their lives were at risk.

Too bewildered to speak, Marinette couldn't seem to form any words to respond. However, she didn't have to when Chat Noir continued on. "Look Marinette, I know this is a bad time to say this....but my god I can't keep it to myself any longer." He sighed, and reluctantly pulled his hand away from her's, as of now her touch burned him. "There's just something different about you that I can't quite pinpoint, Marinette." He smiles at the thought, "I've never met a woman like you in my lifetime. You're brave, beautiful, courageous, and wether you believe it or not, you are the strongest person I know."

Marinette giggles at his last compliment. How she was the strongest person to him, she didn't know. In her eyes, Marinette was a lot weaker than she let everyone see. But then again, Chat Noir knew almost all of her past.

Chat Noir's smile only grows at the sound of her laugh, "I don't want to be someone you don't or can't trust," and then he frowns as he ponders on what he wants to say next. "And I'm sorry for what I said to you about your accent. It's actually very attractive, since I'm being honest here."

Marinette snorts at this, lifting her other hand to try and cover her giggles that couldn't help but escape her lips.

"You're attractive, Marinette." Chat Noir admits bashfully, "And....and I like you....a lot."

Chat Noir pauses when Marinette's eyes suddenly go wide, and her lips form into a flat line. She blinked once, than twice, and then she was babbling a mess of incoherent words.

"Wait wait....hold up, Marinette calm down." Chat Noir reached to grip her shoulders, begging her to quiet herself and take a breath. However, the ravenette was too bewildered to understand how Chat Noir could have feelings for her.

She didn't even know if she was ready to jump into another relationship. What Damon had done to her had pretty much damaged her mind. Was it really possible to have that happily ever after with someone?

"I just....I just don't know what to say...." Marinette gulped as she rubbed her now sweaty palms against her blue jeans. "I'm flattered, Chat, really...but—"

She stops mid-sentence when she feels his leather finger rest against her lips, "Don't say that word," he begs, his eyebrows furrowing slightly and his eyes pleading. "It's a word people usually use when they're ready to tell a lie or spill some bad news.....and I hate that feeling of agonizingly awaiting to see which it is."

When he removes his finger, Marinette keeps her lips closed together. The ravenette hadn't been planning to say any of things, but to only to tell him that she felt the same for him — however, was nervous about ever getting herself into another relationship. What Damon did had really scarred her life, and Marinette was tired of the wound that never could heal.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way," Chat Noir says, a somewhat sad, small smile creased in the corner of his lips, "But I just wanted you to know before we enter in there.....if anything was to happen to me—"

"Don't say that," Marinette interrupts, returning his smile with one of her own. "We'll both come out of there, alive and well."

"How can you be so sure?" Chat asks hesitantly, the look in his eyes clearly stating his uneasiness and loss of hope. The look in his eyes suddenly had Marinette feeling the exact same way, and yet, she was still dreading on how she would tell Chat Noir that his mother had died. He had been so caught up in this now new mess, that he hadn't even bothered to ask.

And marinette was so what grateful the topic hadn't been brought up yet.

"I'm not sure, Chat Noir, I just have hope. That's enough for me right now." Marinette says. With a comforting hand on top of his now, a small smile finds its way to her lips, and she asks, "Ready to go in there?"

He nods hesitantly, "Ready as I'll ever be."


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, but it's finally here! So happy I finally finished it!

Also, I got a new (better) phone to write with! So I'm super excited about that! Bigger screen, better to read☺️

Just so you all know, this book is slowly starting to wrap itself up and come to an end. However, this will be a duology which means.....guess what? There will be a book two!

Hope you guys stay long enough to find out what'll happen!

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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