40 | his true colors

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Chat Noir was the first to step foot into the cold, dark, seemingly emptied room they were meant to meet the thief of the most precious jewel in Paris. His metal boots made the hardwood floor creek underneath his foot with every step he took, and the sound only made his and Marinette's nerves grow even higher. Marinette stuck close to Chat Noir from behind, her body really only inches away from his. She too was terrified of who they'd find tonight.

"Well," a voice echoed into the darkness, and it's troubling tone sent chills down Marinette's spine, "You actually came and obeyed my every rule. I'm impressed."

Marinette had been so idly focused on their surrounds and the danger they were both now currently in, that she didn't even seem to catch her own actions when she reached for Chat Noir's hand, clutching it in her own as if she was to let go, she would loose him.

Feeling Marinette's warm hand in his leather one, Chat Noir was shocked and excited for merely just a second before all of his attention was brought back to the anonymous voice which taunted then in the shadows. Although now was not the time, Chat Noir felt sparks run up his spine at the feeling of her hand in his.

Since when did Marinette have such an effect on him?

"What's this?" The voice asks, and even through the darkness he could see the pair clearly. He laughs loudly, his mockery of a laugh echoing through the empty space of the building. "Is this a couple in love I have before me?"

"We came like you asked," says Marinette. With a tone that felt like stone, she gripped her partner's hand even tighter and averted the conversation to the real reason why they were here. "Why did you call us here and what do want?"

Chuckling, this mysterious man flicks his tongue, "Tsk tsk, getting straight to the point I see?"

Glaring into the darkness of the room, Marinette's frown only deepens. "Answer my questions." With that demand in the air, the ravenette added another bold request. "And who are you? Show yourself to us."

Silence fills the room, and Chat Noir's nerves are on edge. Clearly, he knew exactly who he was once again about to see face to face, and he was not ready to face the man he despised so greatly. However, with Marinette's hand still clutched in his, he found her touch helped him stay at ease.

Suddenly, a light flickered on in the dark room, and the sudden light burned Marinette's eyes. Covering her eyes with her other arm, the raventte scowled from the brightness. However, Chat Noir eyes did not have to adjust, and he was clearly able to see the man who had stepped under the spotlight.

He growled.

Somewhat able to adjust her eyes to the burning light, Marinette lifted her head. Her eyes quickly landed on the figure under the white light, and when her eyes met his, she gasped in realization. All this time, all this time it had been right under her nose. The answers laid right before her all along, yet she had been too stupid to realize the truth.

Shocked and bewildered, Marinette released Chat's hand unknowingly — despite that fact that unknown to her, he needed her touch now more than ever. "You?" Marinette couldn't believe what she was seeing. "It was you all this time."

He laughs, his evil chuckles sending chills down Chat Noir's back. "Don't you find it odd that you never had a name to address me by, officer Marinette?" The ravenette's superior chief in command crackles a laugh. "How your partner betrayed you so easily, and quickly if I might add. Money does quite wonders."

"But why?" Marinette wasn't sure how to deal with the situation that laid before her. The last she cared of was Alya's betrayal — for the ravenette didn't plan on ever seeing that woman again. But, her superior? The man who command her any many other officers on an everyday basis. The man who was meant to prevent the robberies and the thievings, and help keep the city safe. "Why...? Why would you....I thought you were—?"

More light suddenly flicker on in the large room, and the man approaches her slowly as they do so. "It was obviously a fake profile." He evilly chuckles, "I hired you as a decoy, officer Marinette. I didn't expect you to be as good as you have become."

She wasn't sure if that was meant to be a compliment.

Suddenly, the man scowls, "You're too good! And you're ruining everything!" With a loud shout, the man lifts and hits his staff against that marble floor aggressively, sending chills down Marinette's spine. "I will soon be discovered if you continue, and my real courier will be ruined!"

With a lifted eyebrow, Marinette smirks ever so slightly. "You're courier is already ruined, sir. Because when I tell the true police what you've been up to—"

"Ah ah ah," with his pointer finger swaying back and forth, the mysterious man interrupts Marinette with the flick of his tongue. "I don't think so. See, what I have in plan is much more....well intelligent."

"Is that so?" Marinette taunts, her eyebrow raising to show she was unconvinced.

"Yes, indeed." The villainous man takes a step closer, his grey orbs bore into her blue ones, almost as if he was studying her. His intense gaze however didn't phase Marinette, for he didn't frighten her. "This will be the last pair of eyes you ever see," with his pointer and middle finger, the evil man gestures from his eyes to hers. "Because I am going to kill you."

Marinette barely had time to blink before a flash of black dashed in front of her, and Chat Noir now stood between her and the evil man. With a tight grip around the older man's throat, Chat Noir growled aggressively — his tail slashed from side to side, and his eyebrows furrowed as deep as they could. "If you think for one second that you're going to even touch one hair on her head, then you are greatly mistaken." His grip tightened around the man's throat, despite Alya and Carl standing only feet away with pistols in their hands.

"Chat—" Marinette tried to coax, but the feline only growled in return, clearly not giving into her pleads.

"You have become quite...territorial, haven't you Chat Noir?" The older man gasps for his breathes, only to have Chat Noir's grip tighten even more around his neck. Choking sounds soon echoed throughout the building, and Marinette had to turn her eyes away, fearful for what Chat Noir's next intensions were.

"I should kill you right now," seethes Chat.

Coughing from the lack of air he was receiving, the ravenette's ex-superior did his best to chuckle in response. "Oh but you wouldn't, my boy." Then the man dares to grin, as if he had suddenly conquered something or maybe someone. "You can't kill your own father."


Phew wow, I'm so sorry for the extended wait. I have been loaded with so much work, and wattpad has been glitching left and right....it is unreal.

Question #1:
                   Did you expect the villain to be Marinette's superior?

Question #2:
                    Did you expect the villain to also be Adrien's father, and if so, why?

And guys....PLEASE do not forget to check out my contest for this year! The contest ends on March 11th so get your thumbs to work! I cannot wait to read all the works that will be entered in this year, and I'm excited to see all the creativity out there.

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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