2. Brennan

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2. Brennan

       I was definitely the type of person to bend the rules the boarding school had laid out for everyone. Of course, I never did anything too drastic so I wouldn't be kicked out of the school, but there were the smaller rules I didn't mind bending.

       Like hanging out in Piper's dorm even though there was a strict rule about boys going into the girls' dorms and vice versa. Thankfully, the dorm adviser of the building Piper's dorm was in wasn't too stuck onto the rules.

       I was heading to Piper's dorm right now and right as I turned the corner of a hallway, I ended up almost crashing into someone.

       "Sorry," I said, but then I got a close look at exactly who I almost crashed into. "Grace, hi."

       "Hey," Grace said. "How was your summer?"

       "It was good," I replied. "How was yours?"

       "Good," she replied. We stared at each other for a bit longer before she walked passed me.

       I sighed and turned around. "Grace," I said and she stopped in her tracks to look at me. "Can we talk? About us?"

       "Brennan, it's all in the past now," Grace said.

       "It was a dare," I said. "You know that."

       "Yeah, one that you could have turned down," Grace said. "You didn't have to kiss her. And before you ask, no, that wasn't the main reason I broke up with you."

       "Then... What was?" I asked.

       "Brennan, come on, I see the way you look at her," Grace said. "You're only fooling yourself if you're trying to convince yourself you don't have feelings for her."

       "Nothing's ever going to happen between us," I said. "I have to move on somehow."

       "Then at least make sure you're actually ready to move on so you're not hurting the both of us," Grace said. "I'll see you around."

       I sighed as she walked away. She was right. My feelings were only going to hurt me in the end, but how else was I supposed to move on if I couldn't date anyone else?

       I shook my head and made my way to Piper's dorm. I knocked on the door and Harmony was the one to answer it. "I should have known you'd be here soon," she said, opening the door wider to let me in.

       "This is the only interesting place to hang out," I said.

       "Right, as oppose to the game room, the snack bar, and all those other places the school has," Harmony said. "Well, since you're here, I am going to go find Landon and show him more of the school. I'll see you around."

       "Are you okay?" Piper asked me once Harmony was gone.

       "What makes you ask that?" I asked as I sat down on her computer chair.

       "The fact that we've been best friends ever since we were three," Piper said. "I can tell when something's wrong. So, what is it?"

       I sighed. "I ran into Grace on my way here."

       "Oh," Piper said. "Is she still mad at you?"

       "I wouldn't say she was mad," I said. "She just doesn't want to give us another chance."

       "All because of a dare?" Piper asked. "I mean, yeah, you should have refused to do it, but still. It was a dare."

       Yeah, a dare that gave me the excuse to kiss the girl I had been in love with for years, and will probably never have the chance to ever kiss again.

       "Well, that's life," I said. "Teenagers daring and pressuring other teenagers to do stupid things, and they'll regret it for the rest of their life."

       "Oh, that hurts," Piper said. "Now it sounded like you regret kissing me."

       "I totally do," I said. "It was the worst experience I had ever faced. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night due to the horrible nightmares that come from it. I'm sometimes even afraid to sleep because of the haunting images."

       Piper rolled her eyes and threw one of her pillows at me, to which I responded by giving her a smile. She did not know how much it hurt me to see her every single day. I was really hoping we would be one of the few pairs of a girl and boy best friend that didn't fall for each other, but I guessed my heart had other plans.

       I wanted to move on so badly. I didn't want to lose her at all and I always wanted to be her best friend, even if it meant never dating her. It would be better than losing her all together.

       Only one person knew how I truly felt about Piper. Well, two now, because apparently my ex-girlfriend knew the whole time. Or at least near the end of our relationship, which sucked. I really did like Grace, but I guessed my feelings for Piper were too strong.

       "So, how's your new roommate?" Piper asked me.

       "A lot better than the last," I said. "I like Landon. He's cool. A bit on the quiet side, but he was still willing to talk to me. I just have to try my best not to annoy him, which will be hard because I've been told that I tend to talk a lot."

       "No, really?" Piper asked. "Who would ever say that? You're one of the quietest people I have ever met."

       "Pipes, you and I both know I do talk a lot," I said. "Remember all the time-outs I got in our very first dance class because I wouldn't shut up?"

       "How could I forget?" Piper asked with a small smile. "You kept talking in your time-outs, so once you were sitting out the whole class, and then you started crying because you weren't able to dance."

       "Hey, I was only three," I said. "And I loved dancing. I still do. Speaking of, you ready for dance class starting in a few days."

       Piper sighed and laid down on the bed. "Not if Rachel's in the class, and I have a feeling she will be like she was all the other years."

       "She's not that bad," I said.

       "Not that bad?" Piper asked. "Didn't she ask you how you even made it in CBS?"

       "Yes, and I responded by asking if she meant by no bribing my way through," I said.

       Rachel was probably Piper's mortal enemy. While she was a really great dancer, a lot of us were certain that she had her parents pay her way through since you also needed a certain GPA to get in, and she certainly did not have it.

       "At least you're not afraid to give her sass like most people are," Piper said.

       "Hey, I'm not afraid to give anyone sass," I said. If someone deserved sass, they received it. It was as simple as that.


Lol, so I had a dream that Brennan had a girlfriend, and he was dared to kiss Piper SO I MADE THAT HAPPEN. My dreams though.

Omg, and I had another dream that ended up referencing something that happened in a past dream sometime this month. cx It was so weird, like the dream just randomly decided to continue.

Random question: Who's up for a love square for once? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I posted this almost three hours ago, but I'm coming back to add a gif:

Aww Brennan and Piper <3 (aka JAMES AND RILEY AKA MY OTP ON THE SHOW)(PIPER AND OZZY ARE SECOND. I NEED PIPER AND OZZY TO HAPPEN)(lol i know it's confusing for those who also watch TNS since there's a Piper in there and this story)(and the Piper in the show is the sister of Brennan's actor's character) OOPS

TNS's twitter keeps liking my tweets about Piper and Ozzy so my hopes are way too high. I NEED POZZY SO I CAN GIFAFY RECHO MOMENTS. Like this very short one:

(ryder in the back lol)(you can see calliope too)(and mae)

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