3. Harmony

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3. Harmony

Out of the five classes during this semester, Landon and I only had two classes together. I was just happy we had vocals together because Landon was still very reluctant to sing on his own. While this was a very serious performing arts school and the teachers wanted everyone to thrive with their talents, they would never force someone to perform alone.

Both of the classes we had together wasn't until after lunch, so I had to spend the morning without my best friend. Piper had one class with me, but that was the one right before lunch.

I thought I was going to be alone until Brennan suddenly sat down beside me while I was waiting for first period to begin. "Hello, roommate of my best friend," Brennan said.

"Hello to you too, roommate of my best friend," I said. "How are you liking having Landon as your new roommate?"

"A lot better," Brennan said. "Do you know how horrible my last roommate was?"

"I'm guessing very horrible because you tried finding any excuse to hang out in my and Piper's dorm room," I said.

"Yeah, very horrible," Brennan said. "I would store food that I bought from the cafeteria in our mini fridge, and he would eat it all. Like I bought that food for a reason... If Landon takes my food, I'm moving out."

"Don't worry, he won't," I said.

"Thank goodness for that," Brennan said.

The first day of class was usually the most boring for me. It wasn't often that the teachers would get started with the lessons and instead, they just went over their class guidelines which was almost the same for every single class. I got bored listening to it over and over again.

When class ended, Brennan asked, "So, what class do you have next?"

"Social Studies with Mr. Santos," I said.

"Well, you're in luck because you have a pretty amazing person in that class with you," Brennan said.

I chuckled. "You never cease to think highly of yourself."

"What can I say? It's hard to think low of myself when I'm this amazing," Brennan said as we gathered up our supplies before heading out of the classroom and starting our walk to period two. "Can... can I ask you for some advice?"

"Yeah, of course," I said. "That's what friends are for anyway."

"Okay, so I ended up bumping into Grace two days ago," Brennan said.

"Is she still mad at you?" I asked.

"Kind of, yeah," Brennan said. "And I feel really bad for the way our relationship ended and I want to do something to make it up to her."

"Make it up to her so you won't have any bad blood, or make it up to her so you can date her again?" I asked.

"The first one," Brennan said. "I don't think the second one will be possible."

"Here's an idea," I said. "Next time you're in a relationship, don't go kissing another girl. And don't you dare say it was a dare, because you and I both know that you can refuse a dare. You didn't have to do it. You shouldn't have done it."

Brennan sighed. "I know, I know. It was probably the stupidest thing I ever did in my entire life. That's why I really want to make things up to Grace."

"I'm not sure what you can do except for apologizing over and over again," I said. "Trust me, I'm horrible when it comes to relationship advice."

"Oh, that I don't doubt," Brennan said.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at Brennan with furrowed eyebrows. "Uh, what's that's supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Brennan said. "Nothing at all. Except that if you really were good at relationship advice, you probably would have told Landon by now how you're madly in love with him."

How exactly did Brennan know that? I hadn't told a single person at all. Nobody knew.

...Because I totally wasn't in love with Landon. No romantic feelings for my best friend whatsoever.

"You're delusional, Williamson," I said. "You really think I'm in love with Landon?"

"Of course you are," Brennan said. "You talk about him all the time."

"Best friends can't praise each other?" I asked.

"You're right, they can," Brennan said. "But there's also the way that you look at him so lovingly. It's obvious."

"Oh, right, and you of all people should know what it looks like to be in love with someone," I said.

Brennan stared at me for a bit before continuing his walk to the Social Studies classroom. I quickened my pace to catch up to him again.

"Can't you just tell her already?" I asked. "You're killing me here. I have to sit on the sidelines and watch you be all hopeless, and it makes me sad because you two would be a very cute couple."

"I'll tell Piper if you tell Landon," Brennan said.

"Uh, that's not happening," I said.

"Then don't be a hypocrite, dear Harmony," Brennan said. "If I ever tell Piper how I feel, it will only be, in the very rare chance, that she actually has feelings for me and she tells me first. But because I know that will never happen, I'd rather keep quiet and hope I can slowly get over her."

"That sounded really sad," I said.

"I came up with the conclusion a long time ago that I live a very sad, yet awesome, life," Brennan said as we reached the classroom.

We sat down beside each other at the very back of the classroom. That was where Brennan always chose to sit so when he was in a class that didn't allow food, he would sneak some in anyway and the chances of him getting caught would be quite low.

"You and me both," I said. "At least there's a bright side of Landon being a very quiet and reserved person. He probably won't talk to any other girls so I wouldn't have to worry about feeling jealous. Like you do."

"I don't feel jealous," Brennan said. "I feel envious. There's a difference."

"They literally have the same meaning," I said.

"Says you," Brennan said.

"Says the thesaurus," I said.

"Why would a dinosaur know what a meaning of a word is?" Brennan asked.

"Are... are you serious?" I asked.

"Wow, you have a lot to learn about sarcasm and my sense of humour," Brennan said. "I'm insulted. We've been friends for a year and you still don't get my jokes."

"Well, I was taught that jokes are supposed to be funny," I said.

Even though I kind of insulted Brennan's sense of humour, he smiled. "There you go, now you get it."


lol almost three months without an update. it's all good. i've written books that had a longer wait time hahahaha i'm horrible.

thank music for making me finally update. i was listening to a song i've always imagined harmony and landon singing and i missed them SO HERE'S THE UPDATE. I'll try not to go three months again because I want to get to some DRAMA.

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