IV : Great River Liz

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Cretil 23, 2095

If there was one word Aaron could use to describe the events that turned out this week, it would be shitty. Their search for the owner of the Dusk sphere led to be successful, except that now they were carrying someone who was out of the act and not included. Next, it would be now the gigantic reverse pyramid floating over them. The gray eerie vibe it gave sent chills down Aaron's back. It was enormous, it looked like it could've had hit the mainmast of their tiny ship!

The ship creaked every time an enormous wave erupted. A canon was pointed at them from the reverse pyramid. Aaron raised his hands and breathed out, then he looked at Fiona at Tabitha behind him. Tabitha was holding unto Fiona and Fiona had her hand raised in front of her. He saw Fiona swallow in a vigorous manner, both of them had their eyes wide. Aaron looked back to Danny and his hands were shaking at the wheel, mesmerized yet afraid of the eerie vibes the Pyramid gave.

"Okay," Aaron said, his voice was shaky. He looked up again and now the pyramid covered the sun and they were in its dark shadows. "Fiona and uhh, woman. Listen to what I will say and do it calmly, okay?"

"Tabitha," he heard the woman said. "But yeah, sure." Her voice was shaky as well. Right now, they were all frightened.

Another canon erupted from the pyramid. It landed near them and Aaron even thought the whole ship was going to flip over because of its intensity! The ship creaked, they balanced themselves but Danny let go of the wheel and it spun continuously until the ship turned towards the reverse direction and against the current of the water.

Danny let out a yelp and stood again. "Uh oh," he said. Then they heard sounds as if some sharp blade was hitting wood.

"Danny," Aaron said. Danny looked back and the kid's eyes and sparkled fear. "Take them to the safe berth."

"But, I want to help!" Danny rebutted. Another sound, same as before was heard. This time, it didn't sounded as if it was alone, the sound was multiplying until the rushing of the waves were gone.

"Will you hurry up? I'm  not ev--" Tabitha screamed when someone pulled her hair down behind her. Tabitha leaned and Aaron got a good look. It wasn't a hand, more like a razor-sharp fin. It didn't had fingers, only sharp hands--or rather fins-- that were brown, kind of resembles a tree, in color. They all stepped back while  Tabitha was screaming for her dear life. Tabitha kept on tugging until a loud thump boomed the decks of the ship.

Aaron turned around and saw something not worth remembering. It was definitely a human, except its arms were already totally different. Brown fins just like the one tugging down Tabitha's hair, eyes that were very hostile, and a blank expression. The man wore a green tattered shirt and pants that were white, as if it was never stained before in its entire life.

Tabitha, finally, got herself composed and pulled out a tiny knife from her pocket. With a quick slash, she cut her hair and her once long and flowy hair was now only chin-length. Tabitha stood up and wiped her hands and her sword. She was breathing hard now.

Meanwhile, the monster on the other side of the ship was now running towards them. It let out a long piercing scream before running berserk. Danny froze astounded, his hands not maneuvering the ship, making it go sideways along the current. Other of its kind emerged too until the deck contained more than a dozen of them.

"Danny! Fix the ship so that it would go along the current," Aaron said, his hands were pointing at the direction of the current. "Fiona, and Tabitha, there's a trapdoor beneath the table. That's the safe room since the trapdoor is camouflaged along the wooden floor, be keen."

Danny nodded and spun the wheel so that it would follow the current, Tabitha and Fiona scrambled down the ladder, with Tabitha going first. Fiona was next, but as she was about to go down, she froze and looked back to Aaron and said, "What about you?"

"I'll do fine," was all Aaron could say. He smiled and turned his back on Fiona. He heard a thumping sound indicating that the trapdoor is closed. Hopefully, they'd be able to find the safe room.

Okay, now where would he begin. There are a dozen of them and he's planning on doing it alone? What a dumb act.

The ship was now repositioned back that it followed the current. A monster was now stepping up the stairs to the quarter deck. Another was trying to barge in the door of the quarters but it was sealed tight and almost impossible to be opened, the reason they had a trapdoor.

Danny got to his pockets and raised out a bracelet and wore it. He raised his arms slightly and a faint ray of something bright yellow appeared over his hands. He turned around to Aaron, who plastered a face of anxiety as to what could happen if he extensively used this magic of his.

"I can do this alone," Aaron said.

"No, let me help--"

"I told you I can do this alone! What would happen if you used it again too much? Who would heal you? I can't." Aaron pointed to himself. Aaron knew there was no time to argue with him because once Danny has made up his mind, there was no changing him. So he sighed and told him, "stay here. Don't let them reach the trapdoor and guard my back. Remember, only light spells, got it?"

Danny nodded in response. Danny zapped at the line holding down the sails. The sails floored down and the ship got faster. Aaron nodded and grabbed his weapon which was tucked behind his pants.

Two knives, both were connected with a string, that when the butts were connected, the magnets would lock and form a bow. Right now, they were too many and his arrows were down the quarters so he can't get it right now.

He jumped down and slashed a monster diagonally. Its body hissed before dissolving into the thin air. Aaron approached one and raised his arms sideways, causing him to kill two. A soft zap came from behind and he saw Danny pointing a finger to him with a smirk. Aaron mouthed thank you to him and continued. He let go of his other knife and whipped around causing it to kill many of them.

Back in the Curesa division of the Land of Rejects, he was their best swordsman and archer. He wasn't a good cavalier, but he was considered the best.

Not later, they were increasing in numbers. The air grew thick with their breathing and their screams. Danny also looked like he was having a bad time concentrating and aiming. Sweat poured down his forehead like never before.

The same thing continued. Cannons from the pyramid, the wild monsters playing with them as if they were toys. Aaron was getting tired now, and Danny looked as well. Then a monster appeared behind Danny and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"No!" Aaron shouted. While killing a number of monsters, he ran up desperately for his friend's rescue. But while on the stairs, the monster dissolved immediately and a knife shone.

It was Tabitha, and from the looks of it, she seemed satisfied of what she'd done. Behind her was Fiona, who was still nervous and shaking.

"Whew, that's for ruining my hair!" Tabitha shouted. Aaron was confused about this.

"What are you doing here?" Aaron asked. The increasing amount of monsters got him bothered as well that he had to multitask just to hear what Tabitha said.

"The safe room or berth was infiltrated by the thingies," she said. Aaron looked back at her with wide eyes. Tabitha plastered a contemplating face as if hesitating to say something. "And they got this weird suitcase that glowed warmly blue, which was definitely enticing to open."

"What!" Aaron exclaimed. That suitcase was definitely the Sky sphere. They had to get it back for it was the most valuable among them. The appearance of the sky sphere was different. It was transparent and didn't glow, making it look like a hollow sapphire. The reason that Tabitha saw it glowing was rather curious.

Then a monster screamed, but this time, it seemed as if it was calling for someone or something rather than distract. Danny looked at him but Aaron was too distracted at the monster. Then it flapped its hands like a human bird and flew. Not later, everyone was doing the same thing, 'till they were off the ground.

They all looked up. Aaron saw something glimmer in middle of the pool of the flying unknown creature. He was sure it was the briefcase that contained the sphere. Aaron looked at Danny swiftly and as if they had already practiced what would happen, Danny nodded. Aaron locked the two knives together and a bow was made. Danny raised his the two of his hands in a measured manner and a glint of light appeared beneath and above his palms, then the light formed shape-- it grew thin but later thickened-- then, an a bright yellow arrow floated above his hands.

Aaron grabbed it, a surge of confidence hit him as the arrow was strong enough, and smart, to pierce through two to three man, and judging from the monsters' flesh, it could pierce through many as long as the owner identifies it as enemy. Danny was only allowed to use this ten times as it was very exhausting doing it so. The reason why Aaron had to aim closely so that it could hit his target.

Aaron pulled the string of the bow and exhaled, calming himself. Another cannon erupted from the reverse pyramid and this time it hit ship. The contact sent them all toppling over, Fiona grabbed the edges since she was the closest,  Tabitha clung unto Fiona and Danny held on the wheel. Aaron adjusted himself and aimed. There was still time to get the suitcase back as the monster wasn't anywhere near the entrance of the pyramid. He heard some thuds near the wheel indicating that Danny stood up.  Aaron continued aiming. The wind has changed now that the ship was sinking. Aaron let go of the string, a strong ricocheting sound pierced through the air, and the arrow hummed. Shades of glimmer appeared behind it as it hit the first monster. It was the nearest one from the one he was truly targeting. Then in an unexpected manner, a horde of monsters, just like the very ones that were flying right now, appeared down the part where the ship was cut in half.

Aaron was distracted. He looked down and let out a panicked look. A loud thud was heard and the briefcase was now in the other sinking side of the ship.

An ear piercing scream cut through the air, very obvious it wasn't from one of those monsters. The ship was already half-down. And everything else was truly shitty.

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