V : Dalikamata

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Cretil 24, 2095

Fiona shrieked as she felt the razor sharp fin pierce through her shirt. She felt it curl around her arms, and she also felt her feet leaving the ground. She tried tugging away before she was completely off ground, but it was no use. The monster's grip was so tight it almost paralyzed Fiona's whole body.

"No you ain't," Aaron said. Aaron unformed his arrow and threw the other dagger at the monster's hands. The monster was forced to let go of Fiona to dodge the attack. Fiona plunged into the deep, warm river. The ship's both halves were now facing up; Tabitha, Danny, and Aaron fell into the water as well. Fiona got up and gasped for air.

"Fiona!" She turned around and searched for the voice. It was definitely Tabitha's, and hearing her voice acted like reflex: she started finding for her.

She swam through debris, until she found Tabitha holding onto a wooden plank. The ship was now completely submerged in the water.

Then unexpectedly, a canon pounded right in front of Fiona, causing dashing waves. Fiona almost drowned in the set of waves that hit her face. She kept on gasping for air until she finally settled on another piece of log. Danny was behind her, he was thinking, a face full of contemplation was displayed on him.

"Where are the others?" Danny shouted.

"Here!" Danny turned around and saw Tabitha and Aaron together on a single piece of log. Fiona saw them too as well, and she felt secure now that she was sure they were all still together in one piece.

Not until another swarm of monsters appeared from the water and started grabbing them. First Fiona saw it took Danny, then her, until they were all on the monsters' hands. Fiona tried breaking free, but just like before it was no use. She looked up and saw that the monsters enter the pyramid through a hole at the tip of it. What was beyond the hole was something Fiona wouldn't bother to ask.

Danny was whispering things to himself. The kid closed his eyes while his hands were grabbed by the fins of the monsters. Fiona observed him closely as he chanted something. His voice was soft, and too inaudible to be heard and his face looked like he wasn't a kid.

Then a ray of yellow light erupted from him. It surrounded him, 'till he shouted "Deimos!" The monster dissolved in an instant as he declared the word. Danny landed in a field he made himself while falling. Danny made a hand gesture, in which during he moves his fingers shadows of yellow are left behind, and aimed at Fiona. So this was what the Sun sphere was capable of. Fiona was astounded at what the kid can do.

Danny's hands were on top of each other, palms facing Fiona, and he curled his hand as if holding a ball, then something circular, yellow as well, appeared between his hands and continued growing. Danny shouted and the ball ricocheted through the monster in an instant, causing it to explode and as well the dozens of monsters surrounding them in an instant, except that it was incapable of reaching Aaron and Tabitha.

Fiona shuddered while falling down. But while she was rushing down the air, she felt herself land on something soft. It was the force field that Danny made, and miraculously, she was near him.

Fiona stood up, sweat beads were incessantly falling down her face because of fear. Danny curled his hands again, but this time, he suddenly stopped. His eyes widened and he knelt. Fiona knelt down as well in worry. She tried patting Danny's back, but he continued shivering and his hands were on his head as if hallucinating or remembering something bad.

"No, no, no. I have to save. I have to save them. STOP!" He stood up and did the same gesture just like before. But it was no use, he was exhausted. He tried doing it again but only ended up fainting and breathing like it was his last. The monsters that carried Tabitha and Aaron, both trying to tug away from their grip which was definitely no use, was now entering the pyramid. The field was still there, gladly, and Fiona was surprised at the turn of the events.

Even for the short time knowing the two, Fiona thought, Tabitha and Aaron, they better be back. In one piece.


Fiona woke up to the sound of creaking wood and crashing waves. She was now lying on something soft and totally comfy. Tabitha, Aaron, what could possibly happen to them? Abducted because they were going to interview them of Corinth's deep dark secret? She tried erasing that thought in mind. No, Aaron's not that weak. He'll fight back, hopefully.

Danny. The things he did earlier struck her. She realized everything the kid did was away from what the top Minaden scientists could study. It was like magic. Or maybe it was really magic. Whatever it was, it seemed like Danny wasn't supposed to overuse.

She sat up, grunting, and observed her environment.

She was inside a room, of a hut. She was still wearing the same clothes. She looked around and saw a bed that was in a unorganized matter. There was a mirror that provided light, Fiona felt herself warm. She stood up and stretched. Trying to avoid the floorboards to creak, she walked slowly and headed to the door.

She opened the door and it only made a light creak. Outside the room was a hallway leading to a den.

The den was lit up by a lamp which had particles inside. Fiona assumed those were some fireflies. Bookshelves lined one side of the room and beanbags on the other side. The sound of crisping wood because of fire in the fireplace of another room added to the coziness of the hut.

She heard indistinct chattering. One was familiar, the other wasn't.

She followed the sound. Still careful to avoid the creaking of the wood. The sound came from behind an open door, and aside from that, the sound of eating utensils were heard.

She stopped as she was right behind the door. She listened to the conversation between the two. One voice was obviously Danny, and the other was from some other guy.

"I'm a botanist," the unfamiliar voice said. "I study plants in hope of curing the v--"

"May I go the bathroom?" she heard Danny cut the man. "Can you tell me where it is?"

The man sighed. "Just go left and there's a door. You'll see it by the way since I always leave my doors open. Except the doors out and in."

She heard footsteps coming her way. It was definitely from Danny so she stood and waited for him there.

Once Danny set foot outside the kitchen, Fiona pulled his hand. She pulled Danny too loudly that he almost tripped. He grunted exaggerately and then composed himself once that she saw who pulled him.

"Dusk holder!" he shouted. Fiona flinched at his volume which caused the unfamiliar man to walk to them. He peered through the door and Fiona saw him in a state of shock.

He wore circle glasses that were almost tipping off his nose. He wore some sort of long cotton jacket which had its button, rather than the usual zipper, closed. His hair was somewhat disorganized and short. He had a tough build but his face showed sadness, something Fiona wasn't used of seeing.

"So you have awaken," the man said.

After an awkward silence, Fiona asked, "How long have we been here?"

"Not long. Maybe around 3 hours since you came ashore around."

Fiona looked astounded. The reverse pyramid issue happened during sunrise, now, she was definitely sure of where she was and if the man was in front of her was to be trusted. Fiona actually already felt that trust for Danny after saving him a couple of times earlier, but for this man, she was definitely unsure.

"Where are we, and how are we supposed to trust you, and ho--"

"Look, I will explain things later, but now, please join me in dining in my simple abode. It's my first time having visitors from other nations." The man pointed to the kitchen. Danny looked up to Fiona and mouthed that he was going to the bathroom, and went away. Fiona, meanwhile, had no choice but to follow the man into his kitchen.

From other nations huh, Fiona wondered where they were as of now. Rejects, where she was supposed to be? She wondered.

She walked to the kitchen silently. The man told her to sit down at the chair which was organized below the dining table. Fiona pulled it and sat down. The man got some water out of the refrigerator that was beside the window.

The kitchen was just as cozy as the den. A circular window that let sunlight in illuminated the whole room and a curtain was beautifully draped aside it. Cabinets lined up the ceiling and an empty sink was installed away from the window. The stoves were out there naturally unlike back in Minaden, where you have to press many things just for the sake of the stove to appear and emit fire.

The man placed the pitcher down on the table and grabbed 3 cups from the cabinet. He went back and poured equally among the cups. After doing so, he put down the pitcher on table and sat down across from Fiona. The man crossed his hands in front of him.

Danny barged in the room. All of his steps pounded on the floor, which caused their attention diverted to Danny. Danny approached a cup with his still dripping hands. He pointed to it and asked, "Is this cup mine?"

The man nodded and Danny continued to gulp down. After that, Danny sat next to Fiona and copied the same pose.

Fiona rolled her eyes and said "Where are we?"

The man coughed before saying "Dalikamata. Republic of Dalikamata specifically at the border."

Fiona was taken aback. She was in a nation away from the Minaden, and if they were caught by some patrolling force, she could be carried to The Level 1.

"Why are we here?" she asked.

"It's because I saw you washed ashore by the bay. I was studying plants there when I saw both of you, soaked and tired, lying on the sandy floor."

"How are we supposed to trust you?" Fiona asked. After all the events that led to this hour, Fiona wasn't already sure if the man was to be trusted. "What's your name, by the way?"

The man sighed and said "Alexander. I'm a botanist and researcher of this once beautiful nation. I am planning a vaccine that will stop the ALC virus from spreading. You're aware of that one where you came from, right?"

Fiona got intrigued by the man's campaign. Once beautiful nation? Had the Aluction really gone that far?

Fiona shook her head. She was definitely unaware of the ALC virus that was currently spreading in the area.

"Well, the virus, it spreads quickly, like bonfire! It attacks the frontal lobe of the brain, causing the person to freeze and react whatever stimuli the virus gives."

"What does that mean in English?" Danny asked. Fiona, for the very first time, felt smart.

"It means you won't have control of your body, but you'd still have your emotions and your memories with you." After explaining this, Fiona was astounded, both by herself and what the virus really does.

Danny looked taken aback. He slumped on his back. He suddenly looked up and said in a quick matter "Aaron! And the girl-that-saved-my-life! How could. Would they. Would. Would they be fine?" Danny's voice was full of worry.

Fiona nodded gently and patted the kid's back. "They will be fine. Aaron could handle this." But in reality, she wasn't sure. But Fiona was sure about one thing: they had to save Aaron and Tabitha.

Alexander nodded as well. "Well, do you still have any questions before I go? I still have matters to attend to." Alexander stood up and got his coat from the hamper that was near the window.

"On our way here, we encountered monsters. Our friend told us it was the Aluction, in the reverse pyramid thing. Do you think, they are on their way to the next nation they'll colonize?" Fiona asked.

"Well, since the great river Liz leads here, and you saw the reverse pyramid nearby the place, then I guess it will be Minaden," Alexander said. His voice was filled with complete formality.

Fiona gulped down the lump forming in her throat. She looked down to her hands. She was scared. This things, were definitely new to her. If the Aluction was to conquer Minaden, then she had to do something. Something to help and do whatever role the Dusk Sphere appointed to her. She looked at Alexander who was about to leave the hut through thousands of intertwined vines that unknotted itself.

She stood up abruptly, causing the chair's stands to screech at the wooden floors and said "How can we help?" Fiona's words stopped Alexander from leaving. He turned around and smirked.

"Yeah! How can I and Dusk holder help?" Danny said as well. Alexander looked at the kid with an intrigued.

"Dusk holder? You mean like that from T'lasha's legend? The uniter? You believe that?" he said.

Fiona nodded meekly. "Yeah, it's true. I am the one that the legend's talking about."

"Oh," was all Alexander could say. He continued "Anyway, is there a proof to that? How am I supposed to believe that? Continuing back by the way, if I did tell you how you could help, then you'd have to help me get herbs, study out gene expressions and many different tasks. You'd also have to battle when necessary. We're actually low in numbers, around only ten, and we need more to help, really. We're going to fight a massive alien force, remember. So, Are you in?"

"If this means helping Aaron," Danny said. "Then I'm in."

Alexander nodded. He averted his eyes to Fiona, waiting for an answer.

Fiona hesitated. She was shivering at the thought. How would she be able to help some small rebellion attack some massive alien force? Through the power of some sphere that she suddenly absorbed? Looking back during the encounter she had with the alien things, she wasn't able to do much. She cringed at the thought. But she had to help. Her mother, Luna and many other people back in Minaden. She doesn't want them to be some brainless mojos attacking people. She had to save them. But she's weak, absorbing the sphere wasn't much of a help at all.

She sighed. She averted her gaze from Alexander, then looked back at him. She ended her self-argument with two words.

"I'm in." And with these words, she realized her life's about to change. Alexander smiled, and said.

"Welcome to the con-ALC." With a stomp of his foot, which was in an orderly fashioned as thud-thud-two quick thuds-three quick thuds, a soft hiss echoed the whole room. A portion of the floor of the den, somewhat large, released steam. Then a circular part of the floor rotated until a line ruptured the circular wood. The wood separated, until a pole, thin and rigid, emerged from it. Alexander grabbed the pole and slid himself down.

Fiona widened her eyes and approached the pole and looked down. The walls down were lined with green lamps continuously blinking. It wasn't that deep. Although riding down with the pole was a bit scary for Fiona, it looked fun.

So this was it.

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