Chapter 22: Getting Revenge on Shige!

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Jewel: *crazy eyes* *rubbing hands together*

Yuka: *hides behind Satoshi*

Ashley: Jewellllll? You gone mental?

Madison: *scoffs* Gone?

SeikoLover: We all knew it would happen.

Jewel: *deadpan face* You guys are terrible. *stuffs something into Morishige's hands*

Morishige: What is-?

Jewel: *shoves Morishige into a different room* Put that on!

Morishige: Where's the rest of it?

Jewel: There is none.

Morishige: ...Is this even considered clothing?

Jewel: I'm not really sure, I think so. It's more like a swimsuit I guess.

Mayu: Why is Shige-nii wearing a swimsuit?

Jewel: Lol not sure but it's gonna be awkward af. *smirks* *nudges Mayu* Let's be honest, you're gonna enjoy the view!

Mayu: *blushes* W-what?!


Jewel, SeikoLover, Ashley, Madison, and Seiko: I SHIP IT!

Yoshiki: Holy fuck you guys are annoying.

Ayumi: *facepalm* Language, Yoshiki.

Yoshiki: *mutters* Sorry...

Jewel: I ship you two so fucking much.

Ayumi and Yoshiki: *blush*


Morishige: Um, Jewel, wh-what now?

Jewel: Wow, that was fast. *snaps fingers*

*Morishige is outside*


Morishige: *sighs* *takes of glasses* There's no way I can look at anyone while I do this.

Jewel: *drags Mayu to the window* Enjoy the view! :3

Mayu: Huh? *looks out window* Eep! *blushes* *covers eyes* *peeks through fingers*

Yoshiki and Ayumi: *Look at each other* *walk towards window*

Ayumi: *screams*




Seiko: UWAH?! I NEED TO SEE THIS!! *rushes towards window* *starts taking pictures*

Morishige: *facepalms* This is the worst dare ever.

Jewel: Morishige, you could be eating a corndog, which is a very suggestively shaped food,

Seiko: *snickers*

Jewel: And singing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun while wearing 8 inch stripper heels to match your speedo. Be fucking grateful.

Morishige: *walks faster*

Seiko: *giggles* Suzumoto, everyone knows you're looking!

Mayu: UWAH?! *blushes*

Jewel: *snorts* HA! *giggles*

Madison: *jumping up and down and squealing* The ships are real!

Jewel: I KNOW RIGHT?! *jumps up and down and squeals with Madison*

SeikoLover: It's so fucking cute~!

Mayu: *blushing bright red* *hides her face in her hands*

Ayumi: *giggles* Don't even try to deny it, Suzume!

Mayu: *blushes darker* Sh-Shinozaki!

Ayumi: *smiles innocently*

Seiko: *laughing* Yes! She's learning well!

Naomi: *deadpan face*

Jewel: *giggles*

Morishige: Uh, J-Jewel? C-can I come inside now?

Jewel: Oh wow, you're already done?

Morishige: Your street isn't very large.

Jewel: *mumbles* Maybe not for a tall person, who can actually take big steps... *snaps fingers*

*Morishige appears in the room, fully dressed*

Morishige: If you saw any of that, please pretend you didn't.

Yoshiki: god, I wish I could... *shudders*

Morishige: *glares at Yoshiki*

SeikoLover: *stuffing face with popcorn* Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Madison: *laughs*

Morishige and Yoshiki: Huh?

Jewel: *glares at Morishige* If you hit him I will murder your entire bloodline.

Mayu: *yelps* *hugs Morishige*

Jewel, Madison, SeikoLover, and Ashley: Aweeeee!

Mayu and Morishige: *blush*

Jewel: Lel. Anyways, we have plenty more dares to get through! Now, let's see... Oh, now you have to prank call a random stranger and start telling them about the wonders of armpits!

Morishige: *facepalms* Please kill me...

Jewel: That'll have to wait 'till the end of the chapter!

Morishige: *frowns* *pulls out phone* *dials random number*

Crazy Old Lady: Hello? Who is this? I DON'T WANT ANY!

Morishige: Hello Ma'am, did you know that people can make cheese from the bacteria found in your armpits?

A/N That's actually a real thing btw XD ARMPIT CHEESE, YAYYYYY~!

Crazy Old Lady: HUH?!

Morishige: Yep, and you armpits also-

Crazy Old Lady: Are you a toilet?

Morishige: ...No? wh-

Crazy Old Lady: *screams* 'CUZ YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT! *hangs up*

Everyone: ...

Everyone: ...

Everyone: ...

Ashley: Wow.

Everyone but Morishige: *laughs*

Morishige: *facepalms* Please shoot me.

Jewel: Later! For now... *whispers to Morishige*

Morishige: *blushes* I hate you.

Jewel: I know~! *snaps fingers*

*Everyone is outside, and Morishige is standing at a stranger's door*

Morishige: *deep sigh* *knocks on door*

???: *whips open door* I DON'T WANT ANY! *tries to slam door shut*

Morishige: *holds door open* Uhh, M-Ma'am, I need your help! Have you seen my lost bra?

???: HUH?!

Yoshiki: *snorts*

Everyone except Morishige: *laughs*

Morishige: *turns red* I-it's pink, with a lace trim!

???: WHAT?! Hey, wait a minute! YOU'RE THE ARMPIT GUY!

Morishige: Huh? W-what, no I'm no-

Crazy Old Lady: GET OUTTA HERE! *throws a cat at Morishige's face*

Morishige: UWAH?! *falls over*

Jewel, Madison, SeikoLover, and Seiko: *doubled over laughing*

Jewel: *snaps fingers*

*Everyone is back inside*

Jewel: *falls over* *rolls around on the ground laughing*

Morishige: *blushes* It's not that funny.

Ashley: Well, it kind of is.

Mayu: *giggling* *gently grabs Morishige's arm* It's not that bad, Shige-nii!

Morishige: *smiles*

Jewel, Madison, SeikoLover, and Ashley: KAWAII!!

Mayu and Morishige: *blush*

Jewel: *whispers to Morishige*

Morishige: ...Please tell me you are kidding.

Jewel: Hey, you've been wishing for this the whole chapter!

Morishige: *sigh*

Jewel: But first... *grins evilly* *snaps fingers*

*Morishige is dressed like a drag queen*

Morishige: What is this?!

Jewel: Your outfit for the rest of the chapter! And now, the next dare! *pulls out gun* *tries to shoot Morishige's eye* *misses* *shoots straight between his eyes*

Morishige: *dies*

Ms. Yui: *gasps*

Everyone but Jewel and Sachiko: *screams*

Ms. Yui: Morishige!

Mayu: SHIGE-NII! *starts crying*

Yuka: Onii-Chan, I'm scared! *cries* *hugs Satoshi*

Jewel: Aw, fuck! He died too soon!

Sachiko: *maniacal laughter* YES, YES! PAIN, MORE PAIN! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-

Jewel: No. *shoots Sachiko's foot*

Sachiko: *shrieks* OW! *starts to cry* *lifts foot off the ground* *falls over* Owwww! *sobs*

Jewel: Lel. *snaps fingers*

*Morishige comes back to life*

Mayu: *gasp* Shige-nii!

Morishige: *sits up* *takes deep breaths* Jewel, what the Hell?!

Jewel: Sorry! But in my defense, I just saved you a lot of embarrassment.

Morishige: Hmph. *stands up*

Naomi: You also made a seven year old cry.

Sachiko: *sOB*

Jewel: She killed Seiko.

Naomi: *Inches closer to Seiko* ...Point proven!

Jewel: Lol anyways~! *snaps fingers*

*Huge metal box full of screaming fangirls appears*

*Yoshiki and a shirtless Morishige appear on top of it*

Jewel: Yoshiki.

Yoshiki: Uhh... Yeah?

Jewel: . . . P u s h  h i m .

Yoshiki: *shoves Morishige*

Morishige: Wah! *falls inside the box*

Mayu: Shige-nii!

Fangirl 3: Oh my God, it's him! It's really him, oh my God, oh my God, oh my GOD! *faints*

Fangirl 5: He's so hot without a shirt! *drools*

Fangirl 1: You can take pictures of me if you'd like, Morishige~! ;3

Seiko: *laughs*

Mayu: *clenches fists*

Morishige: Who are you?!

Fangirl 2: The future Mrs. Morishige~! *swoons*

Mayu: EH?!

Madison: *falls over laughing*

Everyone except Morishige and Mayu: *laughing*


~5 minutes later~

Jewel: Alright, it's been long enough! *Snaps fingers*

*Morishige appears back in the room fully dressed*

Morishige: Oh thank God...

Mayu: Shige-nii, are you alright!?


Jewel: *rolls eyes* *snaps fingers*

*The box and the fangirls disappear*

Jewel: Wow, us fangirls are really annoying, aren't we?

Everyone except Jewel, Madison, SeikoLover, Ashley, Seiko, and Sachiko: YES!

Jewel: Well damn, y'all salty af! I wonder why Sachi didn't say any- Oh. She bled out. *snaps fingers*

*Sachiko comes back to life*

Sachiko: YOU FUCKING BITCH! *lunges at Jewel*

Jewel: *Deadpans* *places hand on Sachiko's forehead* *holds her off*

Sachiko: *still trying to stab Jewel*

Jewel: *shoves Sachiko*

Sachiko: *falls over* Hmph! *gets up* *crosses arms*

Jewel: Lel, anyways, moving on! Sorry about this, Mayu! *snaps fingers*

*Morishige and Mayu disappear*

Ms. Yui: Mm? Where'd they go?

Jewel: Somewhere you should be glad you're not.

With Morishige and Mayu

Morishige and Mayu: *in a movie theater*

Mayu: Sh-Shige!? What's going on?! *clings to Morishige's arm*

Morishige: *pulls her close* I don't know, Mayu... I don't know.

Mayu: *whimper*

*Morishige's death starts playing*

Mayu: *whimpers* *hugs Morishige*

Morishige: It's okay, Mayu... *pats her head*

Mayu: *blushes*


Mayu: *screams* *buries her face in Morishige's chest*

Morishige: Shh... It's okay, Mayu. I'm right here. *kisses the top of her head*

Mayu: *blushes*

Stray Morishiki Fangirl: *seething with rage*

Back with Jewel and the others

Jewel: Alright, it should be over now! *snaps fingers*

*Morishige and Mayu appear*

Mayu: *whimpers slightly*

Morishige: *squeezes her shoulder comfortingly*

Seiko: KAWAII!

Morishige and Mayu: *blush*

Jewel: *giggles* *hands Sachiko a broom* *shoves Morishige towards her* Do as you please.

Morishige: Wait, what?

Sachiko: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *starts whacking Morishige with the broom*

Morishige: H-hey, cut that out already!

Mayu: Shige-nii!

Morishige: Don't worry Mayu, it doesn't really hurt. It's just kind of annoying.

Sachiko: HMPH! *hits Morishige really hard with the broom*

Morishige: Ow!

~1 hour later~

Sachiko: *drops broom* Alright, I'm done!

Jewel: *looks up from iPad* Jeez, took 'ya long enough!

Morishige: *groan*

Mayu: *Hugs him gently*

Jewel: Alright, let's see what the next dare is!

Morishige: There's more?!

Jewel: Only 2 or 3. Alright, let's see... 'Morishige get's to make out with Cindy...'

Mayu: HUH?! *frowns*

Morishige: Wait, you said, 'gets too.' Does that mean that if I don't want to, I get the option of not doing it?

Mayu: !!! *grins*

Jewel: Nah, you gotta do it anyways.

Mayu and Morishige: *frown*

Jewel: Lel. *snaps fingers*

*Morishige disappears*

Mayu: ...Who's Cindy?

Jewel: Sara's slave.

Mayu: ...Oh. 0.o

~a minute or so later~

Jewel: *checks imaginary watch* Alright, I'll let that dare be over now! *snaps fingers*

*A very pissed off Morishige appears*

Morishige: I don't like that girl.


Jewel: Where tf did you come from?

Sara: ... *jumps through the ceiling*

Jewel: *sigh* I'm not even gonna question it. *snaps fingers*

*ceiling is fixed*

Jewel: *hands Morishige a Morishiki lemon* Read this.

Morishige: Oh no... I've got a bad feeling about this.

Jewel: Oh you should. 

Yoshiki: *pulls Ayumi closer* Is it going to explode?

Ayumi: *blushes slightly*

Jewel: Nah, but Morishige might out of anger!

Morishige: *grumbles under his breath* *opens the book*

~2 minutes later~

Morishige: *slams book shut* *throws it at Yoshiki's face*

Yoshiki: GAH! Dude, what the fuck?!

Morishige: Whoever wrote that needs to go burn in the fiery pits of Hell for all of eternity.

Jewel: Lel ikr? Anyways, lucky for you, you only have one more dare.

Morishige: *sighs* *facepalms* What is it?

Jewel: *giggles* *whispers to Morishige*

Morishige: *blushes* Damn it... At least this one isn't horrible.

Jewel: *whispers* OTP... *slowly backs away*

Everyone: *stares at Jewel*

Madison: Why are we not used to this yet?

Jewel: *snaps fingers*

*Morishige and Mayu disappear*

Seiko: *giggles perversely* What's the dare?

Jewel: Morishige has to confess to Mayu.

Madison, SeikoLover, Ashley, and Seiko: Yessss!

Everyone else except for Jewel, Sachiko, and Yuka: Finally!

Jewel: Lel. Let's give 'em a few minutes, then we'll end the chapter.

~5 minutes later~

Jewel: *glances at imaginary watch* Alright, they should be done by now. *snaps fingers*

*blushing Morishige and Mayu appear*

All girls except for Ms. Yui, Yuka, and Sachiko: Are you guys a couple yet?!

Morishige: *pushes glasses up* ...Yes.

All girls except for Sachiko: Awweeee!

Ms. Yui: *giggles* We all knew it was going to happen.

Mayu and Morishige: *turn red*

Jewel: Well, anyways! I'm afraid I have to end the chapter here! Please leave your dares and questions in the comments section below, and I'll see you next time! Bye!

A/N Thank you guys sooooo much for being so patient with me! This chapter was very hard to write because 1) I'm horrible in awkard situations 2) This chapter was awkward af and 3)MOTHER FUCKING WRITER'S BLOCK ASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM ;-; Anyways, I wanna thank you again for not raging and hating on me XD I'll try not to take as long writing the next chapter. :3

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