28. Invasion of Privacy and AI and Zixon

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As the voices of Arsh, Vani, and Advait ceased, Ira let out an exasperated sigh. "I am not your Grandma!" she said with annoyance, her frustration evident in her Voxlet transmission, "Explain to me what they are saying."

Eir's voice responded timidly, afraid of Ira's reaction, "We were telling them about Slyrio, Elements, and their parents."

"It still doesn't explain why they are calling me their Grandma," Ira retorted, her irritation unabated.

With excitement in her voice, Vani chimed in again, "Cause you are our futuristic ancient Grandma, and the others are also our grandparents."

Ira couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I'm just 22, how can I be your grandma?"

Arsh, however, persisted, "Cause you are."

He playfully added, "Avi bro, Ira is our Grandma, you guys can't be tog-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ira cut him off with a deadly tone in her voice, "Riaan, Aesha, Arin, Eir, and Raya, explain everything properly to them. And when I meet them, if they still insist on calling me Grandma, I'll have you all arrested again."

With that, she swiftly pressed the Voxlet, severing the connection.

After remaining silent throughout the conversation, Avi finally spoke up cautiously, "So, are you our Gran-"

But before he could finish, he saw the expression on Ira's face that clearly warned him to finish his sentence at his own peril.

Feeling the intensity of her glare, Avi quickly gulped down his words and fell silent once more.

After a few minutes, Ira noticed Avi's intense gaze fixed upon her, as if he desperately wanted to ask something. Still slightly annoyed from their previous ordeal, Ira responded curtly, "What?"

Avi seized the moment before Ira changed her mind and blurted out, "Are their parents really not searching for them?"

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Ira replied in a calmer tone, "No, they aren't. They don't even believe that you guys are missing."

Perplexed, Avi questioned, "How is that possible?"

Ira explained, "Well, I had always feared that a situation like this might arise, so I developed an advanced artificial intelligence software on my laptop. I connected it to our Voxlets-mine, Riaan's, and Aesha's. If our signals couldn't be detected anywhere on Earth, the system would utilize our phone numbers to place calls to our parents. The AI is capable of mimicking our voices since I fed our voice patterns into it. It would inform them, making some excuses. If they asked any questions, the AI would generate responses based on our speaking patterns, convincingly explaining our situation. It can also develop videos and pictures to be more convincing."

She paused for a bit and looked at Avi and then continued again,"However, if it fails to reestablish our signals within 50 days, it will alert your parents that you are in danger and self-destruct to eliminate any evidence. It would have also sent an alert to Arin, Eir and Raya for help. But I was always confident that we would reunite with our parents before that deadline."

As she gazed into Avi's eyes, a pang of empathy washed over her. It was evident that he still deeply missed his parents, even though he kept his emotions well-hidden. She realized her mistake in repeatedly mentioning his deceased parents, and silently regretted the insensitivity of her words.

Gently taking hold of his hands, she tried to comfort him, "You know, your parents must be watching over you with immense pride. They have undoubtedly witnessed the incredible person you've become."

To lift the somber atmosphere, she added with a hint of humor, "Oh, but your assistants! They're going absolutely bonkers searching for you in every possible place. I think they've scoured nearly 5 countries by now! They're desperately in need of your expertise for some important deal. Even the media is starting to miss your presence, it seems."

Avi couldn't help but chuckle at her playful words and said, "They won't die without me, it's good to have some break."

Then he added,"You've really thought of everything ahead of time. But what about Tara's claim that their parents were searching for them and Aashi's parents knowing she was missing for days?"

Ira's voice turned somber as she replied, "Aashi's parents were abducted too, just like us. Fate brought them here to witness their daughter's demise."

However, her tone shifted back to her usual self as she continued, "As for other parents, they don't know their children are missing. I made sure of that. After coming here, I checked in with the model and programmed it to keep sending texts and calling their parents until I decide otherwise."

She said then in a matter-of-fact tone,"As for Tara she lied, as always but she was right your assistants are really searching for you."

Avi chuckled and nodded, then said,"You mean you can establish contact even when we're millions of light-years away from Earth?"

Ira flashed a confident smile. "Absolutely! The Space and Transmission technology here is a hundred times more advanced than anything on Earth."

Curiosity still nagging him, Avi inquired, "So, how long has it been since we went missing?"

Ira replied, "According to my calculations, it must have taken us approximately 6 days to travel from Earth to Ivion, assuming Tara used Slyrio's Spaceship. We stayed there for about 3 days, and then we were attacked in the spacecraft and crash-landed on the Texas planet. After that, we were abducted again, and it took roughly 3 days to reach Wyron. We spent around a day there.Then, there were a few minutes until we encountered Slyrio. So, I estimate it has been around 12 days since we have been in Slyrio. Altogether, it adds up to approximately 25 to 28 days."

Avi nodded. Ira asked him again with a smile," "Want to know something riveting?"

Her voice betrayed a hint of amusement as she disclosed, "I've even replicated you folks in AI model Droids."

Avi's expression implored her to elaborate further, and she gladly complied, "I devised these droids out of fear, envisioning such scenarios. They function as AI clones of individuals, with their data samples serving as blueprints. These remarkable beings possess the ability to mimic your every move, walk, talk, and even imitate your voice flawlessly. The AI models have been meticulously observing you all for the past four years, mastering the art of behaving just like you. "

She added with enthusiasm,"Although their skin texture and tactile sensation resemble that of a human, they are imbued with unparalleled strength. Furthermore, they are programmed to safeguard your families, should the need arise. However, they are restrained from initiating any form of attack unless incited at a considerably high threshold, although their defense capabilities are exceptionally robust."

"Darn it, you've truly encroached upon our privacy," Avi retorted, his tone betraying a mixture of incredulity and exasperation. She smiled sheepishly at him.

Once again, Ira's soothing voice broke the tranquil silence as they soared through the boundless skies.

"Do you want to uncover the mystery behind why they called me 'Grandma'? And would you like to hear the wondrous tale of Slyrio's genesis?" she asked, a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Avi turned to her, his curiosity piqued, and replied, "Absolutely! I'm all ears."

With a warm and affectionate smile, Ira's eyes sparkled, hinting at the captivating tale that lay before them.

"It appears that our journey stretches further than anticipated," she said, her voice filled with an enchanting melody.

"Get ready for a mind-blowing story, the Cosmic Fable, where a kingdom rises, falls, and everything in between."


Meanwhile, in Zixon

In the dimly lit room, Queen Kayla stood, her sinister chuckle echoing through the air, celebrating the success of her devious scheme. She had just received news of the impending execution of the 'Chosen' in a matter of days.

Tara, entering the room, inquired, "Mother, what shall we do with Zayn?"

With a wicked smirk, the Queen replied, "Once the task is accomplished, the pawn must meet his end. However, ensure the safety of those three earthlings; I require them. Bring them here, locate the fourth one, and find Ira's body. That is essential; that holds the power I seek to extract. She must be dead by now, the poison must have taken effect along with the curse."

Tara nodded in understanding and promised, "Yes, mother."

With that, Tara departed the room, making her way to Slyrio. She needed to arrive in time for the execution, for she would be announced as the new heir to the royal throne afterward.

This was the culmination of her long-held ambition, with no other heirs to the King and Queen, and the 'Chosen' dead, she was the natural choice.

After a while, Darze entered the room and declared, "Your daughter will soon ascend to the throne of Slyrio. This bodes well for our plan."

The Queen responded with a malevolent smile.

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