29. Fable of Slyrio's Genesis And The Love Story

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Ira started telling him excitedly about the legends that she had heard multiple times since she was a kid, about how Slyrio came to exist. Avi listened with great curiosity smiling at her excitement.

"In times of the past, four Kingdoms reigned,
Their ambitions were unchained.

Larvis in the North, ruled with grand,
Irorias to the West, vast like fields of sand.
Ruinovs in the South, known as fierce,
Slyrions to the East, their barriers never to be pierce.

Then jealousy spread, love and trust ceased,
Earth suffered for the havoc they unleashed.

They played with time, doing the unthinkable, a grave mistake,
Nature cursed them, with forms to reshape.

Their pride was taken,
Guilt in them now awaken.

They begged for nature's grace, as it is told,
It blessed them with their forms old,
But still tied with their mythical curse they lace.
It serves as their jealousy's trace.

Bowing their heads in shame,
Shifters now they became.

In remorse, they fled,
Leaving, Earth as it bled.

Earth was in chaos and despair,
As the Kingdoms scattered, their locations known to rare.

A lesson learnt with a heavy cost,
A haunting tale of Earth's lost."

In a time long forgotten, when Earth's majesty was at its peak, four magnificent Kingdoms held dominion over the four cardinal directions.

To the North reigned The Larvis, while the West was governed by the Irorias. The Ruinovs thrived in the Southern lands, and the Eastern territories were ruled by the Slyrions.

Each Kingdom was a testament to the pinnacle of technological advancement, as they created wonders beyond imagination.

However, this prosperity was overshadowed by a sinister jealousy that festered between them. The desire to be the best consumed them, and in their relentless pursuit of supremacy, they brought about their own downfall.

Their animosity led to a relentless conflict, where each Kingdom sought to assert dominance over the others.

In their relentless quest to outshine each other, they unleashed destruction upon themselves and the world they inhabited. Nature suffered under the weight of their exploitative actions. The once vibrant melodies of birds ceased, and the once-lush trees withered under their reckless hands. Water, air, land, and even the vastness of space were tainted by their reckless deeds, leaving nothing but misery and pain in their reign.

The once vibrant melodies of birds ceased, and the once-lush trees withered under their reckless hands. Water, air, fire, land, and even the vastness of space were tainted by their reckless deeds, leaving nothing but misery and pain in their wake.

Driven to desperation, they dared to tamper with the very essence of existence - time itself. Seeking to erase the existence of their rivals from the annals of history, they played with the threads of time.

The consequences of their hubris were swift and severe, as nature itself cursed them, transforming them into vicious, remorseful creatures. The proud empires lost everything they had once held dear, their cherished achievements reduced to mere memories.

Brought to their knees, the humbled rulers begged the heavens for mercy, praying for one chance to redeem themselves.

The ever merciful nature they had so callously exploited granted them a semblance of their former technological prowess, but they were forever transformed into shifters, able to assume as a poignant reminder of their past transgressions. It was symbolic of the beasts they had become.

Yet, even with their regained powers, they could not undo the damage they had inflicted upon Earth. Recognizing the irrevocable devastation they had caused, they made the heart-wrenching decision to leave their once-beloved home. Departing from Earth, they scattered across the cosmos, seeking refuge in distant corners of the universe, never daring to make contact with one another again.

The Kingdom that once ruled the Eastern lands of Earth came to be known as Slyrio.

And so, the tale of the four Kingdoms serves as a haunting reminder to cherish our planet, for once lost, the consequences may be eternal.

In a state of awe, Avi's eyes widened as he marveled, "So you are originally from Earth!"

Ira nodded gently, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Well, my ancestors were indeed from Earth. Our roots are the same."

Avi curiously probed into the mysteries surrounding Ira's existence.

"So, if I understand correctly," Avi began, "your mythical form or cursed form is that of a fox, and the curse still lingers?"

Ira's face softened with a sad smile, "Yes, you're right. The fox is my cursed form, a reminder of the havoc our ancestors once caused. However, over time, we've learned to embrace it as a blessing. It aids us now, and more importantly, it teaches us not to repeat the mistakes of the past."

Intrigued, Avi leaned forward, " Are the legends of mythical creatures all inspired by your kind?"

Ira nodded solemnly, " I guess some of our remains were left which now made us a folklore to the current civilization on Earth."

Then after a few moments with curiosity, he asked, "Did your ancestors ever try to go back to Earth?"

No sooner had he uttered those words than the rumble of thunder echoed through the skies. The once clear weather took a swift turn for the worse, and it appeared that a heavy downpour was imminent.

Ira's expression turned slightly somber. "Yes, they did make an attempt, but it didn't end well. And that is the story I'll share with you later."

Eager to hear the tale, Avi nodded, agreeing to wait until they reached their destination. As they gracefully flew closer to the shore, Avi peered out to see the waters and rugged rocks lining the coast.

Confused, he asked, "Our destination was the shore? From here, where are we headed?"

Ira's eyes twinkled with amusement as she corrected him, "No, not the shore, but to my place. Let me deactivate the cloaking device."

Intrigued, Avi watched as Ira deftly manipulated her Voxlet, pressing a series of buttons.

Suddenly, a breathtaking sight unfolded before him. In the midst of the shimmering waters, a small cottage materialized, as if rising from the very depths of the ocean. It radiated a soft, ethereal glow under the enchanting moonlit sky, leaving Avi utterly astonished.

The cottage seemed to merge seamlessly with nature, surrounded by a resplendent garden that stretched out towards the horizon. Moonlight danced upon the flowers, turning them into a symphony of colors like velvety blues, passionate reds, and serene purples. It all conspired to create a magical ambiance.

As they gracefully descended towards the castle, Avi could see the garden's flora in greater detail. Exotic blooms, released intoxicating fragrances that embraced him as if welcoming him home. Enchanted insects flitted among the flowers, leaving trails of luminescent dust in their wake. The entire scene was like something out of a fantastical dream.

Ira's voice brought Avi back from his reverie. "Welcome to my secret place. Let's go inside the weather doesn't seem good."

As Avi and Ira stepped through the cottage's wooden door, intricate carvings and ornate designs adorned its wooden structure, telling the story of a man and a woman.

As the door swung open, they were greeted by the warm embrace of a crackling fireplace. The living room oozed rustic charm with exposed wooden beams and a plaid-patterned rug underfoot. Soft moonlight filtered through lace curtains, casting a gentle glow on vintage furniture that invited them to sink into plush cushions. A bookshelf filled with well-loved classics and a cozy window seat beckoned for relaxation.

In one corner, a small kitchen awaited, while in another, a snug bedroom, adorned with a fluffy duvet and soft pastel pillows, promised sweet dreams in their intimate retreat.

Handcrafted details adorned every corner, from delicate metalwork on the fireplace to hand-carved statues of mythical creatures. These embellishments carried a sense of history and tradition.

Avi couldn't help but express, "This place is truly enchanting."

Ira smiled and replied, "Yes, it is. Legend has it that the first King of Slyrio and his Queen, spent their last days here. The magic of their love still lingers, keeping this place clean and cozy even after years of being closed."

Avi nodded as they strolled through the hallways. Ira pointed to a door, saying, "We can rest in that room. You must be tired."

With a shocked expression, Avi asked, "We? You mean both of us, in the same room?"

Ira chuckled, gazing into his eyes, and said, "No, not our ghosts, obviously us. Let's go."

Taking hold of Avi's hand, she led him to the room. Before he could protest, she snapped her fingers, and their clothes transformed into comfortable sleepwear.

On the bedside table sat a plate of freshly made dinner, hot and delicious, seemingly conjured by the lingering magic of love in the cottage.

Ira smiled at the sight of the dinner, realizing the true meaning of the cottage's enchantment. The food was prepared by the same magic that preserved the love within these walls.

Avi, although willing to be in the same room as Ira, was concerned about making her uncomfortable.

So, he suggested, "You can sleep here, and I'll take the couch outside."

Ira looked at him with a smile, squeezed his hand gently, and said, "Avi, just sleep. Stay with me tonight."

Avi met her gaze and, seeing her desire for comfort, smiled and nodded in agreement. He settled onto the bed.

"But first, let's eat, so you can fuel that brilliant mind of yours," he said warmly, placing a tray of dinner from the bedside table near her on the bed.

Chuckling at his thoughtfulness, Ira remarked, "I never thought I'd see you being so tender with me. Slyrio seems to have softened you."

In response, Avi lifted the tray from the bed and then cradled Ira in his arms, taking her by surprise. He settled them both on the bed, with Ira nestled snugly between his legs, embraced by his loving hold from behind. The closeness of the moment caught her off guard, but she soon found comfort in their shared warmth.

His head rested against her neck, and in a soft, intimate whisper that sent delightful shivers down her spine.

Avi spoke into her ear, "When was I ever not tender with you?"

He continued, his voice filled with raw emotion, "When it's just you and me, I can show all my emotions without worry."

Ira's heart swelled at his words.

Avi then presented the tray of food once again, coaxing Ira to eat and he ate himself as well. Blushing slightly at their proximity, she savored each bite, feeling a rush of emotions engulfing her.

Avi cherished the feeling of Ira's body nestled against his, wanting nothing more than to hold her close forever. His feelings for her surpassed mere love; they delved into a realm of profound connection, a bond he was willing to wait for, even if it meant an eternity.

She was to be his, no matter what.

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