5. Serendipity

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Upon examining the ship's interior, Aashi couldn't help but marvel at the staggering advancement of its technology. It surpassed anything she had ever imagined or encountered on Earth. The intricacies of the spaceship left her deeply intrigued, especially considering the oddity of finding such a craft on this unfamiliar planet.

As her thoughts meandered through the possibilities, a troubling notion took root in her mind. Could this spaceship have been intentionally left here, strategically positioned as part of a trap to ensnare them?

Advait pondered aloud, "So, can we make use of this vessel?"

A moment of silent contemplation passed among them, with each individual exchanging unspoken thoughts.

Shwet eventually broke the silence, saying, "Considering this is our only hope, I believe we should utilize it. Admittedly, adapting to this advanced technology might take some time, but we can do it and escape from this predicament."

Shrisha nodded in agreement, supporting Shwet's stance.

Vani had always been the one most scared in any situation but, she had a remarkable characteristic of being optimistic in most pessimistic situations. So, leaving her fear, she chimed in, "We have a certified genius among us."

She pointed directly at Aashi, emphasizing her remarkable abilities, she exclaimed. "She's seriously amazing!and a certified genius, she managed to hack into that super famous Cyber Security Company two years back and rocked it with her insane tech skills. It's like nothing we've ever seen before! In just a week, she built a whole Robot prototype, which normally takes scientists years to do. "

Vani added more,"And not just her, Shrisha and Shwet are also total tech geniuses, always showing off their brilliance. We're counting on them to save us because there's no time to waste. We've got to try everything and anything to make this work! Remaining idle within these confines is simply not an option. We must exhaust every avenue available, leaving no stone unturned, for time is of the essence."

Aashi found herself growing flustered as the praise continued to pour in. Compliments had always made her feel a tad uncomfortable; she wasn't particularly adept at handling them.

Inwardly, she reminded herself that this was a chance to escape their current predicament, and she resolved to give it her all.

Aashi responded thinking, "Let's give it a try. I'll figure out how to operate this thing."

They all explored the ship for a while until Aashi called them over excitedly, showing them a holographic tablet. "Guys, this is exactly what we need. It's a user manual, and somehow I can understand it. The language settings includes English, Earth's language."

Arsh expressed his concern, "Flying a spaceship with just a user manual sounds crazy and risky."

Shrisha wisely replied, "Considering the bizarre situation we find ourselves in, nothing seems too crazy right now."

Advait reinforced the idea, "Indeed, it's either we attempt it or face the possibility of staying stranded here forever."

Others nodded in agreement, acknowledging the gravity of their situation.

Shwet added some reassuring information, "The spaceship appears to be in fully operational condition; it just requires minor repairs."

Shrisha suggested, "Shwet and I can take care of the repairs, while Aashi familiarizes herself with the manual and control panels."

The group reached a unanimous decision, and the three engineers set to work, while Avi, Vani, Arsh, and Advait ventured outside to search for more supplies.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find any fruits on the ground as Shwet and Aashi had earlier. However, luck seemed to be on their side when they stumbled upon a tree laden with fallen fruits.

Surprisingly, the fruits appeared undamaged despite falling from a considerable height of 50 feet.

On their way back to the spaceship, the boys decided to take a bath in the nearby lake, which ended up taking them some time.

When they finally returned, Shwet and Shrisha jokingly asked, "What took you so long?"

Vani explained, "Well, the boys wanted to have some fun in the water like kids, so that's why it took a while."

Advait added, "It's been a while since we had some fun, and we needed a bath as we were getting a bit smelly."

Upon hearing this, Shrisha suggested to Vani, "Hey, why don't we also take a bath in the lake? Aashi went there earlier and said the water temperature is okay."

Vani agreed, and Advait warned them,"Don't stay out too long. It's gonna be dark soon."

The girls nodded their heads in agreement and headed out to the lake.

Shwet announces, "Well, the repairs on the spaceship are finished."

Arsh responds, "I thought it would take longer, you guys are quick."

Shwet appears momentarily surprised by the comment but quickly recovers, jokingly saying, "Well, we're just born geniuses," and laughs it off.

Advait suggests, "Well, let's take a break and rest .Tomorrow we can make an attempt to start the ship then."

Just as they are about to head to their rooms to sleep, Avi inquires, "By the way, where is Aashi?"

Shwet playfully responds, "Oh, it seems like someone is missing someone a lot."

This elicits laughter from Advait and Arsh.

Shwet points in a specific direction and says, "She's over there." Following that, Arsh, Shwet, and Advait make their way to their beds to get some sleep.

Avi walks towards the direction where Shwet pointed and discovers a heartwarming sight. Aashi is peacefully asleep on a chair, holding a tablet in her hands.

In that moment, she appears incredibly adorable to Avi, almost like an angel. Memories flood his mind, reminding him of the first time he laid eyes on her, how she captivated him to the point where he almost stumbled over his words when trying to speak to her.

However, it wasn't her physical appearance that captivated Avi. It was something more profound about her essence that drew him in. Her beauty seemed like a secondary aspect compared to the enchantment he felt in her presence. But something always seemed amiss when he looked at her.

Avi decides to wake Aashi gently so that she can have something to eat. He lightly taps her, and her eyes slowly open as she looks at him. Avi suggests, "You should have something to eat."

She looks at Avi and smiles, responding with an agreeable "Okay."

Aashi sits up and he hands her some fruits, which she nibbles on. As she finishes, she looks up at Avi and asks, "Did you eat?" Avi shakes his head indicating that he hasn't eaten yet.

Aashi gently takes hold of Avi's hand and motions for him to sit beside her. She hands him a fruit and, through her eyes, silently urges him to eat it. Avi follows her lead and begins eating alongside her.

As they sat down to eat, Avi noticed Aashi gazing up at the vast expanse of the sky.

He couldn't help but ask, "Are you worried that we might not be able to find our way back home?"

Aashi turned to him, her eyes serene, and replied, "No, I have faith that we will make it back home safely. I was just reflecting on these past two, three days - they've been incredibly adventurous and surreal, like something out of a movie."

Avi chuckled softly and quipped, "You know, in the movies, they'd probably make this whole ordeal look like a thrilling adventure with heroic music in the background. But trust me, if I had a choice, I'd rather reenact a rom-com than go through this again!"

Aashi couldn't help but burst into laughter, her amusement evident as she was taken aback by Avi's comment. "Oh, you're absolutely right," she chuckled. "This hasn't exactly been a walk in the park."

Caught off guard by her laughter, Avi couldn't help but be captivated by the sparkle in Aashi's eyes.

He spoke softly, his voice laced with warmth, "You know, considering all the challenges we've faced, these days spent with you have become the highlight of my existence. I mean what we went through is literally the spotlight of anyone's life. But, come on, I don't get to see you 24 hours a day, and let's be honest, I wish I did. From the moment our paths crossed, you've been like a rare diamond in a sea of pebbles. I know you feel it too."

A mischievous grin tugged at Aashi's lips as she playfully interrupted him, unable to resist the opportunity for some lighthearted banter. "Oh, Avi, are you saying I'm too special to be seen 24 hours a day? I must be like a dazzling supernova that can only be witnessed for a limited time before it burns too bright!" she teased, pretending to strike a diva-like pose.

Avi's expression shifted, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of amusement and affection.

He reached out to gently hold her hand, his tone turning more sincere. "No, you're not a supernova that'll fade away. You're a constellation that will forever stay. And I wanted to tell you something, something that matters deeply to me. Tomorrow we might not make it so I don't want to have any regrets....."

In that poignant moment, he was determined to cast aside any lingering doubts and fears. Uncertain of what the future held, he yearned to convey his emotions to her-emotions that defied simple description. She held a unique place in his heart, and an inexplicable force seemed to draw them closer, binding their paths together.

Aashi's laughter subsided, and her cheeks flushed with a sudden rush of emotions as Avi's words resonated within her. Her heart began to race, anticipation building with every passing moment.

Before Avi could finish his sentence, she mustered the courage to interrupt him, her voice trembling slightly, " I might just have to make you wait a little longer. Someday, when the time is right, I'll ask you to complete your words. And if you still feel the same, then I'll wholeheartedly believe you."

Despite his intense desire to share his feelings and express the significance she held in his life, he chose to respect her wishes.

Deep down, he longed to open his heart to her. But knowing that she already had an understanding of his emotions.

This knowledge brought him a sense of contentment, and he could envision a potential for a joyful future if they managed to navigate their current circumstances.

He resolved to be patient, willing to wait as long as she needed, for the sake of their shared happiness.

Avi smiled, his eyes filled with adoration for the woman before him. "As you wish, my majesty," he whispered affectionately, surrendering to her request.

Aashi giggled at the playful title, finding it endearing to hear. As the evening stretched on, she gazed at the tranquil sky, feeling a wave of drowsiness washing over her. Resting her head on Avi's shoulder, she soon drifted off to sleep, safe and comforted by his presence.

As Avi watched Aashi sleeping peacefully, he couldn't help but be filled with admiration for her. Her delicate form nestled in his arms, he carefully carried her over to the nearby bed, making sure not to disturb her slumber.

Tenderly, he laid her down, tucking her in with a gentle touch. As he prepared to return to his own bed, his heart warmed by her presence, he suddenly caught sight of Vani and Shrisha standing in the corner, exchanging mischievous glances.

Realizing that they had witnessed the sweet moment between him and Aashi, Avi felt a pang of embarrassment. He hurriedly averted his gaze and quickly made his way back to his own bed, hoping to avoid any playful teasing from his friends.

Vani and Shrisha couldn't contain their laughter at the adorable scene they had just witnessed. With lighthearted amusement, they eventually settled down, allowing sleep to claim them as well, leaving the night to the quiet whispers of dreams.

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