6. Melody of Friendship

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Shrisha and Shwet were the first to awaken the following morning. They decided to conduct a thorough check of the space ship once again to ensure there were no faults. While inspecting, Shwet noticed Shrisha lost in deep thoughts.

He approached her and gently inquired, "What's on your mind? Is something bothering you?"

Shrisha looked into his eyes, her expression filled with concern, and replied, "I can't help but worry about what might happen if we can't make it back to Earth. What if we can't find a way to contact home?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she contemplated the potential outcomes.

In a tender gesture, Shwet hugged her tightly and reassured, "We'll find a way back, I believe in us. And even if we face challenges, we'll try our best to establish communication with home."

He stood by her side, offering comforting words until Shrisha's anxiety subsided.

Aashi observed them in the distance, her concerns are the same as them, she too feared they all might not survive. Doubt and fear nestled in her heart, but she clung to the belief that trying was better than surrendering to hopelessness.

After all, it was a rare occurrence, well an occurrence that was certainly unheard of, to find oneself stranded on a foreign planet, far from the familiarity of home.

The circumstances leading them to this strange place remained a mystery, yet none of them sought answers; their sole focus was on the urgent quest to return home.

Aashi approached them and declared, "Don't worry. As long as I'm here, we'll be alright. We've come this far together. Just a little more time."

Upon hearing Aashi's words, Shrisha and Shwet exchanged glances, chuckling softly in agreement.

After a moment of shared camaraderie, Aashi announced, "I'll go check the controls now. We should be ready to leave this planet by midday."

Adding a thoughtful touch, she mentioned, "By the way, I've prepared some fruits for all of us to eat."

With that, she left to attend to her tasks, leaving Shrisha and Shwet to continue their inspection until the rest of the group woke up.

One by one, each person began to awaken.

Avi was the first to approach Shwet and inquire about Aashi's whereabouts.

Playfully, Shwet responded, "Can't live without her, can you?"

He chuckled before adding, "She's in the control room. It's better not to disturb her right now."

Avi nodded in understanding and made his way to grab something to eat. Meanwhile, Shrisha and Shwet had completed their inspection and were satisfied with the results.

Returning to the rest of the group, they noticed Arsh, Advait, Vani, and Avi engaged in a conversation, attempting to distract themselves from the impending challenges they would face that day.

Vani spoke up, saying, "Regardless of what happens today, I'm grateful that I'm here with all of you. I never felt alone." She glanced warmly at the group.

Advait chimed in, agreeing, "Yeah, guys, we've been inseparable for the past two years in college. It's been the best time of my life."

Arsh joined in, reminiscing, "Absolutely! We've shared so many pranks, bunked classes, and gone on trips together. So much joy we've experienced as a team."

Shrisha added, "Yes, we've truly lived a good life together during these 2 years."

Shwet interjected emotionally, "These past 2 to 3 days with you guys have been incredible. I don't know what I would have done if I were alone."

Avi replied with a small smile, "Indeed, these days have been quite an unforgettable experience."

Then, with a thoughtful tone, Advait added, "Honestly, it truly is a life-worthy experience. If we don't make it out of here alive, it will be worth our lives, quite literally."

Arsh nodded in agreement, remarking, "Absolutely, and if we do manage to survive this ordeal, we'll have an incredible story to share with our children—one they won't even believe."

Hearing this, laughter erupted among the group. In that moment, they all reflected on how they had come to be friends.

The story of how they came together was filled with chance meetings that ultimately led to their friendship.

Aashi, Advait, and Vani had been inseparable ever since their middle school days. Although, they chose different majors and different colleges, their friendship remained rock-solid.

So, their sheer delight reached heights when they found out that fate had aligned perfectly, allowing all three of them to secure admission in the same prestigious university for their master's degrees.

Then, fate brought them into the company of Avi, Arsh, Shwet, and Shrisha.

Avi and Arsh had a rather peculiar history, having known each other since elementary school but not initially getting along.

Avi, was a very aloof type, he rarely had any conversations with anyone but was born with a brilliant mind, while Arsh was the shy but academically inclined, he was the 'nerd'.

However, during their middle school days, Arsh faced bullying due to his unique hairstyle, and it was Avi who unexpectedly came to his rescue. This act of kindness forged an unbreakable friendship between them. They even chose to go into the same college for their bachelor's.

As Avi and Arsh's college journey progressed, they met Shrisha and Shwet, a delightful couple who had been dating for a year already. The four of them quickly hit it off, and their friendship deepened over shared experiences and laughter.

Eventually, Arsh, Shrisha, and Shwet decided to pursue higher studies and get master's degrees at the Regal University. Avi chose to accompany them on idea instead of opting for studies abroad. He also needed to be in the country now, as he had recently taken over the company that time, two years back, due to sudden death of his father.

The seven of them then managed to stumble upon each other during their first few days in the university and instantly clicked.

Each carried their own unique personas and quirks that complemented and contrasted one another, resulting in a dynamic group that never experienced a dull moment.

Advait was the life of the party, his vibrant personality making everyone around him smile. Despite his goofy demeanor, there was an air of intimidation that emanated from him. In the past, he was known as a charmer, capturing hearts without a care.

However, everything changed when he noticed Vani's transformation in University.

Vani had always secretly held a crush on him. But he thought of them to be just friends, he had never seen her as more until that day when her pimpled, bespectacled self blossomed into the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes upon that day, adorned in a baby blue dress with her hair flowing freely, she captivated Advait like never before.

Her newfound allure made her the most beautiful girl in his eyes, and he started seeing her in a whole new light, eventually falling in love.

Vani, though shy and easily frightened, had a heart full of positivity that balanced her timid nature. Insecure about her appearance and weight, meeting Advait changed something within her.

His presence in her life bolstered her self-belief a little, and she started trying to see herself through his eyes, embracing her own beauty.

When he proposed to her a year before, she could barely contain her happiness and eagerly accepted, affirming her love a hundred times over.

Arsh, was the group's intellectual, preferring to speak through facts and knowledge, he excelled at what he did. Along with his quiet exterior, he was warm-hearted and caring, always there for his friends.

Shrisha exuded a fierce aura, confident and unyielding like fire. She knew how to act at the right moments and possessed a compassionate heart that fiercely protected those she loved. But, she was also very emotional at times.

On the other hand, Shwet was her perfect counterpart, calm and collected like water. Though he could be easily angered, he always managed to maintain composure during challenging times.

Their meeting, orchestrated by their parents' jobs, felt like destiny, as they completed each other like two pieces of a puzzle that fit seamlessly together. Everyone who saw them together just knew that, if 'match made in heaven'  had a existing proof, it would be them.

Shwet had proposed to Shrisha five years back, and since then, their bond has grown stronger with each passing day.

Aashi, the group's genius, was a master of many skills, winning numerous accolades. She was also deeply emotional and had a genuine charm that drew people to her. Her upbringing was filled with love and friendship. She had a radiant smile and her ability to find wisdom, even in the darkest moments was commendable.

Avi, grew up in a happy family, receiving love from his father and mother. However, he lost his mother when he was just 16, and her memory remained etched in his heart, making it difficult for him to forget her.

Two years ago, he unexpectedly took the business world by storm, stepping in to lead the company after his father's unfortunate accident.

Avi had a remarkable talent for business and managed to pursue his master's degree while running the company with the help of his late father's assistant and coordinator.

Avi also had a hidden romantic side, despite his womaniser ways. He dreamed of finding a love like his parents' love story, and he was determined to make the woman he loved his Queen.

In his heart, he had already chosen the woman he wanted to be with, and the moment he met her, he realized he wanted to leave behind his playboy nature.

Aashi quietly entered the room, having overheard their conversation. Initially, she had come in to introduce them to someone, but now, witnessing her friends' resilience in these challenging moments, she couldn't help but feel a profound sense of pride.

Memories of their cherished friendship flooded her mind, reinforcing her unwavering determination to ensure the safety and well-being of her friends, she won't give up until she had tried everything.

Amidst their thoughts, a mysterious voice chimed in, proclaiming, "Hello, everyone."

The unexpected source of the voice was none other than the confines of the Spaceship. This unexpected revelation left everyone stunned, their expressions frozen in disbelief, except for Aashi, who found the situation rather amusing.

A mischievous smile danced upon her lips as she chuckled, witnessing the bewildered reactions of those around her.

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