Chapter 2

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Dawn light seeped through the nursery. Cougarkit opened his eyes but closed them tightly again due to the light. He heard Greenstar's gathering call outside. Why did there have to be a meeting so early? Cougarkit backed away to the rear of the den and opened his eyes once more, relieved to actually be able to see. Silverkit woke up soon after Greenstar's call, and retreated to the back of the nursery where Cougarkit was.

"Do you think we can watch the meeting?" Silverkit mewed. "I think Lightkit is going to become an apprentice today!"

Cougarkit scoffed. "Do you want to see Bratkit become an apprentice or something? I don't really care." Cougarkit frowned, then it turned into a smirk. He prodded Silverkit playfully. "Oooooooh!"

"What?" Silverkit snapped, lashing her striped tail.

"You like Lightkit!"

"Do not!" Silverkit mewed, eyes widening.

"Do too."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do. Not!"

"Yep!" Cougarkit meowed. "That's why you want to see the meeting!"

"What are you kits fighting about?" Kinkfur, Silverkit's mother, purred. "Come on, come see the ceremony for Lightkit! He's becoming an apprentice, you know." Cougarkit stole a glance from Silverkit and laughed to himself. Yes, they knew very well.

"Let's just go watch," Silverkit replied exasperatingly.

Cougarkit and Silverkit exited the nursery, padding to where their Clanmates sat. They both sat beside Stormbrew and Twilightshock. Twilightshock looked fondly down at the two kits. "First time coming to a meeting?" He inquired.

"Well, we've watched from the nursery, but we've never actually sat beside all of our Clanmates!" Cougarkit meowed, Silverkit nodding. Twilightshock purred. Cougarkit noticed a large dark gray or black tom come sit beside Stormbrew. He was large, muscular, and his eyes glinted with something that Cougarkit feared.

"Who's that? I've never seen them!" Cougarkit whispered to Silverkit. The silver she-kit looked at the black tom.

"Even after we've been kits four moons? You don't pay attention, do you?" Cougarkit stifled a laugh. Yeah, he didn't really pay attention. "Well..." She paused. "That's Shadowpaw. He's really mysterious, and always hangs around Ashpaw - oh, do you need me to tell you who Ashpaw is too?" Silverkit meowed sarcastically.

"No! I know!" Cougarkit protested. He shivered, remembering yesterday when he had been, well, practically yelled at by Ashpaw for pouncing on her tail. Brat cat. Hey, that's a pretty good nickname for Ashpaw! I'll just call her that in my head...

"Good," Silverkit purred. "Anyway, Shadowpaw always hangs around her and he's always mean to a lot of cats."

"Now that we are all gathered, the meeting will begin!" Greenstar hollered. Silverkit and Cougarkit hushed, as well as the rest of the Clan. Lightkit shouldered his way through the two kits, smirking. "Jealous?" He whispered, scoffing and padding below the Highrock.

"Lightkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. From this moment on, until you've earned your warrior name, you shall be known as Lightpaw. Your mentor will be Woodspark. Woodspark, this is your first apprentice. You were mentored well by Boulderthorn and I expect you to pass down all that you learned to Lightpaw," Greenstar informed the tom. Woodspark nodded. "I will mentor Lightpaw well." Lightpaw and Woodspark touched noses.

"Lightpaw! Lightpaw! Lightpaw!" The Clan cheered. Silverkit seemed to be cheering his name pretty loud... Cougarkit needed to figure out what was up with Lightpaw and Silverkit. What if they both liked each other? Cougarkit stuck out his tongue.

After the tan kit's Clanmates dispersed Lightpaw bounded over to the two. "Congratulations on becoming an apprentice, Lightpaw!" Silverkit exclaimed. Cougarkit eyed her, then his gaze shifted to Lightpaw. Lightpaw looked curious. "Thanks, Silverkit." He looked at Cougarkit, dipping his head. "And you."

When Lightpaw padded off to find Woodspark, Cougarkit whipped to Silverkit, causing her to jump. "Gah! What is it?"

"I think you liking Lightpaw caused him to be nicer to us," Cougarkit stated. "I mean... He's never been that nice to us before."

"I don't like him!" She protested.

"Sure," Cougarkit laughed, flicking her tail with his own. "I know you do, you don't have to lie." Silverkit blushed a little.

Fawnfur padded over to Cougarkit. "How's my little warrior doing?" She asked.

"Great!" Cougarkit exclaimed.

"That's good," his mother purred. "You know, Blazefur should be returning soon. He went out on patrol before you woke up."

"Yay!" The tan kit exclaimed. He didn't see his father, Blazefur, too often. He was always busy, going to gatherings and going out on patrol. But he would get to see him today! Silverkit stood beside Cougarkit, her eyes a bit dull hearing about Cougarkit's father; No one knew who Silverkit's father was - it could be a Clanmate, a cat from another Clan, or even an outsider to the Clans! No one knew, so no one brought it up. Kinkfur had been very secretive about it, but it was a queen's decision if she wanted to share who the father was with the Clan.

Suddenly, Blazefur, Amberfern and her apprentice, Darkpaw, Swanspiral, and Jackalfrost burst into camp. "Greenstar!" Blazefur, who was in the head of the patrol, howled. "Greenstar!" The brown tom dashed from his den and appeared in front of Blazefur in a matter of seconds. Blazefur and his patrol gathered around and told Greenstar what happened. Cougarkit strained his ears but couldn't catch what they were saying.

"Why are you eavesdropping? I'm sure Greenstar will tell us," Silverkit purred beside him.

"I know. I just wanted to hear," the tom pointed out.

Greenstar gaped at Blazefur and nodded, leaping on Highrock. "All cats old enough to- well, everyone's here so I'll move on. Blazefur, Jackalfrost, Darkpaw, Amberfern, and Swanspiral have found a group of foxes on our territory. There are about five in the pack and it is very dangerous in ThunderClan territory right now. I'm going to lead a patrol over there to drive the foxes out or even kill them if necessary. The cats going will be me, Wildjay, Blazefur, Swanspiral, Jackalfrost, Amberfern, Fawnfur, Chillbone, Clawflank, Graysplotch, Eagleshadow, Bubbleflame, Appleheart, Stripebelly, Twilightshock, Ottertail, Whitecloud, and Boulderthorn."

"Why can't I go?" Lightpaw pouted. Shadowpaw sat near the shadowy part of the apprentices' den, his eyes blazing. Lightpaw turned to see Shadowpaw and backed away to where Silverkit and Cougarkit were.

"This is highly dangerous. Only warriors should go, no apprentices. Foxes are rabid creatures," Greenstar explained. "All cats going, follow me." Greenstar leaped down from Highrock and headed into the forest, the cats he chose following him. The camp seemed to be a desert with so many warriors gone.

Cougarkit watched Ashpaw, Darkpaw, and Tigerpaw enter the apprentices' den. He looked back at Lightpaw.

"Shadowpaw scares me..." Lightpaw whispered to the two kits unexpectedly. "He's so mysterious and looks so... Ambitious."

"We still have to wait two more moons until we become apprentices," Silverkit pouted. Lightpaw touched her with his tail-tip. "It'll be fine. I'll help you along the way when you become an apprentice. You too, Cougarkit."

"I won't need help," Cougarkit spat, turning and heading toward the nursery. He didn't want to be treated like some little helpless kit (which he was, by the way). He wanted to do things on his own and show Lightpaw he wasn't messing around and could take care of himself. Silverkit and Lightpaw could play their little games, but Cougarkit wasn't going to have any of it.

I feel like this is a Thistleclaw, Snowfur, and Bluefur relationship. Except Bluefur is a tom. No? Just me? Alright.

Well, eek, this chapter is a bit late, sorry! XD So what do you think is going to happen during the fox fight? WHO WILL DIE?! (If anyone dies) You'll just have to wait and see ;)

Thanks for almost 100 views! It means so much that people are reading this! And all the lovely comments mean a lot to me as well! :D

Thanks everyone! Please vote and comment what you thought, and may StarClan light your path

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