Chapter 1

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Cougarkit padded outside, his fur ruffling in the wind. A silver tabby she-cat padded up from behind him.

"So, what do you want to do?" Cougarkit asked Silverkit, the silver tabby she-cat.

"Well... Tag?" Silverkit suggested, tipping her head to the side. Cougarkit nodded eagerly, and a smile crept on Silverkit's lips.

"Hey! Look!" Silverkit's eyes widened and she pointed behind Cougarkit. The tan tom whipped his head to look behind him but nothing was there. Silverkit prodded Cougarkit's flank. "You're it!" She laughed, turning tail and running. Cougarkit turned his head to her. "Oh no you don't! No one can escape me!"

Cougarkit run after Silverkit. He swerved around the fresh-kill pile. Silverkit swerved to the left so she didn't hit a warrior, and Cougarkit tumbled below the amber she-cat. "Hey! Watch it," the she-cat growled. Cougarkit didn't take notice and scrambled back to his paws, pelting after Silverkit.

"You getting tired?" The silver kit taunted, Cougarkit a few tail-lengths away from her.

"N-Never!" Cougarkit panted.

Slateleaf, a ThunderClan warrior, jumped in front of Silverkit, blocking her. "Got her trapped, Cougarkit," the tom purred. "You can finally tag her."

"Noooooooo!" Silverkit wailed.

"Yes!" Cougarkit cheered. The tan tom tagged Silverkit, sitting down, panting heavily. "Th-Thanks, Slateleaf!" The black tom nodded, padding away.

"Well, what do we play now?" Silverkit inquired. Cougarkit was already bored.

"We could play hide and seek," Cougarkit suggested, flicking his tail. Silverkit wagged her tail excitedly, nodding. "Yeah! Let's play that! But you have to count first."

"I chased you first, though!" Cougarkit groaned.

"Too bad. Now don't cheat."

"Alright alright. I don't even cheat!"

"Yeah right," Silverkit purred. "Can you count to forty?" Cougarkit nodded, and Silverkit ran off. The tan kit closed his eyes and placed his paws over his eyes. "One. Two. Three... Eight.... Twenty.... Twenty nine..... Forty! Ready or not, here I come!"

Cougarkit looked around. He looked near the apprentices' den and noticed a darker gray tail. Was that Silverkit? Cougarkit wriggled his haunches and leaped on the tail. But to his surprise, he was thrown off and a gray she-cat hissed at him. "What was that for, Cougarkit?" The she-cat growled.

"S-Sorry, I-" But Cougarkit was cut off when a ginger and black tom padded from the apprentices' den. "Lay off, Ashpaw. He's just a kit." The ginger tabby tom looked at Cougarkit and purred. "Hi! I'm Tigerpaw, and this is Ashpaw."

"Whatever," Ashpaw growled and turned tail, stalking into the darkness of the apprentices' den. Tigerpaw dipped his head and followed. "Ashpaw! Wait up-" Cougarkit turned back around, shaking his head. Okay, next time, if you see Ashpaw, AVOID HER! He thought. Now he needed to look for Silverkit. He guessed where she was now. He snorted and rolled his eyes. "I bet she's behind the nursery." He padded over to the nursery;

The tan tom looked behind the nursery, and saw a silver blob. "Found ya," Cougarkit purred, tapping Silverkit. She turned around and padded out. "Oh, come on! How did you find me?" Cougarkit smirked. "I have my ways."

"It's my turn I guess," Silverkit pouted, but perked up. "You better watch out, because you're dealing with the best seeker!" The kit snorted but didn't say anything else. "Okay, 'best seeker.' Go count now."

Silverkit began to count and Cougarkit looked around. Where would he hide? Warriors' den? Nah. Nursery? Too easy. Medicine cat den? Blackwing would kill me. Or Dewpaw. Oooooh! What about that den? Cougarkit noticed a larger den that sat upon a rock. What was that den? It didn't look like any cat was inside, so he shrugged. That's where he'd hide.

Cougarkit scrambled on the rocks that lead up to the strange den. He finally reached the top. No cat noticed him, either. Hah! My pelt blends in! He thought, running inside. It was dark, very dark, but Cougarkit's eyes adjusted. A single nest was in the middle of the den. Lichen and vines covered the sides and top of the den. He rushed to the back of the den, slinking down.

After what seemed like moons, Silverkit crept inside. "Cougarkit? Are you in here?" Cougarkit was so bored he stood up. Silverkit must've spotted him because she rushed over. She tagged him. "You've been here the whole time?" She snorted. "Honestly, I found you pretty quick..."

"Look, it took me 5 seconds to find you. For you to find me? 5 moons." Cougarkit flicked his tail playfully. But suddenly a dark shadow appeared at the mouth of the cave - Cougarkit's eyes widened and he took a step back, Silverkit turning to look at the shadow of a large cat and doing the same as the tan tom.

"What are you doing in my cave?" The voice boomed. Cougarkit's ears flattened. But suddenly the voice broke into a purr. A brown tabby tom stepped forward, staring at the two kits. "Ah, Silverkit and Cougarkit." His green eyes gleamed. "I'm Greenstar, leader of ThunderClan. You two are in my den, the leader's den."

"Oh! Greenstar! We're sorry..." The two kits meowed, padding forward into the sunlight.

"It's fine," Greenstar replied. "Just know next time not to come in. Unless it's an emergency, of course."

"Yes, Greenstar," Cougarkit and Silverkit meowed in unison, leaving the den.

"Well, that was fun!" Cougarkit meowed sarcastically when they reached the foot of the rocks. "It actually was pretty fun. We got to see Greenstar! The leader of ThunderClan! And he actually spoke to us."

"Had a little visit with Greenstar, eh? Yeah right!"

Silverkit and Cougarkit whipped their heads to the third kit that stayed in the nursery - Lightkit. He was bigger, more arrogant, and meaner.

"Yes," Cougarkit meowed back, narrowing his eyes. Silverkit and Cougarkit were only four moons old, while Lightkit was going to become an apprentice tomorrow.

"Sure, sure," Lightkit rolled his eyes. "Now, I'd like some prey. Go get me a thrush."

"We aren't your servants!" Cougarkit snapped back. Lightkit knocked Cougarkit down, hissing. "I said, get. Me. A. Thrush!"

"Pick on someone your own size!" Silverkit snapped. "Go get your own prey!" Cougarkit heard a call from his mother, Fawnfur. Kinkfur, Silverkit's mother, also called her kit. "Let's go," Silverkit murmured, and the two kits padded back to the nursery. Lightkit was muttering something to himself, rolling his eyes and lashing his tail angrily. Cougarkit smirked. Lightkit might be bigger, but he stood no chance against two four moon old kits.

AGH. Finally finished! I don't know why this chapter took me so long, it was so easy XD
Anyway, I've been kind of sick lately but I'm still writing! Sorry this chapter was a bit late.

I can't wait to really get into this book. So many more things are going to be added! A prophecy, more cats, more characters, and everything will actually be explained unlike the first version XD More chapters (let's hope) and more detail! Cougar will be an apprentice longer, make more friends, and be swaggy. But Cougar is swaggy anyway. XD

Welp, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know the little Author's Notes at the end of the chapters may be boring but I still like to write them :) Feedback would be very appreciated! Vote and comment what you thought, and may StarClan light your path!

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