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A light breeze soared through the trees. A black shadow slunk in the bushes, keeping low to the ground. His yellow gaze shifted to the stars and he let out an annoyed hiss. His claws unsheathed in the anticipation. "I'll get my revenge on you," he stated with clasped jaws angrily.

A fight was going on ahead between some Dark Forest and StarClan cats. Well, it was an argue right now, but the black tom sensed it would turn bloody soon. He crept up to the scene, keeping his hindquarters down, tail flicking behind him.

"That's not the point!" A StarClan cat hissed. "The Dark Forest doesn't have the power to do anything it wants!" A white she-cat snarled, lashing her tail.

"Oh, Icestar. The Dark Forest can have anything it wants. Although, you should know that, correct?" A senile smile gathered on the ginger tabby's jaws, as Pantherflare could tell.

"I smell another Dark Forest cat," a gray tom on the side of Icestar meowed quickly.

"You are on the border of the Dark Forest, Spiderhawk," the ginger tabby pointed out. Pantherflare nodded, his yellow eyes turning cold.

"Obviously..." A gray tom beside the Dark Forest ginger one muttered. Pantherflare strained his ears to listen better as he watched from the side of the Dark Forest.

"Russetstar!" Icestar snarled to the ginger tom. "Do you not understand what I am saying? We won't let you have half of our territory. Your shadows will only disappear when crossing it!" She exclaimed.

"This is not your decision, Icestar. You aren't the leader of StarClan, incase you didn't know. We will take over StarClan. Then, your Clan will be destroyed from the inside out!" Russetstar yowled.

"Never!" Icestar denied. "ThunderClan can never be destroyed."

"Your 'loyal' Gullstar didn't fix your Clan so well, eh?" Russetstar growled.

"Your leadership over WindClan didn't do so well either, mouse-brain!" Spiderhawk replied.

"Your stupid StarClan can't restrain from our strength," Russetstar stated, raising his head and standing tall. "Either accept that we will take half of your territory or die."

"I'd never let you take over half of our grounds," Icestar growled. "Spiderhawk, Hazelpounce, Cootwillow, Pinesting, Foxleap, Leafstar, Mistystar, attack and kill these Dark Forest cats!" Icestar exclaimed.

"Scorpionwillow, Shadowedheart, Oakclaw, Sandstorm, Marrowscreech, Maggot, Sharpstar, Hawkheart, Lilacfur, attack!" Russetstar yowled. The area became splattered with blood.

Pantherflare let out a hiss under his breath and leaped forward, joining in on the attack. His claws met the fur of Foxleap, an ancient ThunderClan cat. The ginger tom tussled with the black tom and threw him out of the way, raking his claws down his stomach. Pantherflare raised his paw on the air and slammed it down on Foxleap. With a roll the black tom was to his paws, staring at Foxleap. They were now circling each other. Pantherflare knew who was fighting each other.

Spiderhawk would fight Shadowedheart for their hate for each other, Icestar and Russetstar would fight for their side of the border, Leafstar and Sharpstar would fight because of Leafstar's new hate for her 'loyal' deputy, and many more would fight to fight. The Dark Forest had more cats, though.

"Scared?" Foxleap snickered. Pantherflare narrowed his eyes. "I was simply planning," the black tom spat back. Pantherflare leaped for Foxleap and the ginger tom braced, but Maggot and Lilacfur joined in. Pantherflare let a smile creep across his lips. The Dark Forest was winning.

Maggot scraped his claws down Foxleap's muzzle, Lilacfur leaped upon his back, and Pantherflare was landing blows to his flank. Pantherflare let out a screech as Mistystar crashed into him. Pantherflare tumbled to the ground, grappling with Mistystar. But he realized her weight was gone and scrambling to his paws. Her eyes were glazed dull and her paw twitched then her claws sheathed. Mistystar was actually dead.

"Weak cat," Pantherflare saw Hawkheart growl, staring at the dead Mistystar. Hazelpounce, Cootwillow, Leafstar, Mistystar, Marrowscreech, and Oakclaw lay dead. Pantherflare leaped over to where Foxheart was and landed a killing blow to his neck. Foxleap spluttered out blood, falling to the ground. Hawkheart padded over and nodded to Pantherflare.

The black Dark Forest tom cringed. A ripple passed through his body. His fur ruffled. He let out a yowl and bent his head. He coughed up blood and closed his eyes tightly. Suddenly, Pantherflare jerked his head up. He whipped it around and watched Russetstar bite into Icestar's throat.

"No!" Pantherflare stuttered, leaping over. Russetstar let out a chilling laugh and watched the white she-cat writhe on the ground.

"Y-You're back...." Icestar stammered, laying still and looking at Pantherflare. "M-My poor son... I am so sorry..." Icestar cringed. "Go. G-Go with Spide-Spiderhawk and w-warn St-StarClan of thi-this!"

"No, Pantherflare!" Russetstar snarled. "You know why you are here. StarClan turned against you, remember?"

"Of course I do." Pantherflare looked at Spiderhawk. "But it's better to forgive and forget!"

"No!" Russetstar snarled, tackling Pantherflare.

"Spiderhawk, run!" Pantherflare and Icestar yowled at the same time. Spiderhawk nodded and fled from the scene to StarClan.

"Weak, cowardly StarClan cat! You are a traitor!" Russetstar snarled, the other Dark Forest cats padding up.

"No, I-" Pantherflare never got the time to finish before Russetstar killed him, raking his claws down Pantherflare's stomach. The world became black and he yowled in agony. Was StarClan doomed? Pantherflare would never know.

Okay, I know pretty much no one understands what is going on XD That's why I'm going to make a super edition that revolves around Pantherflare or Icestar.

Anyway, there's the prologue that was never established in the first version of this book. Let's hope this book has more detail and will include more things :)

Thanks everyone for reading! Feedback would be very appreciated! May StarClan light everyone's paths

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