*Time skip time cause yes*

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*few weeks later*

As Ahom was walking down the path of his garden alongside with a much more healthire-looking India talking about naga's and  her new duty as a young queen,one of his spies that was sent to work as a minister under the emperor came with a message : "You're majesty,I have news to-" the spy was cut of by Ahom  angrily saying  "Can't you see I'm busy?Now,anyway,tell me,what is SO important that you must come running to me?". The spy replied  by saying "You're majesty,princess Barath is pronounced dead by Mughal himself!"

Both India and Ahom gasped in shock,how can Mughal,India's father prononce her dead?! India mybe young,but she was mature enough to understand,but,India wasn't surprised,after all,it's Mughal we're talking about."WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE PRONOUNCED BHARAT DEAD!?"Ahom asked screaming."Well,it's been weeks since the empire has seen Bharat,so he thought she was dead for good." the spy replied "*no-no word in some Ahom language* Mughal,*no-no words intensifies* MUGHAL!!" Ahom screamed "Ahom,calm down,it's fine,im glad he pronounced me dead."India spoke."WHY ARE YOU HAPPY?!" Ahom asked after he sent the spy away."Well,at least he wont come looking for me anymore-..............." India suddenly went silent,she remembered something that she's ashamed she forgot."What's wrong?" Ahom asked."I need to go back." India whispered,as Ahom sighed in disbelief.

(lol sorry for the smol chapter again-you shall suffer waiting for ze next chapter >:])


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