:V (i need help for writing titles-)

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"Ahom can you put me down? I can walk you know?" India groaned "No,even if you can, your really weak.you'd fall the second you take a step" Ahom replied."Ugh,I can walk!"  India murmured  under her breadth.

"WELL? HAVE YOU FOUND HER YET?!" Mughal asked very annoyed ,it sounded like he'd start another war."N-no  yor majesty we-we're still searc-" before the men could reply they were cut of by Mughal  screaming" UGH YOU ALL ARE GOOD FOR NOTHING" as he stroms out of the room.

".....Where is Didi?" Bangladesh asks Pakistan "How am I supposed to know you-" Pakistan shuts up in the middle of the sentence "I hope abba (father) finds her.....We'd be in alot of trouble if he didn't"  Pakistan added."Huh? "Bangladesh qustions.

Ahom and India reach Ahom's palace "Here we are!" Ahom exclaims "Sooooo,can you put me down now?" India asked "N o" Ahom answered.

( sorry for the short chapter,I can make the future chapter longer I suppose- )

(im sorry-)

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