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   "She really is  talented, isn't she?" Iwaizumi woolgathering looking at the campus.
  "Who? That girl?" Oikawa lean against the wall, next to the vending machine.
  "Yeah..." Hajime turned around his face to other side. Oikawa noticed it.
  " It's weird for you to looking at girls, Iwa-chan" He smiled. " So that is Omako Kurushiki huh?" His eyes glanced to the girl being gathered by tons of people.
  She looks so fresh. Her hair as black as the night covered the sky and decorated by glittering shiny stars. And it was as smooth as the river all the way. Well, it wasn't wrong. How could her hair be that sparkling under the sunlight and be smooth? Guess Oikawa would ask her about the conditioner that she had been used. Her skin was so bright and clear. There was no spit to be sorted when it comes to her skin. Her lips make people think of the fullness and redness of a dressing cherry. And finally, her eyes. They were just so...gorgeous. They were the most glistening eyes Oikawa have ever met( except his Iwa-chan). They were black and dim, but also full fill with brightness and hope. To generalize, Omako was a real life Snow White.
She's hard to beat. Oikawa thought. But I'm Sleeping Beauty and Sleeping Beauty definetely will K.O Snow White in one hit, hah. That was what Oikawa really thought.

  " How could you find her acttractive Iwa-chan?' Oikawa asked, deep down with a salty disturbing tone.
  " You're so blind not to see her perfection. She's kind, and cute and gorgeous and... OMG, I mumbled too much." Iwaizumi punched Oikawa's dense head, and then wallowed himself into mumble. And ended the sentence with an uncomfortable urghh. Oikawa sobbed" Iwa-chan, it's hurt!' and then he looked down. He knew. How could it impossible to love a perfect girl? She is sociable, pretty, friendly, funny, lenient... Everybody fell for her, no doubt. At school, she is one of the top ten students, leader of the marathon club of school.

  Oh, she's looking at Iwa-chan. Hmmm? Is she blushing or something? Bitch, don't look at him. Wait, why are you turning around? Isn't it means...     

  Oikawa turned to Iwaizumi. His face was all red like a tomato. Maybe they had an eye contact. Oikawa sigh...

"Hey Trashykawa, what do I do now?"
  " Do what? You bored? I allow you to hug me."
  " I'll never hug trash. I mean...the girl over there."
  " So you just want to talk to her? Just spit it out already!"
  " I want to give her my answer."

Those word really were an invisible sword stabbed Oikawa' s eardrums. He squeezed the milk bottle real hard and threw it away harshly. Iwaizumi did not mind about it. He was thinking about that girl right now.

  " If you want then just say your feelings, to her, I bet she would be very happy. But-" Oikawa's sentence intermittent. Iwaizumi regarded.
"-... Nevermind. I'm gonna meet my cute fangirls now. Ummm- just remember that I will always support fully your choices!" Oikawa turned around and walked away from Iwaizumi being left behind.
"I'm so fucking emotional these day. Damn" Tooru said to himself. His tears were out of his eyes a little bit. He quickly wiped it off. He hate that people seeing his weakness side. He stopped by the toilet to wash his face. He stared at the mirror and suddenly used both his hands slapped his cheeks. " It's gonna be fine Tooru". Then he headed toward to his fangirls screaming out his name insanely, wondering when and how his Iwa-chan gonna confessed to the girl. Maybe he should stalk them a bit.
  He will reject her and go out with me like before, nothing's gonna happen seriously. He thought that way, or he forced himself to think that way.

I volunteer my body, my soul, my mind, my heart just for you capture it.

Hi everyone! Nice to see y'all again . It has been too long for me to publish a new chapter😌 It just my lazy syndrome occurs again periodically💙 I will try my best to update soon and usually the chapters!
✨Have a nice day or good night everyone✨
0:20 am, Jillsakata_08

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