⌜ twenty five ⌟

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i can't believe you two went out in the middle of the night!

looking like kids that are being scolded, which they are, both jaehyun and taeyong stood right in front of the biker and had their head lowered. the younger male was supposed to be just driving the shorter one to his school, like always, but upon reaching the front gates, he was dragged out of the car along with taeyong and that's when the whole situation had started. johnny was standing right there with his brows furrowed and hands placed on his hips.

while some were used to seeing another episode of taeyong being scolded by the biker, other students that have just arrived wondered why someone like jaehyun is doing there and is also being nagged by the taller male.

he really did underestimate how overprotective taeyong's friends are. if johnny is already acting like this— jaehyun didn't want to even think of how that japanese would react to this.

puffing his cheeks, the shorter male fumbled with his fingers while nibbling with his bottom lip. ❝as if you didn't go out there with a kid.

and to think that the biker didn't hear that, jaehyun even snorted at how the older male exposed his friend. scoffing real loud, johnny brushed a tongue on his inner cheek while having his gaze on the smaller male. ❝excuse me, lee taeyong, did i hear that correctly?

w-well—❞ the said male gulped as he could now see how stern the biker was. there are times that his temper is something that can be joked about but in situations like this, taeyong should know well not to mess with him.

heaving out a sigh, jaehyun took the shorter's arm and hid the frightened male behind him. he now came face to face with the upset biker and damn did he look mad. not going to even lie, it made him internally gulp. ❝look, we just went out for stargazing. there's no harm in doing that.

aside from the fact that taeyong almost lost himself during that night, sure, nothing happened badly.

no harm?❞ johnny mocked a laugh. at first, he kind of liked this guy for his friend, but seeing him now, he didn't know whether to trust him or not anymore. ❝you fucking don't know what's going on so if i were you, mind your own business.

i am minding my own business.❞ letting go of the smaller's hand, jaehyun now had his arms folded across his chest. ❝taeyong is my business.

the biker stood there for a good minute, trying to have those words sync inside his head, before chuckling in disbelief. he eyed the smaller one that's hiding behind the male's back while having a finger pointed at this guy who's quite confident with his statement that's being said. for someone who's just using his friend, he sure does love to take this pretend thing to a whole new level. ❝is this guy for real,  yong?

finally peeking out from the younger's broad back, taeyong gathered the courage to look at his friend before giving him a light nod. he didn't know how to break the news to him, he even forgot to tell him about this last night since he was busy shouting about the things he shouldn't do just for the good of his health.

j-johnny, meet jaehyun.❞ it made him laugh mentally, having the same feeling as introducing someone to his parents. in his case, he's introducing a guy to his friend that's very much protective over him. ❝my—

fiance!?❞ johnny exclaimed, his jaw dropped at the sudden confession.

unfazed at the said label, jaehyun shrugged with a smug on his face. ❝i mean, i am his hubby bean.

looking more confused as ever, the biker didn't have the time to glare at what the younger had just said as he was more on looking for answers. ❝taeyong!

the smallest that got in between the two then clicked his tongue and had to nudge jaehyun on his stomach with his elbow because of how he's adding fuel to the fire, which the biker is literally fuming. ❝no, he's—

your fucking boyfriend!?

and jaehyun is no help or whatsoever in this. ❝i like the sound of that but unfortunately, not yet.❞ he told the furious biker before taking his hand out for a handshake. ❝jung jaehyun, i'm courting lee taeyong.

johnny was conflicted if he should accept that handshake or slap that hand away. all he was thinking about it his friend's state and how risky this can be, he should already know about this. ❝taeyong, did you tell him about—

jaehyun blinked his eyes twice in a clueless manner when the shorter male beside him quickly rushed towards the biker and slapped a hand over his mouth. all the words that johnny was about to say were muffled out and despite of taeyong's small figure, he managed to drag the taller male away from jaehyun, making sure there's a distance between them so he could have a one on one talk with his friend that's still fuming about what was happening.

he first snapped his head back and flashed a reassuring smile to the student that doesn't belong to the school where he is being dropped off before turning back to the older that's now giving him a look.

chuckling nervously, taeyong pulled his hand away from covering the taller's mouth. ❝surprise?

letting out a stressful groan, johnny had ran a hand over his hair that has been messed up because of the countless of times he had ruffled it during this morning. ❝tell me you're joking.

no, i'm not.❞ the younger looked away while having a hand rubbing his arm, knowing that it'll be hard for the biker to cope up with this. especially when he was there during the day he had passed out just because of this same person that's now courting him. ❝hey, it's still going to be the same as you introducing me to your friends. i'll fall in love and—

this is jaehyun we are talking about, yong.❞ johnny had his face buried on his hands and started rubbing his face with his palms. ❝this is the same guy that gave you dozens of panic attacks.

that was only once.❞ actually, even taeyong can't count how many times he had gone breathless with the guy. facing the biker, the shorter male lifted his hands up and removed the older's from covering his face, cupping his cheeks after. ❝trust me, i'll be careful.

how many times have you told me that and ended it with you always getting in trouble?❞ with a worried gaze, johnny stared down at him. he really hopes that the younger knows what he's doing and hasn't forgotten about his weak condition. ❝you should at least tell him about your health. in that way, he'll be aware of his limits with you.

but what if that will just cause for him to stop being with me?

johnny stiffened from his place as he could see how the smaller's eyes started to get glossy. he can also see how sincere and genuine his feelings are towards this guy, making him be hesitant in stopping him. the biker didn't want to prevent him from being happy, but he also doesn't want something happening to his friend just because of the happiness he deserves.

johnny,❞ taeyong bit his bottom lip to hold himself back from getting too emotional. he didn't want to be selfish and do what he thinks is right without his friends agreeing with it. ❝let me be, just this once.

the older male knows how much he's been wanting to have that fairytale life, blame the movies and some of the books he had read. to have a magical life, to fall in live, and to live happily ever after. in this world they are living in, that process is nonexistent. much more if taeyong is handling it, the world is too cruel for him. ❝you really have fallen this deep, huh?

puffing his cheeks, the younger had nodded his head slowly. ❝is it bad?

for him, very. quite unhealthy if you ask johnny, but what can he do? he's the one who kept on reminding him to live life to the fullest. there are so many things that's holding taeyong back from living his life, he didn't want to be part of it.

all he can do is to be there with him when push comes to shove.

sighing, ❝no,❞ and frankly speaking, he kind of liked seeing taeyong exploring new things. ❝it's just love.

and love is making him do crazy things, such as risking his life.

he could remember how it was taeyong who wanted to hold himself back from getting out of the boundaries, who's paranoid in every breath he takes, and now it's as if they have switched places. it's johnny who's getting to worried of what the younger would do, who can't stop doubting on the decisions he would make, and who would block his way of being happy in life. he recalled how he'd always comment about how tense taeyong can get even though he knew he couldn't blame him for it, and it's funny how he's being like that right now.

we still are not yet over about how you two went out last night.❞ and so, he wanted to stop himself from worrying badly and just watch his friend be happy of the decision he's making. ❝if it weren't for me calling your mother then i wouldn't have known about it.

we were stargazing, johnny.❞ minus the fact that they argued and he almost fainted, if it weren't just for him being comforted with a hug and got to catch his breath from shouting. ❝and probably talked about our feelings.

johnny then let out a laugh, seeing how defensive the shorter male is getting. he was kind of suspicious as to what other things the two have done out there but his squinted eyes were enough to show his curiosity. ❝there's nothing wrong with that, just please tell me you brought your inhaler with you.

that, he did not. ❝y-yeah, i did.❞ but telling the truth would only cause some distrust with the biker.

good.❞ now releasing a sigh of content, johnny leaned forward and got to press his forehead to to the shorter's. ❝because i know his confession might be too much for you to handle, you could have possibly fainted with it.

the confession, he got to manage with it. but the kiss and the argument? damn, most especially the kiss. he ran out of breath while their lips were connected, it's a surprise how he managed to handle it. ❝hm—

uhm, guys, i'm still here if you might have forgotten.

seeing how the biker rolled his eyes lifted taeyong's mood and it made him chuckle as he went to look at jaehyun who waved at him with a wide smile that showed his illegal dimples. the both of them turned back around to the student that doesn't belong there and approached him after leaving him for quite too long.

even after having the shorter male explaining to him everything, johnny still was irked at the idea of having this guy courting with his fragile friend. ❝so, jaehyun.

that's right, good sir.❞ seeing how the biker's expression slightly lightened up after their talk then gave the guy some confidence. ❝a reliable companion to be with, and a very sweet talker. your friend's hubby, and soon to be husband.

you two aren't even in a relationship yet. advance much?❞ johnny was seriously holding himself back from wiping that proud grin that's plastered on his face. ❝anyways, hurt him once and i'll make sure to get back at you twice the pain.

that most likely won't happen but,❞ with a princely bow, both taeyong and johnny gave him a look. with the biker staring up at the shorter male, taeyong only gave him a sheepish smile. ❝you can count on me for taking care of him, even though i'm not a number.

his blood boiling was already on the top with this guy, not believing that his friend got himself associated with a man like him. having a finger pointed at the student, he turned to face his friend. ❝is he always this annoying?

got used to it already.❞ taeyong said with a shrug.

seconds after, the male felt an arm being thrown over his shoulders and as he turned to his left, he was met with jaehyun wiggling his brows. ❝you still fell for me though.

this is the sight that johnny wanted to gag so much. it reminded him of— wait, someone.

fuck.❞ the biker fished his phone out from his pocket along with his keys and had his eyes widened at the messages he got from a certain little guy that's waiting for him at the parking lot. ❝alright, i'll leave you guys here because i—

"johnathan fucking suh!"

both taeyong and jaehyun flinched at the pitched shout they heard at a distance while johnny had his body frozen there as if a move he'd make would lead him to his death. it didn't take a while for the two to have their eyes wandering around to see who called the biker using a random name and a couple of feet away, they could see a short guy marching towards them with anger visible on his face.

how many minutes do i have to wait for you back there? classes are going to start and i'm still here—❞ the male stopped as he got closer to them, having his eyes locking gazes with a specific someone who's as surprised as him.

not planning to drop his arm from taeyong's shoulder, jaehyun had even brought him close. it wasn't because he wanted to make him jealous, he had dropped that long ago already, but he just liked to show off that he had a lee taeyong in his arms. ❝ten?

jaehyun?❞ nearing then, the said male that appeared right in front of them then went right beside a biker that's still frozen from his spot. ❝what are you doing here?

he didn't miss the smaller's eyes trailing down on how close he and taeyong was. ❝shouldn't i be asking that to you?

ten rolled his eyes with a scoff. ❝i asked you first.

well, i came here to drop my wifey bean to his school.❞ jaehyun then proudly had said, putting his arm down and intertwining his fingers with the older's. that action caused for the male beside him to blush madly, having the thai student to catch it.

also not losing, ten had an arm clinging to the biker's and snuggled close to him. ❝johnny, here, is taking me to the university but decided to drop by here when he found out that his friend arrived early.

w-why do i feel like it's suddenly my fault?❞ taeyong flinched when received a glare coming from the thai student.

okay,❞ the tension between them then caused for johnny to let out a nervous chuckle. ❝i think it's time for us to go—

and bringing you to your university?❞ but it just had to process late inside taeyong's head. ❝wow, johnny, he gets to ride brad twice? meanwhile, a friend for years can't even lay a finger on it.

finding it uncomfortable that his man— the biker, is being attacked, ten went in front to consult the taller's friend. ❝correction, i got to ride brad more than twice.

taeyong gasped a little bit loud upon knowing that information. ❝you see, johnny, this is called betrayal.

both johnny and jaehyun then moved away from the two that are now starting to get nearer to each other. inside their heads, they were now imagining them having claws as they were already thing near to pouncing at each other. one day they were the best of friends in trying to kill johhny, and the next day they were the worst enemies just because one gets to ride brad.

i must say,❞ ten smirked, actually loving how he's provoking this so called friend. ❝you're jealous because i get to ride his motorbike.

jealous?❞ with folded arms across his chest, taeyong scoffed. ❝i just find you very unworthy to ride brad.

the tops— the two, johnny and jaehyun, then gulped at the sight of the two having their teeth gritted at each other. they turned to look at each other with eyes clearly showing that they had no idea what to do in that situation.

should we pull them away?❞ johnny asked, actually scared of what's going to happen between those two if no one comes stopping them.

with an amused smile, jaehyun shrugged with his head shaking. ❝nah, the sight is entertaining.

it is undeniably entertaining, no doubt about that. it's like watching to kittens in the verge of clawing each other, but johnny still cares not only for his friend's state, but also for ten whose body is still small compared to taeyong's. though, he is quite unsure if the two can even land a hard punch at each other. they look like they are just silently killing the other with their glare.

as much as he wanted to sit back and watch the show of two kittens fighting, ten still had a point about him getting late for first period. he would have just drove him to his university if it weren't for him finding out about taeyong arriving to school and as a worried friend he is, he had to drop by and have a talk with him.

unworthy? excuse you but— hey!❞ ten was then caught by surprise when the biker came to him and shoved him up like some sack of potatoes. ❝put me down!

nope, don't want you to start a fight.❞ the taller male that had carried him up then stated. ❝also, i still have to take you to school.

i said—❞ groaning and squirming from his shoulder, the thai student struggled to make an attempt for the biker to put him down. ❝that's unfair, he's complaining about me riding brad, as if he isn't privileged enough to get inside kevin!

taeyong's ears then perked up after hearing a name from the thai's sentence. watching the two disappearing from their sights, with couple of students staring at them and some confused as to why the biker is carrying a kid, he still have his arms crossed as he turned to face jaehyun with that look on his face. the younger male just chuckled and ruffled his hair.

i guess i also have to go.❞ the younger then said, booping their noses. but even though he had done that, the unimpressed male showed no reaction and still kept on with that stern look on his face. it somehow got jaehyun nervous on his place but remained smiling. ❝message me if ever you—

but taeyong had cut him off with an important question. ❝who is kevin?

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