4 | Torfa

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"This can't be good," One of the members of the StarForce, A tall dark-skinned man with a small white beard named Korath  said as they entered the Helion, "Must be another Skrull attack."

"Whatever it is, it's big," Bron-Char, a blue-skinned man with long blond hair and beard said as he made his way towards where the weapons were stationed against the walls

Vers looked over them while she leaned against the wall. Ellie wasn't far from her friend, she was inspecting the weapons next to Vers. At first, she had no intention of using them, after all, her own weapons were far superior and more comfortable for her style of fighting than the ones the Kree warriors used. But Yon-Rogg had pulled her aside before they set out for the Helion, and talked to her about keeping a low profile. She knew it was a wise move and so she accepted to comply and use one of their weapons but she also told him firmly that her weapon would be coming with her even if it is not used and she wasn't going to be wearing the issued uniform of the Kree warriors. After some thought, Yon-Rogg nodded.

Her friend, who was leaning beside her looked at the team, "Has a Skrull ever simmed you?"

"Once, it was deeply disturbing," Korath said as he gave his sword a spin as he looked at Vers.


He moved closer to Vers, "Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy and the face staring back was my own."

"Maybe if you were more attractive, then it would be less disturbing."

Ellie looked at her friend with disappointment, "Vers," she said as a warning before she looked at the pissed Kree warrior, "He seems attractive to me. He has a certain... appeal."

"Thanks for the compliment, your highness. Your friend thinks she's funny, but I'm not laughing," He gave a slight bow of his head looking pleased before glaring at Vers.

Att-Lass who was next to Vers spoke up, "You never laugh."

"I laugh on the inside. I'm not doing it now."

Bron-Char, who was leaning against a wall of his own pipped in, "It's funny cause objectively speaking, you're quite handsome."

"Well, thank you."

Vers looked between Ellie and the blue warrior, feeling betrayed. Ellie gave her a small shrug with a wink before turning her attention to Yon-Rogg who entered the QuadHelion at that exact moment.

"Listen up, team. Knock it off," He moved to the cockpit and everyone followed, forming a circle around him as he made a hologram, "Prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr." The hologram changed to display the said spy, "The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet. This time, Torfa. Soh-Larr sent us a warning. The signal was intercepted, and his cover's blown," the hologram showed a Skrull, "The Skrull general, Talos, has sent kill units to find him. Should they reach him before we do, the intelligence he's acquired over three years is as good as theirs. The accusers will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south. We slip in, we locate Soh-Larr and we get out, leaving them none the wiser. The Torfan populace. We are not to interfere with them nor them with us. Nothing compromises the security of our mission. Proceed with caution. Follow protocol before extracting him."

He turned off the hologram, "This is a dangerous mission. We must all be ready to join the Collective if that is our fate today."

Vers took a deep breath and looked to her right, Ellie smiled at her encouragingly.

"For the good of all Kree!" Yon-Rogg said and everyone repeated after him.

Soon, they were on their way to Tofra.

It didn't take long for them to arrive, a couple of jumps and their Helion was above the planet, and then they were in the water.

While the Kree warriors needed their suit to help them breathe underwater, Ellie had no difficulty breathing normally. they slowly swam forward until they reached land, and quietly got out of the water.

"Vers, track Soh-Larr's beacon," Yon-Rogg started instructing his team, "Att-Lass, Minn-Erva, find elevation."

He then turned to face Elbereth, "Your highness, I know it would be difficult to not engage in battle as a warrior, but as the last remaining Dumont I need you to promise if things go wrong, you'll get out."

Elbereth nodded, If things went south she'd get out.

Well, that really depends on who you're asking. and since Yon-Rogg didn't specify, then Ellie will get out when she thinks things are going wrong.


Vers and Ellie quickly located the target and signaled the others to join them at their hiding spot, "His beacon's coming from that temple. Let's move," Vers informed the others.

"No," Yon-Rogg said, "This is a perfect spot for an ambush. Only one way in, only one way out.

Bron-Char voiced his idea, "We can go past the locals."

"We don't know if they are locals. Too risky."

"You don't have to go with me, I'll go alone."

Before Yon-Rogg could object, Ellie beat him to it, "No, many things could go wrong."

Vers looked at her before nodding her head.

Yon-Rogg looked at his team, "Right. We keep a close radius. We lose comms, we meet back at the Helion. Come on."

They moved in. The warriors with their guns raised, Vers with her fists ready to ignite with power, and Elbereth with a gun in one hand pointed downwards and her other hand ready to summon her secret weapon, Gáe Bulg. A staff that her brothers, Arcturus and Atticus, had gifted her after she won her first battle, and has since been her companion in many battles.

Yon-Rogg and the rest of the team were trying to take control of the panic going between the locals while also trying not to hurt anyone unnecessarily.

The duo found someone behind some rocks deep in the temple, Vers read out the code given to her, "HGX-78."

The voice completed the code, "TRT79-VVX6."

And that's when things went wrong.

Outside, Elbereth could hear the sound of shots and then Yon-Roggs loud shout of 'Skrulls', and then the very familiar sound of a fight.

Before she could say something, however, Yon-Rogg's voice filled the quiet temple from Ver's comms, "Skrulls, It's an ambush."

She only had time to look up at 'Soh-Larr' before he teased her and she dropped down in pain.

The Skrull looked at Ellie as he got up and shot a teaser her way. Elbereth, the fourth-best warrior on Alveron, dodged with impossible speed and then shot her Kree gun towards the Skrull.

He moved closer and kicked her in the stomach with force which threw her back a little, giving the Skrull enough time to shoot her with four teaser shots with twice the power used on Vers and she finally went down on her knees with a grunt.

"Come in! Vers!" Yon-Rogg's voice came from the comms on Vers.

'Soh-Larr' changed until a Skurll was standing in front of them.

"How did you know the code," Vers said between gasps.

"How about I tell you my secret... when you've told me yours?" He shot her one more time rendering her unconscious and with some more shots, Elbereth followed her friend to the land of darkness.



First of all, I think I kinda went crazy writing this. I started talking to myself and then arguing. "No you fuck! They can see her armor they know she's different tf are you trying to giver her an alias?"
Yes, I'm going crazy writing these books. (No surprise there)

Second, that gif was a bitch to make and I hope it burns in hell. Why there were no gifs of that exact moment Idk. And this gif is a different size from the rest cause I forgot what I use for the ones before this *clown emoji*.

Lastly, please do excuse my dumbass if I've said Carol have instead of Vers anywhere in this chapter.

Oh and this is Gáe Bulg (assassins Valhalla version aka my love)

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