5 | C-52

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"Come on, Ellie!" Actuaries teased, "You're moving slower than Atticus!"

Blocking a powerful swing, she said between gritted teeth, "Am not!"

Atticus threw a half-eaten milo * at his siblings, "Hey!"

Actuaries laughed, but it wasn't the kind laugh Elbereth was used to hearing, "You wouldn't be dead if you were faster."

Her stance faltered at his words, "What..."

Her oldest brother looked at her with a grimace, eyes filled with hatred, "We would've been alive if you had done something," He started attacking faster, forcing her back, "Everyone is dead because of you!"

failing to block his next blow, he disarmed her and positioned his sword over her heart, "And you'll be dead with us."

He thrusted the sword in her heart-

She didn't wake up with a gasp, but rather a soft movement behind her eyelids. From what she could feel, she was horizontal but her back had no contact with a surface. Her hands and legs were enclosed in big metal chains and were doing a number on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a Skrull ship, surrendered by them but her conscious state had gone noticed in favor of them looking at readings on a screen.

In the middle of the room, she found Vers being held up in an upside-down vertical state, being supported by chains like her. Unlike her, however, there were twirls of something connected to her head, if Elbereth were to guess, she would say they were some kind of mind-reading twirls. Vers' eyes opened

"Do we have any information we can act on?" The Skrull leader said to the others while walking around the room.

Another one answered, "Just that Lawson was somewhere on planet C-53."

C-53 was by far the most simple planet out there. They had yet to develop their technology to communicate with other planets and their Outerspace transportation was limited to their moon. Seeing how they had only achieved that a few decades ago, Elbereth had no hope of them doing anything impressive for another couple of centuries. Of course, they had some interesting stuff going there as well, like the appearance of the tesseract a few years back and-

Yeah, that was it. C-53 is not a planet Elbereth has ever planned on going to.

But fate had other plans because apparently their on their way to C-53.

"Then, dig, dig, dig, deeper," The leader ordered frustratedly, not being able to find whatever they were looking for-

"Lawson is our link to that light-speed engine!"

-which is the light-speed engine.

Knowing her friend, Elbereth watched as the cuffs on Vers' hand started to glow red.

One of the Skrulls pocked her on the forehead with a finger, causing the screen to change for a moment.

"Oh, that did something," Said the leader, "Do it again."

Vers was pocked again.

And Vers has had enough.

The cuffs gave away and with quick movements, Vers freed her legs and landed on her knees. Unfortunately, the cuffs on her hand were still on.

Elbereth, seeing the signal, freed herself in a powerful show of strength. She pulled her legs and in the backflip, got rid of her handcuffs.

A Skrull went to shoot them down with his gun but was held back by the leader.

Between the two of them, it didn't take long to finish the Skrulls.

The alverian marched up to the leader, summoned her small dagger, and placed it under his throat, "What did you do to her?"

"Now, We're just after a little information."

Vers stepped in, "What did you put in my head?"

Elbereth moved so Vers had better access but her dagger never moved.

"Nothing that wasn't already there."

"Those aren't my memories," Vers said after a pause.

The Skrull smiled, "Yeah, it's like a bad trip, isn't it? I'm not surprised you can't keep it straight. They really did a number on you."

Pushing the dagger a bit deeper, Elbereth growled, "Enough with the mind games, Sch'mag **. What do you want?"

Vers held up her still-cuffed hands as a threat.

"We're looking for the location of a Dr. Lawson and her light-speed engine," The Skrull gritted out, glaring at Elbereth.

Vers narrowed her eyes, "I don't know any Dr. Lawson."

"Really?" He pushed, "Then why is she in your head?"

At that moment, they were attacked by reinforcements. Throwing the leader at them, Elbereth got them some time to run away from the room but they were cornered just a few hallways down.

Looking at her left and then right, The princess summoned her Gae Bulg staff and got ready. Vers clicked the cuffs together, "You guys don't happen to know how these things come off, would ya?" she looked at her right, "No? Fine."

They attacked at one, Vers going for the right and Ellie for the left, backs positioned in a way to cover each other.

Soon, they were standing in a hallway filled with groaning Skrull bodies.

Together, they went down the passage at their right and found themselves face to face with a very large Skrull.

Elbereth groaned as Vers punched him where the sun doesn't shine and he just stared at her.

While her comrade was busy with the giant, two others tried to attack the Alverian with their teaser sticks. She punched one in the face and stole his stick which she then used to tease the hell out of the other one. She looked at Vers and saw her blasting the big one with her powers, causing her hands to finally be free from the cuffs.

The Blonde clapped her hands excitedly and hissed out a happy 'Yes!'

Elbereth rolled her eyes -but is that an amused smile- and went to say something before she saw the walls behind her friend cracking.

Not even having a moment to shout a warning, the wall cracked and the open space sucked them out.

Elbereth was on the move and wrapped a hand around Vers' middle and then held tightly to the beam outside the ship.

Vers activated her helmet and using her powers, gave them a boost to get back inside.

"We must find a way out," Elbereth said as they walked in a random direction.

The random direction lead them to a room where Vers got her boots back and the further down had pods.

throwing the Skrull in it outside, they squizzed in the only remaining pod only for the control center to be destroyed by the leader. Vers blasted him back before activation the pod and setting them off.

Elbereth moved uncomfortably on her friend's lap, the armor digging in her side, "Hey can you-"

She was cut off by a jolt and with that, the pod fell apart.

The princess looked down and then hugged Vers tightly, positioning in a way that when they landed, she would take the force of the impact. After all, she was way stronger than her fragile friend.

Vers groaned and lifted her head up from the soft -but muscular- chest she was laying on. Looking up, She saw Elbereth's eyes were closed but she was frowning and wincing.

"You okay?"

The princess nodded, "Yeah, just give me a moment."

Her breathing was short as if something was cutting it off-

Realizing she was still laying down on Ellie, the blonde quickly got off and mumbled an apology. Weirdly, her checks were a bit heated.

Elbereth rolled to her side and then got to her knees, "I'm never saving you again."

"I would've been fine," She was touched by the concern but waved it off.

"Maybe," Elbereth stood up with a little wince and stretched her back, "But we both know I'm built stronger, I wasn't going to risk you breaking."

Vers smiled at her and said softly, "Thanks."

Now it was Elbereth's time to wave it off, but she did so with a grin.

They started looking around curiously, and in a moment of panic, Vers blasted a poster of a man.

"Vers to Starforce command, do you read me?"

They started walking around while Vers tried to contact someone.

"Hello? Do you hear me?"

Getting no answer, they moved out of the building and approached a vehicle outside.

The blonde knocked on the window until it was rolled down and smiled at the man, "Hi, I'm Vers. Kree Starforce with my friend. Is this C-53?"

The man looked confused.

Elbereth chuckled, "He has no idea what you're talking about. The Terrans are simple beings with no contact to other planets."

Vers looked at her with disbelief, "No way-" She turned back to the man -a security of sorts- "Where can I find communication equipment?"

The man pointed them in a direction and with a thanks, they left him to wonder what just happened.

"You do realize, that the communication equipment won't work?"

Vers groaned, "I'll do something."

And she did, she made contact with Yon-Rogg and informed him of what had transpired in the ship.

Meanwhile, Elbereth stood watch and listened to the conversation only in passing.

She looked at her only when Vers slammed the communication thingy in its place, frustrated.

"Told us to hold our position and not to engage," Vers said and activated her beacon.

Elbereth crossed her arms and shook her head, "It's not logical, we need to find Lawson. The Skrulls are here if we are, we need to find her before them."

Unnoticed to them, while they were talking, a black man in a suit approached them.

"Excuse me, miss," He said while he neared them and gained their attention, "You know anything about some ladies blowing a hole through the rood of that Blockbuster over there?" he pointed to the building, "Witness says one was dressed for laser tag and the other was ready for Comicon."

Vers and Elbereth looked at each other before making 'oh' sounds like they just remembered something. Vers nodded, "Yeah, I think they went that way."

Elbereth nodded and they started to walk away but were stopped by the man, "Uh, I'd like to ask you some questions," He showed them his badge, "Maybe give you the 411 on the late-night drop box. Can I see some identification, please?"

"Vers. Kree Starforce," Vers said and then nodded towards Elbereth, "She's Royalty. We don't carry our identification on little cards."

"Vers?" The man stopped them again before they could leave, "Starforce? Royalty? How long do you plan to be in town?"

"Oh, we'll be out of your hair as soon as we track down the Skrulls that are infiltrating your planet."

Elbereth jumped in, "Which you are stopping us from doing, by the way."

He looked between them, "Skrulls?"

Why does he keep repeating what they say? it gets annoying after a while.

Elbereth rubbed a hand over her eyes when Vers said shapeshifters.

"For the last time," Elbereth said before anyone could say anything, "Terrans are simple creatures with no outer space knowledge. Stop trying to converse with him."

Vers looked at her with narrowed eyes, "Then why don't you use your Royal position to get rid of him?"

"Cause they have no idea who I am?"

They stared intensely for a second while the man -and the two behind him- looked between them and then at each other.

Vers finally sighed, "Fine okay, let's go."

The man, once again, stopped them. Elbereth was so close to just knocking him out and leaving. They had more important things to do other than stay here and hear the man repeat whatever they said.

"How do we know you're not one of those shapeshifters?"

"Congratulations, Agent Fury," Vers said, "You have finally asked a relevant question."

"No! congratulations to you, Starforce lady and her highness, you're under arrest."

The princess sighed, "Must we do this?"

Her friend patted her on the back with sympathy.

Elbereth looked up when she saw a light movement from above her and found a Skrull in Terran disguise getting ready to shoot at them.

"Get down!" She shouted and pushed Fury out of the way, while Vers blasted the assailant with her powers.

They ran after him and followed him into a train.

Vers launched herself onto the back of the train with Elbereth following closely.

To summarise the fight, The Skrull had taken the form of an old lady causing other passengers to stop them from attacking him and him getting away. They then exchanged a few blows on top of the train before they went back inside. Sadly, they lost their target, in the sea of people, he changed his face and escaped.


In the fight, the Skrull had dropped something which when they connected to Vers' tech, they found out was pieces of her memory before it burnt and was rendered useless. They, however, got a clue which was why they ended up in an internet cafe, searching Pancho's bar.

Their search was fruitless and they decided to do things the old-fashioned way.


Vers held out the map in front of her outside the place with Elbereth looking over her shoulder.

"Are you sure you're holding it right?"


"How sure?"

"...Pretty sure."

"That's not very sure."

"Why don't you read it then?" Vers glared at Elbereth over her shoulder.

"I failed my map-reading exam."

That made Vers pause and then look at her friend with an amused smile, "The amazing princess of Alveron doesn't know how to read maps?"

Ellie whined, an action she wouldn't have done if she was with anyone but Vers, "They're confusing."

"Sure, El."

They went back to looking at the map with Vers pointing things out to the brunette.

"Nice scuba suit," a man said as he parked his bike.

Vers looked at him from the top of the map while Elbereth looked from over her shoulder with a fierce glare.

The man raved his bike like that was supposed to impress them, "Lighten up, honey, huh?"

The princess made a move to show him exactly how she lightened up but was stopped by the blonde.

"Got a smile for me?"

Vers ignored him and glanced at Elbereth's glaring face.

Finally, the man left but not before muttering a 'freaks' under his breath.

The duo took their revenge by stealing his bike.

Quickly putting some Terran clothes over theirs, they hopped on the bike and rode away.

It was a difficult ride, not because they were unfamiliar with the place or how everything worked. No, it was difficult because Elbereth was clutching to Vers and her body was pressed up against her back.

You can't blame her for going a little faster to feel the arms tighten even more.



long time no see

Some stuff I've mentioned had * next to them so here's the explanation:

* milo: apple in greek. I plan on using some Greek words as alverian language.

**Sch'mag: an insult I found on wikifandom. They also use 'son of a Sch'mag' too.

That's it I think, see you next Thursday!

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