xii. once upon a red moon

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
TWELVE━━ once upon a red moon

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          AS ONCE SAID BEFORE, ANNABELLE WASN'T A FRIGHTFUL CHILD, QUITE CONTRARY SHE LIKED TO THINK SHE SEARCHED FOR ADVENTURE AND WANDERED INTO DANGER WITH CONFIDENCE, like a true Gryffindor would always manage to do no matter the odds. She was moulded to be brave, and she did pride herself in her courageous spirit. But even the so seemed fearless, were in fact not fearless. She did still scream when a spider suddenly popped up—creepy little buggers scared the pants off of her. And that one dodgy rollercoaster at the fair she rode wasn't that trustworthy—but the dark, the dark had never scared her.

     Why should it?

     The Black Lake seemed even darker than dark as she followed after her wandering cat in annoyance, a light drizzle was beginning to poor down from the sky, but even that did not stop her normal water-hating-cat from running further away from the castle.

    His orange fur the only help to spot him among the shadows of darkness that should scare any normal person.

    "Lumos." With a small flick, her wand lit up as she held it in front of her to help her guide herself down a steep slope. "Dot!" She called out after the Kneazle, more urgency in her voice as she began to feel more tired.

    Focusing on her footing for a moment, she made it safely down the slope, but when she looked up again, Dot had vanished in thin air. "Seriously." She grumbled. She paused, turning her head in all directions in the hopes of spotting her companion.

    For a moment, she thought she spotted movement in the forbidden forest—or more specifically a set of sparkling eyes staring at her.

    She looked up at the full moon. "The light is just tricking me." She mumbled, as a cold shiver ran up her spine from the cold, "Couldn't you choose a warm day to play hide and seek, Dot. Or daylight? Daylight would be nice!" She grumbled, wrapping her arms around herself, her school robes not sufficient enough to shelter her from the rain and frosty wind.

     Annabelle glanced back in the direction of the forbidden forest. It still felt like something was watching her. Every shadow looked like a scary creature ready to attack her. "Don't be silly, Annabelle. Nothing to be afraid of." Taking a deep breath she walked closer.

     She was about to step into the forest when a loud howl sounded through the night, eerily, and very close. Annabelle stiffed in her place, and for the first time in a long time, she felt fear course through her body like blood. As soon as the howl was heard, it was silent again, a deadly quiet, even the crickets had been silenced in fright. Annabelle's heart pounded in her chest in a rapid speed as she shrunk back and her hands started to tremble. She took in a shaky breath, feet staggering backwards as her eyes remained rooted ahead. She swallowed when the bushes to her right started to rustle and she slowly turned to face the moving greenery.

    Frozen to the spot, Annabelle couldn't move when glowing yellow eyes focused on her through the leaves. She shuddered, shrinking further into herself as slowly a dark silhouette grew taller.

     It paused when it fully came into view, while Annabelle remained uncontrollably shaking in her spot.

    She blinked, and suddenly the creature pounced, snarling as it did with the full intent of killing her. She screamed shrilly, falling backwards on the wet grass, tears welling in her eyes as she crossed her arms in front of her head to hide herself.

    Searing pain followed only moments after.

     Only minutes before, Sirius, James and Peter were running through the Forbidden Forest in their Animagus form, chasing their fluffy friend around to keep him occupied.

     They had been doing it since third year, when they had finally, after months of dedication and hard work, managed to become illegal Animagus' to help their friend with his furry, monthly problem, without Remus' knowledge at the time.

     While they found out about Remus lycanthropy in their second year, something what said boy had feared greatly, the trio had never viewed him any different then before, even becoming closer because of it.

    They were determined to do anything in their might to help make it more endurable and when James had found an article about the benefits of Animagus company for someone suffering from lycanthropy, they were hellbent on becoming just that.

     Remus had been quite reluctant to let them anywhere near him during the full moon in fear of hurting them even if they were animals during his changing. But after some pretty strong arguments, he accepted their help.

     And they had helped ever since.

    Sirius barked gaining Remus attention as he ran close next to the grey werewolf. He ran around his friend trying to get him to go in a different direction, now that they were getting closer the castle. Suddenly Remus halted, making the black dog almost crash into a tree from surprise. The werewolf tilted his nose in the air and sniffed, making all the boys look at him confused.

     Remus let out a rather loud howl before taking off towards the castle.

    The boys close behind him with Sirius in the lead tried their best to keep up with Remus. James tried to gain Remus attention by poking him, but the werewolf slammed his body against the stag, sending James crashing to the ground. For a moment Sirius paused to look worriedly at his friend, forgetting the werewolf who had ran away once more. A loud scream sounded through the quiet night making Sirius head shot up as he remembered what they had been doing only moment ago. Even James, who was clearly hurting sprang up again to chase after the sound with Sirius in the lead.

    The sight in front of them was truly terrifying—a student was on the ground, Remus' werewolf form towering over her as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

    Taking the lead, James was quick to slam his antlers against the body of the werewolf, startling it enough to make it lose focus on the crying student.

    He poked the wolf once more as it growled in annoyance, snapping it larges teeth at him threateningly.

    One last time, James smashed his body against Remus, making the beast finally snap as it abandoned its first prey in favour of going after James.

    Meanwhile Sirius was slowly approaching the cowering student, still covering her head in fear. He spotted the teared clothing and a red liquid—blood, running down her arm and he whimpered.

    Carefully he grabbed her robe to pull her arms away from her face.

    "No, no please." She begged and his ears perked when he recognised the voice.

    His heart fell down his stomach when he finally gazed upon Annabelle's face in the dark night. Tears were streaming down her face, cheeks red and blotchy and her eyes screwed shut.

    She was still shaking as he tried to be as gentle as possible but she kept muttering unrecognisable words and he decided the only way to calm her down was to turn back.

    Feeling his bones twist back to their normal position, Sirius remained crouched down beside her. "Annabelle." He whispered, "Annabelle it's me. It's Sirius."

    Slowly, she opened her eyes, red rimmed she looked up at him in fear.

    "Sirius, I-I-I, there was a—" She sobbed between each breath, "And it, it attacked m-me."

    "Shh." He wrapped his arms around her as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. "You're safe now. I got you." His eyes remained focused on her bloody arm, fear coursing through his body. "We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey. Can you walk?" He whispered.

    She nodded against his neck and he carefully helped her stand, keeping a tight grip on her good arm.

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     MINERVA WATCHED SADLY AS POPPY POMFREY INSPECTED THE BLEEDING WOUND ON ANNABELLE UPPER ARM, MUTTERING UNDER HER BREATH worriedly as she waved her wand about, Sirius Black, after explaining the events that had taken place, had fallen in the chair next to a passed out Annabelle. He too could barely keep his eyes open, but she didn't have the heart to send the boy back to his dorm as he slumbered next to her.

    "I can't do more for her." Poppy stated sadly, eyes forlorn as she wrapped a bandage around the damaged arm.

    "You have done enough Poppy." Dumbledore spoke calmly, hands clasped together in front of him as he looked at the healer over his half-moon spectacles.

     "How could this have happened." Minerva sighed in frustration. They believed they had taken every precaution they could to accommodate Remus Lupin, whilst keeping the other students safe from harm.

    "There was always a chance, how small it might have been." He spoke wisely, but solemnly, regarding the sleeping body of Annabelle Rose with pity. "We are lucky she's alive."

    "We shouldn't have to worry about such things in the first place." Minerva argued sternly.

    "Those who worry suffer twice." Albus spoke, a faraway look in his eyes and she caught a hint of a smile on his face. "As someone once told me."

    McGonagall couldn't find a reason to smile in moments like this, but she had known Albus long enough to find anything the man said unsurprising at this point. "Well I do worry Albus. We have to consider how safe it is to house Mr. Lupin on Hogwarts grounds during the full moon."

    "Please don't send Remus away." A voice croaked out and all eyes turned to Annabelle. "He didn't do it on purpose. Please don't let me be the reason he has to go." She pleaded, tone laced with sadness.

     "Ms. Rose. You could have been seriously hurt tonight—" Minerva began.

     "It's okay. I don't care. I don't want Remus to leave! He is my friend—one of my best friends actually." She interrupted hurriedly before she turned to face Dumbledore. "Please Headmaster, don't send him away, I beg of you."

    "Mr. Lupin will be going nowhere Ms. Rose, I promise you that."

    McGonagall wanted to argue, but the look Albus gave her—one filled with certainty made her close her mouth again.

    "Thank you Headmaster!" She breathed out in relief, falling back against her pillow, turning her head to face Madam Pomfrey, a hint of fear in her eyes.

     "Did he—did he..."She hesitated, "Bite me?"

     "You were very lucky Annabelle." Poppy spoke in a comforting tone, "You were only scratched by its claw."

    Before she could ask anything else, thunderous footsteps could be heard in the distance accompanied by a very familiar voice

    "Where is she! Where is my daughter?!" Cardell Rose shouted in desperation when he pushed the doors of the Hospital Wing open with great force, making them crash against the stone wall, the brash bang echoing harshly in their ears, starling the group of people gathered around her bed. "Annabelle!"

    "Dad." Annabelle breathed out in relief as the man came into view, pushing passed a very unprofessional-looking McGonagall and a pyjama-clad Dumbledore.

     "Are you okay?" He asked fearfully gazing at the large bandage around her upper arm. "I was so worried when I got McGonagall Patronus. Your mother is completely hysterical because she can't get inside Hogwarts. She was all but ready to storm the building herself."

    "I'm okay dad, I promise." The brunette whispered.

     "What is it? What happened, the Patronus wasn't very clear." He turned to the three adults in the room, eyes only briefly looking at a boy slumped over in a seat next to her daughter's bed fast asleep.

     "Ms. Rose was out on the Castle Grounds tonight, because she was trying to get her cat. But sadly she encountered a werewolf by the Forbidden Forest." McGonagall explained slowly, watching Cardell's eyes widen in fear.

    "We have to get it, we can't let one roam so close to the school." He turned towards Dumbledore, missing Annabelle's worried look, before realisation set in and his eyes focused on Pomfrey. "Did, did she get..." He trailed off, not daring to finish his sentence.

    "Annabelle was very lucky, she was not bit, but she did get swiped by its claw. And as you should know, wounds from dark creatures can't sadly be healed. She will have to bear the scar forever, but no, she will not become a werewolf herself." Pomfrey elaborated softly, eyes flickering between Cardell and Annabelle.

     "Is it still out there?" Carell asked once more.

     "Mr. Lupin." Dumbledore started cautiously, hoping that little piece of information would calm the worried father down, "Is still out in the forest, but I do believe he is in good hands." A knowing twinkle glistered in his eyes.

     "Mr. Lupin? Remus? Annabelle's friend Remus?"

     "Dad." Annabelle sat up, "It wasn't his fault, it was my own fault, I know I should not have been out."

     "Belle." Cardell whispered as he went to stand closer to her bed to grab her hand. "I-I don't know what to do. Every fatherly instinct in my body is telling me to hunt him down for hurting you." His voice cracked and a new set of tears started to gather in her eyes.

     "Please, dad, Remus is my friend. I forgive him. He is the kindest person I know, he wouldn't even hurt a fly on purpose. It wasn't him alright. It wasn't him." She pressed in a broken voice.

    Cardell sniffled, a tired look crossing his face. "I'm so sorry you got hurt sweetheart." He whispered.

     "It's not your fault dad." She smiled at him, "beside it's a pretty cool scar right?"

     He chuckled, but it sounded humourless. "I guess it is."

     "Let's give Ms. Rose some rest," Madame Pomfrey announced, shooing the adults away from the fifth year student who yawed at the mere suggestion of sleep.

     Before anyone could say anything else, a soft Miaow caught their attention when a orange furred kneazle appeared before them.

     "Now you decide to show up?" Annabelle laughed as Dot jumped up on her bed, Pomfrey ready to shoo him away but with a single look from Dumbledore she closed her mouth.

    "Silly furrball." She whispered, eyes fluttering shut.


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