xiii. true friendship

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· 。゚☆: *.
»»————- act one. young, wild & free
THIRTEEN ━━ true friendship

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    REMUS JOHN LUPIN, IN ALL HIS FIFTEEN YEARS OF LIFE HAD NEVER FELT SUCH TERROR COURSING THROUGH HIS BODY AS WHEN HE WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING IN THE HOSPITAL WING, with the sight of McGonagall and Dumbledore in front of him. While he did get greeted by the Headmaster or his Head of House from time to time after nights of the full moon, he had never seen them both look so dejected.

    He felt his breath get caught in his throat, all kinds of scenarios playing through his head when he noted the confliction swirling in McGonagall's eyes. "Good morning Mr. Lupin." Dumbledore took action, azure blue robes swivelling after him as he went to stand next to the bed of the fifth year student.

     "Did I hurt someone?" He muttered fearfully, a tremor in his voice as he peered at the two adults, eyes momentarily flickering to Madam Pomfrey who was tending to someone behind a closed hospital curtain. "Please say I didn't hurt anyone."

     "Mr. Lupin." McGonagall began slowly, a pitiful smile on her face, "I sadly can't lie to you."

    Remus closed his eyes, tears brimming behind closed eyelids as he tried his best to keep his composure in front of them. "no, no—no."

    "Mr. Lupin, while what has occurred last night was a terrible twist of fate, I can assure you, the student is fine, and does not blame you for the scars she now bears." Dumbledore told him calmly, eyes twinkling with kindness. "She actually fought quite admirably for you to stay here with us at Hogwarts."

     Remus frowned, opening his mouth to ask more questions when a familiar voice interrupted him.

     "Remus? Are you awake? Are you alright?"

    Annabelle Rose, in all her glory stood in the middle of the Hospital Wing, her arm in a sling and hair as wild as a hippogriffs' nest. Her smile was tired, and her eyes a little less shiny as she regarded him.

     "Annabelle." He breathed out startled, shying away from her gaze as he pulled the duvet closer to his chin to hide the new scars displayed on his skin. "What are you doing here—" his eyes widened, realisation setting in when he look at her again. "It was you." He mutters, "I hurt you."

     "Hey, hey—hey Remus." Annabelle rushed out as the boy started to hyperventilate. She grasped his hands in hers, lowering her head to catch his gaze, "I'm here. I'm not mad." She assured him.

    She watched worriedly as the boy heaved, blonde locks clinging to his sweaty forehead. "I'm here, just breath." She placed her hand on his chest, "See? I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Just breath."

    "I—I, I can't." He mumbled, "How could I, how could I have done this." He spoke softly eyes glued to her right arm with tearful eyes.

    "It was an accident, Remus." She pressed, ignoring Pomfrey, Dumbledore and McGonagall standing just behind them. "A terrible accident, but an accident nonetheless and I don't blame you. I would never blame you. You are my friend, one of my best friends."

    In one flued movement, Remus slung his arms around her neck, burying his head in the crook of her neck as he shook, silent sobs leaving his mouth. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

    She tightened her own grip around him, leaning her head on top of his as they rocked back on foreword on his hospital bed. "You have nothing to thank me for Rem. Never apologise for something that's out of your control."

    Dumbledore, Pomfrey and Poppy watch silently as the two children embraced, and the headmaster smiles, "The strength of friendship can be quite a powerful sight."

     "Well, the strength of friendship will not heal her physical wounds." Poppy tutted as she quickly went to the two children, demanding Annabelle returning to her hospital bed and Remus to lay back down.

      Minerva sighed in relief as she watched the two teens smile at one another, all her worries flooding away again.

     Albus smiled mischievously at her, "As I said Minerva, those who worry, suffer twice." He started to walk away, "And children often find it easy to find forgiveness in their hearts, we shall only worry when the day comes they lose that innocence."

    Minerva only shook her head, folding her hands together in front of her before she too, departed from the Hospital Wing, only barely catching the group of anxious fifth year students gathered in front of the door. "I think your friends would appreciate to see some friendly faces."

    They did not waste a moment before barging inside the Hospital Wing like a herd of wild animals, startling poor Pomfrey once more as she dropped a vial of skel-o-grow.

     "Sorry Madame Pomfrey." Lily breathed out wide eyed, a tad bit fearful of the healer who glared at them.

    "The Hospital Wing is not a place to socialise children. Your friends need rest."

    "Please Madam." Marlene pushed herself forward, "We just wanted to check up on Annabelle—"

     "And Remus!" James added hurriedly.

     "And Remus." Marlene corrected herself.

    Pomfrey let her eyes glide over the group as they waited for her answer with bathed breath, before he shoulders slouched in defeat. "Fifteen minutes. Not a second more. Understood?"

    "Understood." The chorused together before dashing off.

    "Annabelle!" Julia hurried towards her friend, whom was propped up against her pillow. "What happened?"

    The brunette smiled as Marlene, Julia and Lily gathered around her bed, Marlene and Lily even sharing one chair while Julia claimed the other one.

    "I got attacked last night when I went to get Dot." She started hesitatingly, catching Remus' worried gaze from across the room. "By, erh, a werewolf—"

    "A werewolf!" Julia exclaimed loudly.

    "Keep your voice down you git." Annabelle hissed, but the girls were all focused on the bandage wrapped around her arm.

    "Did you get—"

    "No." Annabelle shook her head, "just scratched. If it wasn't for Sirius and Remus, it could have been a lot worse."

     "Sirius and Remus?" Lily frowned, glimpsing at the said boys from the corner of her eye. "What were they doing out?"

    Annabelle felt truly terrible lying—well half lying to her friends, but she was determined to keep Remus' secret. "They saw me go outside, they had detention with Filch."

    "Who would have thought Sirius freaking Black would ever come to your rescue?" Julia laughed teasingly smiling at her.

    A flash of a claw, screaming, Sirius' soothing voice.

    "Yeah, but I am happy he did." She stated evenly.

    She suddenly grinned, motioning for the girls to lean in closer. "Pomfrey demands the two of us stay in bed, now, I don't know about you three but I for one hate laying her in my lonesome."

    Julia clapped her hands together, catching on to what her friend was asking, "Let's get started on a little redecoration then?"

    The dark skinned girl quickly moved to where the four Marauders stood—well three, one was bedridden obviously and tucked James down to whisper something in his ear. With a quick nod and a thumps up to the girls, Marlene set of to distract Pomfrey, and with a quick tilt of Sirius' head, Peter followed after the blonde girl to assist her.

    Within seconds, Remus' bed was rolled towards Annabelle and placed securely next to her, while Lily quickly drew the curtains close.

    "Hey Remus." Annabelle grinned, turning her head to look at her friend. "Lily brought Chocolate frogs, can I tempt you with one?" She held the azure coloured package up, waving it teasingly.

    "Like I would ever say no to chocolate Belle."

    "If we knew what you'd done for Belle we would have brought some for you too." Julia explained, but frowned when confusion swirled in his eyes.

    "What do you mea—"

    "For saving me from the werewolf with Sirius last night." Annabelle cut in hastily. "You got hurt helping me."

    "Right, of course." Remus stuttered out, slowly reaching out to take the chocolate frog package from her still outstretched hand.

    "What in Merlin's name do you think you lot are doing!" The curtain was drawn back as Pomfrey appeared, red in the face, Marlene and Peter sheepishly smiling at her from behind the Hogwarts Healer. "Out. All of you."

    With the promise of more sweets and company later that evening, the group of Gryffindor's reluctantly left again, leaving Remus and Annabelle alone again.

    "You can stay together," Pomfrey spoke sternly, "If you promise to stay in the bed at least."

    "We promise."

    They breathed out in relief when the Healer left them alone again.

    "Why did you lie to your friends?"


    "Why did you tell them I saved you?"

     "Because you're my friend of course." She replied easily. "and I stick up for my friends. Besides, it's not my secret to tell."

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    THE FOLLOWING WEEKS WERE QUITE STRANGE, IF ONE WOULD ASK ANNABELLE ROSE, BECAUSE NEVER WOULD SHE HAVE BELIEVED SHE COULD HAVE HAD A DECENT TIME WITH ALL OF the Marauder's involved. But after the full moon incident, a semi-understanding was formed between the once opposing sides of the Gryffindor groups. Of course only Annabelle and the Marauders truly knew the real reason behind their sudden peace treaty. And in the weeks where they suddenly didn't mind sitting in close proximity at the Gryffindor Table during breakfast, lunch and dinner, it seemed that they did all have some things in common. Not that anyone would ever admit such an preposterous thing.

    Like how Peter and Julia were both so obsessed with sweets they decided to start a catalogue where they would rank all the sweets from Honeydukes—yes all the sweets from Honeydukes. Which was crazy, because they were more sweets than there were people at Hogwarts. Besides all sweets included Blood-tasting lollypops meant for vampires. Actual vampires.

    She could only shudder at the mere thought, but it seemed Julia enjoyed spending time talking with the Pettigrew boy—that was when she wasn't arguing with James about Quidditch. But then again, arguing was one of Julia's favourite hobbies.

    Annabelle had known Julia liked Quidditch, she gathered as much when she rambled on about Puddlemere United or how Ravenclaw was dominating the competition this year. But she did not know how far that obsession went when James made an innocent quip about a new broom that would be coming out soon.

    Even James would cower under her heated glare. Some things never change,

    But what surprised her the most, was the fact that both she and Sirius liked to talk about Muggle records. Annabelle had loved them since she was a wee little girl when she visited a small record shop in her village with her father. Cardell had known the father of the owner and often brought her with him when he wanted to have a little chat.

    And Sirius, ever the rebel , wanted to do everything in his power to bug the living daylights out of his family. And anything related to the Muggle World would do the job just fine. And the fact that the music was actually pretty terrific helped a lot too.

    She never talked so much about the Beatles as she did with Sirius.

    Which, scared the hell out of Annabelle. She had always promised herself not to ever, ever get involved with the likes of Potter and Black. She and Lily had made a pact in their second year, stating to never even give them the time of day.

    But now, sitting at the Gryffindor Table for lunch, she was actually laughing and joking with them—and the accidentally eye-contact she kept having with Sirius was enough to make her want to scream and just take off.

    It was like, Sirius hadn't even looked away when he would catch her gaze every time she dared to look back at him.

    Now she does like to clarify—she isn't trying to stare at Sirius Orion Black—but for some unknown reason, she feels drawn to look up across the table as he snorts, by the sound of it, from a very good joke Remus has managed to tell him. she really, really is trying to, but well... it still happens, and Godric does it feel weird to actual enjoy their presence. Annabelle just can't stop. Even sweet Lily seems to find it difficult not to engage in conversation with James when Slughorn's prestigious Christmas Party comes up. (-- one reason to be happy to be dreadful at potions )

    And for a moment they look like a group of friends. Actually friends. Which is far more absurd than Dumbledore's peculiar welcoming speeches every year.

    It also seems she isn't the only one questioning their newfound dynamics, as from across the room, she finds the dark eyes of Severus Snape glued to the back of James' head. A glowering stare so fierce, she fears it will actually kill James with one swift blow.

    He looks far more grouchier than normal, probably because normally, Wednesday lunch is reserved for the Slytherin boy. But Lily, ever the sweet girl (-- if she wants to ) had promised to spend time with all of them today after their Potions class earlier.

    It was probably because Slughorn had partnered her up with James and the two had been talking and laughing continuously.

    Annabelle, however had to admit, she did wonder if she had ruined her potion so much that the sight in front of her had been a fever induced hallucination. It was not.

    Yeah... Severus was not happy.

    Annabelle didn't care about it though.

    "So what about those Herbology tutoring sessions?" Sirius addressed, when he caught her gaze for the fifth time in the last fifteen minutes.

    She coughed when her sip of Pumpkin juice went down the wrong way. "Sorry what?"

    "Herbology tutoring?" He raised an eyebrows. "The one you promised to give me?"

    "Herbology tutoring? Since when do you need he—" Remus was frowning, before James had suddenly forced a piece of chocolate in his friend's mouth. The bespectacled boy already brought up to speed by Sirius.

    "Sorry, what did you say Rem?" Annabelle's eyes were wide as she regarded her friend's red face and full mouth.

    "It's nothing Rose." James replied casually and the girl just nodded soundlessly.

    Focusing back on Sirius, whom was smiling innocently at her, she suggested, "Maybe tomorrow night? We can do Astronomy afterwards?"

    "Sure thing Anna."

    "Guess that's that then."


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