Chapter 25

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AN: Well this is officially the longest story I've written and this is definitely not the last  chapter, we've still got a bit to go! Yay accomplishment!

Katherine had been at her typewriter all day, working on her 'exclusive interview with a prisoner of the Refuge'. Of course, she hadn't gotten anyone to agree to publish it yet, but if nothing else she would call Darcy and have him sneak it into an edition of The Tribune. She didn't know how long she'd been writing, but she'd gone through several drafts - if this didn't work, she didn't know what would, and after seeing Jack, he needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

When she was finally satisfied  with it, it was mid-evening, and she decided that her first order of business would be to show it to the boys. They should be back from selling by then, and several of them had firsthand experience and could fact check it before she submitted it to every newspaper in town.

"Snyder beats me at least once a day..."

"Rats all over the floor - "

"Hardly ever get fed..."

Katherine watched the boys as they crowded around Davey, who was holding the paper, and listened to them muttering out loud the phrases that stuck with them. She hoped that was a good sign.

It took them nearly longer to read it than her patience could stand, but eventually the last boy announced that they had finished, and Davey handed it back to her with an expression that wasn't quite a smile, but was far from a frown.

"This is really good, Katherine."

"Does it seem accurate?" She looked between Davey and Crutchie - those were the two that she needed approval from the most, they'd been there most recently.

Crutchie nodded. "You described it just right, Kath. Almost made me feel like I was back there."

That was like music to Katherine's ears. Of course, she hated that she'd caused the boys a little bit of pain, but if she was that descriptive, then anyone who read it wouldn't be able to ignore it.

"Okay. In that case, there's no sense in lingering here, I'm going to see who I can convince to publish this. Wish me luck."

She grinned as they all showered her with will wishes, and she gave them a quick wave before leaving - she was going to get their brother back to them if it was the last thing she did.


"Here's what I'm thinking, Father: a joint article with The World, The Journal, The Tribune, and The Sun if I can manage it. I'm sure Darcy and Bill could convince their father's to agree to it, and if we hurry we could get it into tomorrow's morning edition."

Joseph Pulitzer looked up at her with a somewhat amused expression as he sat at his desk. "Katherine, dear, why don't you just take over this company, since you seem to be making all my decisions for me."

Katherine rolled her eyes. "It's a good idea."

"I never said it wasn't." Pulitzer's ability to never let anyone see what he was thinking was infuriating his daughter at the moment. "What exactly do you hope to get out of this?"

"Best case scenario, the Refuge is shut down and Snyder is arrested."

"Mr. Snyder has been a business associate of mine for some time, why would I want him arrested?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"You tell me."

Katherine clenched her jaw. She was fairly certain that her father was going to agree in the end, and just wanted to make her work for it.

"He's abusive. Not only does he beat and starve those boys, but he's not using any of the funds given to him to help better his institution. From what I understand, he uses those funds for alcohol instead."

"That does sound like him." Pulitzer nodded. "Very well. I will publish this interview. But I only want it to run with The World and The Tribune. And The Sun, if you'd like."

"Father - "

"I refuse to be associated with Hearst."

"Everyone associates you with Hearst."

"Maybe, but that is not my doing. I have an image to protect, Katherine."

It was times like these that reminded Katherine where she got her stubbornness from. She sighed. "Fine. The World, The Trib, and The Sun." She handed him a copy of the article. "Make sure it runs in the morning edition - I want to wake up to the sound of those boys finally being able to yell a headline about the Refuge, and finally having people listen."

She gave him a satisfactory - and slightly grateful - smile before exiting his office. She had two more companies to visit before dark, and she was going to sweet talk her way into both of them if it killed her.

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