Chapter 26

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Jack was lying on the floor. He had no concept of how long he'd been there, but he had no plans to move any time soon unless he was forced, which was likely. Snyder would be wanting him soon. He wondered if he could push himself up onto his bunk if he wanted to. He probably could, but at this point it'd be more pain than it was worth. So he just lay there.

He was pretty sure he was drifting in and out of consciousness, but he couldn't really tell the difference between asleep and awake anymore - he was in the same place no matter what state his mind was in.

At one point, he vaguely registered large amounts of movement from the other boys in the room, which seemed a little odd. Was he missing out on a meal? Usually the food was brought to them. He half-expected someone to come and force him up, join in on whatever was going on. But no one did. So he just lay there.


He recognized that voice, but it was different. It was closer than normal, and he wasn't at the window. He must be dreaming.


There it was again, accompanied by the feeling of someone lightly shaking his shoulder. With quite a bit of effort, he opened his eyes - which he hadn't realized were closed - and saw the face of his angel crouching next to him.


"Hey." She grinned, and Jack was sure she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "Can you walk?"

"I dunno." He muttered, only half-registering what she had asked - he was still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. "Are you real?"

She reached out and gently held his hand, and he could feel it. "I am real, I promise. Now come on, let me help you up."

"Don't think I have the energy for that, Ace. Not if the Spider's just gonna knock me back down anyway."

"He's not going to be able to hurt you anymore, Jack. It's okay."

His brows furrowed at that. "What?" Suddenly, a thought struck him. "Ace, you gotta get out of here, he ain't gonna like you sneaking in here like this. I'll be fine."

"Jack." Katherine squeezed his hand lightly. "He's not here."

"Yeah he is. I saw him last night."

"He's gone now, he was arrested about twenty minutes ago."

That seemed impossible, and Jack quickly pushed himself up into a sitting position, wincing as the room started spinning. "He... what?"

"My interview with you got published by three different papers. The governor called me down to his office, I told him just what was happening. We came down here and he got Snyder arrested on the spot."

"He's in jail?"

She nodded. "And you, along with all the other boys here, are free to go."

"We're... I'm..." His brain seemed to be having difficulty getting words out. "I ever tell you how amazing you are?"

"On multiple occasions." She grinned. "Lets get you out of here."

It took them a while to get Jack to his feet, and even once they had, he leaned heavily on Katherine. Not because he had to - he could stand on his own if he really wanted to. But Katherine was there, and she was willing to let him lean on her. So he was going to, because he could.

"Hey, Ace?"


"Would you... could we go to your place first, 'til I clean myself up a little? Don't want the boys to see me like this."

"I hate to break it to you, but most of them are waiting for you outside."

Jack grimaced. "Damn it." He muttered under his breath.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt worried about all his boys seeing him so weak, when he hadn't even been strong enough to keep himself out of jail long enough to finish out the strike.

"Hey, they don't care what you look like."

"I kinda do."

"If it's any consolation, I think you still look very handsome." He scoffed, but she continued. "You're the strongest person I know, and the strongest person those boys know."

"They's gonna be worried about me."

"I would be upset if they weren't. I'm worried about you."

"Yeah, well don't be. I'm fine."

Katherine stared at him incredulously. "That's the biggest lie I have ever heard."

He shrugged. "Maybe I ain't fine, but it's nothing to worry over."

"Jack Kelly, you are the most stubborn person I have ever met. And I grew up with my father. Now come on, let's get you out there and let all of those boys worry about you for just a little longer."

Jack rolled his eyes, but allowed her to help him outside. He really was looking forward to see his boys again - and if he was being really honest, which he wasn't, it'd be nice to finally be around people who want to take care of him again.

If it took a little bigger of an ordeal than he'd care for, that was something he'd be willing to deal with.

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