Something Really Serious Happened Guys ... Just Kidding, It's Generic Covers 3

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Ghost - Mystery

Fly Away - Steampunk

The Great - Historical - I've been watching The Great on Stan and wanted to do an inspo. It's a fantastic show. Nick Hoult, Seb de Souz, Elle Fan ... *chefs kiss*

The Empress -  Historical

Hell Fire - Urban Fantasy - I've had the song from Hunchback of Notre Dame stuck in my head for about 3 months.

Whisper - Horror - Safe and sound. Just like we always said. The rain beats against the panes of the Macca's and you steal my chips when I'm not looking. 

The Watch - Fantasy - I've been thinking about Asa Butterfield recently. Talented young thing. Because he was young Mordred in Merlin, cute as a little button. And now he's Otis on Sex Education and I just ... still an adorable bean, but what a change in our young lad. What a change. 

Stained - Vampire

Adrift - Mermaid

Morgana - Historical/Fantasy - I'm going to talk about Merlin again: that was a great show. And Colin, oh my goodness, Colin Morgan, darl ... a sweet and lovely boy. He and Gemma Chan together in one room is almost too much goodness. She would have been a great Morgana, but at the same time Katie McGrath is FANTASTIC and so, so beautiful. The eyes, it's all about the eyes ...

First Blood - Vampire - All I can hear is my brother playing Call of Duty: Zombies and the TV shrieking 'first blood' as I try to sleep.

Artemisia - Historical - Artemisia of Caria was a boss-ass bitch and I love her. 

The Hunt - Fantasy

Dusk - Fantasy

Joan - Historical

Puck - Fantasy

Hell Hound - Thriller

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