Episode 2: Mystic Mayhem PT. 2

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We see the five brothers staring at the city in amazement as many different creatures past by them.

L/M/D/R/F: Whoa!

F/N: This is so crazy and cool at the same time!

???: Psst! Hey, guys, over here.

The brothers turn around to see April.

Michaelangelo: April!

They ran to her as she ran to them and hugged each other. Then they let go as they look around the place.

Raphael: Donnie, where are we?

Donatello: According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary meta-verse.

April: Actually, I've been exploring, and we're in a mystic hidden city deep under New York!

They all look up to see they really are under New York City.

Donatello: That was my second guess.

Michaelangelo: Whoa.

F/N: So where's the dog thingy?

April: (looks at a building) He's in there.

The others look to see a strange looking building right in front of them.

Time skip brought you by Raphael and F/N arm wrestling each other.

We see a door slide open as the six heroes gasp in amazement after seeing the inside of the building which was a lab.

Donatello: Oh, look at the color scheme. Whoa, I'd love to do my lab in this style.

F/N: I could see that happening.

The look over the edge to see the dog thingy in a cage.

Ralphael: Hey, there's the little guy. And the delivery guy, too!

We see the dog creature trapped in a magic proof cage next to the delivery guy in a regular cage.

Ralphael: We gotta help them get out!

F/N: I'm with you there!

April: Someone's coming.

We hear a door opening as someone walks up to the creature and the delivery guy.

(Interesting fact, did you know that he's voiced by John Cena?)

Delivery guy: If you're the guy that keeps calling about the calamari, fine, it's pig butts. But the crab cakes are real.

???: I assure you, I have no interest in your petty cakes of crab.

Then the gargoyles on his shoulders jump off of him and towards the delivery guy.

Gargoyle 1: But we would love to hear more about those pig butts.

As the gargoyles talk to the delivery guy their boss go to the creature as it runs to the back of the cage as he reaches out to the vial around it's neck.

???: So nice of you to return my vial.

He walks off with the vial and walks towards the delivery guy.

???: You are about to be part of an experiment that will change the very nature of humanity.

Delivery guy: All right!

We see our heroes look at each other after hearing that.

All 6: Hm.

The man walks up a machine and pours the green ooze from the vial into a slot. The ooze goes all the way to the top as we see electricity spark.

April: This dude looks like trouble.

Raphael: Yeah, and if I've learned anything from "Jupiter Jim" movies, glowing green usually equals bad.

F/N: Well I definitely got a bad feeling about this.

We see some mosquito-like creatures drink up the ooze as one of them flew into the man's hand. He walks up to the delivery guy with the ooze mosquito in his hand. He made the the cage hold him still.

Delivery guy: So... Is this gonna hurt?

???: It will... (Walk closer to him) if I'm doing it right.

He placed the mosquito on the delivery guy's forehead as it injected the ooze into his body, then flew away.

Delivery guy: Hey, that wasn't so- (starts to feel a lot of pain) oh, ow. Okay, this part hurts. (He's body starts to transform.) This part--oh! This part hurts. Ah, that hurts!

As he was transforming we see our six heroes watching this with a disturbed look on their faces.

Ralphael: What's happening to him?

April: That is messed up.

F/N: Dear God.

Then we see him finish his transformation to see him transform into a fish mutant. He yelled a gurgling yell as our heroes make an uneasy groan except for Donatello.

Donatello: Hmm... Yeah, jury's in. That was imitation crab.

After hearing him say that, the other 5 just glare at him.

Delivery guy: I just got used to acne. Now this?

The delivery guy starts screaming and ran away, leaving the man and his gargoyles alone.

Gargoyle 1: [Hmhmhm] Should we go after him, boss?

Man: The mutation worked, just like it did all those years ago.

Back with the others.

Ralphael: Mutation? You mean like us? [Gasp] could we be-?

Michelangelo: Part imitation crab?

Donatello: [Ha ha!] You are not kidding, are you?

F/N: Either way, that's highly unlikely. Or at least I hope it is.

We see the man with the dog thingy again as he talks to it while walking away from it.

Man: I'll deal with you next.

Back to our heroes.

April: We can't let that sheep-horned weirdo do anything to that dog!

Leonardo: But except for Donnie and N/N, we're out of weapons.

Donatello: Note to you: Next time, make your weapons out of high-grade titanium like I did for F/N.

F/N: And again, thanks for that Donnie.

Donatello: No problem.

The two gave each other a fist bump while smirking.

Raphael: Guys, (gets up and walked in front of them) who needs weapons? We're ninjas! Leo's got his mad skills, nobody flips better than Mikey, Donnie's got that big old brain, N/N has better senses than anyone that we know,  And I got, uh--

April: (butts in with a green stick in her hand) -A friend who knows where there's a room full of weapons!

Leonardo: (whispers to his other brothers.) Ah, thank goodness. We were so dead.

April pulls a lever as the floor opened from underneath them. They all fall in as the the brothers piled each other while April landed safely on her feet. We see that they made it to the weapon room as they looked around in amazement.

Ralphael: No way!

Donatello: Ah, it's like if magic and science had a baby!

F/N: This is so damn cool!

We see Leonardo grab two Katanas while Michelangelo grabs two nunchucks.

Leonardo:  Oh-ho, yeah!

Michelangelo: These'll do.

Ralph: Hey, yo, guys!

Everyone turns to look at Raphael.

Raphael: How about we take the glow-y ones?

Raphael points at the five weapons on the wall that had a Red, Blue, Orange, Purple, and F/C glow on them.

Leo and Mikey's eyes sparkled while Donnie and N/N looked unamused. Leonardo and Michelangelo dropped their weapons and ran towards the glow-y ones.

Leonardo: Oh, dibs on the sword! (Jumps up and grabs it.) Oh ho boy!

Michelangelo: (grabs the orange one) Hot soup!

Raphael: (Grabs the red one) Boom! Huh-ha!

Then we see the purple and F/C weapons not getting grabbed as we see Donnie looking at a purple gem and N/N looking at a F/C wolf fang amulet.

April: What about you two? Don't you guys want a glow-y weapon?

Donatello: No, I'm good. (Hugs his titanium bo-staff) I'll never let you go.

F/N: Same here. And besides. (Hits his fist together as the titanium bar on his knuckles twice as they made sparks.) These have sentimental value.

After hearing that, Donatello felt touched.

Donatello: (grabs the purple gem) This looks interesting, though.

F/N: (Take the amulet and put it around his neck) I am gonna take this, though. It's like it's calling my name.

Leonardo: (Does a pose with Raphael and Michelangelo) Oh-ho yeah!

Raphael: Let's go save that dog thingy!

Back in the lab, we see that sheep guy walking past the creature's cage as his gargoyles poke the creatures with a stick while laughing as he holds the mosquito on his finger.

Man: Finally, after all these years, I can continue my work.

Then all of the sudden we hear a loud impact as our heroes fall through a vent as the brothers pile into each other and April lands on top of them.

Man: What?

They get off of each other as Raphael points at him.

Raphael: All right, you incredibly unusually buff bookworm, give us the little guy, and you'll walk out of here with your horns still attached.

Leonardo: Shouldn't we also stop him from creating crab-men?

Raphael: Good note. Okay, give us the little guy, stop creating crab-men--

Donatello: Imitation crab-men.

April: [Exasperated sigh]

Raphael: Okay, good note.

As they go on about this we see the man stare at the five mutants as he starts to shed tears of joy.

Man: You're... beautiful.

F/N: Okay, How about taking it from the top again?

Raphael: Here goes. First, you apologize to the dog thingy--

April: -Let's do this! (Jumps towards the cage) Apiiiiiiil O'Neil!

Michelangelo: Oh Mi gosh. She just ran in.

She lands on to the cage and try to pull the vines off with her teeth. Then the goblins pull her off and she starts fighting them. Meanwhile the man grabs a purple seed and slams it on the ground as purple vines bursts from the ground and towards the mutant brothers. They jump up and started running on top of the vines. They ran towards the man until Leonardo slipped and started sliding towards him. He grabs three more seeds and tossed them on the ground as a giant cyborg monster emerged from the ground.

Michelangelo: Oh mi gosh!

F/N: Holy crap!

Donatello: Woah!

Ralphael: Dude, seriously?!

Leonardo: (trys to climb away) Ah! It looked at me!

The monster grabs the vines and whipped it, causing the five to get tossed into the air and onto the ground. The monster roars as we see April fighting the gargoyles in the air.

Gargoyle 1: This one's got a little spice.

Man: Capture those specimens!

Raphael: (Gets up and points at the monster) Cowabunga!

Then all five of them charged at the monster with their weapons at arms. The monster threw a punch towards Leonardo until he moved out of the way and punched the ground. Then Leo chopped it's right leg off. The monster roars in pain then grabs some boulders from the ground and tosses them towards Ralph, Michelangelo, and F/N.  Allt three of them started dodging and jumping on top of each one. F/N grabs Raphael's arm and tosses him into the air as Michelangelo uses his weapon to grab him and toss him towards the monster.

Raphael: Hot Soup!

He hits the monster in the face, knocking it on the ground as it holds itself up with it's arm. Then we see Donatello fly up into the air with his hover shell as he brought out the rockets from his tech bo-staff, causing him to spin out of control.

Donatello: No, no, no. (Let's go of the staff.) No, no, no, no.

Michelangelo: (moves out of the way.) Look out, Guys!

Ralphael: (Moves out of the way.) Woah! Woah!

F/N: (Moves out of the way) Heads up!

Then the staff hits the monster in the head, causing it to spin around and land on its back as the staff goes back to Donatello and uses it's selfie stick mode to take a selfie.

Donatello: Ha! Nailed it!

Then we see the man as he saw the whole thing.

Man: Accidentally impressive. (Shows the brothers on the ground as Donatello on the head to start texting.) With a little bit of training, you could be as formidable as I'd hoped.

As Leonardo started coughing, we see April in the air fighting the goblins.

April: It's okay! I got this!

Leonardo: Okay, well, great, and since you're surrendering...

Draxum: [Ha ha!] Baron Draxum does not surrender.

Leonardo: Okay, well, when he gets here, we'll deal with him-- oh, ho, ho, I see. You're doing that whole "sinister talking in third person" thing.

Raphael: (gets up) Only Raph can use the third person! All right, guys, time to put our training to use.

Michelangelo, F/N, And Donatello charged at Draxum with Ralphael as Leonardo stayed behind.

Leonardo: What training? You guys have been training? (Follows them as April fights the Gargoyles.)

Draxum grabs two purple seeds as they transform his arms into large purple claws. Raphael threw a punch at him until he blocked it and punched him away as Leonardo jumped in the air and tried to slice him but Draxum blocked it and knocked him away. F/N jumps in the air and trys to slam him with his arms until he grabbed his arms and kicked him away. Michelangelo whipped his weapon towards him as he jumps out of the way then he twirls his weapon around then swings the end at his arm.

Michelangelo: Cowabunga!

Then all five of them charged at him at once as she slammed the ground and knocked them all away.

Draxum: And that's why Baron Daxum-

Before he could finish, one of the gargoyles landed on his head and on to the ground.

Gargoyle 2: I'm sorry, boss.

Then April comes in and starts waking the gargoyle with her stick then shakes it around in her mouth and stomped on the other one. She looks at the five brothers then gives them a thumbs up while they give her one as well. Then Draxum shoots some goop at her, wrapping her whole body up.

F/N: April! (Glares at Draxum.) Big mistake pal.

Michelangelo: You did not just do that to our friend!

Then Michelangelo tossed the end at Draxum as he moved his head slightly to see that it was still there.

Draxum: Huh?

Then all of the sudden it catches on fire and gives off a smile and laughs.

Michelangelo: Whoa. Magic weapon--

Then Michelangelo gets pulled around by the weapon as it ricochets all over the walls while you hear sounds from a pinball machine. He hits around the orb full of ooze, causing it to explode. He starts coming down over Draxum as he jumps out of the way  while Michelangelo crash landed and drops his weapon in front of him.

Raphael: Woah! Mikey, that was awesome. How'd you do that?

Michelangelo: I don't know, man. (Grabs his weapon and swings it around.) I was just swinging my weapon, like this, and all of a sudden... (The weapon bursts on fire and starts laughing.) - Just like that.

The weapon starts pulling him around again as Raphael decides to try it too.

Ralphael: Let me try! (Spins his tofas around.) Magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon! (His weapon starts to spark.)  Ah, yeah. Magic weapon! (Hits his fist together as it causes an explosion and sends him back flying.) Ooh! Ow. Mine works, too.

F/N: Wait. (Looks at his amulet.) Can this do something? (Starts rubbing his amulet up and down like a lamp.) Come on baby, come on baby!

Then his amulet starts to glow F/C as the glow goes to his arms.

F/N: (looks at his arms) Ah yeah, let's see what this amulet can do!

F/N throws a punch only for his arm to stretch really far as Draxum moves out of the way while the others look in ah.

Leonardo: Woah! You can stretch?!

F/N: I can stretch?! (Pulls his arm back.) That's so damn--

Before he could finish his sentence, he punched himself in the face as he started to stumble while stars twirls around his head and fell on the ground. Then Leonardo charged at Draxum getting ready to slice him.

Leonardo: Can't wait to find out what mine does!

Leonardo's sword starts to glow and waves as Draxum blocked himself while Leonardo cuts upwards only for it to do nothing to Draxum. Seeing this caused him to sweat bullets and laugh an uneasy laugh. Then all of a sudden a portal opens underneath him as he falls in.

Leonardo: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Then another portal was created above the one on the ground as he keeps falling through them.

Leonardo: Whoa! Ah! Get.. me.. off... this... ride! Whoa!

As this happens Donatello slides next to Draxum.

Donatello: And that's why I like fighting the old-fashioned way: (starts swinging his weapon at him while he dodges.) with impossibly futuristic high-tech weaponry.

As he attacked him, Draxum threw two punches at Donatello as he blocked them. He swiped at the young genius as he jumped over it. Donatello pressed a button as the bottom of the staff formed a robotic rocket fist. Draxum tries to jab him as he ducks and the robo fist hits him and knocks him away.
Then Donatello jumps into the air to give the evildoer another strike.

Donatello: Just like I planned it!

Michelangelo: Look out!

Then Michelangelo hits Donatello with his weapon causing them to hit the ground and get tied up.

Draxum: (Gets up while rubbing his chin.) You fight like untrained buffoons, but under me, you could be true warriors!

Draxum shoots the goop at Leonardo, F/N, and Raphael as he shot at one at Michelangelo and Donatello, causing them to be tied up together.

Michelangelo: (nuzzles Donatello as F/N shakes his head to wake up.) We don't spend enough quality time together.

Donatello: Oh, please not now, Mikey.

April: How are we gonna save the dog thingy now?

Donatello: (flips on visors) Donnie's on it.

Donatello looked at the cage then at the machine as his visor's alarm started blaring.

Donatello: Wait a second! [Ah!]

Draxum: Turtles, Wolf, (arm turn back to normal.) why are you trying to stop my plans? We are all in this together!

Donatello: Ah, hey, I don't know if this is part of your plan, but the lab's about to explode.

Then the teenagers started to panic as Draxum turns around to see his machine was blowing up.

Draxum: Aw, damn.

Then a boulder lands on top of him as the machine fell apart and released the mosquitoes. A piece of metal fell on the dog's cage, causing it to open and let them teleport into  April's lap.

April: Little guy! Can you do your thing and get us out of here?

The dog yips and teleports our heroes out of the goop as the lab falls apart and back in front of it while Michelangelo uses the device on a nearby wall to make the portal from before. They all jump through it as the lab explodes behind them. They go back to the construction site as Michelangelo dropped the device as it slides away and breaks.

Michelangelo: (gets up with everyone.) Oh, no! Splinter's doohickey!

April: Man. (The dog teleports into her arms.) Are you okay, boy? Or girl? You sure we're good through all that mayhem. Hey, Mayhem! That's a cute name.

Raphael: We just defeated a boss villain. (Looks up to the sky with his brothers and friends.) We're heroes! We deserve a name like-

"Mad Dogs."

Leonardo: Mad dogs? Don't you think something like Mutant Ninja Team Teens or... I don't know. Maybe--we'll keep brainstorming.

Then they see one of the mosquitos fly past them. Then a whole swarm of them bursts from the portal as they fly around New York as the sun starts to rise. Seeing this F/N transforms into his human form.

Donatello: Huh. That can't be good.

Leonardo: We should go.

F/N: Yeah, people's blinds are starting to open.

After hearing that everyone started to run off as the portal closed behind them while a mosquito gets out in time only to hit the screen then everything fades to black.


(A/N: And done! Sorry it took so long, I was trying to figure something out if I wanted to add a surprise power to the amulet or not. But I did and I hope it was worth it. So what did you guys think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to hit that vote button, LIKE A BOSS! So others can see this book and I'll see you guys in the next episode!)

Next episode: Origami Tsunami.

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