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It was exceptionally lonely being Draco Malfoy. He was sitting on his bed alone eating an apple. It was lunch time but he didn't want to deal with Pansy being all over him, if Ellison had noticed it then there was no telling who else had also noticed. He also didn't want to have to speak to Crabbe, Goyle, or Blaise. He was exhausted. He hadn't slept in weeks and it was starting to become noticeable. He had dark bags under his eyes.

He had a quill in his other hand and was writing down ideas. The quicker that they fixed the cabinet, the quicker he never had to speak to her again.

He had written down two ideas. The first being to shove Ellison into the cabinet and see how long it took her to figure out how to get out.... For research purposes. Definitely not because it would be entertaining. The second idea was to pitch himself off of the astronomy tower. That idea was his backup plan for if he couldn't fix the cabinet.

He was debating on if his third idea should be fleeing the country and changing his identity when he realized that he was about to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

He picked up his things and left his dorm. He made the trip across the school as quick as possible. When he finally reached Snape's classroom, he noticed that all of the seats were taken except for the one by Ellison.

He huffed and walked over to the seat and sat down, he glared at her.

Ellison pulled out her parchment and mumbled something, she then scribbled onto her parchment and looked over at Draco's parchment. The words she'd written were on his paper now. He frowned and picked up his quill.

Leave me alone. I'm trying
to learn, Ellison

Oh please. Don't act like you don't
already know everything that Snape
is teaching.

For your information, I do not

Whatever you say

Don't write anything else.

Let's play tic tac toe

What's that

Muggle game

How do you play

I'm X and you're O, there's 9 empty
squares whoever makes a line first

Ok. You start so I can learn

How does it feel to be a loser, Malfoy

This isn't fair. It was my
first time playing

Just accept defeat

I want a rematch

Snape is talking. You should probably
pay attention

No I know you cheated

How would I cheat at that

It's something with that middle
square. I know it.

You're insane

Am not.

Yes you are

No I know you cheated because
the middle must have some hidden

Put your brain to better use, maybe think
on fixing the cabinet.

Three more rounds. Loser has to
read the new book on vanishing
cabinets that I found


I hope when you walk out of this
class a chandelier falls on you and
kills you

Well I hope the next time you go to
buy hair bleach that whatever store
you go to is out

Then the whole school will learn that
Draco Malfoy is a RED HEAD!!!!

I hate you.

Ellison folded up her parchment and put it back in her bag. She turned her attention back to Snape. Class would be ending in two minutes and she couldn't wait to get away from Draco.

One minute now.

Twenty seconds.





Class was over, she jumped up and walked out the door. She was done with her classes for the day and planned to go to the library and research.

She had gotten Professor Trelawney to sign a slip granting her access to the Restricted Section. She was worried that Madam Pince might not let her go into it but after explaining to her that she didn't exactly know what book she needed yet, she just had to look first. Madam Pince reluctantly agreed, she was a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake, how much harm could she cause?

She'd probably come to realize that Ellison would cause a lot of problems in a few months and that if she hadn't have granted her access to that section, she might not have found the answer she needed.

But she did.

After spending twenty minutes in the Restricted Section, she found a book, obviously she couldn't check it out, it would raise suspicion, so she wrote the spell down along with a little bit of information about it.

She put the book away and walked out of the section, she was headed for the door but stopped at the librarian's desk, "No luck, Madam Pince. I think I'm going to just pick a different essay topic." The lies were starting to come easy to her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Ellison, let me know if I can help you with anything else."

"Yes ma'am, thank you." Then she left.


She was so excited that she walked all the way to the Dungeons before she remembered that she can't speak to Draco in public. It would cause suspicion, so she turned around and as she did that, she ran straight into someone.

"Watch it." Draco hissed, grabbing her arms to steady her.

She looked around, "I've figured it out." She whispered. There was no one around, but she was still wanting to be cautious.

He looked past her and then quickly looked behind him before grabbing her arm and pulling her to a broom closet door. He attempted to open it, he got it a quarter of the way before realizing it was occupied by Blaise Zabini and a Hufflepuff.

"What is it, Malfoy? I'm busy!" Blaise exclaimed, pulling away from the girl. Ellison was still hid behind the door so Blaise couldn't see her.

"Uh, right, sorry, I just wanted to come in here to think?." Draco replied, it came out as more of a question, almost like he didn't believe his lie himself. He slammed the door shut before Blaise could say anything else and then he dragged Ellison away.

"Meet me in the Room of Requirement." He mumbled to her before turning and walking the opposite way.

She was a bit confused, did he mean now? Why did he go a different way?

But she did so anyway, he had somehow beat her to it, when she walked into the room she noticed he was already in there. 

"What did you find?" He asked her.

She pulled the paper out of her book.

Harmonia Nectere Passus.

"I read about it. It will require lots of effort to get it right but it'll work. I'm sure of it."

Draco stared down at her, "You better be."

She rolled her eyes, "You wanted a plan and I gave you one. The correct response is 'Thank you, Ellison.'"

"Thank you, Ellison."

She gave him a satisfied smile, "Now, I must be going, I have homework to do. We can meet again tomorrow."

He nodded and watched as she walked away. When he heard the door close he grabbed his jacket and walked to the door as well.

Upon arriving back to his dorm, he was greeted by Blaise Zabini as he walked in.

"Oh, Blaise, I'm sorry for interrupting you earlier." He apologized, turning a dark shade of red.

"I'll forgive you if you tell me who you were meeting up with."

"I wasn't meeting up with anyone, I just wanted to think." Draco lied.

"No one goes to broom closets to think." Blaise argued.

"Well I do."

"Draco, people only go in there to snog."

"No one does that, Blaise."

"Yes they do!"

"I think you're just weird." Draco decided.

Blaise rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I know you were meeting up with someone and I know it wasn't Pansy, but your secret is safe with me."

"Pansy and I aren't together so even if I was meeting up with someone it'd be none of her business." Draco remarked.

"So there is someone?"

"No! Now get out, I want a nap!" He exclaimed as he yanked the covers back on his bed.

"Alright, have it your way then." Blaise mumbled, frowning as he picked up his wand and walked out of the room.

authors note:
one day i WILL get around to publish
my blaise book. i have a plot & a title
but i haven't had the inspo to write it yet.

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