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Ellison Avery found herself following Draco down the dark hallways to a room she'd never been in before. She followed him inside.

"This is the Room of Requirement." He informed her, shutting the door behind them.

"Why did you need to show me this?"

"We have a task."

"We?" She asked him, it had been radio silent from Voldemort for weeks, wouldn't he have let her know himself if he had a task for her?

He nodded, "You took the Mark, this is your task. We have to fix the Vanishing Cabinet. There's one in here and one in Borgin and Burkes. It's how we'll get the Death Eaters in the school."


"Come on, I'll show you it." He motioned for her to follow him.

He led them down the rows of things and stopped in a corner, there was something big covered by a sheet. He yanked the sheet down and stared up at it.

"Is this the Vanishing Cabinet?" She asked.

He turned to her, "We start tomorrow. It must be completed before we leave for summer holidays."

"Do you know how to fix it?" She asked.

"I've thought on it all summer, I can't figure it out. It's why he wants you to help. He figures two people can get it done faster."

She nodded, "Alright."

He turned and headed back the way he'd come in, "I have things to do today. I'll meet you back here tomorrow during your free period." He called over his shoulder.


She was sitting in the Gryffindor common room, she'd been reading a book about fixing broken magical items for the past two hours. Harry had walked past her twice, each time eyeing her book.

Finally she realized he was staring and got up and left the room. She slammed the door of her dorm room and climbed in her bed closing the curtains around her.

She opened her page to where she'd left off. She read the entire book before finally falling asleep with it still in her arms.

She woke up around two in the morning. She couldn't sleep any longer so she quietly crept out of the room. If anyone caught her up at this hour she would be in trouble.

She snuck out of the common room and disappeared down the hallway. She stayed close to the walls and hid behind banners when she could. She finally made it to where she needed to be.

The Room of Requirement.

When the door finally appeared for her, she walked in. She walked to the back corner where the cabinet was. She could hear footsteps coming from somewhere in the room. She stopped in front of the cabinet. The footsteps stopped behind her.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked her.

She turned, "I could ask you the same thing."

Draco was a few feet behind her, "I'm trying to fix this stupid cabinet, isn't it obvious?"

She shook her head, "No, not really."

He rolled his eyes, "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I just woke up."

He scoffed, "I can tell. Your hair is a bit of a mess."

She frowned, reaching up to smooth her hair down, "I've been reading a book on how to fix broken things. I think we could try-"

He cut her off, "I've already read the book and tried the spells."

"You don't even know what book I'm talking about."

"Yes I do. It's grey, there's a wand and a bookshelf on the cover. If you'd have looked to see who had checked it out last then you would've known not to waste your time on it."

"Sorry for trying to be helpful." She mumbled.

He picked up a book from the shelf by the cabinet, "I've been reading this. It's about repairing dark magic objects. I found it in Knockturn Alley."

"Anything useful in it?"

"What do you think, Avery?" Last name basis. Okay then.

"Well, with that attitude, I assume no."

He tossed the book to the ground, "You know, I don't need your help. You're a distraction. He could've let me do this on my own."

"Then why didn't he?"

He scowled, "Because I'm taking too long, Avery, he's growing impatient. He wants this done by June."

"Well you have around ten more months."

"You haven't figured this out yet but June is more of a suggestion. He wants it done before then. June is just the deadline. If I could fix it today, that would be great. June is just when he's going to kill me if it's not done." He pushed his hair back.

It had gotten cold all of a sudden, she had goosebumps on her arm. She wasn't sure if it was just the fall air or the fact that she could be dead in ten months. What she was sure of was that she should've dressed warmer. She didn't expect for anyone to be around nor did she expect it to be as cold as it was, she was in an old Gryffindor shirt with shorts.

"You think it's cold now, just think about how it'll feel when we're sitting in some Death Eater's basement waiting for Voldemort to come kill us for not being able to complete a simple task." He taunted.

"We'll figure it out before that happens."


Sighing, she sat down on the cold floor, "Could you be a little optimistic?"

"Yes, I'm positive that we'll be placed in the Nott's dungeon in less than ten months. But don't worry, Theodore just remodeled it so it's not cold and damp anymore, it's more of a depressing chic."

She frowned, "Ha ha, really funny."

He walked past her, "There has to be some way to fix this. It sort of works, it just needs a little fixing."

"How do you know it works?"

"Graham Montague was stuck in it, he apparated out, but before he managed that he was stuck in it for a day. He said he could hear bits and pieces of conversations here and at Borgin and Burkes. He apparated out and got himself lodged in a toilet on the fourth floor. I found him. It's how I got the idea to use the Vanishing Cabinet to get the Death Eaters in."

"Oh, well I suppose that is a bit of a brilliant idea.." She trailed off, "Hypothetically speaking, do you have any other ideas?" She put emphasis on 'other' she felt that there had to be an easier way.

"Do you not like this idea? Because I'd love to hear your ideas!" He exclaimed.

"This is my first day, give me a little bit and I will."

He scoffed, "Don't criticize my idea when you're not even contributing."

"Well whatever idea I come up with is probably ten times more brilliant then this one."

"I highly doubt that."

She looked up at him, "Has anyone told you lately that you're rude and arrogant?"

He smirked, "Yes, actually, it's come up a few times before."

She scoffed, "I'm going back to bed." She stood up and started to walk away.

"Hope you don't get caught by a prefect. Oh, actually I do hope you get caught!" He yelled to her.

"If I do then I'll be sure to let them know where to find you!" She called back.

His jaw dropped, he picked up his wand and book and caught up with her, he grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him, "It would be in your very best interest to keep everything a secret." He mumbled, glaring down at her.

"Are you threatening me?" She asked, dramatically placing her free hand over her heart as if she were offended.

He shrugged, "I don't know, am I?"

"Do you not want your obnoxious friends to know you're spending time with a Gryffindor?"  She batted her eyelashes up at him.

"We share an obnoxious friend, you know."

"Theo isn't obnoxious!" She defended.

"Defending your little boyfriend, huh?" He teased.

She rolled her eyes, "He's not my boyfriend. But if he were, he'd be a million times better than your actual obnoxious girlfriend. Pansy is like an even worse Lavender Brown."

"Pansy is not my girlfriend."

"Really, Drakey? This morning she had her head on your shoulder and was twisting the sleeve of your robes. 'Oh, Drakey, I hope Voldemort doesn't imprison you! Then we can't make obnoxious blonde babies when this is all over!'" She mocked, making her voice high pitched to match Pansy's.

"Oh fuck off, she didn't say that and you know it!" He exclaimed.

She laughed, pulling her arm away from his grip and walking to the door. She turned the corner and was now out of his eyesight, "Bye, Drakey." She hollered before opening the door and leaving.


Ellison was spending her free period in detention. She did in fact get caught on the way back to her common room. She pretended as if she had slept walked out of the common room. Only waking up when she felt the Hufflepuff girl's presence. The Hufflepuff that stopped her did feel bad for having to send her to detention. Even if she was "asleep," she was still roaming the halls at night and that wasn't allowed.

She was the only one in there and Severus Snape was watching her from his desk.

"Tell me Miss Avery, were you really sleepwalking?" He asked.

She nodded, "It happens when I first get back to Hogwarts. I have to adjust back to being here." She was lying, she had never sleep walked before.

He nodded, he didn't believe her but he was done talking to her, "You can leave once your free period is up, until then you will write 'I will not leave my bed past curfew.' over and over again."

She sighed, "Yes sir."

The first twenty minutes were peaceful, she was the only one in detention and Snape was quiet. That is until Draco Malfoy walked in.

"Can I help you, Draco?" Snape drawled out.

"McGonagall gave me detention."

Snape sighed, "Take a seat by Miss Avery. No talking."

Draco nodded and walked over to the brunette girl, he placed his book on the desk and pulled out two pieces of parchment. On one, he started writing 'I will not be late for class.' and on the other, he paused from writing his lines to scribble something down and slid it over to Ellison.

What are you in here for, smart arse?

None of your business, Drakey

Well. From the looks of your lines, it looks
like you got caught by a prefect.

Im not saying I told you so, but I told you

Don't you have lines to be writing?

Not as fun as bothering you

I'm going to murder you

Please put me out of my misery
You can deal with the cabinet alone!

No thanks!

Realize you'd miss me too much?

No I just won't suffer in a depressing
chic basement alone


You know, I've heard that hair grows
half an inch every month, do you think
Voldemort will let us live in the basement
long enough so I can find out if you're a real blonde or if that's hair dye??

I think you're secretly a red head and
that's why you hate the Weasleys so much


Seems like something a fake
blonde would say

I hate you.

I hope you die within the next two
hours so I don't have to see you

The feeling is mutual<3

He scoffed, he snatched the parchment back and crumpled it up, who did she think she was? He was even more annoyed now then he was when he walked in for detention.

She glanced over at him and noticed his red face and clenched jaw and she smiled to herself. Today would be a good day solely because she'd ruined his day.

authors note:
ellison avery >>>

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