Dream of Me(Siren) & Reala

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So we were in this castle, I was my CP self without my hood up.
I walked while Reala floated to this part of the castle and we sat on a ledge looking out a big medieval window that had no glass.
I leaned my head on Reala's shoulder and he laid his head ontop of mine. I could feel his shoulder and his head. I felt love coming off of him but mostly from his heart. I told him that I love him and he said "I love you too Siren."

Skip to another part of my dream. I was my CP self with my hood up touching my bullies I had growing up in Gnets and in Alternative School with my spells. Dakota came outside chasing me trying to take me down saying he's "All wise and powerful." Then my voice got dark and deep with an echo as I casted a curse on him that made him terrifyingly hideous. I said this "That's what you get for messing with me!" But my voice wasn't just MY voice. It was my voice and Reala's voice in sync as it was echoed. Even the laugh of Reala's in Journey of Dreams was in sync with mine.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Damn that smexy laugh of his gets me started and fangirling every time I hear it............

Anyway...... It was like I was dulized with Reala, since first levels can do that with visitors.
But I could see myself instead of Reala's body like when you ARE dulized.....
Hell I was even FLYING as my CP self without wings like I was a Nightmaren!

That's the parts that are IMPORTANT. I'm not gonna talk about the other parts of the dream cause it was basically mashed up with my other dreams I had that night. Which were useless.



I forgot to tell what Reala looked like in my dream.

He looked like he did in Journey of Dreams but without his persona and he was smiling a bit as he was around me.

So basically he looked like this photo

Whyyyyyyy must you be so attractive Reala even when your not your bad self in Journey of Dreams?

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