💖Random Stuff About Me💖

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•I have a habit of pacing and I pretend the I'm flying like my Nightmaren self Firefly Mantle when I do

•The Original MediEval was my first game of the series that brought me into the fandom

•The ORIGINAL GTA was the first VideoGame I played and I was in Primary School

•I found out about the NiGHTS Fandom when I was in Elementary School when my human little 'brother' was playing NiGHTS Journey of Dreams so I got to hear Reala's voice but didn't hear of Jackle and Selph then

•Sometimes when I laugh PERIOD it sounds like Reala's laugh in Journey of Dreams, which is this

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Which I'm IN LOVE with it.
Sirenssmexyguardian yes I'm in love with that laugh cause I am

•I've been cussing since Elementary School in 5th Grade which is the grade I dated Kamron and he used me

•My imaginary boyfriends were, Jay from Ninjago, Sonic the Hedgehog, Raph from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Optimus Prime

•Most of my REAL boyfriends were in Gnets. Then after my MANY breakups, I gave up on finding love and got back to imaginary dating

•Full House and F.R.I.E.N.D.S. are the only old school shows I watch

•I found out ether this week or last week, there was a NiGHTS Into Dreams comic and I want them all for Christmas or my Bday

•I'm like one of those insane Fangirls of Reala and embarrassed about it cause Reala might hate me for it

•When I first heard of Jackle and Selph, for Jackle I thought "Older Brother" and Selph I thought "Little Brother"

•I have a habit of sleeping a lot even in class, I fell asleep in class till someone woke me up for lunch. I was sleeping so hard that I was actually dreaming

•I have a tie of Favorite Journey of Dreams character which are Reala and Cerberus, since I see Cerberus as a dog I would own and have him as my best friend

•I've done Firefly's model four times, cause Firefly I have so many ideas for her model

•I've been drawing ever since I could be able to, but I'm still shit at it, reason why I wanna be in regular school so I can have a art teacher to teach me how to draw better

•I don't remember most of the NiGHTS Characters names. I only remember Reala, NiGHTS, Jackle, Selph, Chameleon, Cerberus, Claris, Eliot, Helen, Will, and Wiseman(The dickhead)

•I was always in fights in Fifth Grade cause of my temper and tired of my shit with my bullies, I always kicked and punched them but still lost

•I have an obsession with Huskies cause they remind me of Wolves, and Smile

•I like getting gifts but I try to give people gifts too even though with my lack of money

•I have a obsession with Dark and Ghost type Pokémon mostly Darkrai and Giratina ever since I first heard of Pokémon

•I HATE being cold and prefer the heat

•I like to be cocooned with blankets cause I feel swaddled

•I love cuddles cause they make me feel loved☺️

•I prefer to draw than anything else when it comes to art cause I'm good at it

•Growing up I had friends but they always leaved me cause of my personality and how I act

•When I was in primary school I used to wear dresses and pink at my own will, now I wear dark colors and Blues and Blood Red

•I was always beat with slaps and a belt growing up now it's just slaps thankfully but it still hurts unlike the belt which leaves red slashes on me

•I prefer nose and lip kisses than others cause forehead kisses are a way of teasing to me

•The first time I went to the mental hospital it was for being Suiciedal and Homacideal, yet no one can fix me being dangerous to others

•I HATE taking medicine cause it tastes duscusting

Ya, that's random info on me.

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