𝟏𝟒. bury me here

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C H A P T E R  1 4

❛ bury me here ❜


     SHE WATCHED FROM A DISTANCE as Daryl busied himself with sharpening his newly made arrows. The chore seemed to take his mind off everything, calming him, if only for a moment. She couldn't bring herself to pull him out of that blissful, mind numbing routine. Not even if it might be the very last time she'd ever talk to him. She couldn't remember the last time she hid something from him, if it ever even happened. But she knew that this time she couldn't talk to him. Not because he wouldn't understand, he understood better than anyone, but because he would never let her go alone. And she refused to put him in danger once again. The thought of him back in that dark hole or worse, with a bullet in his head, made her heart crumble in her chest.

For the smallest of seconds she considered walking up to him anyway, to say something even if it wasn't a goodbye. But she stopped herself at the very last moment, knowing it would only make leaving even harder. Instead she watched the way the sunlight illuminated every line of his face and she captured the picture in her heart. She could forgive herself for the dangerous, maybe even stupid, choice she'd made when she looked at him. It was all worth it if she could save him.

And not just him...

Her eyes drifted to Maggie, Jesus and Milo as they stood in the garden, talking with a few residents of the Hilltop. A smile formed on her face when she noticed the way Milo and Jesus continued to throw glances at each other, both thinking the other wouldn't notice. She could only hope one of them would make a move soon. Her brother deserved a little happiness after always putting the happiness of others first. If this would indeed be the very last journey she'd ever make, her last wish would be for Milo to find the same kind of love she had.

A loud clanging noise interrupted her thoughts. It came from one of the Hilltop guards standing above the gate as he hit two steel bars together. "The Saviors are coming!" He shouted. "The Saviors are here!"

Her heartbeat quickened and without hesitation she turned around and made her way into the trailer she'd been leaning against. Sasha was inside, quickly throwing her backpack over her shoulders. Wordlessly she handed Quinn a second backpack, which she put on her back before heading out of the door together.

Rosita came running up to them while the gates were already being opened.

"Where do we hide?" She questioned.

"We're not hiding," Sasha replied and gestured for them to follow her.

Quinn forced herself to keep her eyes turned forward, to not throw one last look over her shoulder and look for her family. If she had somehow found it within herself to walk to Daryl and talk to him, her chance was now gone. The time to say goodbye was ripped from her hands, leaving her words unspoken, perhaps forever.

Sasha led them to the back of Barrington House. There was a container filled with chopped wood placed against the wall. Quinn watched Sasha make her way towards it with confusion, wondering how this was going to help them. Until Sasha reached between the firewood and revealed the wood was actually hiding a hatch. She opened it and gestured for them to get inside.

"Alright get in. It goes to the other side. We gotta get out before Maggie does."

As quick as they could they crawled their way through the tunnel, careful not to get stuck with the backpacks they were carrying. Sasha closed the hatch behind them, leaving only a little light of the exit on the other side of the wall to guide them. As soon as they were above ground again did Quinn take a deep breath. Even a tunnel as small as this one was enough to trigger her claustrophobia. She hoped getting to Negan didn't involve any more underground adventures.

"Did you dig that tunnel?" Rosita asked Sasha as they made for the treeline to get out of sight.

"Maggie thought we needed a quick way out. So I made one."

"Well, we're out. So what now?"

"We go," Quinn said. It seemed like the only logical choice. They couldn't turn back now.

Rosita nodded, eyes hardening. And so, without another word, the three of them left Hilltop behind and started the long trek to the Sanctuary. They left the forest as soon as they could, heading into an abandoned suburb to find transportation.

Quinn was glad for Rosita's knowledge about basically everything and watched as she got to work on getting a car started without keys. She'd learned a lot of tricks since the world ended but she hadn't had to start a car by rubbing two threads together.

"If this one start I'll siphon some gas," Sasha began, "I just gotta find-"

"There's an empty water bottle," Rosita said, gesturing to the back of the car.

Sasha leaned down to grab it, a silver chain with a broken brake light attached to it slipped from beneath her shirt and Rosita froze when she caught sight of it.

"Like it? I made it." She climbed back outside and closed the door. "Car's dead."

Quinn pretended like she didn't notice the way Sasha's eyes saddened as she put the necklace back beneath her shirt, it must've been Abraham's. Instead she made her way after Rosita as she marched down the street. She hoped the lingering tension between the two women wouldn't kill her before they'd reach the Sanctuary. She wasn't interested in getting caught between them in their little feud about a man they both loved.

She walked behind the two of them, watching their backs as they continued their way through the village. But so far there was no danger in sight to be wary of.

Most of the cars were too decayed to even earn a look from Rosita as she continued searching for a faster way of transportation. It seemed like time had frozen in this part of the world. There was nothing left even worth scavenging.

"Where'd you learn to disarm bombs?" Sasha asked Rosita as they walked. "Were you in the army?"

Rosita sighed, as if there were at least a thousand times she'd rather be doing right now. "Someone I knew," she replied but then added quickly: "Not him." She came to a sudden halt, forcing the other two women to stop as well. "Listen, I'm not here to play 'get-to-know-you' so either we talk about the mission or we don't."

Shaking her head, Sasha took a deep breath but nodded then. "Okay, Jesus said there's some buildings, two, three, four stories just outside the Sanctuary to the east of it. At least one of them should have a line of sight to the rear courtyard, past the fence with walkers on it. We hole up, we wait, we take the shot from there. If we have to get closer, there's some weak spots on the perimeter we might still be able to take advantage of, but if we can, I say we stay outside, do it clean. Maybe make it out of there alive."

Quinn nodded. She couldn't remember the details of the front of the Sanctuary. She'd been too busy trying to contain her tears and anger when she was brought in. She'd be more help once they actually got inside. But she knew at least one of the weak spots Sasha mentioned. The place she'd escaped would definitely still be weak from where they'd had to repair the fence. It could be the perfect way in.

"I want to make sure we get him. That means we go in," Rosita said sharply. "If we shoot from a distance and miss, we don't get another chance."

"I won't miss," Sasha said, certain.

"Even if you shoot and graze him, he doesn't die."

"I won't miss," Sasha said again, putting emphasis on every word. "If we go in and get caught-" "I won't get caught," Rosita interrupted her.

"No of course you won't," Quinn interrupted, growing tired of the woman's attitude real quick. "Because you know the Sanctuary from the inside out, right? You know exactly where all the guards are stationed, right? If they catch us, we don't get another try. Sasha's plan is the smartest play and you know it. Just because you want him dead so badly doesn't mean you gotta kill us too."

Rosita shook her head, not even bothering with a reply.

"If we shoot and we miss, we get the hell out of there and we get to try again," Sasha added but it was like talking to a wall.

Sasha turned to look at Quinn, who simply shrugged. She didn't join them to become friends with Rosita. She was going to go with the smartest plan, the plan that would get Negan killed. Getting out alive would be preferable but she'd made peace with the possibility of not seeing home again the moment she'd seen those two graves.

They didn't get a chance to continue their discussion. It turned out there were some walkers hiding in the village after all. Their rotten stench and hungry moans came drifting from around the corner. As one the women drew their knives, carefully rounding the corner.

Luckily there were only three. Quinn gestured to the one on the far right, signaling she'd take care of that one. It was a woman, the remains of a red dress clinging to her rotten limbs. Quinn reached for her braid, the hair so thin it almost looked as though her head was covered in cobwebs, and pulled at it, bringing the walker's head within her reach. She plunged her knife through the skull, killing the corpse, leaving it truly dead this time.

Meanwhile Rosita and Sasha had managed to take out the other two corpses as well. The distraction though hadn't been enough to completely stop the discussion, as Rosita immediately picked it back up when the corpses were dealt with.

"Look, if this is too much for either one of you, you wanna bail, now's your chance."

"I'm not going anywhere," Sasha said calmly.

"Same," Quinn added, narrowing her eyes at the woman in front of her. Not even Rosita's sour face and petty insults could keep her from seeing this through.

"Well, I'm done talking about it," Rosita said as she started walking again.

"Good," Sasha said as she made her way after her. "Maybe you'll think about it. Maybe you'll change your mind about what it takes to get what you want."

Apparently Rosita took her earlier words very seriously because she didn't reply and continued walking in silence. Quinn realized she actually preferred it that way and decided not to speak to her anymore unless she'd need to.

They continued on like that for a while, until Rosita caught sight of a car that looked relatively intact. She made her way towards it while Sasha and Quinn watched her try to get it started. After a few tries the engine sparked to life, drawing a small smile from the three women. Walking all the way to the Sanctuary would've taken them a long time.

Time that none of them wanted to waste.

Rosita got behind the wheel and Quinn joined her in the front while Sasha took a seat in the back. They left the suburbs behind in minutes, continuing on their way towards the factory. Quinn didn't have much useful information that would take them to the Sanctuary's location. So she was happy with the information Jesus had given them from the time he'd snuck aboard one of the Savior's trucks.

As Rosita drove she'd taken out a notebook of her backpack, writing down all the turns she remembered taking when she was brought to Negan's room. When she was done she handed it to Sasha so she could study it.

"Let's hope we don't have to go inside, but just in case we do have to," she said.

"What do you know about the change of the guards?" Rosita asked.

"Not much," she admitted. "My father said they change every two hours, which takes about ten minutes. It's a small window but it should work. We can use the same entrance where we escaped. They had to mend the fence there, meaning it'll be a lot less hard to break through."

Sasha nodded, handing the notebook back to Quinn. "It's gonna have to be enough," she said softly, as if speaking to herself most of all.

"It will be," Quinn said, her voice filled with determination.

It was late in the afternoon when they crossed the statue of a woman Jesus had mentioned. He'd said from there it was only ten minutes to the Sanctuary. So they decided to park the car there, hiding it behind a building to use as possible getaway. They continued the rest of the way on foot, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention before they'd well and truly started.

Her stomach was aching with nerves and her hands were sweating. But she kept her mouth shut and continued on, pushing every thought of guilt and fear away. If she survived she could beg for forgiveness later. It was useless to waste her energy thinking about it now.

The knot in her stomach tightened when she saw the familiar factory doom up in the distance. Flashes of the dark walls and bruised bodies crossed her mind but, like all her other thoughts, she pushed those memories away. She tightened her grip on her knife to ground herself and made her way after the other two, keeping low as they made their way towards one of the buildings to the east of the factory.

Sasha reached the door first, carefully opening it. The Saviors must've cleared these buildings of walkers but there could still be guards inside. With their weapons at the ready the three women made their way inside, softly closing the door behind them. They made their way upstairs, only lowering their weapons once they realized the building was abandoned.

Rosita took the backpack off her shoulders and handed it to Sasha, who immediately got to work on assembling the rifle. As soon as it was done she took her position at the window.

Now all they could do was wait.

Quinn took a seat on the ground, watching as Rosita tied a few complicated knots in a rope to keep herself busy. Quinn frowned as she watched her movements carefully, trying to figure out how it was done. She had a feeling she could learn more from this woman besides how to start a car without keys.

"Can you teach me?" She asked, gesturing towards the knots. "I don't know a lot of knots."

Rosita lifted her eyes to look at her and for a moment she seemed like she wanted to refuse. The thought of dying to complete this mission most certainly lingered on her mind as well. But she seemed to decide they had to do something to pass the time so she nodded.

"All right, here's the first one," she said, shifting so Quinn could follow her movements. "Cross it over your hand like that." She held out her hand and Quinn nodded. "Then you take the top loop, bring it down, up and back through then..." She tightened the knot. "Got it?"

"I think so," Quinn said, holding out her hand as Rosita handed her the rope.

It appeared it was harder than it looked but after a few tries she managed. They weren't quite as tight as Rosita's but at least she'd managed.

"Now sign of Negan," Sasha said as she lowered the rifle, pulling Quinn from her thoughts. "But Eugene's out there?"

Rosita froze. "Eugene?"

Sasha signed and placed the rifle down. "It looks like he's working with them."

Rosita was quick to put her detached mask in place. "Working some angle," she scoffed as she got to her feet to take a look herself. It appeared Sasha was telling the truth, because when she put the gun down and took a seat again, her eyes were even colder than before.

"You know we got lucky, having you with us," Sasha said. "You know how to do everything." She gestured at the rope.

A sigh escaped her lips as she put her cap on straight, but then, finally, she talked. "Johnny. That's who taught me about bombs. Survivalist, prepper-type shit. Marcus taught me about cars. He was a mechanic and a wannabe stunt driver. And an asshole."

A short silence fell before she took a sharp breath and surprised the two of them even more when she continued. "Knot-tying was from Chaser. Yeah, that wasn't his real name. There were others."

Quinn wrapped her arms around her legs as she pulled them up to her chest. "Were those people you lost on the way to Washington?"

"No, not them. A lot of guys wanted to protect me, like there was no way I could know how to take care of myself. And I didn't and I hated the way that felt."

She nodded, her memories taking her back to that time in her life when she too had been completely dependent on others. It was the worst feeling in the world, knowing you couldn't protect yourself but not knowing how to change it either. It had taken the end of the world for her to finally learn just how badly she wanted to live, and how capable she was at handling herself when she had to fight to make that happen.

"So I rolled with it," Rosita said. "They didn't even notice I was picking up everything they knew how to do and doing it better. Then I'd outgrow them and bounce. The sex was just for fun. When the world's over, everyone should be getting their rocks off."

Quinn scoffed, but a smile had found its way to her face anyway.

Sasha however, suddenly seemed a little uncomfortable. "Was that how it was with him?"

"Abraham?" She shook her head and it was the first time since he died that Quinn didn't see burning anger on her face at the thought of him. But instead a small, fond smile. "No. I fell in with him because he saw I could handle my shit. And I never looked back." The smile slowly faded from her features. "Well, no, I did. When it was over."

"Yeah," Sasha muttered softly.

Quinn got to her feet, knowing this was between the two of them. She walked to the window instead, taking the rifle and peering through the scope. But her leaving the two of them to talk was more symbolic than anything because she could still hear every word they were saying.

"You know the thing that killed me?" Rosita said softly. "When we got to Alexandria. I was acting like I was all good 'cause he wasn't. Then the son of a bitch was actually all good. And I couldn't figure this one out. Living there, feeling like we had made it, I couldn't pick that up. Then, when he bounced, I...I thought I hated you. But maybe I just hated that he figured out his shit first." She sighed. "I've never told anyone any of that stuff. Who I was, what I did."

"I'm glad that you felt like you could tell me," Sasha muttered.

"I was stupid to waste so much time and now I'll never get to tell Abraham I'm happy he was happy." Her voice cracked and Quinn felt her heart grow heavy in her chest. "Were you happy?"

It took Sasha all her strength to swallow her tears and reply. "I was."

"It wasn't his time," Rosita said softly.

"Abraham would've wanted to go out fighting. And that asshole with the bat took that away, too. To go out with a point to going out. I guess we all want that."

Quinn took a sharp breath. "It looks like we'll get our chance," she said, turning to look at the two women. "Let's go out with a point."

They frowned at her but then they heard the noise of the truck that Quinn had spotted driving up the gates. Quickly they got to their feet and Quinn handed the rifle to Sasha's capable hands. She peered through the scope, spotting what Quinn had seen coming their way.

Several big trucks were pulling up in the courtyard. The walkers at the fence came alive at the noise but the Saviors ignored them as they got out of their cars.

"Shit," Sasha cursed softly.

"What?" Quinn asked, scanning the courtyard.

"They've got Dr. Carson, Maggie's doctor. They brought him here."

That was definitely not good. Maggie's pregnancy hadn't been an easy one with all the trauma she'd suffered. And now with the doctor gone as well, there couldn't go anything wrong again.

But that thought was driven from her mind when the doors of the Sanctuary were opened and the man himself stepped outside, Negan. Her entire body tensed at the sight of him and suddenly she felt sick. She'd hoped to never see him again when she got out, despite knowing how small that chance was. And here she was, willingly seeking him out. Ready to kill him and end all the suffering.

Her heart was beating wildly in her chest as she waited for Sasha to take the shot. But Negan's disturbing habit of getting too close in anyone's personal space was working against them. If she shot him now, she could hit Maggie's doctor as well.

"He's too close," Sasha said through clenched teeth. "I can't get a clean shot. Turn on the walkie."

Quinn reached in the backpack and took out the walkie Jesus had stolen from them. But it was too late, Negan was already making his way back inside.

The walkie cracked and then a familiar voice came through. "This is Dr. Eugene Porter, Chief Engineer, speaking. I'm gonna need a dozen more walkers. a.k.a. dead ones, in the local parlance for expanding the fence protocol PDQ. Actually, PFQ. This is per Negan, who I also am, even if it takes all night to procure them, so I need able-bodied persons out there in the surrounding blocks of buildings snoopin' and snatchin', stat. Negan will be indisposed in the boudoir, so in the meantime, any questions should be directed to yours truly."

Quinn clenched her jaw and turned the walkie off. "Looks like we're going in after all."

Sasha nodded. "Looks like it."

Rosita took out her gun. "I'm ready."

They took their stuff and made sure there was no sign of them ever being here before they left the building. Twilight had fallen as they made their way around the building. Quinn led them back to the spot she'd been forced to leave Daryl behind. The closer they got, the more her wound seemed to ache, as if her body was physically feeling the trauma of everything that had happened here. She clenched her fist around her gun, putting all her anguish into her weapon, turning her anger into a bullet.

They knelt behind the bushes, watching the two guards standing in front of the door behind the fence. As soon as the guards would go inside, it was all a matter of time. They'd have ten minutes to cut through the fence, make their way inside and get out of sight.

As they waited darkness fell and soon the moon was the only source of light. It would be easier to use the cover of darkness to get inside, but the same thing applied to their enemies. Just when Quinn was starting to feel the tension slowly get the best of her, the guards made their way inside.

Ten minutes.

They sprinted from their hiding place, Quinn already holding the bolt cutter ready in her hands. She knelt down at the exact spot her father had cut a hole. It'd been fixed with a steel thread, which was far less strong than the surrounding fence. While Rosita and Sasha stood guard, Quinn cut through the fence as quickly as she could.

Her hands were sweating and multiple times it felt like the bolt cutter might slip from her hands. But she tightened her grip each time and when the final piece of steel was cut, she felt a trembling sigh of relief fall from her lips.

She made her way through the hole, followed closely by the other two women. As they ran she put the bolt cutter back into her backpack and took her gun in her hands instead. They crossed the courtyard and opened the door, slipping inside without anyone spotting them. So far it was going a lot better than last time she was here...

A dark hallway greeted them and Quinn felt her stomach tighten.

"Hey, you okay?" Sasha asked softly.

She nodded, despite feeling like she could throw up any moment. "Yes. It's this way."

She led them through the hallway, keeping her eyes focused ahead so she wouldn't accidentally catch sight of the door leading to her former cell...

At every corner she came to a halt, carefully peeking around the corner and making sure the hallway was empty before continuing on. Her heart was beating so loudly she was sure it could be heard through the entire building. But they managed to make their way through the stairwell without any trouble.

Now for the tricky part. The steel stairs echoed horribly and they could easily be spotted by anyone else using the staircase. But there was no other way upstairs. It was a risk they would have to take.

Quinn looked over her shoulder, as if wanting to confirm if they were truly doing this.

Rosita stared at her with her signature steel-eyed glare. Which, Quinn knew now, was not meant to be hostile, but merely a mask to protect her true emotions.

Sasha nodded at Quinn, determination flaring up in her eyes.

And so, every doubt burned away, Quinn opened the door and entered the stairwell. With her gun up she made her way upstairs, knowing her back was safely being watched by the two women behind her.

Hopefully most Saviors were asleep by now, or at least heading to their rooms. If there was a god out there, Quinn prayed for every bit of luck left in this world.

Her heart was racing in her chest, every step she took sounded like a bomb going off to her ears. But they reached the next floor without anyone stopping them. Three more stories to go...They reached the next without any trouble as well and slowly Quinn started to believe that, for once, luck was on their side. 

Finally they reached the floor she knew Negan's room to be on. With their guns up they left the stairwell, entering the dimly lit hallway. They stayed close to the walls as they moved forward, her eyes focused on the door. They were so close...

In front of the door they came to halt, sharing one last determined look. Quinn took a deep breath before reaching for the doorknob. Then she threw the door open, the three of them storming inside. Quickly closing the door behind them again.

"What the fuck?" A female voice yelled.

One look through the room was enough to realise Negan wasn't here and her heart sank. The only person who was here was one of his wives, laying naked in bed. She grasped the sheets to cover herself up. Her bright red orange hair looked strangely bright in the dim room.

"Where's Negan?" Rosita snapped, aiming her gun at the woman in the bed.

Quinn, however, lowered hers. She hadn't come here to threaten those who were suffering under Negan's rule as well. After all, the wife she'd met during her stay here didn't seem all that happy to be there.

"You tell us and you'll live," she said calmly, earning an angry look from Rosita, which she ignored.

For a moment the red haired woman hesitated, then said. "I know you."

She tried to hide her surprise at that statement. She didn't think her imprisonment here was general knowledge.

"You escaped, you got away. Why the hell would you come back?"

She clenched her jaw. Everything that man had done to her family, every bit of hurt he'd caused, it all seemed to flash through her mind at once. If it'd been up to her she never would've returned here. But she'd rather face her demons then watch her family suffer. And so, in the end, the reason for coming back was simple. "Because I can't let him live. I think you of all people would understand that."

The silence that fell was loaded with tension. The words spoken next would determine everything. Quinn knew Rosita wouldn't hesitate to kill the wife if she decided to scream for help instead. But something told her she wouldn't do that. Maybe it was because they'd suffered the same fate, forced to bend to the will of a man they hated. Whatever it was, Quinn knew she would help them.

Her eyes hardened as she finally made a decision. "He left to talk with Simon. I don't know where."

Quinn nodded as a thanks, though the answer didn't help much. The Sanctuary was huge and stumbling around blindly would get them nowhere. She turned to look at Sasha and Rosita. Maybe the best thing they could do was wait here until he would return. But before any of them could offer an idea, the decision was made for them when an alarm cut through the silence

"Shit," she mumbled.

The hole in the fence must've been discovered. Every guard would be looking for them now, meaning that staying here was no longer an option either. Protecting Negan would be the Saviors first priority, meaning they would come here to search for the intruders.

"What now?" Sasha asked.

"We can't go out there," Rosita said. "We'll have a better chance if we stay here."

"Guys," Quinn said, looking at the door with a worried frown. Multiple footsteps came from the other side. "We're gonna have to do something."

"We will," Sasha said, reaching for her knife. And she was right, the only option would be to fight.

Quinn tightened her grip on her gun until her knuckles turned white, bracing herself.

The door was opened and five men stormed inside the room. Quinn's heart sank but she didn't waste a single second, firing the first shot and bringing the man walking in front down. Angry and startled shouts echoed through the small space as the fight broke loose.

Adrenaline took over and Quinn threw herself at one of them, reaching for his weapon, trying to pry it from his hands. She knew he was stronger but she'd hoped to use her momentum to surprise him. It worked for a second, until he recovered from his surprise. He brought his leg up and kicked her in the stomach. She doubled over, coughing as her entire body shook from the impact to her injury.

The world spun around her and stars danced in front of her eyes.

The man grabbed her air and pulled her head back, tearing a scream from her lips.

"Bitch," he sneered. "The hell do you think you're doing huh?"

She didn't reply and instead spit in his face.

He shouted in disgust, losing his grip on her hair. Immediately she pulled herself free, shoving him aside with a scream of effort. She bent down, reaching for the knife in her boot and pulling it free.

The Savior cursed and came for her again.

She drew her arm back and released the blade, watching as it flew through the air and hit him right between his eyes, bringing him down. He was barely on the ground before she was standing in front of him and pulled her knife back out.

"This way!" She shouted to Rosita and Sasha, heading for the door. But she froze when at least ten more guards came charging through the hallway. They couldn't fight them all off. "Fuck!"

"Down! We gotta go back down!" She shouted and without waiting for an answer she charged back towards the stairs. She threw a quick look over her shoulder and watched as Rosita slit the throat of the Savior that had attacked her before running after her.

"Where do we go?" She shouted.

"Away from here!" Quinn replied, breathing heavily as her head refused to stop spinning.

They dashed down the stairs, reaching the floor below. Before Quinn realized what was happening the door was thrown open. A startled shout left her lips as a hand grabbed her and pulled her along into the hallway. She struggled but the man holding her was too strong.

Gunshots came from upstairs, startling both her and the man holding her.

She pulled herself free, her eyes finding the face of her attacker. A half burned face...

"You," she growled, her voice filled with so much burning hatred she hardly recognised it.

Dwight watched her calmly. "We gotta go."

A gun clicked and Rosita placed the barrel against his head. "Why the hell should we listen to you?"

"By now every guard has been called from their post. You'll never make it out of here alive," he said, his voice making her skin crawl.

"Who said we want to," she replied, her hands itching to claw at his face.

"If you want a chance to kill him you won't get it by staying here."

She tore her eyes away from him and looked at Rosita, who seemed torn. She wanted to look for Sasha, asking for her opinion and only then did she notice she wasn't behind them.

"Where's Sasha?"

Rosita's eyes went wide as she turned around, scanning the empty hallway.

Footsteps were heard from the staircase, followed by gunshots. She was trying to give them a chance to get away...They were running out of time...

A frustrated shout left her lips, her mind torn in two. She only had a second to decide but it felt like hours. Dwight, no matter how much she hated to admit it, had a point. If they stayed here they were going to die without having accomplished anything. If they ran, they would have a chance to fight another day.

She reached for Dwight's collar and grabbed it, pulling him along as she made her way down the hallway.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Rosita shouted.

"He's right, okay? If we stay here we die without having accomplished anything. We get out now, we get another chance. Plus, if we escape they might follow us and Sasha might be able to slip between their fingers and maybe get the job done."

"Fuck," the other woman muttered.

Quinn turned around, there was no time to wait for a response. She pushed Dwight out ahead of her, heading towards the exit. Soon the hurried footsteps of Rosita caught up with her. Their attempt at killing Negan had failed but at least they weren't going home completely empty handed. She'd take just as much pleasure in killing Dwight. After she'd gotten all the useful information about Negan's plans from him, he would die.

It wasn't what she'd come here to do. But she refused to be killed by Negan's lackeys. If she was going to die, she wanted to at least look that bastard in the eyes once again so she could watch as his life was drained from him because of her dagger in his chest.

She would get her revenge one day.

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