Capture and Evasion

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     The sun was shining bright in the forest. Running in the woods were three shinobi: two men and one woman. They were chasing after somebody, a new bounty.

     Throwing senbon at the man, Haku hit him right in the neck. Zabuza pulled out his sword and quickly sliced the man's head off, watching it fly a few feet in the air before landing on the ground. Sarah grabbed a sealing scroll out and placed the deceased man's body in it, making sure to leave the head out on purpose.

     Sarah giggled as she swung the head around by its hair, "You sure did cause quite a lot of trouble for those poor villagers, shinobi-san."

     "Sarah can you please stop swinging that head around? Its freaking me out!" Haku said as he rolled up the scroll.

     "Don't make us loose out on any money, minx!" Zabuza barked, "We need this if we're going to eat for the week."

     Sarah rolled her eyes, "Gosh you two are no fun. Fine, I'll stop. How much is this guy worth anyways?"

     "A measly 50,000 Ryo. Pathetic for someone who defected from Iwa." Zabuza scoffed as Sarah tossed him the head.

     "He was only a Genin. I mean it could be worse; we could've ran into Deidara the Terrorist Bomber." Sarah pointed out, "Besides we have yet to go after some bigger fish."

     "It's unusual for you to hold off on targeting stronger opponents, Master Zabuza. Are you...holding back because of the bridge incident?" Haku asked.

     "Don't mention that day, Haku." Zabuza commanded.

     "We all know you're chicken shit, Zabuza. The only reason why we haven't went after the higher bounties is because you are too much of a pussy to fight." Sarah said before dodging Zabuza's blade, "Did you forget that both me and Haku are medics? There's really no need for us to hold back."

     Zabuza grunted, "You piss me off."

     "We're just holding you accountable." Sarah responded, "Look I get it's been three years since the bridge incident. I know both you and Haku have nightmares about almost dying, but you can't let that hold you back."

     "Fine. How about we go after this A-ranked shinobi, Suzuki?" Zabuza pulled out a bingo book and flipped to a random page.

     Sarah smiled, "That's more like it."

     "Uh...shouldn't we take this man's body to the bounty station first?" Haku spoke up.

     "Oh yeah let's do that first." Sarah grabbed the scroll from Haku and tossed it over her shoulder.

     The trio made their way over towards a nearby bounty station and got paid. Sarah summoned Nekobata and had him go into the village and gather some intel on the mans whereabouts. As the ninneko got to work, Zabuza continued to train Haku on using a sword. Sarah paid them no mind, instead pulling out a small notebook from her scroll.

     Turns out her mana ability wasn't healing as she and Nemuri originally thought, it was replication. Being able to convert her mana into chakra just from observing the people around her, easily picking up on basic medical ninjutsu at a young age after reading a book, sealing... How did they not notice this before? Why did this go unchecked?

     "Maybe it's a reaction to trauma." Nemuri pointed out.

     Perhaps they had a point; it seemed her powers continue to evolve every time she goes through a traumatic event. The majority of people from her world unlocked theirs at various periods in their life, but then again she wasn't exactly like them; harboring an ancient deity in her body didn't exactly classify her as 'normal'.

     Thankfully she can play off her strange abilities in this world - perhaps as a kekkai genkai. Yeah...kekkai genkai her ass.

     Sarah snorted at her own joke. She always did have a terrible sense of humor.

     Looking up at the sun, Sarah yawned as she leaned back against a nearby tree. A lot of things have changed in two years. First, she left Konoha at fifteen, became a rouge ninja, and is now currently being hunted by the great shinobi nations. Training underneath Zabuza and gaining some control over this ability of hers have taken up most of her time during the second year. She ended up nearly burning a forest down when she attempted to use fire ninjutsu. The villagers were not amused and ended up chasing her out of the village.

     If her bounty went up by a couple thousand ryo, Sarah paid no mind to it.

     To survive she's been completing various bounty missions. None of them went above a C-rank, which irritated Sarah to no end (curse Zabuza and his paranoia to keep them safe and out of harms way). She wanted a chance to show off and test her limits. She didn't want to be held back anymore.

     Sarah sighed as she put her notebook away. She could feel the weight of time slipping away, the urgency to push herself growing stronger. She glanced over at Zabuza and Haku. The two were immersed in their training, Zabuza's gruff voice mingling with the sound of clashing metal.

     "Nekobata should be back soon," Sarah muttered to herself. Her mind drifted to Suzuki, the A-ranked shinobi they were about to hunt. A dangerous opponent, sure, but it was exactly what Zabuza and Haku needed to shake off the cobwebs of fear from the bridge incident.

     Moments later, Nekobata returned, his feline eyes gleaming with information. "I have located Suzuki. He's hiding out in a cave not too far from here, in the northern mountains."

     Sarah grinned, "Perfect. Let's go."

     Zabuza sheathed his sword, "Haku, Sarah, stay alert. This isn't going to be a simple mission."

     The trio set off, their pace swift but cautious. The forest around them grew denser, the sunlight filtering through the canopy casting eerie shadows. As they approached the northern mountains, the air grew cooler, the terrain more rugged.

     "Remember, Suzuki is known for his earth-style jutsu," Zabuza reminded them. "He's a slippery one."
     "Got it," Sarah replied, her eyes scanning the surroundings. Her heart raced with anticipation. This was her chance to prove herself, to break free from being considered just a weak...useless medic.

     They reached the mouth of the cave, its dark entrance like a maw waiting to swallow them whole. Zabuza motioned for silence, his eyes narrowing as he peered inside. "Haku, take the lead. Sarah, stay close."

     Haku nodded, stepping into the cave with silent grace. Sarah followed, her senses on high alert. The cave was dimly lit, the walls damp and covered in moss. Every sound echoed, magnified by the narrow space.

     As they ventured deeper, the air grew colder, the silence oppressive. Suddenly a rumble shook the ground, and the cave walls began to close in around them.

     "Doton: Iwa no Keimusho!" Suzuki's voice echoed through the cavern.

     Haku reacted swiftly, forming hand signs. "Hyōton: Hyōheki!"

     A barrier of ice erupted around them, halting the rock walls' advance.

Zabuza unsheathed his sword, his eyes fierce. "Show yourself, Suzuki!"

A figure emerged from the shadows, a man with a sly grin and a headband bearing the symbol of Iwa. "You're bold to come after me, Demon of the Hidden Mist."

"We're here for your head, Suzuki," Sarah said, stepping forward. "Surrender and we might go easy on you."

Suzuki laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the cave. "You think you can take me? Let's see what you've got!"

He formed hand signs, the ground beneath them trembling as spikes of earth shot up. Haku countered with a wave of ice, freezing the spikes mid-air. Sarah summoned her mana, her hands glowing with a green hue as she prepared to fight.

Zabuza lunged forward, his sword clashing with Suzuki's kunai. The force of their collision sent shockwaves through the cave, bits of rock and ice flying in all directions.

Sarah moved swiftly, her eyes locking onto Suzuki. She needed to find an opening, a moment to strike. As Zabuza and Suzuki clashed, Haku flanked from the side, launching senbon with precision.

Suzuki dodged, but Sarah saw her chance. She quickly converted her mana into chakra, her hands forming the seals for a very familiar technique. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

A torrent of flames erupted from her mouth, engulfing Suzuki. He screamed, the flames licking at his body, but he quickly countered with an earth-style jutsu, dousing the fire with a wall of rock.

Sarah didn't let up. She pushed forward, her determination unwavering. "Haku, now!"

Haku nodded, his hands forming a series of rapid seals. "Hyōton: Kōri no Keimusho!"

Spikes of ice shot up from the ground, encasing Suzuki in a frozen tomb.

Zabuza stood over Suzuki, his sword poised for the final strike. "Any last words?"

Suzuki's eyes were wide with fear, his breath visible in the cold air. "You... you monsters."

Zabuza's expression hardened. With a swift motion, he ended Suzuki's life. The cave fell silent, the tension slowly dissipating.

Sarah let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. "We did it."

Zabuza nodded, his gaze lingering on Suzuki's lifeless body. "Let's get his head and collect our bounty."

Haku and Sarah quickly sealed Suzuki's body, leaving only his head. As they made their way out of the cave, the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the forest.

Sarah felt a sense of accomplishment, but also a lingering unease. The road ahead was still uncertain, but for now they had proven their strength and that was enough.


The air in the Hokage's office was tense, the atmosphere charged with the gravity of the mission that lay ahead. Tsunade, her face stern and resolute, stood behind her desk, her amber eyes fixated on the three figures before her.

"Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi," Tsunade began, her voice firm, "We have received intelligence about Orochimaru's current location. He and Kabuto have been spotted in the outskirts of the Land of Sound. This is our best chance to capture them before they disappear again."

Sakura clenched her fists, her emerald eyes burning with determination. "We'll bring them back for trial, Lady Tsunade. I promise."

Sasuke, his expression as cold and unreadable as ever, gave a curt nod. His mind was already racing with strategies and contingencies. The thought of facing the man who had caused him and his team so much trouble in the past has him worried.

But if he manages to capture him and bring his head back to the village then maybe Sarah will return. They could be Team Seven again.

No, that's just wishful thinking. Sarah's not going to come back to the village willingly. He's a fool for even thinking such a thing.

Kakashi, his visible eye calm and calculating, adjusted his headband. "We'll handle it, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade handed a scroll to Kakashi, who unrolled it to reveal a detailed map.

"We've pinpointed their last known location here," she said, pointing to a secluded area deep within the dense forests of the Land of Sound. "It's heavily guarded and we suspect there may be traps. Proceed with extreme caution."

As the trio left the office, the sun was setting, casting long shadows across the village. They moved swiftly through the gates of Konoha, their mission clear and their resolve unwavering.

The journey was tiring, the terrain becoming more treacherous as they ventured deeper into enemy territory. The forest was thick with twisted trees and undergrowth, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and decay. The silence was almost oppressive, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant call of a nocturnal creature.

"We're close," Kakashi said, his voice a mere whisper as they approached their destination. He gestured for the team to halt, scanning the area with his Sharingan. "There are chakra signatures up ahead. Multiple. It looks like they're expecting us."


In the dimly lit depths of his hidden laboratory, Orochimaru moved with a serpentine grace, his golden eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and malice. The flickering light from the candles cast eerie shadows on the walls, illuminating the arcane symbols and scientific apparatuses that cluttered the room.

On a cold, metal table in the center of the room lay his latest subject, a captured shinobi from the Hidden Mist Village. The man was bound with chakra-infused restraints, his body limp and lifeless save for the shallow rise and fall of his chest. Orochimaru's long, pale fingers delicately manipulated a series of scalpels and syringes, his focus unwavering.

"Fascinating," Orochimaru murmured to himself, his voice a silken whisper. "The compatibility of his genetic structure with my enhancements is quite remarkable."

He carefully injected a glowing, blue serum into the man's arm, observing as the liquid coursed through his veins. The shinobi's body convulsed, his eyes snapping open in silent agony. Orochimaru's lips curved into a satisfied smile.

"You will be my finest creation yet," he whispered, leaning in closer to the man's ear. "A perfect fusion of human and serpent. Together, we shall transcend the limitations of mere mortals."

The man struggled weakly against his restraints, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and defiance. Orochimaru paid him no mind, his attention now focused on a series of intricate hand seals. As he completed the sequence, a dark aura enveloped his hands, pulsating with an ominous energy.

"Now, let us see if you can withstand the power of the Curse Mark," Orochimaru grinned, pressing his palm against the man's forehead.

The room was filled with a blinding light as the Curse Mark took hold, spreading across the man's body like a sinister web. His screams echoed through the chamber, but Orochimaru remained unfazed, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic glee.

Just as the light began to fade, a loud crash echoed from the entrance of the laboratory. Orochimaru turned, his eyes narrowing as a figure emerged from the shadows.

"Kabuto," he hissed, recognizing his loyal subordinate. "What is the meaning of this interruption?"

Kabuto adjusted his glasses, a hint of urgency in his usually composed demeanor. "Forgive me, Lord Orochimaru, but we have received word of a group of shinobi heading in this direction. It seems they have caught wind of our activities."

Orochimaru's smile widened, a dark amusement flickering in his eyes. "How intriguing. It appears we have some unexpected guests."

He glanced back at his creation, the man now lying unconscious on the table, his body marked with the Curse Mark's sinister pattern. "Prepare him for transport. We must relocate to a more secure location."

Kabuto nodded, swiftly moving to carry out his master's orders. Orochimaru turned his attention back to the entrance, his mind already calculating the possibilities.

"Let them come," he murmured to himself, a dark anticipation filling his voice. "They will soon learn that no one interferes with my experiments and lives to tell the tale."

As Kabuto hastily prepared their new test subject for transport, the air in Orochimaru's underground laboratory grew heavy with tension. Outside, the faint sound of hurried footsteps and whispered commands echoed through the narrow tunnels. Orochimaru's golden eyes gleamed with excitement as he sensed the approaching presence of Leaf shinobi.

"Kabuto," he called out, his voice low and dangerous. "Prepare yourself. We have guests."

Kabuto nodded, his glasses catching the dim light as he adjusted them. "Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

The entrance to the laboratory exploded in a shower of debris, and a group of Leaf shinobi burst into the room, led by Kakashi Hatake, his Sharingan exposed and spinning menacingly.

"Orochimaru," Kakashi growled, his voice cold and authoritative. "Your experiments end here."

Orochimaru chuckled, a sound that sent chills down the spines of even the most seasoned shinobi. "Ah, Hatake Kakashi. How bold of you to confront me directly, but I'm afraid you and your friends are in over your heads."

Without warning, Orochimaru's body twisted and contorted, transforming into a mass of writhing serpents. The snakes lunged at the Leaf shinobi, fangs bared and dripping with venom. Kakashi and his team leaped into action, kunai and shuriken flashing as they deflected the attacks.

"Sakura, take care of the test subject! Sasuke, back me up!" Kakashi ordered, his voice steady despite the chaos.

Sakura Haruno, her hands glowing with healing chakra, dashed towards the unconscious shinobi on the table. She quickly assessed his condition, her medical training kicking in.

"He's stable for now," she called out, her voice firm. "But we need to get him out of here."

Sasuke's eyes were filled with hatred as he charged at Kabuto, katana in hand. "You won't get away with this!"

Kabuto smirked, his hands glowing with the eerie light of his chakra scalpels. He deftly parried Sasuke's attacks, his movements fluid and precise.

"Such energy," he taunted. "But you'll need more than that to defeat me."

Meanwhile, Kakashi faced off against Orochimaru, his Sharingan predicting the snake-like movements of his opponent.

   "Chidori!" he shouted, his hand crackling with electric energy as he lunged at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru dodged with inhuman speed, his serpentine body coiling and uncoiling in a mesmerizing dance. "Impressive, Kakashi, but you'll need to be faster than that."

The battle intensified, the room filled with the sounds of clashing metal, grunts of exertion, and the hiss of serpents. Sakura managed to secure the test subject, carrying him on her back as she fought off any serpents that got too close.

   "We need to retreat!" she shouted. "We can't fight them all here!"

Kakashi nodded, his Sharingan glowing. "Sasuke, cover our escape!"

Sasuke nodded as he started to rapidly form handsigns, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

Sasuke spat out a giant fireball from his mouth, watching it crash into the ground and burst open into flames.

Kabuto, realizing the Leaf shinobi were slipping from his grasp, snarled in frustration. "Orochimaru-sama, we can't let them escape!"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, his playful demeanor slipping away to reveal cold, murderous intent.

"Very well," he hissed. "But do not underestimate them."

With a flick of his wrist, Orochimaru summoned a massive serpent from the ground, its eyes gleaming with malice. The creature lunged at the Leaf shinobi, its jaws wide open.

Sasuke quickly gathered a large sum of chakra into his fist and punched the serpent right in the jaw. The serpent was sent flying backwards, crashing into the ground.

"We'll meet again, Orochimaru!" Kakashi called out as he backed away, his eyes never leaving the enemy.

Orochimaru watched them go, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

   "Yes, we will," he murmured, his voice a chilling promise. "And next time, you won't be so lucky."

The Leaf shinobi burst out of the tunnels and into the open forest, breathing heavily but alive. Kakashi quickly took stock of their situation.

"We need to get him back to the village," he said, indicating the unconscious shinobi. "He needs medical attention now before whatever Orochimaru did to him takes affect."

Sasuke nodded, "We'll stop him, Kakashi-sensei. No matter what it takes."

As they hurried back towards Konoha, the shadows of the forest seemed to close in behind them, hiding the menace that still lurked in the depths of Orochimaru's lair.

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