Goons in the Comet Observatory

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One morning, in the comet observatory floating peacefully above the planet below, Rosalina emerged from the bedroom into a void of stars. The observatory was almost always peaceful - and except for a couple of terrible occasions where a certain somebody had attacked, she loved living in it. But that's what friends were for, right?
"Good morning, mama," a small yellow luma cooed nearby. "Have you heard?"
"That Vega transformed yesterday? Yes, I'm so proud of him."
"Yeah. Well, he wanted to become a giant planet of cotton candy, but he's still pretty happy."
Rosalina smiled. Everything was always working out in space - that was one reason she usually didn't go to the earth below. It could get a little lonely sometimes, but she and the lumas embraced the peace.
"That actually wasn't what I was going to say, though," the luma continued. He tried to tap his chin and then found that his arms couldn't reach. "Oh, z-tars. I can't remember what it was."
"It's not about Polari smacking face first into the wall, is it?"
"No!...but that was pretty funny."
Rosalina rolled her eyes and chuckled, moving on. As she continued her morning rounds, she could sense a small object shooting through space near them. It wasn't very big, so she dismissed it as an asteroid and moved on.
When she was in the kitchen later that morning, cooking among the lumas, Polari came rushing in. "My lady! The guests are here!!"
"Guests?" Rosalina asked in surprise. Looking around at the other lumas in the room, she asked, "What guests?"
In answer, a sound reached them from across the courtyard.
"You idiot, this isn't a building," a low voice answered him. "It's Sunday! That means no being stupid!"
"Actually, I'm trying to go outside the box."
Rosalina and her lumas had jumped up and raced outside. When she reached the main lookout, what did she see but the group of earthlings she knew the most. Making the noise were the knuckleheads, Wario and Waluigi, whom she didn't know too well. But you only get one chance at a first impression.
With them were those two dinosaurs and Princess Peach, Mario's elusive special one. She also had that friend of hers, Daisy, and Luigi she recognized right away. Mario stood among them like some sort of ringleader.
"Wow, this place is cool!" Daisy said, looking up at the spires of the observatory.
"Isn't it gorgeous?" Peach asked with excitement.
"Oh, stop talking about it like girls," Wario said.
Daisy crossed her arms and gave him a look. "Well at least our eyes are plugged in, because here 's a news flash for ya! Whether you like it or not, WE ARE GIRLS!"
"And we know how to enjoy stuff that isn't things that are actually nice." Peach wrinkled her nose as if she could smell something coming off their overalls.
"Well, the super dumbrio bros over here aren't any better," Waluigi joined in just for fun.
"Look, Mario!" Luigi suddenly cried, pointing into space. "A shooting star!"
"You stand corrected," Wario muttered.
"Hey! Are you implying that I'm a pansy?" Mario cut in.
"Maybe we are!" Waluigi said, shoving his face closer.
"Stop it! Nobody's a pansy," Daisy scolded, shoving her way through.
"That's right! 'Cause we're way manlier than you!" Luigi told Wario to his face. "Right, Mario?"
Then Rosalina and several lumas approached them. "Um...excuse me," She said. By now nobody was free enough to notice her.
"Ha, right," Wario snorted.
"Well their bro staches are way more macho than yours," Yoshi broke in.
"Thank you," Mario said gratefully. Peach and Daisy couldn't help giggling a little.
"Oh great, now the grandson of Barney is gonna insult us," Wario moaned. "For now I'll spare you the muscle jokes. We're just here for the...for the...uh, why are we here again? It's got something to do with money, right?"
"No," Mario said. "We're on an important business trip for Shigeru Miyamoto!"
"Hey, why did you call him by his first name?" Wario accused. "I thought you said we couldn't do that!"
"I did. You can't," Mario replied. "But he loves me, so I can."
Luigi chuckled. "Yup. We three are like peas in a pod -"
"Oh, shut up!" Wario growled.
Rosalina spoke up again. "Hello there you all - Mario -"
But they were still too preoccupied. "Okay then, high-and-mighty Mr. Nintendo, tell us what Mr. Miyamoto said," Waluigi said. "Why did I even come along on this thing?"
"Beats me," Birdo honked.
"Because he told you to," Mario said. Then he finally noticed Rosalina standing there. "Oh...hello."
"Hi, Mario...everyone," she said, looking a bit confused. "What a pleasant - surprise."
"Ha, not even," Waluigi said. "Have you smelled these dinosaurs?"
"Anyway," Mario butted in, addressing Rosalina, "we don't mean to be rude, but we came on behalf of the Nintendo guys."
"Oh, really?" Rosalina asked, interested now. "What's going on?"
Luigi butted through."Oh, well we're having a new game-"
"Quiet, Luigi, I'm a-telling her!" Mario pushed him.
Just then they were interrupted by Wario's distant screaming behind them. Everybody looked to find Wario gone.
"Oops," Yoshi said, who was standing guiltily by the edge of the platform. "That's just space..."
Mario groaned. "Did he seriously fall?"
Yoshi looked down and then back up. "Yup."
"But..." Waluigi said, stepping forward. "But then who's gonna grudgingly give me piggyback rides?!"
"DON'T look at me," Mario said.
"Uh, or me!" Luigi added hastily.
"It can be Yoshi, of course," Birdo said jokingly.
"Hey, that wasn't my fault! The goon was looking over the edge as if BEGGING his fat to tip him over!" Yoshi said.
"And it did," Mario whispered to Luigi.
Waluigi, who heard him, said, "Hey, I wouldn't be laughing when I have as much weight as you do."
"Can it!" Mario hissed. "He's still way heavier than me, so I have to make fun of whoever I can."
"Um, I've got him," Rosalina spoke up. Having used her gravitational pull, Wario had floated back up in a bubble which now dangled above their heads. Suddenly they all looked up.
"MOVE!" Luigi shrieked, shoving Mario out of the way as he nearly fell on their heads. The impact of his landing was felt across the whole observatory. Yes, I mean that the lumas having tea in the kitchen on the other side of the space station were rocked violently from their chairs as the place swayed. Everyone but Waluigi somehow managed to remain standing.
Rosalina groaned. "Um...maybe let's try not to do that again..."
"Yeah, he's probably a greater threat to this place than Bowser," Mario said, reorienting himself.
"So...anyway, what was it you were going to tell me?" She asked.
"Don't tell me you can't remember!" Luigi pressured him.
"Uh...I'm-a can't remember." He blinked at them. "Yeah, I forgot."
"I guess you can go ahead and tell us then, Luigi," Daisy said, "since none of us know what's going on either."
"Yeah, I am completely in the dark," came Waluigi's muffled voice from under Wario. Everyone looked at him for a second, then turned back to Luigi.
"O-oh, well see, heh, actually..." Luigi said, "I forgot too."
"How is that even possible?" Polari mused, who was at Rosalina's side.
"Oh, it's likely twin psychology. If Mario forgets something there's an eighty-seven percent chance I will too."
"Your nerd glasses are missing," Wario spoke up.
"I'm not a nerd! That's just a fact I have to live with!" Luigi said indignantly.
"Okay, that's...interesting," Rosalina said. "Until you remember, would you all like to come for some star bits?"
"Yeah!" Mario replied, promptly walking off for the kitchen. "Let's a-go!"
Peach giggled. "That sounds lovely," she told Rosalina. They all headed off after her. Except not Wario and Waluigi.

A few minutes later the gang was sitting around the big table in the observatory's dining room, being entertained by the sprightly lumas when Polari rushed in. "Excuse me, Rosalina, but there's been an issue," he said hurriedly. "One of our...guests has clogged the fountain."
"What do you mean by that?" Mario asked skeptically.
"I mean, it's stopped up and it's gonna start overflowing."
"Ohh..." Rosalina sighed, putting a hand to her head. She stood up. "I'd better go."
"It's that Wario and Waluigi," Peach sighed.
"Honestly, I don't know how they manage to pull all this stuff off," Yoshi commented. "There should be some sort of insanity award."
"How did they cause trouble that fast?" Birdo said, exasperated.
"Let me come take a look," Mario said, standing up. "If they really did do something stupid to the pipes I'll see what I can do."
"Um, okay," Rosalina said, not understanding. They left. When they were gone Polari turned to the rest of the group. "Some brilliant friends you got there," he said.
Daisy slumped over and hid her face in her hands.

"Well, that should do the trick," Mario grunted, standing up from the knee-deep pool in the fountain dome. Wario, Waluigi and Rosalina were standing around watching.
"Oh, thank you," Rosalina said gratefully. "How did you know what to do?"
Mario shrugged. "I didn't really do anything. Here's the issue," he said, sloshing out of the water and holding out a whole banana.
"A banana?" Wario said incredulously.
'My thoughts exactly,' Rosalina thought.
"Ordinarily I could blame Yoshi, but I just have one question." Mario turned to Waluigi.
"What the heck were you thinking?!"
Waluigi tapped his chin thoughtfully for several moments. "I dunno," he said.
Mario shoved the banana on him and tromped away.
"You don't happen to remember what you were going to tell me, do you?" Rosalina asked hopefully.
"Right now, I don't even remember what I had last night for dinner," Mario replied.
"Probably spaghetti," Wario snorted.
"Hey...I think you're right!" Mario turned on him. "Are you spying on me, or are you psychic?"
"Um, neither," Wario said. "You're not that complicated, you know."
"Why you little-"
Mario and Wario were instantly on each other in a heated wrestling match on the floor. "Guys, come on, don't do that," Rosalina implored in disgust as Wario tried to bite Mario's hand off.
"Guys, stop it!"
Before she could interfere a luma flew in. "Mama, there's an emergency in the engine room!" He stopped when he saw Mario and Wario wrestling on the floor. "I can see you guys are busy."
Rosalina moaned. "Don't ask." Then she and the luma swept from the room.

When they arrived at the engine room, who did they find but Waluigi. He was standing in front of a big furnace which was flaming over almost out of control, making the room uncomfortably hot.
"What happened?" Rosalina cried.
Waluigi tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I dunno," he said.
Frustrated, Rosalina shoved past him. "I got it."
Luma looked at Waluigi. If he'd had a mouth, it would've looked pretty smug just then.
Two seconds later the lumas in the library all stopped and looked up from their reading as a long drawn-out yell reached them from outside. Finally it ended with an extremely loud crash from the kitchen.
They blinked at each other. Then they kept reading.
In the kitchen, disaster had struck. The surprise of the 'normal people' still sitting around the table wasn't very great; it was pretty typical for someone to come flying through a window and crashing into the furniture. Peach, Daisy, Birdo, Yoshi, and Luigi all just stared as Waluigi picked himself up from the ginormous pile of dishes and pans on the floor. He shook a fist at the open door. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU CREEPY PEA-BRAIN!"
Up in the engine room, the luma snickered.
Just then Mario and Wario came running in to the kitchen to see what the commotion was. They were closely followed by Rosalina.
"What is going on?!" She looked close to cracking. Daisy groaned.
Mario, still damp, suddenly shouted, "I GOT IT!"
Everyone looked at him.
"The news," he said, looking at a peeved Rosalina. "The guys at Nintendo are looking to see if you'd be interested in joining us in our newest game at the Rio olympics!"
She blinked. "Are you serious?"
"Yes," Mario said. "Don't freak out, it's just one event. You can help my team 'cause of all your cheaty anti-gravity stuff."
She stood back, baffled. "Sports aren't really up my alley-"
"Oh, come on, mama, you should do it," a luma spoke up. "We think it'd be good for you to go do things with your friends."
"That's why they sent you?"
"Yup," Luigi spoke up from the table. Everyone looked at him, most of them annoyed.
"Well..." Rosalina considered, looking around the trashed kitchen. She looked at Polari, who was beside her. They nodded at each other.
"I'll do it, as long as you do one thing for me," she said.
"What is that?" Yoshi asked.
Rosalina and Polari glanced at each other. Then Polari came forward.

There it is! I wanted to introduce Rosalina somehow, so with my late fad over the Rio games, I thought this would be perfect. I always thought about what would happen if everyone came to the observatory...
Obviously this is influenced by Super Mario Galaxy and lots of craziness. Hope you liked it!
Until next time;)

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