3. The Forbidden City

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M'ai Cun is a continent, in the middle of the M'rais Sea that borders the H'jia Isles. On M'ai Cun their are civilizations, but this  continent is the Continent of Dragons. From Wyrms, Wyverns, Pa Snakes, K'iih-Lungs, Fae Dragons, and Western Dragons you can find them here along with the people possessing Dragon Spirits.

Four Kingdoms reign on M'ai Cun, each having their own Forbidden City along with their own customs. The Kingdoms are: The Northern City of Fae, The Western City of Wixtia, The Southern City of Wyrms and Wyverns, and the Eastern City of Spirits. The story being told revolves around the Western City of Wixtia


A Hut by the M'Rais Sea

"P'i Yu-Jin !" a woman cries, her long inky black hair blowing in the growing wind

The woman climbed a boulder and stood on top of it. She used her sight to look for the little child, and she saw the girl playing by the sea. The woman sighed a breath of relief and shifted into her dragon.

Angry ivory eyes sit far within the creature's angular, horned skull, which gives the creature a rather intimidating looking appearance.

One enormous central horn sit atop its head, just above its short, pointy ears. A row of small horns runs down the sides of each of its jaw lines.

Its nose is small and has two long, angular nostrils and there's a horn on its chin. A few sharp teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and show a glimpse of the terror hiding inside.

A wide neck runs down from its head and into a muscular body. The top is covered in warped scales and rows of thick armor plating runs down its spine.

Its bottom is covered in smooth skin and is colored lighter than the rest of its body. Four slender limbs carry its body and allow the creature to stand towering and intimidating. Each limb has four digits, each of which end in keen nails seemingly made of crystal.

Gigantic wings grow starting from just below its shoulders and end at the lower end of its back. The wings are almost demonic, the insides of the wing seem to be made of thin crystals and armor-like scales grow on top of the wing's primary bones.

Its massive tail ends in a curled tip and is covered in the same warped scales as its body.

Before she could land, she's suddenly blocked by a titanic being of heat and anguish. Two bloodthirsty eyes stare at her with a disturbing obsession, and another rumble pierces from its jagged mouth in pure agony.

Two lights on dangling stalks adorns its lank head, which itself is in a state of permanent smirking. A wheezing breath escapes the creature's sinuous nostrils set within an arched nose.
Its lank head sits atop a short, inflated body. Shadowy curls coil around its torso, perhaps part of whatever those creatures call culture.

The creature dashes forward, its two legs carry its cursed body with a frenzied energy. A powerful tail slithers behind it, it moves in the air like a charmed snake.

A growl erupts and  in a puff of smoke, another demon appears. It is   a bizarre creation of sickness and flame. Five ghastly eyes stare at the Dragoness with an immobilizing force, and another growl bursts from its slimy mouth with terrifying intensity.

Four thin horns adorns its inflated head, which itself is thick as leather. A faint glow escapes the creature's sinuous nostrils set within a massive nose.

Its inflated head sits atop a thick, bony body. Otherworldly faces bulge from its skin, but you can only guess at the origins.

The creature dashes forward, its two legs carry its draconic body with a calm energy. A shadowy tail swirls behind it, scars and bite marks are all over its leathery surface.

Two bat-like wings extend themselves fully. Jagged bones, and glowing membranes stretch upward, and side by side. Its eyes are still affixed on the Dragoness ,and she can feel the intensity of the stare grow with every passing minute.

The Dragoness opens her mouth in a mighty roar as the two demons dive to attack the unsuspecting little girl on the shore.

"Corrupturo Candelulus ! " the Dragoness shouts, and a gentle, silver glowing particle cluster surrounds her and the girl.

The demons screech at the sudden flash of light and retreat to their shadowy depths. The Dragoness lands besides the little girl who is still illuminating because of the spell. She shifts back into her human form.

"P'i Yu-Ji!" the woman cries as she wraps her arms around the little girl and pulls her into a tight hug.

She smoothed back the girls loose strands of black hair, but the girl only smiles and hands her mother a Dyssodia Vern plant.It has small, needle leaves, which are green and white. The flowers were quite large and was a shade of crimson.

"For you Niáng !" the little girl says curving her small lips into a smile

"You scared me my little bǎo" and she plants kisses on the little girl's forehead and she undoes the spell

She holds the little girls small hands as she skips along the shore as they walk to their hut. They brush off their sandy feet so as not to track it into the house.

"Go play with your little " the girl's mother instructs and the girl obeys

The woman uses a match to illuminate her desk with a bamboo lantern and she gets a sheet of paper and begins to right.

"Dear My love,

    The demon attacks are getting worse and worse. I fear that they will harm our child. I am making the decision to send her to the Forbidden City to be raised and trained, because at least their the demons cannot reach her, but also she may have good fortune as to marry a high-ranking official to bring our family honor and luck. I know you don't want her raised in such an enviornment, but it has to be done and please respect my decision.

Your Wife,

                          Liao Hanying"

The woman sighs and leans back in her chair. She thinks of all the trials and things she face in the Forbidden City.

"Why must I have a worthless daughter like you!" an older woman shrieks as she pushes past the young woman she scolds.

She runs straight into the sharp corner of the gate and her head strikes the sharp jagged edge causing the woman to fall dead with a trail of blood pooling. A heart wrenching scream erupts from the daughter of the woman as she sobs over the body

Liao grimaces at the memory, and she slowly rises. She takes a warm bath full of rose petals and washes her hair with lavender-scented water.  She starts with combing her hair up into a high ponytail near the top of the head. Then, carefully arrange it into a large, loose bun so that it sits in the center of the head, above the forehead. She then steeped strips of wood in hot water to produce a sticky gel and with a combination of wire to keep her hair in place.She tied a golden ribbon at the base of the bun to give it a colorful border. Tasseled pins and hair ornaments are used to adorn her hair, and she uses golden hair sticks to decorate the hair. She takes a Golden dragon buyao that was adorned with pearls and jade.

She then puts on a blue hanfu with golden dragons that were sewn into it and had pink trimmings. and she finds her flower pot shoes. The shoe itself, had various materials were sewn into it: satin inlaid with jade and precious jewels with a tassel sewn onto the front. She takes a deep breath as she opens a small oak box that reveals two golden Chinese talons and a set of black prayer beads. She gingerly puts the talons on her fingers and grabs the beads.

She gets her daughter and does a similar thing to her but doesn't pin her hair, but instead braids two sides of her hair and creates a bang, and then she puts some of it up in an array of curls and lets the rest hang loose, while adoring it with flowers.l. The little girl was ten and she hadn't gone through the ji-li ceremony yet. The girl wears a white and blue hanfu that has intricate details and is has a red tassel at the belt.

The two women travel for 5 days along a dusty road until the arrive at the Forbidden City, and then Liao orders a messenger to send her message to her husband. The Emperor and Empress are their to greet the two.

"Welcome to the Forbidden City, P'i Yu-Ji" the Empress says warmly

The little girl smiles which reveals a set of dimples and she bows.

"Greetings, to Niang Niang and Emperor. May you both have good luck and fortune"

The Emperor and Empress give her a warm smile. Their son the First Prince looks bored, but his attention is on the girl.

"You will stay in the Palace of Heavenly Grace with Noble Consort Jia Qui" the Emperor says

Two eunuchs appear and they escort the girl to the palace and that was the last time Liao would see her daughter.



1. So, demon attacks?

2. What do you all think of Liao? P'i?

3. Would you all want to go to the Forbidden City?

4.What do you think your Dragon would be?

5. Why are you reading this?

bǎo- Meaning Precious treasure, treasure

Niáng - Meaning mommy, mother

wá- Meaning doll

Chinese talons; They are worn by noble women and higher up to adorn their long finger nails a sign of wealth and high rank.


Flower Pot shoes: Worn by women of the court to show their high status and rank


Prayer Beads;

Hanfus and hair worn by Liao and P'i

Liao Hanying

P'i Yu-Ji [Young & how her hair looks]

First Prince Outfit

Emperor & Empress

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