6. Love is a serious mental disease - Abhigya OS

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Hola peeps...

It's your Crazy Buddy Mahii
(crazymahiz) coming up after a verrrryyyyyyyyy loooooonnnnnggggg time in Laughing Riots....

This is a small, crazy story which I want to dedicate to a very special person...

She is such a sweetheart... She is my best buddy... She is very soft, delicate, fragile, innocent, loving and caring.... She is a lovely soul who always gets emotional and vulnerable many a times...

We share a unique bond and I don't know what have I done to get such a trust and love from her... I know very well that whenever something bothers her, she will approach me with full trust that I will be there for her....

It's my sweetheart's birthday today... (March. 30)... Any guesses who she is...

A versatile and lovely Abhigya author who comes up always with her adorable stories..... A crazy VinRana fan... 😂😂😂😂... All guessed it right...

Yep... It's our very own Suba's (suba30) Birthday.... Wish you a very happy birthday sweetheart... May god bless you with all happiness and joy....

A small cake from my side with your favorite lavender colour...


My hearty wishes to you suba...


And a surprise wish for you suba from the the people you adore a lot...

So, how is it suba??? Crazy like me na... 😂😂😂😂


Alright guys.... Shall we give a small surprise to suba together....

How about a small drabble or Os with some tickling moments...

Are you all ready....


This is a crazy and funny story...

No offense to any characters used...

It's just for fun and fun only...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...

Only those who wish can proceed further

Read at your very own risk...



Abhishek Prem Mehra:

A fun loving person who enjoys life to the fullest... Cares for nothing in life but enjoys life happily without bothering about anything.... In a
live in relationship with Pragya. .. Loves her crazily but not in a mood to marry her as he hates commitments ..


Pragya Arora:

A crazy girl who loves abhi unconditionally.... She is jovial, fun loving and enjoys life crazily... Never cares for anything in life... All she want is to be with Abhi always.... Living with abhi like a soul and in a live in relationship with him....


Vin Rana:

Abhi's bestie and colleague in his office...  A crazy guy who is very sweet and fun loving... Had a secret crush on Pragya but backed off after knowing Abhi and Pragya's relationship... Abhi's parntner in crime and both indulge in doing many things which Pragya hates the most...


Now to our story " Love is a serious Mental disease... "

Abhishek Prem Mehra and Pragya Arora have lost their parents in a tender age and is being brought up in an Orphanage.... Both Abhi and Pragya knows each other from childhood and they like each other a lot...

They are the crazy and naughty pranksters... They are the best of the best buddies and seen together always... They always seems like one soul with two bodies...

Years started to move... Both Abhi and Pragya started to love each other so much but the orphanage is strict enough and they made sure that boys and girls stayed in different places when they attain certain age... Abhi and Pragya hates this distance a lot and they are way too rebellious and they met each other secretly...

When they finished off schooling, they comes out of the orphanage, did many part time jobs and got a small house for rent... They studied through distance education and finished their degrees and started to work in a company...

Abhi and Pragya are crazily in love with each other but they hate commitments always... Though they live together sharing Physical relationship too, they don't want to get married, have a family for themselves... They are always sticked on to the principle " No commitments... Just Enjoy and Have Fun"...


One fine day,

Pragya is sitting in the living room and watching Tv without any interest... It's almost late night and Abhi has not yet returned home... Pragya is fuming in Anger as abhi has forgot to take her to the movie....

She curses Abhi for ditching her like this and she is hell annoyed as Abhi has not returned yet... She calls Abhi in anger but she is completely startled to hear Abhi's cryings...

Abhi: Hellllloooo... 😭😭😭😭😭.... Fugggyyy... 😭😭😭😭😭😭...

Pragya: Abhi where are you??? What happened to you??? You are fine right... Stop crying abhi and tell me what happened...

Abhi: Fuggy... 😭😭😭😭.... I'm lost somewhere... 😭😭😭😭.... I don't know where my car is... 😭😭😭😭.... Even I can't find the steering too fuggy... 😭😭😭😭.... Pulease... Save me fuggy...

The floor is dancing fuggy...  😱😱😱😱... Its mocking me fuggy saying that I'm dancing while walking... Im steady na fuggy... Ab... Abhi... Is always steady....  This floor is wrong...

But why my legs are dancing like this... Now where is my car... I... I want... My car... Now... Or I will cry... Mummy... 😭😭😭😭... Fuggoooo... 😭😭😭 .... Aww... Its fuggy not fuggoooo... ...😭😭😭😭

Pragya: God.... What am I going to do with this Idiot... You dumbo Abhi... Listen to me carefully okay... Open your ears and hear me...

Abhu chuckles: Fuggy..  Have you got drunk... We can open our mouth, eyes  but our ears are always open na... 😂😂😂😂😂... You don't know this too... Silly fuggy... Haven't you studied biology properly...

Pragya: Talk this and all nicely... But you idiot always end up in drinking too much na.. Let that vin come here... I will smash his head for sure...

Abhi shooks his head: No... No fuggy... I... I didn't drink... This vin only drank and I just tasted how is it and tested whether he has done the mixing properly or not... Are you sulking that I didn't take you with us... But its boys night out na....

Pragya: Idiot... 😤😤😤😤... Just stop all your nonsense and hear me...
You have only bike and not a car... Can You see the red color bike there??? Pick it up and come soon before I kill you...

Pragya cuts the call angrily and is keep on cursing abhi as she hates abhi drinking like this... She hates vin for spoiling and supporting him too much....


It was one such day, Pragya was preparing food for them... Abhi being naughty always starts to trouble pragya while cooking and gets cozy with her... Soon, Passion took over them and they completely forget that they left the dish in the burner for a long time...

All they finds out is just ashes of the pan and they were hell shocked as the whole kitchen becomes black with heavy smoke as they have ended up in bed for a long time... Pragya cursed abhi as the neighbors have brought the fire service  thinking that the house got fired...

Pragya doesn't know how to react when all adviced them that they should be very careful in kitchen stuffs... Some even went far ahead and advised them to switch off the stove properly before starting their romance embarrassing Pragya to hell while Abhi is grinning widely as if they are complimenting and praising him so much ....


Though Abhi and Pragya loves each other so much, they end up in fighting many a times... Pragya expects complete neatness in her room while Abhi messes up everything and always makes the room ugly and dirty....

They end up in silly fight arguing for hanging the towels properly, keeping the laundries correctly, throwing and discarding garbages neatly... Many a times they fight and argue who has to cook, clean utensils, wipe the floors and clean the bathroom and all....

Day by day, their fights started to increase and their intimacy too started to reduce... Abhi had a wierd thought that Pragya is purposely doing all these as she is having affair with someone else and planning to wipe him off and broke up with him...

Abhi's male ego pops up, out of no where and the inner devil in him, gave him many bad ideas... Abhi planned to threw pragya out of the house before she ditch her.. He has a stubborn belief that whatever be the case, he should be the first always...


After deciding everything, Abhi finally took a decision to get away from Pragya.. He goes to his home earlier from office before Pragya...

He packed pragya's all the stuffs and waiting for Pragya to come soon... As usual, Pragya up came with a smile in her face and hugged abhi and gave a quick peck in his lips which is her regular doings...

Abhi made a disgusting look, makes a face as if he will puke any time and he runs and wipes his lips throughly irking Pragya to the core... Before pragya starts her daily rants, Abhi pushed her out from his house and throws her luggages...

Abhi: Everything is over between us Pragya... We are not together any more... This is my house and you can't stay here any a time... I have packed all your stuffs and whatever you have brought in your money is also there in the carton...

I brought this flat by taking loan and I'm the one who is paying dues for it all these years... So, Its my house and you can move away from here.... Remember, you and me can't live together anymore...

And you... 😬😬😬😬😬.... Don't dare to come in front of my face ever again... Dare to touch me or kiss me anywhere, I will kill you... Thank God... We didn't got married... You where too much annoying now itself.. If you were my wife, you would have made me your slave...

Stop crying and don't irritate me .... Just go away from here... Move off... You are wasting my precious time...

Pragya: Abhi..  Please.. 😢😢😢😢  Listen to me... I will do whatever you sày... I will make sure that we won't fight anymore... Please Abhi
.. Don't do this to me... I won't question you, even if you drink too... Don't throw me out Abhi and don't say that we got broke up ..

Abhi: Oh hello... It's over between us... Can't you hear me... Get out from my house... Always talking nonsense like this... Idiot...

Abhi slams the door in Pragya's face...
Pragya with tear striken face moved from there with a heavy heart... Abhi is dancing in his house happily as he is all alone in the house and enjoying his alone time without any disturbance...

He dirtied the house as much as he can and used to booze out whenever he wants... He enjoys his freedom a lot and never cared where pragya has gone too... He didn't get bothered as Pragya has left her job too, the very next day...


One fine day, when Abhi is chillaxing in his house, he heard the continuous ringing of the bell... Abhi is highly irritated as he thought that Pragya would have come there to beg for his mercy and asked him to take her back to him...

Though abhi started to miss Pragya in these days, he wished to show some attitude to her and was wishing to sign a contract with Pragya with some Dos and Don'ts to be in the house... His crazy brain comes up with peculiar ideas to make Pragya dance to his tunes...

Grinning widely, Abhi opens the door with full of attitude but he is shocked to see Vin standing there with a bright smile in his face... Vin and Abhi hugged each other as they are seeing after a long time... Vin has gone for a training in the near by city for a month...

Vin: Hey abhi congratulations man... Where is Pragya??? You are too bad abhi... You thought of ditching me without giving treat hun... I won't leave you guys... Take me to a five star hotel man... I have been starving for two dàys to fill my tummy in your money...

Pragya..  pragya... You naughty girl... Come out... I'm not leaving you without giving treat... Come soon... I'm starving... Let's not waste time and go to hotel..

Abhi: Vin... Pragya is not here... We broke up before 15 days and she is not staying here... We are no more couples...

Vin: whaattt 😨😨😨😨... What are you blabbering Abhi...

Abhi: Oh dude, don't start your boring lectures okay... I threw pragya out from the house as She is highly annoying man... Too much bak baks...

Too many rules... Abhi do this.   Abhi Don't do this... God... My ears were so badly hurted... So, I get rid of her just like that...

Vin: Dude... You are fine right... You have not gone insane na... You didn't got your head hit anywhere right .. Areyou completely in your senses or Shall we go to the near by mental hospital and check with the doctor...

Abhi: You idiot Vin😤😤😤... Why not I kill you??? I'm perfectly fine, you brainless moron... Tell me why are you talking unwanted stuffs... Go and meet Pragya wherever she is... By the way, What's with that congratulations and what about the treat...

Oh my god!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱... Don't say that you have heard some one saying that pragya is pregnant and all... I swear man, she didn't allowed me to touch me for more than a month and I know pretty well she has got her monthly too before she moves out from here...

I'm no way related to her pregnancy, man... I'm not a fool to become a father for anyone's kid...
Don't try to trap me like this...

Vin : Shut up abhi... You are a biggest fool, I have ever seen in my life... You and Pragya are no more right... Then leave it... Vin you are lucky man... Oohoo... You won't mind right abhi, if I hook up with Pragya and become her boy Friend..

Though Abhi is jealous on hearing vin wishing to hook up with Pragya , Abhi wanted to show off that he is not at all carving for Pragya all these days and wishes to be back to her as he can't live without her... But Abhi being abhi  shows his attitude to Vin...

Abhi: I told you already dude... We are no more together... We broke up... I don't mind anyone hooking up with her... But dude... Why you need to get such a boring girl??? Why not you try for some rich, hot chicks???? You can settle in life right....

Vin: That's what I'm going to do abhi... Oohoo... If pragya says yes to me, I will become a millionaire....

Abhi: Whaattt..  😨😨😨😨.... Have you gone nuts, vin... Pragya is a normal girl and she earns for her livelihood... She left her job too man... I think she will be struggling to get a job now...

Vin sighs: Abhi... Other than playing games, watching unwanted videos and sharing worthless tweets and posting boring status, use some time to check what's going on around the world too man...

Don't you know that Pragya got a jackpot in the online raffle draw... She is a millionaire now man... Heard that she has got a big bungalow, a big car and some income giving properties too... I don't know the address of her villa and I thought to check whether you guys are here or not...

But never I know that I will get a sweet surprise that You guys got broke up and this Vin is lucky enough to get Pragya and also to become a millionaire... Wish me luck man... Meet you soon abhi with my wedding invitation to marry Pragya....

Vin jumps happily and moves out making Abhi's face to drain out without blood... He want to rip Vin in to pieces for trying to love his fuggy but he is helpless and doesn't know what to do.... He curses himself for his mere stupidity and ditching pragya at the correct time....


Pragya opens her classy villa's door with the continous ringing of the bell... She opens the door and spots Abhi standing with his luggages, with a very sad and teary face...

Pragya's lips curved to a smile to see Abhi like that... She knows very well that Abhi can't live without her for a long time but his stupid mind would have clearly corrupted him saying that he is back to her for her money....

Pragya scans Abhi from top to toe... He is standing there as if he will fall unconscious, if she didn't hold him properly... She understands that Abhi is up to something and she is curious to know what is the silly, crazy thing Abhi gonna say to stay with her...

Pragya: Wow... Mr. Abhishek Mehra... What brings you here... You only said na... We are no more together...  Move away from me... Don't show your face to me...Blah... Blah... Blah... May I know what business you have here???

Abhi: Fuggy... Please... 😢😢😢😢... I'm so so sorry... I can't live without you..  Please take me with you... I will obey whatever you say... You can make a contract of Do's and Don'ts too, if you want... But Don't ditch me like I did... Please take me as your abhi again...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... But I'm not interested in taking you back...  You can leave now... I need to go out with my new boy friend.... He may come anytime and I don't want him to get upset on seeing you....

Abhi: Whatttt.... You can't ditch me like this fuggy.... I'm yours and you are only mine...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂 very funny... It's you who ditched me and I'm not.... You only said we are no more together and broke up... Just don't waste my time and move from her...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱😱... Don't do this to me fuggy... You can't ditch me like this... You have to answerable to my state... I'm like this because of you and you should accept it as you did this to me...

Pragya is confused and couldn't understand what abhi is saying...

Pragya: What did I do to you??? What state you are in ??? What I have to accept???

Abhi: 😭😭😭😭😭 ... Fuggy... You can't ditch me fuggy as I'm pregnant with your child.... You need to accept this as the baby is yours... You can't ditch a pregnant man like this and you have to give your intial to our baby and take up the responsibilities as a mother....

Pragya bursts out into laughter on hearing abhi's biggest and crazy lie....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂 Seriously... Are you pregnant??? Then we can go to the doctor and abort it just like that... You only say always na that you hate commitments, family, kids and all... Shall we go to doctor???

Abhi screams aloud and acts as if he is going to faint...  Pragya enjoys abhi's acting but holds him before he falls down...

Pragya: Abhi... Are you okay???

Abhi: Im fine Fuggy... Its common in pregnancy na... Your baby is too naughty like you... Always making me to puke and making me to faint like this...

Please fuggy... Don't ditch me... We can't abort the baby as I'm four months now... Please accept us fuggy... You will take care of us properly na... I won't trouble you with my mood swings and all...

Pragya bursts out into laughter and hugs abhi tightly for being too cute and coming up with silly lies to be back to her... This craziness in Abhi is what Pragya likes the most in Abhi...

Their crazy love didn't part them apart for a long time and they ended up together again with a crazy reunion.... After all, Love is a serious mental disease...


So, how is the OS guys???

Sorry, if I bored you all...

Words used: 3475+

Do forgive me, if there are any typo errors and grammatical mistakes as I've no time to proof read....

Cast your votes and pen down your views, if you like it...


Yours buddy,

Crazy Mahiz

Signing off...

Will be


With another OS whenever possible....

Smile happily and have a good day...

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