5. Longing to see you... Abhigya os...

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This is your crazy / mahii coming up after a very long gap with an one shot on abhigya... Its been long na since i updated one shots...

😂😂😂 Sorry guys... My brain is completely drained off.... No stuff at all...

This is a story which is asked by many of my readers to write in viewers choice... This story is long back in my mind , but now only I find time to script down, which is loosely based on a song....

This is a love and a different (may be strange) romantic story on abhigya .... I dedicate this one shot to whoever asked me to write based on this song (a long list guys) and also to all my followers , my supporters n well wishers...

I've took only a scene from the song... But d story is completely different n its your crazy's pure imagination... Wanna know what song it is??? I will tell in between...

Now without boring you all further, lets move to our one shot..... This is d 5th story in viewers choice....

Believe it or not buddies... This is my 24th one shot (7 stories in romance, 7 random stories, 5 funny one shots and 5 in viewers choice including this) on Abhigya...


Now without boring lets move to our one shot:



Abhishekh prem mehra:

Pragya Arora/ pragya Abhishekh mehra:


Abhishekh prem mehra is a stylish, handsome and hot throb who is way too rich... Girls fall for his charms, but he pays no heed to anyone...

Pragya Arora is a rich spoiled brat who is way too modern, bold and fashion freak but she is a gorgeous diva... Boys die to have just a glimpse of her...

Abhi and Pragya are very rich, well educated, most pampered, successful in their career and so on... But, they have a peculiar interest and passion which makes Abhi and Pragya to meet and fall in love...

(Yup... They have passion to travel... Confused right??? What's strange in travelling... All love to travel na...

No... Abhi and pragya are completely different... They did not travel just to roam or wander around places just to enjoy or to explore places or for fun...)

Abhi and pragya are way too adventorous and completely different from others... They are doing this not only for their passion but they are doing it for some good cause...

Yes... Both abhi and pragya travels in different means and to different places for any good cause to seek people's attention and support them in the cause...

One such journey for a cause made abhi and pragya to meet... Its a cause to shout out for the ban of drugs... Abhi and pragya joined a group of four where they have to travel in a small van for a month...

Abhi and pragya greeted formally and introduced.... They find they have similiar interests and likings and they become very comfortable with each other and they spend most of their time together....

They become very close friends and when they were about to finish their journey, they confessed their love for each other in a dramatic style...

Abhi and pragya informed about their love to their family .. Their families readily agreed to their marriage because they are of same status and also for the fact that the persons
( abhi and pragya) who hates love and not to ready to get married has fell in love and wants to get married...

Abhi and pragya are some unique pieces on earth... They got married in a very strange place and in a peculiar way and that too its also on their way for a cause...

All their lovely moments in life... Their meet, their friendship, their love confessions, their all wedding rituals, their wedding and even their suhagraat, their honeymoon everything takes place in their journey....

After marriage too Abhi and Pragya travel a lot for many causes.... Travelling for a cause makes them very happy....


One fine day, when they were about to finish off a cause and return home, abhigya got a sweet shock yet the biggest happiness of their lives... Yes, pragya becomes pregnant making everyone in abhigya's home to fly in glee....

Pragya literally cried when the doctor strictly warns her not to travel as she is too weak.... Doctor suggested her to be in complete bed rest... Pragya cried her heart out but abhi consoled her...

Abhi loves his wife pragya so much... He too avoids travelling for causes as he does not want to leave his pregnant wife alone and also not to make her worry as she cant come there....

Abhi takes care of pragya really very well... He pampers her so much and fulfills all her pregnancy carvings and happily faced all her mood swings...

When Pragya is in her 8th month, abhi is being asked to go in support for a cause to protect d natural resources being spoiled.... Though abhi is reluctant to go but pragya is d one who insists him to go and promises him that she will take care...

Abhi does not want to miss seeing his wife... He made a brilliant idea and said to pragya making her to squeal in happiness...

They decide to be in touch all through the journey through video calls, voice chats, text chats or atleast through phone calls... Abhi mostly been in touch with pragya through video calls...

Abhi does not want to miss her wife... They talked d whole day keeping touch with each with each other... They did not talk only when there is no network coverage, shortage of battery, rest time and so on...

( I know many guessed d song na... Imagine the scene, Abhi and pragya are talking like this)



Time rolls on...

Abhi's trip got extended for more than 10 days.... He does not know how to react... He is getting restless that pragya will get angry as her due date is nearing....

Abhi called pragya to inform about his trip extension... But pragya has not switched it on d laptop... Abhi sents text messages... But no response from her...

Days passes... Its almost a week passed pragya is not at all responding to abhi's mails, voice calls, video calls or text messages.... Abhi is getting very restless and is panicking...

He even called his and pragya's parents... No one respond to his calls... Abhi's fears about his wife pragya's health and prays to god to keep his wife pragya and his baby safe and sound...

Abhi's worries are increasing a lot... He is eagerly waiting for her response... Each and every single moment is like a living hell for abhi... He wishes to end this trip soon and want to rush to see his love...


One such day, abhi is sleeping after tired for driving so long... His friend is driving d car now....

All of a sudden abhi's laptop pops up with a notification... His friend just notices what it is...

" Hi..


Sorry... sorry....

For late reply...

You there....

I have a surprise for you...

Waiting for your call...

Missed you so much...

Please come soon na...."

Abhi's friend notices lot of messages popping one after the other... He has no other go than to wake up abhi as he knows very well how worried abhi is and how he misses his wife ......

Abhi is irritated as his friend spoiled his sleep...But abhi felt happy as he sees pragya's message after a long gap... Before abhi replies to pragya's message, pragya calls abhi in video call...

Abhi picked the call and is way too shocked and is crying in happiness... Pragya is smiling and is holding their little bundle of happiness in joy...

Pragya got sudden pain and is admitted in hospital... She has to get operated as there are some complications...

Pragya has strictly warned no one to pick abhi's call and inform about her condition... She said them that she wants to give abhi a surprise and she is way too adamant that abhi's journey should not be interrupted..

Abhi finishes of his journey and rushes to his home to see his two lovely girls - his wife pragya and his little princess amaya mehra...

Abhi embraces them in his muscled chest and felt relieved and happy .. He thanked god for giving him the happiness in his life... He even thanked his passion for travel which makes him to meet his queen of his heart and his soulmate pragya..


So , how is the shot buddies???

Do you like this???

Time to make d stars to shine bright with your votes...

Dont forget to pen down your views n comments....

Will be back soon with my silver jubilee (25th) one shot soon...

Dont forget to mention if you have any choices or wishes to see abhigya in any different role....

Stay tuned...

Yours buddy,


Winding off...




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