4. Atlast....Found... Abhigya os...

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This is your crazy / mahii coming up with another one shot in viewers choice...

Its been a long time, since I updated this book... Sorry for late....

Still expecting more suggestions n im working on some of your suggestions too....

This is suggested by AkshayaKannan2 and im dedicating this one shot to her.....

This is a simple story of a lieutenant army general abhishekh mehra and an army doctor pragya ....

A small meet up in a day changes their destiny.... To know more ,read further.....


Abhishekh prem mehra :

An lieutenant in army... He loves the life of an army man and he is just obsessed with his army life...

He does not care about his family or any relationships... He broke all the ties with his family.,,, He is not ready to meet them for some reasons....


An elegant, beautiful, young doctor who wishes and works hard to serve d nation by joining in army and also to serve the brave soldiers who defends the country from enemies..,,

Lets move to our one shot;

Atlast... Found...


A beautiful morning sun rays, makes Pragya to wake up from her deep slumber ... She slowly opens her eyes and smiles on seeing her loving family photo placed opposite to her side..., She gets up to freshen up....

She took bath and dressed up very modestly, as she is going to start her career in army... She smiles and wears her doctor coat....

She moves to the hospital and got busy in her work.... She is a very good doctor... She become famous way too quickly because of her talent and caring nature..... She has gained good name among the patients there and has become a successful army doctor....


One fine day, the weather is getting very gloomy... It's about to rain.... As there arr no patients, Pragya decided to go home soon, before it's starts to rain heavily...

Pragya has forgotten to bring her umbrella too that day... She finishes off her work and rushes to go out....

Suddenly, a group of army men barged into the hospital...

An army man speaks:

Doctor.... Doctor... please save him... He is injured heavily and he's bleeding too much,,, Please help to save him doctor.....

Pragya; okay... Okay... Relax... Don't worry... It'ss my duty to save him... Bring him inside...

Pragya did not looked at the injured man's face at all... As he is injured badly near his chest, legs and hands, Pragya calls the nurse and starts to do the treatment....

He is taken to the treatment room and she immediately wipes off his wounds and starts her treatment, by giving all the necessary first aid and also providing him with injections, antibiotics and has put IV too.....

It took hard for Pragya to treat him, as he is very badly injured... After a lot of struggle, Pragya is able to save him and she takes a deep breath, as she has saved his life....

She comes out with a smile in her face..

Army men: How is he doctor???? Is he alright????

Pragya: Yeah he is fine... You please come with me and you are Mr.????

Purab: Doctor... I'm Purab... Purab khanna... Im in his team and he is my close friend....

Pragya: oh... Come in Mr. Purab... Have your seat.... He is out of danger now... He is given sedative and he will wake up in half an hour....

Purab: Thank you so much doctor... You saved my friend's life... I don't know how to thank you too...

Pragya: It's my duty, Mr. Purab... Dont thank me and all... Thank god that I did not left the place... By the way Mr. purab , I want to recommend some medicines for him...

Purab: okay doctor....

Pragya: Can you tell me, if he is prone to any allergies or if he is alchoholic or is he has any bad habits like smoking or drugs....

Purab: No... No... Doctor... He is a complete teatotaller and it's very hard to find a person like him in the army... Because of a promise made to his wife, he never touches any drugs or drinks....

Pragya: Oh... Interesting... That much love and respect for his wife... Is his wife is here with him ??? Can I meet her???

Purab: No doctor... The sad reality is that he is being separated from his wife.... He even doesn't know, where his wife is... My friend is suffering without his wife... Unlucky fellow...

Pragya: Whaatttt.... Seriously....

Purab: Yes doctor... He loves his girl so much... We even don't know, who she is???.. He has never uttered or said her name to anyone.... But the thing, i I came ro know is that he and his girl where in love, from childhood itself...

But his parents did not like her, as she is from a poor family... But opposing his parents, he married her in a very young age ...

She got pregnant too it seems ... But to their bad luck, my friend got selected in the army and he has to leave for army... She too has sent him happily knowing that he loves to join army and it's his biggest dream...

But after a year, when he returns to his hometown to his wife and baby, they were not to be found... His parents said to him that his girl has aborted his child and eloped with someone...

My friend is very stubborn and he knows very well that his love won't cheat him any atime and something his parents has done to his wife and baby for sure...

He broke all the ties with his family and is living alone here, dedicating his whole life to army... He is searching his love everywhere and he is very sure that he will find her, one day....

What happened doctor??? Why are you crying like this??? Am I boring you by saying my friend's sad story???
Really a very pathetic story na...

Pragya: No... No... Mr. Purab... I just got carried away... It reminds me of my dark past... If you don't mind, Can you please tell me what's your frind's name???.

When Purab is about to say his friend's name, a small girl of 7 enters the hospital, wearing a chasma....

The girl screams : Mumma....

Pragya frowns: Abhigya beta... This is hospital... Be quiet... How many times, I told you to behave properly... Bad manners, beta

Abhigya: Mumma... You have cheated me... You told me that you will get a gift for me... But you are still in hospital only na... Abhigya is angry on you and I gonna put cutty with you...

Pragya: Aww... My baby doll... Please forgive your mumma... (Sighs).. If what I think is happening here, I am damn sure, we are going to get a best gift in our life....

Abhigya: What's it mumma??? What's the best gift???

When Pragya is about to answer Abhigya, the nurse comes and informs that the patient is gaining conscious...

Pragya rushes to see him and Purab too followed her... Abhigya too tailed her mother, as she is eager to know about her gift...

When Pragya enters the room, her heart beats starts to increase... She badly wants it to be him... To her happiness, she is seeing her dream come true before her eyes, after many years...

Both their eyes met in unison and they two forget to even breathe too... Tears were oozing out from both their eyes... When the two hands struggled to raise the hands, Pragya burst out into heavy tears...

Pragya rushes and hugs Abhi tightly... Both are crying uncontrollably... Abhi kisses pragya's forehead happiness... Pragya too kiss him all over his face, with full of happiness....

Purab, Abhigya, other army men and the nurses are blinking their eyes and they couldn't understand what's happening there.... Purab wonders who might be Dr. Pragya to Abhi...

Pragya: Abhi... Abhi... I'm not dreaming na... You are real only na... Atlast I found you, Abhi... Thank God... He gave my Abhi back to me...

Abhi: Yeah baby... I'm real only and I'm so happy that I got you back... I was holding my breath only to see you, Pragya... I know you will surely find me...

Pragya; Not only me, Abhi... Someone other than me is here for you and is waiting for you, all these years, along with me...

Abhi: Who is that, Pragya???

Pragya: Abhigya... Come here beta... Here is your biggest and precious gift, beta... Mumma has fulfilled your long term wish....

Abhigya blinks her eyes: Who is he Mumma??? How can he become my gift???

Pragya smiles and whispers something in Abhigya's ears.... Abhigya's eyes widens in happiness and she gestured Pragya, is it true... Pragya nods her head and smiles happily...

Abhigya jumps in happiness and smiles brightly... She rushes and kisses Abhi happily and hugs him tightly..

Abhigya: I missed you so much, papa... Atlast we found you... Don't leave us anymore, Papa ... Mumma and me loves you so much... Will you also love me, papa???

Abhi felt teary eyed and hugs her two loveable girls..... Purab felt very happy and everyone there are very happy seeing the family reunion....

Atlast the broken family is united, by God's grace.... Abhi and Pragya's true love joins them, after a long time... They lived happily with their daughter and serves the nation too.....

How is the shot guys????

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Yours buddy,


Bidding adeiu....

See you all soon in another oneshot ..


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