7. Friends Forever - Abhigya os...

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This is your crazy/ mahii coming up again with another one shot in viewers choice... This is the 7th story in viewers choice and this is going to be my 28th one shot...

What do you think of friendship???

Friendly thoughts and flowers are much the same as they bring happiness wherever we are...

Friendships that last are those wherein each friend respects the other's dignity to the point of not really wanting anything from them." - Cyril Connolly

A friend is someone you can be alone with and have nothing to do and not be able to think of anything to say and be comfortable in silence. - Sheryl

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow -William Shakespeare..

So, here I'm with an Os in viewers choice, highlighting the importance of friendship....

It's rightly said that " A friend in need is a friend indeed"....

Okay... I accept... We all have friends... But what's so special in this story...

Just think of a friendship between a boy and a girl...

Will it last long forever??? Will it be pure friendship without any love or any feelings??? If it is so, will their partners agreed to that friendship???

Shall we proceed to our one shot to find answers to this question...

" Friends Forever"

Dedicating this one shot to all my friends in this wattpad family .. I've gained this much recognition only because of all your love and support buddies...

A special friend and a well wisher of mine asked me to write this one shot highlightling a person along with abhigya... May be one more friend will be happy reading this too....

I know many would have guessed who they are and who the person might be??? Will tell you all who they are in between to check your answers...



Pragya Arora: A calm, matured young girl who is way too caring to his loved ones... A bookworm , studious yet a friendly soul... she is an elegant beauty in her simple looks....


Abhishekh Prem Mehra: A young , charming and handsome man whom girls die to long for ... His smile and cute look will steal anyone's heart....


Aaliya singh: A chirpy, young, lovely girl who makes the entire surroundings happy with her innocent talks.... She is so lively and cheerful...


Purab khanna: A lively, happy go, fun loving guy who values friends a lot... Not much ambitious... Yet can do anything for his loved ones happiness...


This story is a complete pov. Of Purab.. ( so you guys guessed it na... Yes... It's suba30 who asked me to write a story highlighting Vin's charachter along with abhigya...

I know Mona Live_Till_It_Hurts...
You too will be happy...

So my buddies Suba and Mona and all Vin worshippers, this is my small treat to make you all happy...

No... no... Don't frown on me Abhigyans... Without Abhigya, how will I write... But its going to be Purab (Vin rana), who is going to explain the story in his perspective)...

No more bak baks.... Lets move to our one shot:

Hi... Cool girls.. young dudes... This is me Purab.... Purab khanna... A tall, handsome, young man... Nothing much to say about me... Im a typical back bencher, flirty, fun loving and happy go young guy...

Im a single child to my parents... Seriously, Im a spoiled brat.... Dont think wrong about me... I dont have any bad habits or I will cling to any random girls...

I socialize and flirts with girls but stay in my limits... Im way too naughty and lively .. I used to play pranks and tease anyone... Everyone fears on seeing my cunning, playful smirk...

I dont have fear for my parents, teachers and even I try to boss them... But the only person, I fear is her... God... She is highly dangerous and with her cold look, my blood will drain off from my face...

Come on guys.. I will show who she is and how we met after I board my flight... Yes... Im doing my project in australia and returning to meet my bossy girl, my friend, my love and my cute little munchkins... 😊😊😊😊....

Sorry... Guys... Settled now... Haan... Where I have left... Yup about my boss... She is my friend... My first puppy friend... What's wrong??? Why all are glaring at me like this??? When puppy love is there, why not puppy friend???

Iv met her first, when my mom dropped me in my kinder garden... Almost all the places were occupied in the class except the front bench with a cute, little pony tailed girl sitting nervously...

I being a fun loving one goes and sits near her... She turns her face from me... Her long hairs brings the naughty smile in me and my hands pulled her head hard .. I thought she will scream in pain and cry...

Instead she glared at me and pulled my hairs too roughly... I was crying like a girl .. Yet the beautiful thing that happened is that she wiped away my tears and gives me a chocolate and water to drink...

She poked my hands with her asking me to be her friend... I immediately agreed because this purab says no to girls even when I was a kid... She introduced her name as Pragya... Pragya Arora... But she is always my cool lovely...

Yup... I call her lovely... We became good friends.. we were inseparable .. Even our parents too became friends because of us... To say a truth, me and pragya fight, quarrel a lot, yet we are the best of the best friends...

We are completely contrast in nature... No one understands how we are together... Pragya is studious while I hate studies... Pragya is very ambitious yet I dont have any such idea about that...

The only thing I dont like in my lovely is that she always boss me around... A silent, calm girl will turn like a volcano when I do any naughty things or if I get low marks...

Even my parents will happily allow lovely to boss me around saying that she will turn me into a good person... Oh god!!! For heavens sake... Believe me... Im a good boy...

Life was going on smoothly for me and my lovely... We bonded really well... We completed our scooling... While my lovely top scored and got a state rank, me the great Purab Khanna stood last in the school... 😂😂😂😂... Great achievement right....

Pragya joined in computer engineering as she got merit seat... Though, Im not interested in engineering, I too joined after wiping a lump sum amout from my Papa for college admission just to protect my lovely....

Never and ever, I thought this college life will bring a spicy twists in our lives... I have never thought my lovely will leave me for another man...

I thought she only caress for me... I felt really jealous when her attention turns towards another man... I dont understand what's going on between them...

I can visualize different emotions in their eyes... Rather than their mouth, their eyes talk much... Lovely starts to dress up very elegantly and that too for him... This boiled my anger a lot..

That guy has got on to my nerves when he asked me to leave my lovely alone for sometime so that he can spend time with her.... When I asked him the reasons, he said he loves my lovely...

How dare that stupid Abhishekh Mehra to love my lovely??? When I barged and hitted him, my lovely comes from no where and starts to yell on me... I was heart broken... My buddy yelling me for another man...

Without a word, I moved from there... I sat in an isolated place and started to cry a lot... That was the first time I cried like this ever in my life... Someone grabbed my shoulders to console me...

I thought it was my lovely but to my dismay, It's Abhishek Mehra, who is the reason for my condition... He consoles me and explains me clearly making a sense in me that they really love each other a lot...

I've never met such a person in my life... Really, Abhi is a gem of a person... He loves my lovely very madly and cares for her a lot than me...

I forget to tell you all na... More than my lovely, my Abhi has became a closest friend of mine... This lovely will many a times feel jealous on seeing me and my Abhi's bonding... Silly girl.. We boys have lot of personal boys talks... How can we join her in that???

Our college life was really a fun... Me, abhi and pragya will always roam together... Yet I give them space to spend their romantic times alone... Really guys, I act only as a driver, body guard, photographer and some times I will get food for them too like a servant...

Yup... I willingly do that because they are the two people whom I adored the most... My true friends they are... I always wished to see them together happily...

I was brought up as a cupid to convince Abhi and Pragya's parents... They agreed to the marriage after a lot of convincing... Though no one has problem in the marriage, its Abhi's father who acts as a villain...

Abhi's father put forth a condition that after their studies, Abhi and Pragya had to run his company together for a year and make it to be more successful, then only they can marry...

Silly man... Does not know the talent of my best buddies Abhi and Pragya... They are the top scorers of the college and they runs the company very well... They cracked many deals and they brought the company 10 times ahead of Abhi's father...

Atlast the villain agreed for marriage .. wait wait... I forget to tell about my love na.. I have met many girls and flirted with many too... But this girl pulled me like a magnet ..

Her dimpled cheek and her smile made me mad... No one makes me react like this .. He is fun loving than me... One thing, I know she is going to rule me and make my life more colourful...

I nervously said about my love to my buddies abhi and pragya before I said to my love, Aaliya singh who is working in Abhi and Pragya's office....

To my pleasure, Abhi said that my love, my Aalu (😂😂😂😂 my nick name for my girl) is Abhi's relative and he assured me that he will help me to get my love...

Me being a naughty boy, proposed my love very dramatically infront of the whole office.. My Aalu blushed a lot and accepted my proposal... What I did made everyone to gasp in shock...

I hugged my Aaliya, kisses her cheeks, gave a quick peck on her lips and twirls her in happiness... Aaliya was surprised and dumb struck by my assault while my lovely, Pragya glares at me angrily... My buddy Abhi as usual spilled his mesmerizing smile and shows thumbs up to me...

Yup .. Abhi's smile is always mesmerizing... Such a cute, innocent smile... If I was born as a girl, I would have loved him very madly... Thank god... Pragya , Abhi and Aaliya did not hear my mind voice... Or else they would have killed me for sure...😂😂😂...

Almost 5 years gone... All our lives changed... A lot happened in our lives... Many changes takes place... Our needs changed.... Our responsibilities changed...

Yet we four bonded really well... We are the closest friends ever.... Thanks to my love aaliya for joining in our friends gang... When we four join together, we will turn the place upside down with our laughter and naughtiness....

Haan... I have reached my destination... Come with me... We will see wht my buddies are doing...

Oh my love... She is calling me... Hello... Yup... Im on my way... Will reach there soon...

This girl be na... Turning more bossy than my lovely as she loves me madly... Atlast we reached the hospital... Dont panic... Good news only guys..."

Pov. Ends...

Purab: Sorry Lovely... I'm a bit late...

Pragya frowns: Abhi...  Ask this idiot to get out from this room...

Abhi: Don't drag between you two... You two settle your issues... Aaliya darling come lets leave these two and go out... Hey champs... Come... We shall go...

Abhi, Aaliya and champs moves out... A pin drop silence prevails in the room...without thinking anything, Purab starts to do the sit ups...

Purab: sorry lovely... I'm late... What shall I do??? My princess came little bit early... Not my mistake na... Pretty please forgive me and show my lovely cute princess to me...

Pragya smiles and hands her baby girl abhigya to purab... Purab coos the little princess lovingly... Abhi, Aaliya and the little champs gets in...

Prabhi (Abhi and Pragya's elder son of 4 years) : Pooh... Uncle... She is my sissy...

Aarav frowns ( Purab and Aaliya's son of 3 years) : Who is she to Aarav???

Purab laughs: This is Prabhi's sister... but.... My Aarav's Princess.... My bahu...... Hey na my little doll...

The little baby Abhigya smiles... Aarav giggles on seeing that...

Prabhi pokes on Purab's shoulder: But pooh uncle, I too need a prin... Princess. ..  for me... Ba... Bahu for my papa and mumma...

All laughs on hearing that...

Purab: Why??? Why not champ??? Don't you know... Your princess is on the way .. See your Aalu bua's tummy is so big na... Your princess is there only... Soon, she will come out to be with my Prabhi...

Prabhi smiles happily and runs and hugs Aaliya's tummy and kisses it lovingly... Here Aarav too kisses the little Abhigya's tiny toes, with lots of love...

Pragya frowns: Purab... You are corrupting the champ's mind... Their wishes can change, after years na..

Abhi smiles: " Not like that sweet heart... I have a strong feeling that they will have a strong bond of friendship, ahead os us... If they are together in a relationship too, it will be very good na...

We four will be friends forever and no one can separate us na..."

Pragya and Aaliya agrees to Abhi's words ..  Purab lifts his collar and plasters a victory smile and hi-fies with Prabhi, Aarav and touches little Abhigya's toes lovingly...

Later Aaliya, Purab , Abhi and Pragya smiles happily and shares a group hug to cherish their friendship forever and prays to god to keep them and their kids too like them together always with the strong bond of friendship forever...


So, how is the one shot buddies???

Did you all like this???

Sorry suba... I took some time to complete it... I hope I fulfilled your wish by giving a a long os of about 2600+ words... Hope you liked it and I tried my level best to give it to your expectations....

Buddies... Do cast your votes and pen down your comments... Your words and stars makes me happy and write further more...

Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Note: If you guys have any wish to see abhi and pragya in any characters of your choice , do ping me by posting your comments here or sending me a message...

I will surely try my level best to come up soon with an interesting plot....


Will be


With another one shot...

Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes if any....

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