8. What I'm today is because of you....

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Hi peeps...

My loving buddies....

Longggggg time na...

A one shot from me, after months I guess....

Sorry buddies... Many asked me to write one shots but You all know na,
I'm too busy with my main stories and I couldn't spare time for one shots.... Huh... Even I missed the one shots a lot...

Sure will try my level best to come up with one shots whenever possible....
I promised my close buddies to give a one shot as my birthday treat...

But Im coming up days ahead of my birthday, as I cant hold my excitement for long.... This one shot is my very own choice.... 😂😂😂😂😂

You all know na how a crazy cricket fan this mahii is... 13/12/2017, Wednesday was such a memorable day for me...

My favorite player proved again that he is the best in knocking shots... Such a wonderful delight to watch him bat (watched the videos again n again for an umpteenth time crazily) .... A mind blowing performance of him as a captain too...

I felt goosebumps on seeing a very happy sight on seeing his love for his wife and his wife's love is clearly captured in the camera... Her tears speaks volumes of their love...

So, your crazy's mind wished to implement the scene with an added story of my own making our very beloved couples abhi and pragya as the leads ....

My fourth one shot together with cricket as the base...

Dedicating this one shot to all my lovely buddies and also to my favourite player , The HITMAN RO for the wonderful treat he has given with his bat...


Now to the one shot...

(Warning: Read at your own risk....

Strictly no bashing is allowed...

Kindly ignore typing errors and grammatical mistakes, if any)


Abhishek Prem Mehra:

The famous cricketer of the nation's cricket team... He is the opener of the team and he is famous for his hit shots and sixes... He has a successful cricket career yet he also faces his ups and downs....

Pragya Abhishek Mehra:

The famous fashion designer of the country who has designed big celebrities and top models of the country... Lovely wife of Abhi and his childhood bestie...

Arvind Singhania:

The co- cricketer of Abhi... Abhi's bestie and pragya's friend or a brotherly figure to her... He is also the opener of the cricket team...

Purab Khanna:

The co- cricketer of Abhi and Arvind who always comes in the middle order to bat... Bestie of Abhi who knows what pragya means to him and cares pragya like his own sister... Arvind's close friend too....


Now lets peep into the story:

" What I'm today is because of You"


Abhi and Pragya are childhood besties... They care for each other a lot... They are not in love with each other but they are one such a pure friends....

Abhi always has a fond for cricket from childhood... The only thing which his bestie pragya or his sweet fuggy hates the most in this world...

Though Pragya doesn't like cricket at all, she is always beside abhi all the time in the ground, cheering him up when he bats and bowls...

She is always there to support and encourage abhi on his success and she is always there for abhi in his hard times too lending her moral support to him ....

Life is not always a bed of roses... Abhi has to fight a lot with his family to choose cricket as his career.... Being the only child of his family, Abhi's parents are not at all happy with the decision of abhi, choosing cricket over a nice job which gives him a safe career for life long ...

Abhi's parents didn't want abhi to waste his hard earned engineering and mba degree to go as a mere waste for cricket... Though they know abhi is a brilliant cricketer, they are not in a mentality to support him...

Abhi is really fed up of the happenings in his home... He is not in a mentality to give up his dream for anyone's sake... He makes a big decision of his life with a heavy heart....

But his heart urged to meet his fuggy for one last time before he leaves the place... He sneeked into pragya's room through the balcony which he used to do always...

Abhi admires his bestie pragya sleeping carefree without any worries or sorrows... A smile creeps up on his face and he kisses her forehead lovingly...

Abhi caress her head lovingly and a lone tear escapes from his eyes as he will miss his fuggy's cheerings in the ground... He wipes his tears and goes out to catch up his dream career ..

Abhi's whereabouts were not known to his family... All searched for him in many places but in vain... Abhi joined the famous cricket academy... There he met purab and arvind who supported and encouraged him in all means...


It is Abhi's birthday... Abhi is not in a mood to celebrate his birthday, as Pragya is the one, who will be beside him in all his birthdays and she is the one who wishes him first and always ends up giving him an unique birthday gift...

Though Purab and Arvind insists, abhi is not in a mood to celebrate his birthday at all .. He sleeps in the couch ignoring his friend's wishes...

Abhi's peaceful sleep is interrupted with the continuous ringing of the door bell... Abhi is irked to the core and asks his friends to check, who is at the door...

But no one hears Abhi at all... Abhi groans and is hell angry and opens the door in fury... But his lips curved to a smile on seeing his fuggy standing over there... Abhi hugs pragya and twirls her happily....

Abhi: What a pleasant surprise fuggy... I didn't expected you here... Missed you so much sweetie...

Pragya: Don't bluff , you idiot... You forget me completely na... Not a phone call from you too... I only searched you madly and find you at last... So, I didn't mean a little to you na...

Abhi: Don't talk like this fuggy... I terribly missed your bak baks a lot... Please my sweetie na... Forgive me, please fuggy...

Pragya: Dont talk to me abhi... Im hell angry on you... You didn't even find time to say bye too before leaving na... Dare to come near me, I will kill you...

Pragya glares at abhi and turns her face angrily... Abhi makes a naughty smirk and lifts her in his arms and brought her inside...

Purab and Arvind are laughing uncontrollably as abhi, a very adamant and stubborn guy is begging like anything before his bestie pragya...

Pragya: Alright... I can forgive you, only if Im allowed to be with you always... If you are okay with this, I'm ready to forgive you...

Abhi: Whaatttt.... 😨😨😨😨... Are you a stupid fuggy??? How can you be with me??? What about your parents, your career??? Moreover, this is bachelor's room and how can you stay with us...

Pragya: Abhi... Say whatever you want... Im not leaving you anymore .. Its final... You didn't care for anything for your cricketing dream na and Im also not in a mood to leave you too...

Abhi doesn't know what to do at that time... He tried all his might to convince his pragya but all goes in vain..

Arvind: Pragya... Im ready to support you as an elder brother... But you have to do one thing for that...

Purab: Yeah... Abhi... You two have to say yes to this.... Then there won't be any problem at all...

Abhi: What's it guys??? Dont over build up and tell me the matter...

Pragya: What's it... Tell me bros... I can do anything for my abhi and to be with my abhi always ....

Purab/ Arvind: Nothing much... Get married... You two can be together all your life and no one can question you two...

Abhi and pragya's eyes popped out and they screamed whattttt hurting arvind and purab's ears to get deaf...

Abhi: Are you guys gone nuts... Guys you two have misunderstood us... We are close besties and not lovers....

Pragya: yup bros... Abhi is right... We never seen each other like that... How can anyone marry her friend??? Impossible..

Arvind: Why not??? Just think... Why cant a best friend become a soulmate... Pragya no one can understand abhi better than you...

Purab: Ya abhi... You always say na pragya is your biggest strength... Why not you marry pragya to get her support life long....

Arvind and purab convinced pragya and abhi with all their might and they make them to get married after a lot of struggle....

It was not easy for abhi and pragya to become husband and wife in true sense... They remains as besties and support each other... Both starts to concentrate in their careers.... Pragya become the famous designer yet she never fail to support abhi....

Arvind is the first to get the chance in the nation's cricket team followed by purab in the next series... Abhi is really heart broken as he is being rejected again and again, though he feels happy for his friends...

Abhi is completely in a verge to give up his cricketing career , as he faces lose after lose... Pragya supported and trusted abhi a lot and she become a healing medicine to all his wounds and become a reason for his soul to fight back....

All the barriers between them gets broken and its pragya's love on abhi makes him to rise up with full confidence and finally he enters the stadium as a batsman..

Abhi's career didn't progressed well as he expected... A lot of ups and downs... A lot of injuries and many worst performances...

But the happy smile of his fuggy, her uncontrollable confidnce on him, her love for him made Abhi to forget everything and gives him a confidence not to give up soon without achieving something big....

Slow by slow, abhi progressed in his career... He became the star batsman and his hit shots has made him very famous... The unbelievable double ton by him made everyone jaws to drop...

The magnificent knock of the highest individual score by any batsman in odi cricket made him rose to fame... He captained the league team too and won the titles too...

Abhi always treats both success and failure as the same... Its his good fate or bad fate, most of the time, he will begin a match with a lose but finally he will get succeeded....

Only two thing reminds as a dream for abhi... Abhi badly wishes to see his family and he wants to captain the nation at least once in his life time....

Abhi gets a sweet surprise when he is named as the captain for the nation's team, as the current captain has took off for his wedding... Abhi is in cloud nine and want to prove that he can be a best captain too...

But to his dismay, the first match is a heavy loss... The team lost very badly and criticisms starts to overflow.... Abhi is really bothered a lot but he doesn't want to lose the spirit....


Abhi gathers all his confidence and enters the ground for the second match... Arvind smiles and hugs him knowing about abhi's mood....

Arvind: Happy anniversary abhi... So, what you gonna gift to my sissy pragya....

Abhi: I don't know man... Iv to do something today to make my fuggy proud and happy... But Im little bit tensed..

Purab comes over there and wishes abhi...

Purab : Don't worry abhi... Today pragya gonna squeal in happiness .. We three have to give pragya a best gift through our bats... What say...

The three friends cheered happily.... Abhi is quite nervous and he wishes not to get "out" at any cost without doing something.... He cant see his fuggy's sad face or her cries today for sure....

The match begins... As usual pragya is sitting in the vip box cheering up for the team... Abhi takes it very slow in batting.... Arvind on the other side is hitting the balls to fours brilliantly...

After knocking a tremendous 88 runs, Arvind gets out... Two more wickets too fall... Abhi is batting slowly and consistantly...

Later purab joins abhi... Their partnership strengthens theor spirit and they start to hit the shots brillaintly... Abhi gets rid of all his nervousness and his mind is screaming to do something big...

After he crosses the century, Abhi's game play changed completely.... Only few overs were left for the team's batting to end up....

Abhi is on complete fire... He blasts the bat to fours and sixes and the whole crowd is cheering up for him... Pragya is getting nervous and tensed though she is feeling very happy...

Only few more balls left.... Abhi is nearing his double ton... The opposite team is very keen to make him out... Pragya is biting her lips and controlling her cries and is praying to god to make it possible....

If the 200 runs milestones is reached, abhi will become the first batsman in the world to knock 3 double centuries and also the first double ton by a captain and many more records to add feather to his cap....

Abhi is in his 199 runs... The crowd is roaring and cheering for abhi... The camera zooms and shows the reaction of Abhi's wife, pragya whose lips is chanting prayers, eyes with hope and tears and her face with mixed emotion is clearly visible to all....

Purab pats abhi and encourages him to do it... Abhi with a broader smile takes his bat and takes a deep breath to do it... Just 2 balls left for the team's innings to get over....

Abhi hits the ball and they start to run fast between the fields... The crowd is cheering with happiness as the biggest milestone is set by abhi... The second century came up in just 36 balls with many 6s to its credit....

Abhi jumps in happiness and looks up to thank the almighty for helping him to set a biggest record... He then turns his bat to the side of the audience and accepted their wishes...

The camera zooms and shows the crying face of pragya but a broader smile is visible in her face... Abhi smiles brightly and gives a flying kiss on the side his fuggy is sitting believing that his fuggy will get his kiss....

Abhi again hit the last ball to a magnificent six and makes the team score to a whoomping bigger score in that ground... Abhi is also unbeatable at 208* and purab also made a brilliant 68....

As predicted, it was an easy victory for the team... Abhi is declared as the man of match and already wishes starts to overflow for him through many social medias....

Abhi gets the man of the match trophy and comes and stands for a chit chat... He talked about team spirit and co- operation and how they have to bounce back from the great loss...

When the last question is asked, abhi's lips curved to a bright smile...

Abhi: As you say, my wife pragya is always my support system... If she is not with me, there is no Abhishek mehra in your midst...

This is a very special day for me... You all obviously know that Iv made many new records today but this day is very precious to me as it made my bestie pragya as my soulmate....

Yup... Today is our wedding anniversary and I can't give a better gift than this double ton and victory to my wife... I know my wife also wishes only to have such a gift from me...

Thank you all for the wonderful support... Thanks to all my teammates and my buddies Arvind and purab to be always there for me...

Thanks to my wife for bearing all my tantrums, mood swings, my ups and downs and encouraging me throughout her life...

Interviewer: Well abhi... We have got a big surprise to our captain... A small anniversary gift from your wife pragya's side... Look over there...

Abhi is way too shocked to see Abhi's parents and pragya's parents with a happy smile in their faces... Hot tears were rolling from abhi's eyes uncontrollably....

Interviewer: One more surprise too... Look over the video....

The video plays with pragya standing between Arvind and purab with a happy smile in her face.... She speaks:

" Happy anniversary Abhi... Thank you so much for giving me this happiness abhi... This is the best gift you have ever given to me....

Thanks to the almighty for making you as my husband... Thanks to this two bros Arvind bhai and purab bhai, if they have not insisted we two would have not end up like this....

Love you so much abhi... I made your dream to see our parents too to comr true today ... Go and cherish your happiness abhi...

Haan... Last but the best gift Im going to give on our anniversary is that.... pull up your collars abhi... One more feather to your hat.... You are going to be a papa soon.... "

Abhi is dumbstruck to hear the happy news and the video finishes off with the thumbs up signs of pragya, purab and arvind.... The cloud cheered and wished abhi....

Abhi doesn't know how to react too... Abhi's parents and pragya's parents comes and hugs abhi and wishes him... Pragya, Arvind and purab too joins the happy union of the family...

Abhi holds pragya's hands tightly and his cries conveyed pragya how happy he is and one thing is clearly said without words " what he is today is all because of her.... "



So, how is the one shot....

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A very long one shot of 3000+ words....

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


With a new one shot soon if all goes well....

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