10. Family - A great blessing... Abhigya OS

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This is your Crazy buddy Mahii crazymahiz, coming up with a new OS on our favourite couples Abhi and Pragya...

A long time na..

I couldn't make up here, as I'm busy with my main stories..

Let's not waste the time...

Come let's go and see what the story is all about...

This is the 10th story in the random one shot series and my 33rd Os on Abhigya...


Here you go...

Presenting to you, my new os...

Family - A greatest blessing:


Abhishekh Prem Mehra:

A tall, handsome man of early 30s, who is running behind money and fame, to raise the standard of living of his family.. A complete workaholic and hard-working in nature... Loves his job too much and is ready to do the work 24*7, without minding about his health too...

He loves his family a lot and he is working hard to give a better livelihood for them.. Works as a senior Marketing Manager in a multi national company.. Has a beautiful wife and an adorable daughter, who loves him a lot...


Pragya Abhishekh Mehra:

A beautiful diva, who is the pillar of support to Abhi... She is not only a sweet wife to Abhi, but a lovely mother too... Abhi and their daughter are her world...

Though she adores and respects Abhi's nature, she is a little bit upset with him, as he is straining too much and not at all caring about his health... She never complains about that and always be a good support to him...


Kiara Abhishek Prem Mehra:

The lovely girl of sweet 6, who is the apple of eyes of both Abhi and Pragya... She is a mumma's pet, but she is a princess to her papa... She loves her father Abhi, ahead of her mother...

Her father Abhi is a hero to her and she wants her father to be with her all the time... A naughty, chirpy, notorious and mischievous girl ... She is way too studious and has talent in drawing and singing...


Every family has a story of their own... Welcome to ours....

Is family is important for a person, ahead of the money, which gonna earn them status and respect in the society???

Do you ever wondered what will be the mentality of the kids, when they miss their parents in the important moments of their life???

What will be the situation of the wife/mother, who is being pulled up between an emotionally, weak daughter and a strong headed, workaholic husband????

What will be the man's feelings???

Can he concentrate in his work properly or will he give up his passion for his family???

Wanna know answers for these questions.... Go ahead...


The heavy rain filled clouds darkens the already darked sky and is pouring out non stoppingly, making the mother earth to smile in happiness... The peaceful ringing of the rain drops are like a soothing melody for the humans and it's singing a beautiful lullaby, making all the fellow humans to sleep peacefully...

No one is ready to wake up at the odd hours of the night and all are curled up like a small ball, inside their blankets... A tall, handsome man, is sleeping peacefully, hugging his two angels, as if he has won the whole world...

But to his poor luck, his mobile buzzes and wakes him up, spoiling his beautiful sleep... His body begs him too much and instigate him to give rest to his body and continue the sleep... His eyes are drowsy, his head is paining, his body is begging him to give some time to relax it...

With a heavy groan, he pushed aside all his tiredness and sits up quickly and carefully, without disturbing his beautiful wife and his loving daughter... He kisses on both their foreheads and rushes to get ready....


It's the daily routine of the workaholic, Abhishek Prem Mehra... But today, he has crossed all the limits, as he has slept hardly for three hours and is getting ready in his formals very quickly...

Though Abhi badly wants to be with his wife and daughter, he couldn't do so, as his commitments to work is pulling him aggressively... He knows very well that the road will be deserted without any inhabitants, at this odd hours of night...

He quickly picks up his bag, laptop, wallet and car key and rushes outside... He pulls up his socks and is pushing it into his legs, by sitting in the couch... A heavy smile creeps up in his face, ignoring all his frustrations and tiredness, as two soft hands are circling his neck and a warm kiss tickles his cheeks...

The hand starts to trail in his body slowly and seductively, with the soothing kisses in between, to make him get out of control... But Abhi quickly composes himself and he holded the hands tightly, as if conveying her that it's not the time for all these and he has an important work to do...

Abhi: Fuggy darling... Stop it na... I need to leave now...

Pragya: Abhi... It's just 3.30 in morning... Where are you going at this time??? You came only at 12.30 right... I wonder, whether you slept or not...

Abhi sighs: Fuggy... It's getting late for me... Can you postpone your interrogations, some other time??? I have an important presentation to do today and I'm working hard for this, for the past one year...

If I do it well, I will be promoted and who knows, I can earn much more better than this... Try to understand, darling... I wanna fulfill all your wishes and I want our princess to get a better life...

Pragya: Abhi... We are happy with what we have... Why are you spoiling your health like this??? You hardly come to home these days and if you come too, you are here just to change your dress, take stuffs and you are using this house like a hotel only...

Abhi... Please try to understand... We are missing you terribly... Kiara, wants you to be with her... Abhi... Please... Don't make me to emotionally blackmail you... Try to understand our feelings too...

Abhi: Please fuggy... Don't make me weak... I know you very well... You can handle Kiara, much better than me... Even I too missing you two badly... But what to do, I have to work hard na...

Without making Abhi to continue his talks further, his mobile buzzes... He picks up the call and is talking seriously with someone and he quickly gave a peck in Pragya's forehead and walks out of the house, without minding a soul is crying badly and missing him terribly...

Pragya runs and falls down on the bed, with teary eyes... Her pillow is her only companion, for the past one year and only it knows, how much she misses her husband Abhi a lot and it holds many untold stories, hidden in Pragya's heart...

Just the mere forehead pecks and the simple hug from her husband, in those rare nights, he comes home and be with her, is giving her a hope that Abhi is still in love with her only...

Pragya didn't really remember, when they made love lastly... To be precise, it's been more than a year and even a simple, happy talk between the duo is not happening too... Hardly they talk and it will be also be interrupted with his mobile buzzing sounds often...

She even doesn't know, when Abhi kissed her passionately in this one year and their morning coffee romance in their room's balcony, has been vanished long back... This one year is like a living hell for Pragya and if Kiara is not with her, Pragya would have been pushed into depression for sure...


The morning sun wakes up all the living souls on earth to do their usual morning chores and to get ready to do their important works... Pragya is busy in the kitchen and is preparing coffee and breakfast...

She is smiling brightly, as her angel is smiling and dancing happily and is acting and teasing her like her papa Abhi, used to do with her ... Pragyà after finishing off the cooking, makes Kiara to get ready... Hearing all her non stop radio, Pragya finally finishes her work and made Kiara to look like a real princess...

Pragya kisses her forehead and applies kaala teeka to her, so that no one's bad eyes falls on her daughter... Kiara chuckles and raises her brow and is expecting Pragya to praise her...

Pragya: Kiara beta... Go and take your identity card, bag, snacks box and water bottle carefully... Mumma will switch off the gas and come okay...

Kiara (whines) : Mumma... My sweet chashmish... You didn't say how is your kishmish na...

Pragya pulls her nose and taps on her cheeks tightly: What about my kishmish... All okay only... After all, it's Pragya's magic na... Arrey... Arrey... No... No baby...

Mumma is just teasing you only... My kiara is an angel and as Papa always says, you are our princess... My beautiful kishmish...

Kiara: Mumma... Why not we take a selfie and send it to papa??? Please... Please... Don't say that Papa won't see it, as he will be busy in meetings...

Kiara pouts sadly and Pragya doesn't know what to do... She fakes a smile for her daughter's happiness and took selfies with her... Pragya with much hesitation send it to Abhi on Kiara's insistense, knowing very well that Abhi won't see it at all...


Pragya is driving the car towards the school and Kiara is talking with her continuously....

Kiara: Mumma... I wanna ask you something... Don't get angry on me, okay... Did papa really loves us???

Pragya: What kind of doubt is this beta??? Papa loves us a lot and he is struggling this much hard and is working like this for us only na... You know what... Papa came yesterday night and brought your favourite chocolates too...

Even Papa said to me that he will gift you an I-pad, if you do your best in the competition and win the trophy... I asked Papa to buy it for you, as I know our Kiara gonna win it for sure...

Kiara: Mumma... I don't want these gifts from papa... I want only my papa... Will papa comes to school today??? Will he remember that I have competition today??? He won't forget it na...

Pragya: Papa promised to come to school na... He will come for sure... You don't stress yourself and smile okay...

Pragya consoles her daughter and takes her inside the school... Though her heart ached for lying to her daughter, she has no other go than this... But Pragya least hoped Abhi to come there and watch the performance of their daughter...


Abhi finishes off his presentation successfully and he is being appreciated by everyone... He is flying in cloud nine, as the chairman of their company has called him to his cabin...

Abhi with a heavy smile walks towards his cabin and he is startled to see his rival Armaan, is also entering the chairman's cabin... Abhi controls his anger and walks ahead and his mind is haunting with many questions....

Armaan is the only trouble maker in Abhi's professional life and he is the one who is playing all kind of dirty politics and is coming up as a hurdle in his career's progress... Gritting his teeth angrily, Abhi moves forward and plasters a smile on his face...

The chairman welcomes both Abhi and Armaan equally and shakes hands with them... He gestures them to take their seats...

Chairman: Well gentlemen... I'm quite impressed with both of your performances... You both did a wonderful job and did the presentations way too brilliantly...
Congratulations to both of you..

As you two know, we have a spot vacancy for the CEO post and I don't find anyone deserving to this post, other than you two... So, I wanna choose one of you, as the new CEO of the company...

You two will be given 15 days... I want an exclusive project and a well made presentation to grab a big deal and whoever do it brilliantly, will be handed over this dignified post... So, work hard and may the deserving one becomes the next CEO..

While the CEO is explaining the important aspects of the deal, Abhi's mind is thinking what he is going to do, to grab the CEO post... He badly wants to blacken Armaan's face and wanna show him that Abhishek Mehra is the best always...

Much to Abhi's irritation, his mobile is vibrating continuously... Abhi is super annoyed to see Pragya's picture is flashing on the screen continuously... Abhi is hell angry on Pragya for calling him repeatedly, knowing well that he will be in the meeting...

Triggering his anger more, Armaan teases Abhi by saying that Abhi is a married man and he is bounded in a trouble called family... With Anger flaring in his nose, Abhi blocks Pragya's number and switches off his mobile...

Abhi drinks a glass of water to make his anger to subside and he coolly challenges Armaan to prove that he is worth and has the capability to compete with him... Abhi smirks and said that he is going to be the next CEO for sure...


Pragya is really tired of calling Abhi repeatedly and her hope subsides, when Abhi's mobile is switched off... She wipes her tears quickly, without anyone's knowledge and is faking a smile for her daughter's happiness...

Pragya comes up with some lame excuses and encourages Kiara to do her best... She promised her to show the live relay of her performance to her father... She records the video of Kiara and pretends to her that Abhi has watched it too....


Abhi reaches his home at one clock in the night and he opens the house door, with his spare keys... He is startled to see his princess Kiara, sleeping in the sofa uncomfortably... His eyes pooled up in tears to see her hugging the picture of Abhi close to her heart...

Abhi with a heavy heart picks up the big trophy kept in the side table.. He traces the certificate with a proud smile in his face, yet his heart is paining, as he is not able to fulfill the promise, he made to his daughter..

He couldn't control his tears, as he spots the laptop is running with a video of their happy times.. When Abhi switches it off, he spots an icon as my papa.. He quickly opens it up and he gasps in shock, as it contains all of Kiara's drawings, with the blurry images of Abhi, as if he is moving far away from them..

It clearly explains Abhi that Kiara is missing him very badly.. He takes a deep breath and picks up the sleeping Kiara in his arms and places her in her bed carefully.. Abhi wonders where is Pragya and he is shocked to see Pragya sleeping in the balcony, hugging his shirt tightly, not at all minding the chilled weather too...

Abhi felt so heavy and he doesn't know why their fate is so cruel enough and punishing them.. He knows very well that he is the reason for everything.. But he is in a helpless state and he doesn't know, how to solve it too.. Wiping off his tears, he picks up Pragya and made her to sleep in his embrace..

Abhi utters sorry to the sleeping Pragya and he too knows that his sorry is not going to compensate for the lost days.. He softly kisses on every inch of her face and pours out what is in his heart.. He felt relieved and slept for a couple of hours, as he is holding his fuggy in his embrace...


Time is running way too fast.. Abhi is way too busy and is working hardly to grab the CEO post.. He didn't even turn up to his home after that day and is spending his time, only in the office..

His mind is filled only with the company's thoughts, grabbing the CEO post and he wanna prove to Armaan that his family is not his weakness, but a pillar of strength to him...

The Chairman of the company is way too happy with Abhi's project and he is quite impressed and happily said that Abhi gonna present it before the dealers and he assures that Abhi will surely become the CEO of the company, if he crack it up brilliantly.. Abhi is smiling happily and he couldn't explain how much happy he is at that time...


On the other hand,

Pragya is busily welcoming the guests, relatives, family and friends of Kiara.. The birthday girl Kiara is sitting quietly and she is not in a mood to celebrate her birthday, without her papa.. She reluctantly agreed for this party, just to make her mumma happy and the poor kid is not in a state to see her mumma's tears anymore..

Kiara, picks up her I-pad, which is her papa's gift to her.. She quickly takes a video, without Pragya's knowledge and sent it to Abhi, with a hope that Abhi will see it atleast.. She keeps her I- pad in her cupboard and rushes out quickly, so that Pragya is not aware that she has sent a message to her papa..


After meeting the Chairman, Abhi returns back to his cabin.. He is startled to see a message from Kiara.. He is confused a lot and is impatiently waiting for the video to load soon.. Finally, the download gets completed and Abhi with shivering hands opens it..

" Hi papa.. How are you??? Do you remember me??? No right.. I'm Kiara Mehra.. Your daughter.. Sorry papa.. I didn't mean to hurt you..

I thought of introducing me, as you have forgotten me completely, papa.. Don't nod your head as no.. I know papa.. I won't feel bad at all...

You forget your princess, Kiara.. Do you remember, what day is today.. The day your princess is born.. This is the day, you have been promoted as a father..

You have forget it na papa.. It's okay.. You used to wish me first, always... But this year, you didn't wished me till now.... Mumma told me, you were busy and got me many gifts.. She has arranged a big party and invited all my friends too..

But to be frank, I don't want to cut the cake without you papa.. I want only you and I don't want any of your gifts.. Sorry papa.. Don't cry...

Mumma doesn't know that I've sent a video to you... please please.. Keep it as a secret.. Mumma always said to me, not to trouble you any time..

Am I a bad girl, papa???? Don't you love me??? Papa.. Atleast can you send me a birthday wish, after seeing this.. It's okay.. I know you are busy..

Silly me is expecting too much na.. Papa.. Mumma is calling me.. Do your work happily, papa.. Your chashmish and kishmish loves you loads.. Miss you.. Bye.. Take care..

Try to come home one day, when I'm awake papa.. Just give me five minutes, only for me... I wanna talk a lot to you.. Bye papa.. Love you and miss you...

The video ends with a faked and lifeless smile of Kiara.. Abhi is crying vigorously and is hitting his hands in the wall aggressively.. He falls on his knees and cried his heart out..

Abhi felt really bad and curses himself for forgetting his daughter's birthday too... His heart mocks him by saying that what kind of father he is and what he is going to get by hurting his family...

He can't tolerate that he for the reason of succeeding in his professional life, is spoiling his personal life completely... His own heart is ripping him into pieces and calls him as a loser....

Not able to think anything further, his subordinate knocks the door and informs Abhi that the meeting is about to start and the chairman is calling him to come soon... Sighing deeply, Abhi picks up his laptop and walks towards the conference room...

Armaan blocks his way and plasters a smile in his face... Armaan forwards his hand and wishes Abhi, all the best... Abhi too reciprocates it, with a genuine smile in his face....


After an hour,

Pragya brings Kiara near the birthday cake and asked her to make a wish and blow the candles.... Kiara closes her eyes and prays hardly that she wants her papa to be with her....

Kiara opens her eyes and takes a deep breath as it's the first time, she is celebrating her birthday, without her papa... Tears burns her eyes and she hugs her mumma tightly and pleads her that she doesn't want to cut the cake without her papa, Abhi....

All with teary eyes, watches the crying mother and daughter and no one doesn't know, how to console the duo... Pragya wipes her tears and begs Kiara to cut the cake, at least for the sake of her happiness..

With teary eyed, Kiara comes near the cake... She is startled to hear a familiar voice singing Happy birthday to her.... Kiara blinks her eyes quickly and it took her some time to understand that it's real only and she is not dreaming at all....

Squealing Papa happily, Kiara runs quickly towards her papa Abhi, who is opening his arms, with teary eyes... He hugs his princess happily in his embrace and kisses her and utters sorry to her...

Pragya is wiping her tears and she utters a thank you to Abhi, by folding her hands before Abhi.... Abhi felt really bad for pushing both his wife and daughter into a worst situation... He carries his daughter in his arms and holds Pragya with other hand and brought them before the cake...

It becomes a memorable birthday for Kiara, as God has fulfilled her wish and made her papa to come back to her... She is way too happy as Abhi feeds her, reads bed time stories to her, sings lullaby and made her to sleep, after a long time...


Abhi enters his room and he is shocked to see Pragya is staring at the ceiling life lessly... He can clearly visualize the traces of dried tear drops on her cheeks... He sighs and comes near her...

Abhi cups her face lovingly and hits her forehead with his... Pragya tries to move away from his grip, but his hold gets tightens....

Pragya: Please... Leave me, Abhi... Don't make it hard for me... I'm not Kiara, to smile happily for this temporary happenings... Please... I beg you... My happy memories with you is enough for me to spend my life, till my last breath.... 😭😭😭😭😭

Don't cry, Abhi... As you know, your fuggy is always your support and I won't be a hurdle in your career... Tell me... When you need to go to office... I will prepare some coffee, at least for you...

Abhi: Fuggy darling... Will you stop crying and look at me... Allow me to speak too... I'm so so sorry... I know my sorry is not enough for making up to the lost days....

Please try to understand me... I too was missing you badly... 😭😭😭😭😭.... At least, you have Kiara with you... Think of me, how much tough time, I've faced... I'm not saying that, what I did is correct...

As a responsible father and husband, I wanna give a happy life to you too... I worked hard to give the comforts of life... Now, I understand that rather than these monetary things, you two needs me the most...

Our daughter Kiara made me to understand my mistake and she opens my eyes completely... I rejected the offer to present the project and I throwed off the CEO post too... I have signed my resignation letter too...

For a month, I'm going to take a break and wishing to find a job after that, which is purely having the working hours of 10 to 5 only... I don't want anything more, ahead of my family... Please fuggy, will you forgive me...

Pragya hugs Abhi tightly and cries her heart out... She scolds him for doing like this... She hits hardly on his back for giving up his biggest ambition and dream, just like that... Abhi pouts and complains that Pragya is not loving him anymore and is hell adamant to scold him only...

He glees in happiness like a child, as the dual pairs, entwined for a passionate union, after one long year... The holded up carvings and desires, which is buried for a long time, started to burst out and the room is filled with love and love only....


Abhi is highly irritated and he doesn't know how to explain his situation to the chairman, who has rejected his resignation letter and is forcing him to accept the CEO post..

Abhi: Sir, try to understand me.. I don’t have the guts to see my family crying again, without my presence.. I can’t fail in my personal life to achieve in my professional life..

I’m ready to give up my dreams too, for my family’s sake.. I lately realized that family is our everything and it’s what we needs the most in our life..

Chairman: Mr. Abhi.. Who is asking you to compromise your family life??? Don’t forget, I’m also a family man and I too have kids.. Atleast, you have a small family.. Mine is a big joint family..

Did I give up on my dreams or my professional life, for my family's sake.. No right... It’s in our hands to balance everything.. We should work hard, but don’t be a workaholic...

Try to balance your family life and professional life.. Spend time with your family happily and chase your dreams too.. So, Mr. CEO, hope you understand what I’m saying and can I accept it as a yes from you..

Abhi smiles happily and signs the offer letter.. As per the advise of the chairman, Abhi concentrates and balances both his personal and professional life..

Abhi sets a big example to Armaan and all his fellow employees, that Family is a biggest blessing to a man and if you have a supportive and encouraging family, you can achieve anything in your career..

The happiness of Abhi doubles, as he is not only monetarily rewarded.. He got the biggest happiness of his life, when he comes to know that he gonna become  papa again and  he thanks his fuggy for giving him, such a big happiness to him..

Kiara is bouncing like a happy doll, as she got not only her papa beside her, but she also got a little brother, as a promised gift from her papa and mumma..

Life is a big race and we all are running behind something, from our childhood... Be it from studies, career and whatever the case may be, never forget or give up on your family for anything...

Family is a biggest blessing and try to hold it tightly and make it as a ladder of success to achieve your dreams.. Never give up on your family and shower your love, as much as you can..



How is the one shot????

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A very long one, as usual...

Words used: 4700+

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Eagerly waiting and looking forward to see all your valuable comments, sweet views and reviews..

Signing off..

Yours buddy,


Will meet you all very soon, in a new One shot....



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