9. A Pregnant Man - Abhigya Os...

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This is your crazy buddy Mahii / Crazy coming up with another one shot on Abhigya...

A long time na... Since, I updated one shots .. Many of my buddies are nagging me to post os but poor me... After a lot of time, I am able to do so as all my stories are dragging me here and there .. huh...


All are puzzled at reading the title na and all are feeling bad for me na wht has happened to this crazy right⁉⁉⁉⁉ 😁😁😁😁...

Dont panic buddies... Im way too good.. yet with craziness overloaded because of abhigya ....

Now coming to the title.... Strange na.. We all know that god has given women a unique blessing to carry the baby in her womb... She will feel happy and feels the baby inside her n faces all d sufferings happily...

Yet... Did anyone wondered what will be the mentality of a pregnant women's husband... As he is the father of the baby, he too have varied emotions in him but he is not blessed to feel his baby's presence in him...

Its my long term wish to write a story from the perspective of a man and also about a pregnant man's wish...

Obviously the wife will carry d baby... But its very apt to say that a man is also pregnant as he carry's them in their hearts and minds...

Dedicating this story all d loving husbands in the world, the lovable fathers of everyone and the soon to be fathers who are experiencing this....

Being a girl, its going to be tough for me to pen down... Anyways, I always believe that both men and women are equal and they compliment each other... And a miracle is that a woman always holds a man in her thoughts ...

Now lets move to our one shot:


Abhishekh Prem Mehra:

Pragya Abhishekh Mehra:

Now to our One shot:

This one shot is in the pov. Of Abhi:

Hi young ladies and loveable men... Its me Abhishekh Prem Mehra... As you all know, Im a famous actor ruling the bollywood... Many girls are after me for my fame and charm...

But my mind, always wander around the only woman who rules my heart, my mind, my body and my soul... Wondering who it is???

Who else ... Its my wife, my pragya, my childhood bestie, my puppy love, my secret crush and now my complete soulmate....

Although we loved each other without the knowledge of our parents, ours is not a love marriage or an arranged marriage.. . 😂😂😂... All are wondering na...

Its a blackmailed and forced marriage by our parents all of a sudden... Silly parents of ours.. done this hearing a gossip.... But they spoiled our big day and made us get married just like that in our home town and that too in a small temple...

Huh... Too bad na... The great actor's marriage happening just like that... Our parents thought it will not be easy for me and my fuggy..( yep.. I call my pragya as fuggy...) to mingle easily and they prayed for our happy life... 😂😂😂😂 Poor souls... Does not know anything about us...

Me and my fuggy played our cards and acted as if we are not together .. But inside our room, we are passionate in romancing and love making... Our love is uncontrollable ..

But when we said that we are pregnant within a month, our parents are dumb struck... They did not believe our words... After showing the doctors reports, our parents believed atlast.... Phew ..

Coming to the pregnancy news... Let me tell you what has happened... That day, my fuggy is not at all in the mood to welcome me home happily.. she is way too moody and looking pale ..

When I enquired her she said that she is not feeling good.... She is vomiting continuously and is completely tired... I wished to take her to hospital in morning...

I cant see my fuggy like this.... The very next morning, my fuggy is way too happy and is glowing like a bright sun... Her happy face is what I want to see every morning...

When I asked her, she took my hands and places it on her belly... Though, I have touched her fully many times, I feel completely different today... She hugs me and said that
"Abhii.... I am pregnant..."....

Im in cloud nine... I kissed her forehead and hugged her happily..

I caress her belly and I kneeled down and said that

Fuggy... This baby is a part of you and me... He/she is a gift by god for the love we have on each other.... Though, you are the one who is going to hold and carry the baby in you womb, I am there for you two to hold and carry you both in my heart and mind...

So, my loving fuggy tell me that ,
🌹🌹🌹we are pregnant🌹🌹🌹....

I hate to see my fuggy's cries... But I know , it is happy tears... strange na... Women cry both in happy and sad moments... But its way too good because cries relieves our stress but men suppress inside them and are prone to stress and gets heart attacks...

Prenancy is completely a different phase and good feel... Ya my fuggy is the one experiencing it .. But how blessed a women is... A full nine months they are going to carry the baby in their womb...

A lot of struggles they faces... Lot more transformation in their bodies... Their petite figure and their curvy hips are no more .. They turn bigger... But, I find my fuggy way more sexy and hot with the baby bump....

Well.... Many men complaint about women's hormonal changes and their different emotions during pregnancy...why not they have them???

My fuggy too acts weird many times... Some times she is too good.. some times over romantic.... Sometimes she will order and force me to make love... Sometimes she will cry like a baby.. sometimes she will nag me to get something that too in late hours...

Sometimes she will demand for peculiar things which I find hard to get.. sometimes she will just cling to me as if im her soul... Sometimes iv to compel her to eat... She will whine like a baby to have food and milk....

Strange na... She will act different... Peculiar and unpredictable mood swings... Her hormones are always doing something in her...

But poor woman... I always adore my fuggy... How she happily faces all these... She vomits, faints often, swollen legs, unshaped body, unfit dresses, restlessness, sleepless nights, unusual carvings, loss of appetite, strange desires, peculiar behaviours, a lot more to say...

But a girl has completely tranforms them to a mother when they know the very next moment they are pregnant... They have to sacrifice a lot... They cant even sleep as they wish... They have to be always conscious when the baby is in their womb...

I always be in my fuggy's side.... According to me, anyone can be a child's sperm donor... But only a true man can act as a good father... He is not only going to take care of his baby and also the women who holds his hand and carrying their baby..

The 9 months of pregnancy seems to be way too long and I enjoyed and cherised all the moments with my fuggy... Its quite different... Something good...

But the last month was quite complicated... I cant express how I feel... Im getting restless, nervous and Im confused and Im getting unusual fear when the D day nears....

I consoled and supported and comforted my fuggy not to fear... But inside, im hell scared and each and every second Im praying to god that nothing should happen to my fuggy and my baby....

I want them to be fit and fine... I dont know how Im going to face my fuggy's cries... I cant see a tear drop in my fuggy's face... my fuggy is way too fragile and i cant even imagine how can my fuggy bear such pain...

Finally, the d day comes... I used to always have a feel that birthdays are for enjoying, partying and having fun... Neither Iv imagined thatit is the same day in which a pregnant woman undergoes a lot of pain to deliver the baby...

Its not that birthdays are only for the persons who born on that day... It is the day in which a father and mother is born too..

My respect for my fuggy increases on that day .. How my fuggy is bearing all this pain... She is crying a lot... My heart is pricking on hearing that...

Im at her side and encouraging her... Im not in a condition to go inside the labour room... But my fuggy is way too adamant and asked me to come with her... The doctor has warned me to come inside as my fuggy is not ready to co-operate with them....

I gathered all my courage and im comforting and encouraging my fuggy .. she is crying, sweating, nervous, restless, shivering, struggling in the high decibels of pain which men could not even bear in their wild dreams too... My fuggy is fearing a lot that the baby should be fine and a lot more emotions are seen in her face and body....

She is crushing my hands and its seems like that she will break my fingers because of not able to control the pain... Each and every second is like a year for me.. A lot of struggle and pain only to see the little miracle of ours.... Our baby...

Atlast , the baby's screams is heard... Im happy that atlast my fuggy smiles after a long time... Woman are always a miracle...

I felt a different feel when I hold my baby for the first time... All the 9 months wait is over just to see our little bundle of joy ..

But I felt sad that why Iv not born as a woman... How strong they are??? They forget every thing so quickly... I can simply sit and see the beautiful smile when my fuggy has the baby in her arms...

How strange woman are... They are ready to feed the babies, the very next moment they hold the babies... Such amazing thing god has given to women... They are ready to have sleepless nights to feed babies...

A baby is not a result of love making... A baby is a way to show that how men and women are madly in love with each other...

Happy is the man who keeps his wife and baby happy... A real man treats his wife like a queen and their baby as a prince or princess....

My fuggy is always the queen of my heart.. woman are unbelievable... Im not able to see again my fuggy's crying face and pain she suffered earlier...

But, my fuggy is adamant and insisted me and nagged me a lot to have another baby... I wondered how women have the guts to face and suffer the pain again... Even in my wild dream I cant imagine that..

Now, im standing again in the labour room waiting for our next baby to come on earth..

So, love your wives as much you can... Dont forget, they are a part of you and treat them as the most priced possession of yours...

And finally, have a glimpse of my happy family...

(Credit to JasPrad)

Amazing na... See you all... My fuggy is calling me... Coming darling..."


How is the shot guys???

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Eagerly waiting to hear your views....

Yours buddy,


Signing off...


Meet you all soooooon in another one shot....

Words used: 2000+

Not proof read....

Forgive me for errors....

Dont dare to copy this story without the prior knowledge of me...

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