Chapter 1 : Chosen Ones

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"Few months ago, A big black creatures was flying in space on their way to earth before it started destroying half of the moon which cause the piece of it to fall into earth in New York City. It was all over the news in every cities and countries. Telling that the a unknown creature called the fear of darkness is coming in a few months. Thoughtful, A scientist name Dr.Zara has an idea to save the world. Her idea is to gather at least 38 children to be trained to become the next Soulkeeper since the last ones is unknown what happen to them ever since the war years ago. That's where our story begins...."

"In a nice wonderful day, the sun was shining while the cloud was cloudy and gray. But the village was somehow almost destroy after hearing about the fear of darkness was coming in a few days after a full of disaster that happen to the moon that it was cut in half and fell in a City of gacha city in the middle of the morning. Scaring the horrifying people and not knowing what will happen to them. It was until then, some of the people inside the house see at least more than one bus who was carrying some people to the Castle who was known as the soul Academy where the ones who was chosen to come to this school and train to become a soul keeper to protect and saving the world. A child born with two horns and has only their right eye name ''Kimi'' was looking at the window sad and seeing the ocean as they're about to see the academy. It was until their guardian with her beautiful white wings who appears to be a hybrid bird saw the school and was very happy for her to go the academy with her adopted child."

"(Gasp) look Kimi, there's the academy." Their guardian spoke with a bright smile at Kimi as she point to the Castle.

"Hey...Tetsu?" Kimi said.

"Yes" She said as she look at Kimi with a confusion face.

"It's not too late to go back home, right?" They asked with a sad face. Tetsu was sad at first but calm down and try to cheer up Kimi before they get there. "You been saying that ever since we left Perzo village. It's going to be fine, You got nothing to worry about." She replied as she smile.

"I'm not worry." Kimi reply softly.

"It was then, they were interrupted by a teenager child was reading a book of sleeping beauty right by his backpack and Violin. His voice was so beautiful and very charming. But that was until then Tetsu interrupt them as he was reading."

"That's sounds like sleeping Beauty, Is it?" She ask politely.

But didn't go so well as he close their book and started looking out the window. Tetsu give a nervous smile as Kimi felt a little embarrass. Meanwhile In the 2nd Bus, There were some adults with their children except for one lil girl who has a beautiful blonde hair was with her social worker who is talking to the caretaker on the phone about her safety at the castle.

"Calm down, the custody rights is still going at the orphanage remember? Children are allow to apply even if their 6 or not. They even checked her soul and it was a success." As the social worker was talking on the phone while she was playing on a phone and got surprise which made the social worker shock for a second. But then was until a lil girl smile and said "I got to the next level!" ^^

On the third Bus, was some teenagers from middle or highschool with the School reporter and camera guy. But that was then a teenager boy got angry and starts yelling at them about their job. "No comment?" He asked as the reporter and camera guy got scared for a second "I got some stupid question for ya. Maybe something do you feel about this sir?"

The boy slam his foot to the ground which got everyone attention which made the reporter and camera guy doesn't care and just wanna do their job."Off to the great start, get some more b roles" As the reporter sitting down in his seat which made the boy angry. But another boy at the back starts yelling too.

"Ayo, aren't you gonna ask me nothing?" A teenager boy who appears to be Mexican was sitting in the back with his two guardian who seem to get tired of him yelling at the bus.

"I'm out of homeschool on holidays and no ones taking me picture? Is it the because I'm a wolf? Is the wolf thing right?" Teenager boy said before getting pulled back by his guardians and putting him back to his seat which made one of his guardian to hit him in the head to shut up. A light brown hair girl who has her hair covering her eyes on front saw that was started to ignore about what happen which was nervous.

The buses was riding across the bridge and going to the soul Academy. Once they got there, the carriages stop and started to let everyone out. The reporter and camera guy step out first and started ready to interview some kids. But, as the boy up front pass, they didn't interview him and go to the next person who go out the carriage. But some of the kids ignore the reporter and kept on walking.

"Um...gacha have a moment sir? Ma'am? Um...gacha news....gacha news....anything you like to say?" Reporter got sad at the moment but saw Kimi and Tetsu and started pointing at them to interview them. Kimi was scared and nervous as they hold Tetsu's hand.

"Hey Mrs.Tetsu?" Kimi replied as they look up at Tetsu. "Ah sweetie" As they started walking but got interrupted by the news reporter and camera guy.

"Pardon me you two, Gacha news, anything you like to say?" As he put his microphone to them so they can speak and camera guy recording them. Tetsu got angry and pushed the camera away "We have No comment, thank you." As she grab Kimi inside the school. Everyone was talking and was introduced by people who work in this academy.

"Off to more B rules?" Ask the camera guy to the reporter as he felt disappointed until a Teenager came to them saying "No luck?"

With their excitement, they put the camera on him and started recording "Sir, Any news for the people today?" As the reporter ask to the teenager with his two guardians. But that was then this boy smile as he grin at them saying "GOOD FREAKING RIDINSH!!" Which scared the reporter and camera guy as he started laughing completely.

That was then everyone got their attention to the last limousine which was the most beautiful limousine they ever seen. The limousine was Pink and has beautiful golden stars around while a golden moon was at the front. All the guards was blocking the area where a famous rich girl got out of her limousine in her beautiful outfit with her hat and glasses on her before she took it off. Dr.Zara was happy and very pleased to meet her. As everyone went inside the castle.

Inside the academy, it was filled with people signing in for their kids and was head to the gym. "I can help our next guest plz" As the lady in front is ready for the next student to check their info. Tetsu and Kimi was next as the women look up with a shocking face. As Tetsu smile at her, she gives her the invitation card.

"Then I welcome you both to the Soul Academy here" She said with a smile, typing the computer as it scan the invitation card with all Kimi's information. "Oh, I see you're Kimi the future village leader of Perzo and must their guardian, Tetsu? The lady asked.

"Yea" As Tetsu Answered and smiles

"May I have your left hand plz?" The lady ask as she grab one a tagging bracelet. Kimi did and put on the tagging bracelet on their left arm as it turns on and see the color of their soul and info. "Your code number is 007. This will also access to the sleeping areas and your code. Make sure you don't lose it, okay?" The lady said.

As Kimi was about to speak, the lady interrupted and tells them to go to the gym where the meeting will start in a minute. Then a man working in the academy as well ask them to come with him but Kimi was scared and didn't wanna leave Tetsu behind.

"But".... Kimi said they look at her with a sad face. "Don't worry, I'm good. I'll meet you outside until you get back". As she smile at Kimi before they let go off Tetsu's hand and was taken to the gym where the others is at.

In the gym, there was students there along with Dr.Zara, reporters, scientists, Camera people recorders on live news. As they about to start, all the students was clapping their hands while they attend an orientation hosted by Dr.Zara. Kimi wasn't impress of this but at least they clapped.

"The orientation had already begin. Now I would like to answers each of your following questions." Said Dr.Zara as she begin the orientation.

"Uh...I have one." The boy tells dr.Zara as he stands up to ask a question.

"Go ahead." As Dr.Zara smiled.

The boy was scared and nervous to speak but at least he try to be brave to speak. "Okay, so hope you don't take this the wrong way but um.....while we're sleeping, what if um..."

"Plz, go on." Said Dr.Zara

"What if the people running this place ends up dead from the fear of darkness too?" Said the boy as got nervous.

"Excellent, I'm sure that many of have share his concern. Aloud me to put all your worries to rest". As she snap her fingers to introduce to a robot kid on screen. "It's my dear pleasure to introduce to our latest in facility management, This is Lilth. Lilth controls cryptic technology with a fearless level of precision of her soul and serves as she protect you all as you all train. As for the results, her excepted operational life is about 15 years". As she said which made all the students shock and surprise sleeping for 15 years before training starts to become a soul keeper.

"15." Kimi Replied as they thinking about Tetsu already.

"The five fairy was the only left who have not made a wish. I cannot unravel the magic of a fellow Theory but I have not yet made my wish. The finger prick will make her sleep. Thus will she escaped her fate until a prince comes to save her." Said the boy with a charming voice speaking about sleeping beauty as he interrupted the orientation.

Dr.Zara continue to speak about the plan over the next 30 years of sleep. "On handing over their paperwork. Each of our students was outfitted with a bracelet. Anybody wearing one will be afforded Lilth's constant care and attention". She also makes so your physical mental and environment conditions with powerful sensors. Lilth maintains everyone in the Academy right down to the mapping of your own DNA and soul. Sleep tight in the knowledge that Lilth will be looking out for well being to our heroes."

"I have a question". Said the news reporter as he raised his hand to get her attention. Dr.Zara points at him "Yes, in the blue jacket.

"Thank you ma'am, Kevin Bridge Gacha news. Is dreaming possible while in cryptic sleep from the fear of darkness?"

"Thank you, very good question. According to our research, Dreams are essential to sanity. But let me tell you all this, Lilth can even tend to working of a person's unconscious mind and their soul. She tricks the center synapse within in your brain. Then modifies that algorithmic an fall reintroduce the new stimulus.....Um". Dr.Zara stopped speaking on what to say next while the new reporter got his mind lost. "I'll spare you the technical details. To all of you students here, Your journey to a verb without any harm or danger will be taken in the greatest comfort. "

"The hours grows near but before you go, there is one Important thing I forgot to mention. If you all look at your bracelet for a moment." Dr.Zara replied as she shows everyone that bracelet they got on. "you've heard that Lilth uses these to check your hp. You see this info saying about your bio, what type of soul trait you got and how much hp you have. If your hp goes down, that means you're injured or maybe hurt. But if all you're hp goes red on your hp that mean you'll..." That was then she got interrupted again hearing a teenager boy screaming for his life as the workers came to take him away.

Clearly, He was having allergic attack after eating a Pineapple early before orientation started as he planned to leave the academy. He screamed so hard as they took him out the gym to the clinic along with his mother as everyone watching them leave the gym. Kimi look at their bracelet as there was a big scar on the bottom of their arm. Kimi thought if this was a good or bad idea to leave everyone back at home especially Tetsu who raise them as her own child. They clearly don't know what to do next once they fall asleep with the others. "I'm sorry you have to see that. Let's assurance so you can say your goodbyes to your parents, Guardians and the others you have with you." Dr.Zara Replied.

Moments later, Tetsu and Kimi was out looking at the waterfall that they had in their school. Everyone else was say their goodbyes they had with them on their trip.

"So, Lock in the school for 15 years? Tetsu questioned before she laughs. "It's like living a fairy tale but a hero type but in real life. I guess I should call my pumpkin sleeping beauty." She replied looking up seeing Kimi sad.

"Don't call me that, Plz." Kimi replied with their sad tune."As a princess, everyone else including her family ends up falling asleep too but not mine because they'll be dead by then." Tetsu look at them with a worry face."I'm nothing like sleeping beauty, I'll be locked away in the Academy full of strangers leaving their love ones to die."


What!? IT'S THE TRUTH, FIRST WE LOST THE OTHERS WHO DIED AND NOW I'M EVEN LOSING YOU! As they started crying before Tetsu could reached to them but pulled away. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PROMISE WE MADE!? YOU AND ME TILL THE VERY END, HOW CAN I LEAVE YOU HERE TO DIE!!!?? Tetsu paused for a moment trying to calm Kimi down before she sigh. She look back looking at the waterfall before she spoke again.

"Kimi, I wish you wouldn't go on like I was already dead inside." Kimi was shocked and surprised of what Tetsu just said as a thought that they busted their feelings. Both of them were quiet and let one of them speak first.

"Sorry, I guess this is a bad goodbye huh?" Kimi replied before Tetsu came up with another idea to make Kimi's hopes up again.

"Tell you what, I'll you a second Villager promise." Tetsu responded before Kimi look up.

"Listen, I'm gonna wait for you at home forever and today. So plz promise me you'll be okay once you wake up and start training." Tetsu said.

Kimi got nothing to say about this promise their about to make. Though, they wished that they didn't get chosen to be a soul keeper in the first place. Kimi wish they can still live together while growing up becoming the next new villager of Kimi. But Kimi already know that it won't be happening as if it was a dream. Kimi look up at Tetsu before she put her arms around them giving them a big hug and putting his on their shoulders.

"We'll be together again Kimi, but you gotta wish on it or it won't come true. Remember on the story, Sleeping beauty only live in the spinal part cause the last fairy made that wish." Tetsu Responded with as she smile.

"So if I wish for a miracle to happen?"

Tetsu nodded. "You'll get one, I promise."

That was then Kimi ran to her and hug her real tightly as they started crying again. "I love you so much." Tetsu was surprise at first as he sigh before returning them a hug as well. "Love you lots."

"But...what if the wish didn't came true..?"

Moment's later, Everyone got ready and put on their sleeping outfit for the pods while carrying a container filled with stuff that they had with them. Everyone was in line and was ready to give it to the workers. "Outfits goes in with you in your sleep well. Make sure put your things all of your locker and will be return to you once you're awaken."

"Bloody Bullets! Might as well be back in a bloody Mexico!" Teenager with scars on him said as he step out the boys bathroom changing his clothes. The Lil girl was sad that she had to put her stuff in a container to be lock up while sleeping. Kimi give her stuff to the worker while the boy with a charming was scared giving his sleeping beauty book to her. "You're absolutely sure they'll be safe?" He asked before giving the book to her along his violin.

"They'll be over lock and keyed."

"But daddy give me this plushie. " A little girl told the worker as she's holding her stuff bear plush who is scared to sleep without it. "I wish I could let you." The women told the Lil girl as Kimi step out the changing room before looking at the mirror. Seeing themselves ready to fall asleep for 15 years until day comes to fight the darkness of fear.

''Tetsu, My guardian. Every time I look at the mirror, I won't be myself I suppose. As you always stays with me. But...when I'm 20 someday, I'll begin to imagine you being with me feeding the llamas. When I'm 25, you'll be 47. Staring looking back at me with a smile from your eyes."

38 children was in the elevator with some workers going up to unknown where they going. Everyone was nervous and sad at the same time seeing their love ones dies before they fall into a deep slumber. That was until the door open seeing only several workers in a big room with only 38 sleeping pods for the future Soulkeepers to sleep.

''Welcome, I give you welcome my dearest heroes. Where in this room, your journey will start gently triumphant into a healthy future." Dr.Zara explaining before the syllables of the souls started glowing up top of the room seeing everybody amaze and impress. "This is the ark which will carry you through the deal as your life serves us all as our heroes for your hopes and dreams of mankind."

Several kids was going to their pods down or up top through the elevator. .Though, Only Kimi and another kid was going up top to their pods. As they made it, Kimi's pod open ready for them to get in. "Off you go, oh you can leave your bracelet in this tray on the side.'' The worker said.

Kimi did as he told and laying down in their pod before it closes on them. ''No matter how old I'll get Tetsu. I always see you looking back at me one last time. If I live to be to be a hero, then so well you.'' Kimi whispering as they started crying.

The workers got all the children in their pods and was ready for lily to make them fall asleep so they can rest in 30 years. The lights was out which scared Kimi a bit. But in that moment, A girl's voice which appears to be #### spoke explaining what she's about to do..

''Greetings, My name is Lilth I'll be your guide while you're asleep. Your fear is natural but unnecessary. Now then, take a nice deep breath and count to 10 for me. #### replied as she starts counting before Kimi copy her to fall asleep. As they did, they started closing their eyes and falling right to sleep.

''Subject 007 has been secured. Goodnight Kimi, Sweet dreams''

"That's......where our adventures of being Soulkeepers"

*End of Chapter 1*

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