Chapter 2 : Something isn't right....

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It was then, all of the sudden, There were alot of gun shooting at something. Who knows what. It was pitch black a few seconds before another gun shooting again. suddenly, A voice of Kimi appear.


A flashback of Tetsu looking back at kimi once again before saying goodbye was her last words before they left to the pods "Kimi, Live for us." She said as smile.

As Kimi's eyes snapped open, their heart racing from the vivid flashback, they found themselves in the dark, eerie aftermath. Kimi winced in pain as a thorn from a rosebush pricked their skin, drawing a small bead of blood. They stared at the thorns in disbelief, wondering what was happening.

"What the...?" Kimi muttered, their eyes widening at the sight of the thorns. They examined the roses closely, their beauty contrasting with the sharpness of the thorns.With a shocking face, Kimi look around the room filled with thorns and roses around the room. The room was a mess then before. Who did this? Why are their here? More importantly, What is going on!? 

As more pods opened, the room was filled with confused and alarmed voices. Tk's question hung in the air as everyone tried to make sense of the unexpected sight of roses and thorns. Kimi, still clutching their arm, glanced around, their eyes darting between the thorns and the others who were stirring awake. Their fear and curiosity mingled as they tried to understand what was happening. "Huh? What's all this?" She asked.

"Hey, how come we're awake?"

"It must have been 15 years now." A Black girl said before standing up from her pods. Some of the kids was trying to get out the pods but got themselves poke by thorns around them.

"What are those things?" A lil girl said.

As the realization dawned on the kids that they had awoken earlier than expected, a sense of unease spread through the room. The sight of the vines and thorns tangled around the pods only deepened their confusion and fear. "Vines or something. Brown hair boy said.

A British boy's voice cut through the chatter, warning the other children, "Don't touch them! Look at those thorns!" His words hung heavily in the air, adding to the growing sense of dread.

"I don't understand any of this." A girl said as her hand started bleeding.

Another boy was scared and frightened as he started shaking another boy asking him questions. "What year is it!? Plz tell me! The boy push him away and starts running away from him. But then saw a fashion designer girl walking rumming her head. " Tell me how much time have pass!" Then the girl yelled at him hardly that made him scared. "IDIOT, I DON'T KNOW!"

The rest of the kids was trying their best to get Down the ladder So they won't hurt themselves by thorns. Some was ok But some were injured. But luckily, the ones with a soul of kindness starts healing the ones who was hurt. A girl trying to call for help but the phone was working. "Hello? Anyone?" A blonde boy look disgust by the people here at the academy not answering the call. "More freaking welcome we're getting so far"

As Kimi attempted to navigate their way down, the ominous presence of a bat caught their attention. The creature flew behind them and landed, letting out a piercing scream. Kimi's balance faltered, and they nearly stumbled. Acting quickly, they managed to grab onto the ladder, saving themselves from a fall. The sudden commotion drew the attention of the other children, their eyes widening in surprise and alarm.

Kimi tried to hold on to the ladder with on hand. But Unfortunately, Kimi's grip on the ladder slipped, causing them to fall. However, two boys swiftly responded, acting as their unlikely saviors by catching them before they could hit the ground. Their quick thinking prevented a potentially dangerous situation.

One of the boys, his expression filled with genuine concern, inquired about what had transpired. His voice carried a tone of curiosity mixed with worry. "What happened?" he asked, his gaze fixated on Kimi as he helped steady the fallen child.

Kimi managed to gesture weakly in the direction of the mysterious bat that had caused the commotion. Their words were strained, but they managed to convey the source of their fear. "Up there," they muttered weakly, their eyes filled with lingering alarm and confusion.

The room was plunged into chaos as a swarm of bats suddenly descended upon the children, their wings fluttering through the air. Shocked and frightened gasps filled the air as everyone struggled to make sense of the unexpected onslaught.

The girl's screams of pain pierced the air as a deathbat attacked her mercilessly. The horrific sight caused panic to spread among the children, their faces etched with terror. The room became a scene of chaos and chaos as the bats continued their relentless assault.

Faced with the onslaught of the deathbats, some of the children instinctively tapped into their unique soul traits for protection. They used their powers to shield themselves and the younger ones, creating a protective barrier. However, not all were fortunate enough to evade the bats' relentless attack, and some succumbed to their fate.

"Get to the elevator. We're going to die if we stay here. It's that way! Run!" As everyone runs towards the elevator. Some teenager kids try the best to protect the younger ones. The boy with glasses voice pierced through the chaos, urging the children to reach the elevator for safety. Fear fueled their footsteps as they rushed toward the escape route. Meanwhile, some teenagers took it upon themselves to protect the younger ones, valiantly guarding them against the onslaught of deathbats.

The children reached the elevator, desperately pressing buttons and hoping for a chance to flee from the chaos. However, to their dismay, the elevator remained unresponsive. A collective groan of frustration filled the air as they realized the power outage had rendered the elevator useless.

Tk, caught up in the panicked rush, accidentally tripped over Ame, who had just recently woken up. Cursing her clumsiness, Tk quickly crouched down to check on him. "I'm so sorry," she apologized, her voice tinged with concern. "Are you hurt?" she inquired, wanting to make sure he was unharmed.

Ame, rubbing his head from the impact, glanced at Tk, his cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment. Despite the chaotic situation they found themselves in, a faint blush betrayed his feelings, caused by the unexpected encounter with Tk. As Ame rose to his feet, his attention turned to the chaos that surrounded them. Deathbats swarmed the room, their ominous presence palpable in the air. He took in the scene before him, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief at the unfolding horrors.

Sukie stood awestruck at the sight of the spectacle, her voice betraying a mix of fascination and irony. She uttered, "Wonderful," leaving others like Piper, who rushed to her side, puzzled and frustrated. Piper's urgent plea followed, "Run, kid! We've got to get out of here!" as they sought a way to escape the deadly scenario.

Sukie's voice trembled as she provided a chilling explanation. "Deathbats," she repeated, her voice laced with fear and trepidation. "They're flying monster type." Her words painted a vivid picture of the nightmarish creatures that had descended upon them, their existence both ominous and terrifying.

Sukie's curiosity mingled with innocence as she pondered the possibility of powers that could be used against the deathbats. Though still young, her inquisitiveness hinted at a budding prowess. Piper, worried for her safety, quickly scooped her up and urged her to run. "Explain later, kid!" he insisted, shielding her from harm as they resumed their escape from the fearsome situation.

Emotions ran high as tensions escalated. Boy 1 yelled for the elevator to open, while Boy 2 accused it of being broken. Amidst the chaos, Alek frantically demanded, "Stop shoving! They're not here yet! Calm down!" The children's panic intensified, and the room's atmosphere grew more frantic as they jostled against each other and pressed against the walls, exacerbating the already chaotic scene.

Amidst the tumultuous situation, the sound of the elevator button finally responded to their frantic efforts. As the elevator door began to open, a frenzied rush ensued as the children pushed and shoved one another in their desperate attempt to get inside first. Alek's urgent call, "Alright, Women and children first!" momentarily halted the chaos as some of the kids attempted to prioritize safety.

A chaotic scene unfolded as Cindy demanded, "Move! Out of my way!" Her efforts to reach the sanctuary of the elevator were met with resistance, as the other children pushed back against her advances. In the confusion, Kimi, already on the ground, fell victim to the ongoing struggle. Cindy, determined and frustrated, rose back to her feet, making a determined attempt to reach the safety of the elevator before the doors closed. 

Amidst the chaos and confusion, some of the children finally managed to reach the elevator, only to find themselves plummeting into the depths of the darkness below. One by one, they fell into the abyss, their screams echoing in the air. Panic gripped the rest of the kids as they watched their peers disappear into the abyss, their numbers dwindling rapidly. Only nine children, both older and younger, were left standing, the rest having met their tragic fate in the pit. In the midst of horror and desperation, Cindy desperately clung to the edge of the elevator, hoping that her fellow kids would be okay. However, her hopes were dashed as she witnessed a horrifying sight that sent chills down her spine. A monstrous creature, a bizarre amalgamation of a worm and an octopus, emerged from the depths, consuming the others that had fallen before her. Cindy's fear escalated as she cried out, "Somebody help me!" in a frantic plea for assistance.

As Cindy desperately called for help, Kimi and the boy with red hair boy heard her plea. Acting quickly, they rushed towards the elevator, assisting Cindy in getting out. However, their escape was short-lived as they noticed the octopus creature gaining on them inside the elevator, its approach becoming increasingly menacing. 

"Come on! Get her up!" the boy with black hair exclaimed, repeatedly mashing the elevator button to close the door. However, just as the door started to close, the octopus's tentacles burst in, capturing the red-haired boy, who emitted a shrill scream. The black-haired boy also fell prey to the tentacles, being snatched away. Kimi and Cindy fled from the elevator as the door shut, leaving the black-haired boy ensnared by the tentacle, desperately struggling to break free as it attempted to pull him into the closing space.

Alek urgently approached the elevator, determined to help the black-haired boy trapped amidst the tentacles. He urgently racked his brain for a way to free him. Cindy warned with panic, "If you open that, we're all dead!" Alek hesitated, torn between fear and a desire to act. But it was too late - the boy was swiftly ensnared and pulled inside the elevator, leaving behind bloody stains on the door. The room fell eerily quiet as everyone processed the grim event that had unfold before their eyes.

Suddenly, the door opened once more, revealing the girl with her eyes concealed by her hair, whose name was Tk. Undaunted, Ame quipped, "Hey! Looks like you found us a safe spot here, huh?" He nonchalantly swung his T-shirt at the approaching deathbat, delivering a casual blow to fend it off. Piper and Sukie followed suit promptly, with Piper holding onto Sukie in a protective grip. "This way, quickly!" Piper urged, and Ame responded, "Vámonos!" Cindy joined them in a swift dash towards safety. As Kimi glanced back at Alek, guilt washed over him for not being able to save the black-haired boy in time.

Kimi paused for a moment, mom entarily lost in thought and unable to comprehend the surreal events unfolding before them. The gravity of the situation began to sink in as they pondered the mysterious circumstances that led to their awakening. This marked the beginning of a profound journey for these seven heroes, now known as the Soulkeepers.

"End of Chapter 2 of Creationverse"

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