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“Journal Entry. October 2, 2014.

Where do I begin? Well life has been nothing but hell for me. Same old thing night and day; wanted to slowly wither away into nothing. Wanting this unending nightmare over. Praying every day and night hoping that something good will end my lonely solitude I call life. Hoping that I’ll see my family again.

Where are you God? Where have you been for the last 23 years?! Can’t you tell that I’m begging for mercy, can’t you hear my cries?! Why Lord?! WHY?! Please give me a sign or hint...ANYTHING!!! I can’t take this anymore!!!

God still hasn’t answered my praise. Maybe he’s punishing me or testing me? I don’t know anything or feel anything anymore. And what’s worse about my life is that…”He” is getting stronger to control. I’ve tried keeping him silence but he always finds a way to control me; to become me. I won’t let that happen, not when I’m still breathing.

Lord please give me strength.”

Gently he closed the old beaten up journal. It’s brown leather has slowly ripping away from the book. He got up from his desk with a grunt made his way toward a small fridge that was always stock with booze. Espolon, Gordon’s Gin, Chase vodka, Vodka, and Jim Beam. He stretched long his pale skinny arm toward the bottle of Jim Beam; he liked the flavor, how it burns down his throat, and makes him forget about the bad things in his life for a while. He grabbed a small glass cup, poured a glass full of the drink, and sat himself down on the ripped up couch. Taking the first slip of his drink, the liquid ran down his throat leaving a burning sensation. His icy blue eyes gazed upon a book on the coffee table. The cover was black and white with splashes of red, there were two men staring at each. The normal one was wearing a lab coat giving a hateful glance to the other man, while the other was grinning an evil grin, holding a knife in his very large hands. On the top was writing in cursive “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. He reached over toward the book, flipped the toward the page where he had left out last time and began reading. He liked how he could relate to the story, and he liked the story itself.

After he finished the last drop of his drink he laid the book back down on the tabled, laid back on the couch, resting his heavy head, and slowly shutting his eyes closed. He started hearing a voice calling out his name. “Alex…” Where is it coming from? “Alex?...” The voice was more gruff and darker than a normal person. Than a face appeared from Alex’s blurry vision. The color of his skin was pasty white, long dark brown hair that came to his shoulder blades, rough looking face features, and wicked smile across his face. “Wake-up Alex.” The man said. Alex shoot open his eyes, his forehead was dripping with sweat, his throat was raw and sour.

“No more drinking tonight.” He said, patting. He made his way toward the small bathroom with only a sink, toilet, and a rust shower that never seem to pour hot water, but Alex never minded the cold water. It always soothed him whenever he walks up from a bad dream. He stared at his reflection; pale skin, dark circles around his eyes, very dark brown shaggy hair that reached his shoulder blade, straight white teeth, slim face features, and medium size muscular arms.

Alex turned the faucet on, filling his hands with the icy cold water and splashed it on his face. He did it three times, but he could still hear the same voice again, mocking his name

“Alex?...Where are you? Come out, come out and play!” It was playing with him.

“Shut up…” Alex said between his teeth. “Shut up you. I can easily get away from you. Leave me alone!” Alex said to himself. He always argued with himself like he was talking to another person, people that he was going mad, but no he wasn’t.As he gazed into the half broken mirror his eyes grew wider, his face went pale. Inside the mirror was another person, the same person he always sees in the mirror or at his own reflection.

“Do you really think that I would ever let you go?” The man hissed. “Do you really think I’d ever set you free? If you do I’m sad to say, it simply isn’t so,” The man pointed his long finger at Alex and spoke with an evil chuckle. “You will never get away from me!” Anger boiled inside of Alex.

“All that you are is a face in the mirror! I close my eyes and you’ll disappear!”

“I’m what you face when you face in the mirror! Long as you live, I will still be here!” The man snarled, but Alex wasn’t about to down without a fight.

“All that you are is end of a nightmare! All that you are is a dying scream! Someday I shall end this demon dream!” The man’s face twisted into a hatred look.

“This is not a dream my friend and it will never end! This one is the nightmare that goes on! Jason is here to stay, no matter what you may pretend and he’ll flourish long after you’re gone!” Jason said with pride in his voice.

“Soon you will die and my memory will hide you! You can’t choose but to lose control!”

“You can’t control me!” He growled. “I live deep inside you! Each day you’ll feel me devour your soul!” Alex was terrified of him more than anything, ever since he was but a child he lived in fear of Jason.

“I don’t need you to survive, like you need me!” Alex shouted, Jason’s grinned faded, but he just started laughing like a crazy insane man.

“I’ll live inside you forever!”

“NO!” Alex cried out

“With Satan himself by my side!”

“NO!” Alex cried out again as he back himself away from the mirror, but he could still see Jason mocking at him.

“And I know that now and forever, no one be able to separate Alex from Jason!” Alex was ready to cry, but he kept resisting.

“If I die you’ll die, too!” Alex said with a small grin on his face. Jason wasn’t so happy about that.

“You’ll die in me I’ll be you!” Jason snarled between his yellowish teeth.

“Darn you Jason! Leave me be!” He shouted at the mirror.

“Can’t you see, you are me?” Alex buried his face in the palm of his hand, hitting his head against the wall over and over. “I am You! You are Jason!”

“NEVER!!!” Alex said at the mirror.

“Yes forever.” He whispered.

“Darn you, Jason! Take all your evil deeds, and rot in hell!” Alex cried out.

“I’ll see you there, Alex.” Jason said as he chuckled like a mad man. Alex balled his fist and smashed it in the mirror. Million of tiny pieces showered the tile bathroom floor; his shoulder heaved up and down. He peered down at his fist, it was covered in pieces of shattered glass, cuts and blood. The blood dripped down onto the floor. Alex’s legs went weak as he hit the floor, his eyes full of tears.

“Forever trapped in Hell.”

The End...or so it seems.

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