Fenris' Boat: Part 2

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Bjarke's face pales considerably before it turns red with rage.

"What sort of plot do you two have?" he demands, "I told you," he points to me, his hand shaking, "why we were here."

"Yet, I knew full well 'twas a lie." I reply coolly, his rage setting off worry in the back of my mind.

"If I may..." Loki begins, walking through the crowd towards us, a ring of illusions of himself flickering into place in a ring around the crowd, "I do not recall granting anyone permission to go to the Island."

Bjarke turns slowly to face Loki as he steps up near him.

"Tis just that, My Prince," he says with a sneer, "I am quite certain you know of something referred to as... revenge"

Revenge?Does Loki even know Bjarke? Loki merely raises an eyebrow, avoiding looking at anyone but Bjarke.

"Revenge?" Loki asks, "Normally, I would have something to go off of," he says, raising his hand a little for emphasis, his palm facing upward, "However... I know not who you are, apart from what Calla has said thus far since she arrived at your..." he glances around at the crowd, "festivity, is it?"

Loki's words only caused Bjarke's anger to intensify once again, but his smirk told me that he had pressured his anger for a reason.

"You know damn well what this revenge is for!" Bjarke roars, drawing attention from passersby even further.

Without meaning to, Loki allows confusion to seep into his words. "Pardon?" he asks before collecting himself once again, "I promise you, I know not what I have done to-"

"Do not feed me lies, Silver-tongue!" Bjarke seethes, "Tis all because of you! The fault it solely yours!"

"Then please," Loki interrupts, "By all means, enlighten me."

Before beginning, Bjarke reaches out to me, and advances a step, His action is stopped before I can move a muscle by Loki, who teleported between us.

"Do not lay a hand on her." Loki demands, his voice threatening and low, with an air of protection and annoyance, "What in the Nine Realms are you doing? Advancing upon a lady whilst you are to be answering demands regarding an act of treason?" Loki takes hold of my hand, every ounce of him tense, "If you do not explain yourself immediately, I shall call the guards over. I needn't waste my energy on you."

Bjarke stands before us, fuming, and I can sense that he will refuse to tell us anything with a crowd surrounding us. An idea pops into my head, and I mind-link with Loki. *I shall leave an illusion of myself in my place. Stall him for a short while.* Loki's eyes flicker to me for a moment in response, and I teleport to the edge of the crowd, where Loki's illusions are, leaving an illusion of myself in my place.

"You are no Prince to me." Bjarke begins as I slowly make my way through the crowd.

"Might I ask why you are here?" I ask every so often, earning replies generally about a rumour of a wild animal in the area. As I weave through the crowd, I politely advise the civilians to return to their normal activities; the crowd soon disappearing, leaving the three of us.

"You need to pay for what you did!" Bjarke roars again as I approach them, and Loki stays silent, the irritation rolling off of him, "Answer me! You know what you did!" Loki sighs at Bjarke's insistence as I allow my illusions to fade out, and he does the same with his.

"I promise you once again," Loki finally says, "I know not what you speak of."

"What in the Nine Realms did he do to you to bring this upon everyone?" I add. Bjarke's face reddens as he looks Loki in the eye.

"You..." he growls, "You stole something from me!!" Unable to determine Bjarke's angle from his statement, Loki's face fills with confusion.

"Stole?" he asks, "From you? As I said before, I know not who you are. How can I possibly have stolen something from you? Granted," he adds on, clasping his hands behind his back, "You very well could have been an innocent bystander in one of my grand jests..." his eyes move upward, and I can tell that he is running through all of the pranks, jests, and schemes of his, "However, I cannot recall ever seeing your face before, even as a bystander. So tell me." Loki stares Bjarke down, "What did I, the great God of Mischief, steal from you?"

The silence fills the air like the time between the bilgesnipe's roar and charge - short, yet powerful.

"You stole..." Bjarke begins, a defeated stance finally being taken, "someone important to me..." his eyes swing in my direction, and immediately, I am taken aback as I realize what he means. Me? Bjarke was a bear of a child! A mean, uncaring person! Why in Odin's name would he ever think that I was his? "So..." he continues, "I planned to take someone important to you, in return." Understanding fills Loki's face.

"You mean to tell me..." Loki says, "that you planned to take Fenris because you believe I took Calla from you?"

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