The Geek Gods

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God of Calculus

He resides on the uppermost level, watching over the other Geek Gods in between math problems and theories.


Goddess of Fandoms

She visits Zeus a lot in an attempt to have him enter a fandom. She is the reason for feels among boys and girls alike. Feel free to blame her for an of that.


God of Season Finales and Figurative Deaths

He's responsible for any type of figurative death, thus, he's also responsible for any figurative death due to a season finale, since he created them himself. He's the lowest of the low.


God of Science

He's what keeps you alive. Bearer of the glorious dihydrogen monoxide. You want to know science? Poseidon's your guy. Just... don't make him angry.


God of Academic Competitions

Those competitions are full of vicious nerds. 'Nuff said.


Goddess of Books, Wisdom, and Law

Things haven't changed much over the years. Law keeps order, wisdom is glorious, and books are life. If you don't read, beware. (Though, if you're reading this, there shouldn't be a problem. Breaking  the fourth wall. Boom.)


Goddess of Cats and the Internet

Who needs a man when you have cats? Cats are all you need to make the world go round.


God of Fantasy/Science Fiction and Writing

This is the guy you can thank for Doctor Who, Shakespeare, and more. Do what you will with that.


God of Choices and Transition

*(Yes, he is mostly Roman. Such a barbarian. Forcing you to make choices.)

When you come across a hard choice to make ( whether or not to take AP classes, whether or not to watch another episode or season, whether or not to pick up another book after the emotional ending of the last one), this is the guy responsible for it all. You're welcome.

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