Fenris' Boat: Part 1

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As I exit the markets, I come to find a small mob clustered by Fenris Boat, with no guard in sight. No guard? There must be a guard. Frigga and Loki created that guard when Fenrir was put on the island. Before I know it, I find myself teleporting to the palace in search of Loki. He would not allow others to Fenris’ Island. What in the Nine Realms happened to the guard?!

I weave through the halls, checking the library, the dining halls — anywhere he frequents. I finally catch sight of him as I pass by a balcony. I see him aimlessly wandering the palace garden. I make haste down to where he is, nearly out of breath.

“Calla! My love,” He exclaims as I run up to him, noticing signs of distress, “Whatever is the matter?”

“Did…” I pause to catch my breath, “Did you, by any chance, get rid of the guard you created at Fenris’ Boat?”

Loki frowns, obviously surprised by my words. “Pardon? Calla, you know full well that —”

“I know.” I interrupt, earning a mild look of surprise from him at my outburst, “I apologize for interrupting you, but there appears to be a problem.”

“A problem…?” I nod.

“Indeed. The guard from Fenris’ Boat is missing.” I hold a hand up as Loki’s face turns to one of utter shock, and he attempts to speak, “And at the moment, a crowd has gathered around the empty post.”

And in that moment, Loki takes my hand and teleports us from the gardens to the nearest alley to Fenris’ Boat. The crowd had grown, but, thankfully, not by much. Loki assesses the scene in dangerous silence.

“I never undid the spell.” he mutters, “The guard should still be at his post. He will only disappear when Fenris is free.” He opens his mouth to continue, but instead stiffens as the crowd fully shifts their attention on the guard-less boat.

Seeing them, I move towards the edge of the shadows we’re in. “Calla…” Loki warns, his voice as dangerously firm as his earlier silence.

“I have a plan.” I whisper as I step out of the shadows and towards the crowd.

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