Wedding Preparations

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        "Calla, are you in here?" I look up from my book at my seat in a corner of the library to the door, where Loki had just entered, and was hovering.

        "Yes, I am!" I reply, closing my books and standing up, "Whatever is it?"

       "You see..." Loki fidgets a but, which is quite unlike him, unless 'tis either something he is massively shy about, or something he believed I would be shy about.

        "I see...?" I ask, gently prodding for an answer, an amused smile playing on my lips, "What in Odin's name has you so jittery?"

        Loki sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Your mother's here." He says bluntly, and I set my book down on the table beside me with a surprised look.

        "My mother?!" I ask incredulously, "Why in the Nine Realms is she here?" I glance up at the ceiling for a moment, "Did I forget something of importance..?" I mumbles.

        Loki hears and chuckles, walking over to me and taking my hand, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "In a way, t'was a correct guess."

        I raise an eyebrow in suspicion, "So, you know why she is here?" I turn to fully face him and tug his hand a little. "Do tell! Oh, how I despise guessing games..."

        Loki grins, "You shall find out all in due time." He looks up, pretending to calculate how long I would need to wait, "Which, by incredible circumstance, happens to be now." He gently pulls me out of the safety of the library and through the halls, towards the throne room.

        "Where are you taking me?" I ask, knowing full well where we were going, but not why. Loki glances at me, a sliver of tension showing, "We have been summoned." He says after a few moments, "And if t'wasn't for your mother - she can be quite intimidating when she wishes to be - I was hoping to keep this as a conversation between you and I for the time being until we were further along with planning." I respond with only a questioning look before I realize what he was hinting at.

        "You mean not..." Loki slows his pace as I speak, fully attentive, "Are they attempting to take over the wedding planning?" The thought of my mother planning the wedding as she did our engagement festivities causes a frown to make its way onto my face.

        "They could meddle far more with us." Loki adds in attempt to make the situation better than it seems, "You know full well that both your mother and Odin are impatient with matters such as this." I nod slightly, knowing the daunting truth in his words.

        We pause near the entry to the throne, each to skeptical of the coming conversation to calm the other.

        "Are you ready?" Loki asks softly after a moment, barely noticeable concern lacing his voice.

        "No." I admit, "However, I trust that things shall be alright." I smile weakly, "Things such as this happen for a reason, do they not?"

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