Wedding Preparations: Part 2

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        "The engagement was made publicly known almost a year ago," Odin begins, sounding neither mad nor tranquil, "And yet, Lady Calla's mother has informed me that she has heard nothing regarding plans," he stares us down for a moment, "Would you two care to enlighten us? Hesitation over this was expected from Lady Calla, but from Loki as well, now? Are you two having second thoughts?"

        Second thoughts?! What would I have second thoughts about something such as this?

        "That is far from the reason," Loki says, his voice tight as he barely controls a rush of annoyance, "We merely wish to take our time with this and make it something truly special." The tone of his voice is enough to imply that he did not like the questioning a single bit, and was eager to get it over with. Odin, however, only frowns at Loki's remark, doubting his words, while my mother clasps her hands together with joy.

        "Oh, how incredibly sweet!" she gushes, "If only I had known, I would not have brought this to the Allfather's-"

        "It matters not," Odin interrupts, "for these plans must be executed soon. The public is eager, and a year has passed. I expect you to be responsible with this, like a true king or queen, or I am fully capable of enlisting assistance."

        "With all due respect," I say before Loki has a chance to speak, "I thought that time was allowed, and thus, have been taking time to plan when Loki and I are together. However, we have not planned much. I asked Loki to allow me time, which he granted, though he wanted to marry soon, as you seem to have wished, Allfather." By the end of my confession, I had worried myself. Have I only dug a deeper hole?

        "After everything that has happened in past centuries," Loki adds, "I thought it only fair to allow us to grow closer than ever before, prior to us being wed."

        It is quite apparent that my mother was greatly moved by our words- she lightly runs her finger under her eyes to wipe away tears.

        "Oh, Allfather," my mother says, emotion filling her voice, "I beg you, please do not be harsh on them. They went about it in a logical way."

        Odin considers what she says, and sighs. "I suppose," he admits, "However, if you continue to 'plan' for another five years, I will not hesitate to enlist planners in place of yourselves."

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